JUL-DEC. 1977
J931121. Honunental stainless steel sculpture, B¥ James Thomas Busseil, Jr. aicrofilm. James Thomas Busseil, Jr.; 1Dec77; 1931121.
A931122. Handedness and differences in per- formance on the iechsler preschool and primary scale of intelliqence mazes. By Aleiandra Josephine Boqers. Hlcrofilm. 6 Alexandra Josephine fioqers; 10ec77; A931 122.
4931 123. A Cross-cultural survey of student attitudes touard counselinq at California State University, Lonq Beach. By Esther Carol Keschner. Microfilm. O Esther Carol Keschner: lDec77; A931123.
A93112I1. Mobility and modernisation: a study of the Malaysian Federal Land Development Authority and its role in modernisinq the rural Malay. By Bryan Colin MacAndreas. Microfilm. e Massachusetts Institute of Technoloqy; 15Sep77: A93112it.
A931125. Effects of natural sea vater and cathodic polarization of high cycle fatique of 5086-H3it aluminum. By Steven Paul Flodder. Microfilm. O Steven Paul Plodder; 1Dec77; A931125.
A931126. The Effects of the hiqh school career development center on career choice and planninq. By Howard Lee Neill. Microfilm. C Honard Lee Neill; 1Dec77; A931126.
A931127. Beactions of exo-7-halo-2 oxabicyclo (4.1.0) hept-7 yllithlUB Kith organo- lithium compounds and the subsequent intramolecular rearranqement of cyc- lopropenyl propanols. By Sun-chueh Kao. Microfilm. Sun-chueh Kao; 1Dec77; A931127.
A931128. Seasonal occurrence of marine fouliog organism in King Harbor, California. By Pavla Hoyer. Microfilm. O Pavla Hoyer; 1Dec77: A931128.
A931129. A Visual analysis and catalogue of the architectural frieze patterns on the superterrestrial structures at Mitla, Oaxaca, Mexico. By Shirley S. Goldenberg Hulsey. Microfilm. Shirley S. Goldenberq Hulsey: 1Dec77: A931129.
A931130. Hhitney H. Young Junior and his open-bousing policy: a study of his life and its relationship to his open-housing policy. By Mary Elizabeth Jones Lee. Microfilm. C Mary Elizabeth Jones Lee; 1Dec77: A931130.
A931 131. Minimum standards guideline for corrective therapy clinical training in spinal cord iniury. By Mary Ann Losasso. Microfilm. C Mary Ann Losasso; 1Dec77: A931131.
A931132. Attitudes of parents and teachers towards death-related questions from their first, second, and third grade children. By Danny Lee Harrison. Microfilm. Danny Lee Harrison; 1Dec77: A931132.
A931133. Fabrication of CdSe thin film tran- sistors using an unconventional structure that eliminates insulator instability. By Leslie Peter Lobo. Microfilm. Leslie Peter Lobo; 1Dec77; A93113J.
A93113«. Beaction of American periodicals to Indian nationalism, September 1939 to December 19a2. By Sulochana S. Chokshi. Microfilm. O Sulochana S. Chokshi; lDec77; A93113lt.
A931135. Doll images. By Janet ormsby Post Uheeler. Microfilm. Q Janet Ornsby Post yheeler; 1Dec77; A931135.
A931136. The Feasibility of hiring eighteen- year-olds as police officers in the State of California. 1972-1976. By Vinson Jay Gilliam. Microfilm. Vinson Jay Gilliam; 1Dec77; A931136.
4931137. A Contrastlve analysis of English and Yoruba segmental phonemes. By James Andrew Bing. Microfilm. Q James Andrew Bing; 1Dec77; 4931137.
A931138. Cytoloqical and pathological effects of mutagenic substances on Naegleria gruberi (O. Amoebida) By Dean Tetsuo Yamamoto. Microfilm. 6 Dean Tetsuo Yamamoto; 1Dec77; A931138.
A931139. A Survey of probation practices in the Dnited States, 1976. By Dennis James McGorman. Microfilm. Dennis Janes McGoraan; 1Dec77; A931139.
A9311110. Sex and sexuality education: a counseling approach. By Grant B. Microfilm. Grant B. 1Dec77; A9311U0.
A931U1. The Kentucky democracy in the 1890's. By Franklin Talley Lambert. Microfilm. O Franklin Talley Lambert; 1Dec77; A93imi.
