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A930922 - A930958


JUL-DEC. 1977

4930921 (con.) e Hand McNally and Company: 30sep77; 4930921.

&930922. Fanous American cowboys. By Bern Keatinq, line drauinqs by Lorence BJorklttnd. 92 p. NH: additions, e Band HcNally and company: 30Sep77: 4930922.

4930923. Album of sharks. By Tom HcGoven, illustrated by Bod Buth. 60 p. Band HcNally and Company: 22Sep77: 4930923.

4930924. The International atlas. 222 p. Add. ti: Dec International 4tlas: El Atlas internacional; L* Atlas international. NH; revisions. 6 Rand HcNally and Company: 15Jan77: A930924.

A930925. Can you live to be 100? By Diana S. ioodruff. 2BS p. e Diana S. ioodruff: 1i(Nov77: A930925.

4930926. Access to the world: a travel guide for the handicapped. By Louise Heiss. 178 p. Louise Seiss; 26Nov77: 4930926.

A930927. Planting your money tree: a guide for the small investor. By Bichacd H. Soldberq. 177 p. Bichard a. Goldberg; 270ct77; A930927.

4930928. HoH to be happy, happier, happiest. By Haynard Rolfe Shelly 6 Joan B. Buck. 206 p. 4 portion of this book appeared in a different form in Glamour magazine* portions of this book appear in a text ed. entitled The Tactics and strategies of happiness. C Haynard V. Shelly S Joan B. Buck: 27Cct77: 4930928.

4930929. I»m sorry I didn't mean to and other lies we love to tell. By Jerald H. Jellison. 177 p. Jerald H. Jellison; 270ct77; 4930929.

4930930. Bass fishing in North Carolina. By Conrad E. Paysonr. Jr. 242 p. Buck Paysour: 310ct77; 4930930.

4930931. The Access index to little magazines. Edited by John Gordon Burke. Len Fulton & Ned Kehde. 302 p. John Gordon Burke; 30Jun77; A930931.

A930932. Pineal tumors. Edited by Benry B. Schmidek. 138 p. Hasson Publishing USA. Inc. ; 15Sep77; 4930932.

4930933. Hale reproductive system: fine structure analysis by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. By Robert D- lates S Hildred Gordon. 209 p. Hasson Publishing 054. Inc.; 28Jul77; 4930933.

4930934. Quality control in laboratory medicine; transactions of the First Inter4merican Symposium, Key Biscayne. PL. Apr- 8-9. 1976. Edited by John Bernard Benry £ Joseph L- Giegel. 237 p. Transactions of the Fist InterAmerican Symposium on Quality Control. C Hasson Publishing OSA. Inc. ; 60ct77: 4930934.

4930935. A Short calculus: an applied approach. By Daniel Saltz. 2nd ed. 470 p. Goodyear Publishing Company, Inc.; 31Dec76 (in notice: 1977); A930935.

A930936. The Asian in North America. By Stanford fl. Lyman. 299 p. Nine of the articles vere prev. pub. as The Asian in the Nest, all others appeared prev. in various scholarly journals. HH: acknouledgntent. editor's note, index & compilation. Stanford H. Lyman; 7Nov77; A930936.

A930937. The True meaning of Buddhism — what am I? Translated by Suh Hoon. pseud, of Bong Kyu Lee. 101 p. A translation of Surangama sutra. vol. 1 thru the first half of vol. 4, based on the commentary by Noon Buh. Q Bong Kyu Lee, whose pseud, is Suh Noon; 130ct77; A930937.

A930938. The Bradford book of collector's plates, 1977. Edited under the direction of John G. HcKinven. 1 v. Appl. au: The Bradford Exchange. The Bradford Exchange; 1Jul77; A930938.

A930939. Purple stripe-a-dots and no spots. Story 6 art by Hyra Alexander. 42 p. NH: text, e Eglantine, Inc.; 7Nov77; A930939.

A930940. Charlie needs a cloak. Story & pictures by Tomie De Paola. 1 v. & filmstrip. Appl. au: Heston Noods Studios. Inc. (Heston Noods) NH: compilation. 6 Heston Hoods a.a.d.o. Heston Hoods Studios. Inc. (in notice: Heston Hoods Studios. Inc.) ; 14Sep77; A930940.

A930941. The Ogly duckling. By E. C. Andersen, illustrated by Svend otto S.. adapted by Gene Deitch from translation by Ilona s. Hunck. 1 V. e filmstrip. Appl. au: Heston Noods studios. Inc. (Heston Hoods) NH: compilation, 'd Heston Noods a.a.d.o. Heston Hoods Studios. Inc. (in notice: Heston Hoods Studios. Inc.) ; 7Sep77; A930941.