A93111t2. An Evaluation of the computer aided dispatching system used by the Huntington Beach Police Department. By Eugene Francis Borwick. Microfilm. Eugene Francis Borwick; 1Dec77; A9311M2.
A9311H3. Career education audio visual programs for intermediate school students in the Newport Mesa Unified School District. By Bandall Ken Yanaqa. Microfilm. O Bandall Ken Yanaqa; 1Dec77; A9311t3.
A9311ltl|. A Study of the effects of unpredictable delays on plant floor productivity using the dynamo language and modeling techniques. By Bruce David Dent. Microfilm. O Bruce David Dent; 1Dec77; 4931114.
4931145. An Interpreters theatre production of "A Colossal hoax of clocks and calendars." By Molly Ann MacLeod. Microfilm. O Molly Ann MacLeod: 1Dec77; A931145.
4931146. The Political reform act of 1974: a case study in California's initiative process. By Marilyn Jean Fuller Newquest. Microfilm. 6 Marilyn Jean Fuller Newguest; 1Dec77: 4931146.
4931147. Muon physics. Vol. 1: electromagnetic interactions. Edited by Vernon H. Hughes & Chien-shiung Uu. 396 p. O 4cadeaic Press, Inc.; 9Dec77; 4931117.
4931148. International review of cytology. Suppl. 5: aspects of cell control mechanisms. Edited by G. H. Bourne* J. F. Danielli, assistant editor; K. H. Jeon. 388 p. O Academic Press, Inc.; 20Dec77: A931 148.
4931149. A Book of friendship: celebrating the joys of having friends. Edited by Kitty McDonald Clevenger. 45 p. Appl. au: Hallmark Cards. Inc. NH: compilation £ additional text. 6 Hallmark Cards, Inc.; 1Sep77; A931149.
A931 150. The Joy of living. By Norman Vincent Peale. 61 p. Appl. au: Hallmark Cards. Inc. NM: photos. O Hallmark Cards. Inc. ; 1May77: 4931150.
4931151. Honey from the rock: visions of Jewish mystical renewal. By Lawrence Kushner. 151 p. Add. ti: D'vash misela. English & Hebrew. O Lawrence Kushner; 2Nov77; A931151.
A931152. Pray to the hustlers' god. By Jackson Donahue. 249 p. Jack Donahue; 26Sep77; 4931152.
4931153. Stop talking to your plants and listen. By Elvin McDonald, illus. by Lauren Jarrett. 122 p. Parts of introd. appeared originally in Aug. 1975 issue of House beautiful. Elvin McDonald; 7Dec77; A931153.
4931 154. Milbourne Christopher's Magic book. 240 p. Milbourne Christopher; 260ct77; 4931154.
4931155. Daniel Inouye. By Jane Goodsell, illustrated by Bacu Hells. 32 p. Jane Goodsell; 120ct77; A931155.
A931156. Daniel Inouye. By Jane Goodsell, illustrated by Haru iells. 32 p. O on illus.; Haru Hells; 120ct77; A931156.
4931157. Marina and Lee. By Priscilla Johnson McMillan. 527 p. 4ppl. states all new except portions prev. pub. in The Ladies' home journal & photos. Priscilla Johnson McMillan; 260ct77; 4931157.
49 31 158. The Beality of God. and other essays. By Schubert M. Ogden. 237 p. Portion prev. pub. in Zeit und Geschichte. Dankesgabe an Budolf Bultmann zum 60. Geburtstag £ Encounter, autumn 1960. NM: pref. Schubert M. Ogden; 280ct77; 4931158.
4931159. Solo guitar playing. Book 2. By Frederick M. Noad. 159 p. Frederick M. Noad; 6Dec77; 4931159.
4931160. Beinforcement and practice masters. Level 8. By Jack E. Forbes & Tina Thoburn. senior authors 6 Eobert D. Bechtel. 1 V. (Hacmillan mathematics, ser. m) Appl. au; Macmillan Publishing Company, Inc. O Hacmillan Publishing Company. Inc.; 7Nov77; 4931160.
4931161. Living in prison: the ecology of survival. By Hans Toch, with contri- butions by John Gibbs. John Seymour &
Daniel Lockwood. 318 p. The Free
These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.