4930942. The Bole in the dike. Retold by Norma Green, pictures by Eric Carle. 1 v. 6 filmstrip. Appl. au: Heston Hoods Studios. Inc. (Heston Hoods) NH: revisions & additional artwork. 6 Heston Hoods a.a.d.o. Heston Hoods Studios. Inc. (in notice: Heston Noods Studios. Inc.) ; 6Sep77; A930942.

A930943. Ote. Retold by Pura Belpre, pictures by Paul Galdone. 1 v. e filmstrip. Appl. an: Heston Noods studios. Inc. (Heston Hoods) NH: compilation. Heston Noods a.a.d.o. Heston Noods Studios. Inc. (in notice: Heston Roods Studios. Inc.); 14Sep77 (in notice on booklet: 1976) ; A930943.

A930944. Ten what? By Russell Boban G Sylvie Sellg. 1 V. & filmstrip. Appl. au: Heston Hoods Studios. Inc. (Heston Hoods) NH: compilation. Heston Hoods a.a.d.o. Heston Hoods Studios, Inc. (in notice: Heston Noods studios. Inc.); 14Sep77 (in notice on filmstrip: 1976) ; A930944.

A930945. Apt. 3. By Ezra Jack Keats. 1 v. 8 filmstrip. Appl. au: Heston Noods studios. Inc. (Heston Hoods) NH: revisions & additional artwork. 6 Heston Hoods a.a.d.o. Heston Hoods Studios, Inc. (in notice: Heston Roods studios. Inc.); 9Sep77: A930945.

4930946. Ashanti to Zulu: African traditions. By Hargaret Husgrove. pictures by Leo Dillon S Diane Dillon. 1 v. 6 filmstrip. Appl. au: Heston Hoods Studios. Inc. (Heston Hoods) NH: compilation. @ Heston Hoods a.a.d.o. Heston Hoods Studios, Inc. (in notice: Heston Hoods studios. Inc.) ; 9Sep77; 4930946.

4930947. Henry the explorer. By Hark Taylor, illus. by Graham Booth. 1 v. £ filmstrip. Appl. au: Heston Noods studios. Inc. (Heston Hoods) NH: compilation. 6 Heston Hoods a.a.d.o. Heston Hoods Studios. Inc. (in notice: Heston Hoods Studios. Inc.); 14Sep77; A930947.

A930948. The Swineherd. By H. C. Andersen, illustrated by Bjoern Hiinblad. adapted by Gene Deitch from translation by Ilona Hunck. 1 V. & filmstrip. Appl. au: Heston Hoods Studios, Inc. (Heston Hoods) NH: compilation. 6 Heston Roods a.a.d.o. Heston Hoods Studios. Inc. (in notice: Heston Hoods Studios, Inc.); 30ct77; A930948.

A930949. The Hoodcutter's duck. By Krystyna Turka. 1 V. & filmstrip. Appl. au: Heston Hoods Studios. Inc. (Heston Roods) NH: compilation. @ Heston Hoods a.a.d.o. Heston Hoods Studios. Inc. (in notice: Heston Hoods Studios, Inc.); 14Sep77; 4930949.

4930950. 41iyah: a question and answer game to increase your Jewish I.Q. Kit. Q Contemporary Jewish Learning Haterials Inc.; 9NOV77; 4930950.

4930951. The Cable car game; a noncompetitive educational game to color and play. 1 p. 4ccompanied by gameboard, reg. KK251755. 4ppl. au: Hary Norris. 6 Hary Norris; 5Aug77; A930951.

A930952. Art is elementary; teaching visual thinking through art concepts- Preschool 6 level 1. By Ivan E. Cornia. Charles B. Stubbs G Nathan B. Hinters. Sheets. 6 Brigham young Oniversity Press; 31Dec76; A930952.

A930953. In the know. Kit. Appl. au: Juan R. Gonzalez. 6 Juan B. Gonzalez; 150ct77; 4930953.

4930954. Life education for mentally impaired persons: a curriculum guide. Editors: Sandra Koscierzynski e Hary Lou Karpen. 87 p. 4ppl- au: Honroe County Inter- mediate School District. O Honroe County Intermediate School District; 8Nov77; 4930954.

4930955. Student directory, 1977-1978. 175 p. 4dd. ti: Oniversity of Rochester student directory, fall term. 1977. Oniversity of Rochester; 30Sep77; 4930955.

4930956. Emulsion plants in the United States, Canada, and Hexico. Compiled by the Asphalt Emulsion Hanufacturers Asso- ciation- 1 V. e 4sphalt Emulsion Hanufacturers Association; 31Aug77; A930956.

A930957. Colorado bar refresher outlines. 1 v. Colorado Bar Refresher, Inc.; 28Nov77; A930957.

A930958. Cardiac catheterization and coronary angiography. Produced by Department of

Education & Department of Cardiology,


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