JUL-DEC. 1977
A9J06142 (con.) telephone directory. Januacy 197S. The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Conpany; 20Dec77 (in notice: 1978); »9306t2.
A9306l(3. Stockton, CA, address telephone directory, January 1978. The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Coapany; 19Dec77 (in notice: 1978) : 4930643.
A9306itU. Hontebello, CA, address telephone directory, Decenber 1977. O The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph CODPany; 140ec77; A9306I4<4.
i9306U5. Los Angeles street address telephone directory, January 1978. The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Conpany; 27Dec77 (in notice: 1978) ; 4930615.
4930646. B700 Hholesale BBS D.D.E. systea. Hagnetic tape & printout. O Burroughs Corporation: 11Peb77: A930646.
4930647. The Gaaes of Hiddle Earth. Kit. Based on J- B. B. Tol)cien*s The fiing trilogy. Appl. au: sisulatioDS Publications, Inc. NH: graphics, compilation & editorial revision. 6 Tolkien Enterprises, division of Elan Herchandising, Inc.; 15Nov77: 4930647.
A930648. Hen Dorp. Bosebank, NY, neighborhood telephone directory, 1978. Nev tork Telephone Conpany; 7Dec77: A930548.
A930649. Nanuet, Ne« City, Pearl Eiver, also serving Bardonia, NY, neighborhood telephone directory, 1977-78. O NeB York Telephone Company; 29Aug77; A930649.
4930650. Brooklyn address telephone directory, August 26, 1977. Nev York Telephone Company; 26Aug77; 4930650.
4930651. The Bronx, NY, address telephone directory, December 9, 1977. Ne» York Telephone Company; 9Dec77; 4930651.
4930652. aanhattan, NY, address telephone directory, December 6, 1977. Neii York Telephone Company; 6Dec77; 4930652.
A930653. Kerby kues for golfers. 1 v. O Paul E. Kerby, Jr.: 30Aug77; 4930653.
4930654. Title index. No. 1-72. Microfiche. 4ppl. au: ainnesota Mining and Manu- facturing Company. © Library Systems 3M company a.a.d.o. Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company (in notice: Library Systems 3fl Company, Microfilm Products Division) : 18Nov77; 4930654.
4930655. Main entry index. No. 1-98. Microfiche. 4ppl. au: Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company. C Library Systems 3M Company a.a.d.o. Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company (in notice: Library Systems 3M Company, Microfilm Products Division) ; 18No»77; 4930655.
4930656. Index to selected titles. No. 1-46. Microfiche. 4ppl. au: Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company. C Library Systems 3M Company a.a.d.o. Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing company (in notice: Library Systems 3« Company.
4930657. Library of Congress card number index. No. 1-22. Microfiche. 4ppl. au: Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company. O Library Systems 3M Company a.a.d.o. Minnesota Mining and Manufac- turing Company (in notice: Library Systems 3M Company, Microfilm Products Division) ; 18Nov77; A930657.
A930658. Tears of laughter. By Sally T. McCullouqh. 1 v. e Sally McCullouqh; 140ct77; 4930658.
4930659. Focus: Michigan uomen, 1701-1977. By Frances A. Harris. 119 p. Frances A. Harris (in notice: Fran Harris) ; 280ct77; A930659.
A930660. Bigger, faster, stronger. By Greg Shepard. 160 p. Haiikes Publishing, Inc.; 150ct77: 4930660.
4930661. The Sound search. Written by Mary Sue Parsons, illustrated by Bev 4rmstrong. 78 p. Appl. au: The Learning Horks. The Learning Borks; 154uq77; A930661.
4930662. Executive compensation in the mini computer and peripheral equipment industry. Prepared as a multi-client study by Darling, Paterson and Salzer. 68 p. O Darling, Paterson and Salzer; 17Sep77; 4930662.
4930663. Beyond detente: toward an 4merican foreign policy. By Paul Eidelberg. 49 p. Paul Eidelberg; 154ug76; 4930663.
A930664. fieactions to stress situations. 11 p. Appl. au; M. M. Kostick. NM: editorial revisions. H. H. Kostick; 20Cct77; A930664.
A930665. Spanish proficiency general evaluation. 5 V. £ sheets (2 p.) Appl. au: Steve M. Eivas. NM: additions 6 revisions. O Steve M. Eivas; 11Jun77; 4930665.
A930666. Some remediation suggestions for concepts of Boehm test of basic concepts. Book 1 C 2: form A or B. By Hazel M. Bright. 1977 ed. 2 v. O Hazel M. Bright d.b.a. (Beduood Publishing Company) (in notice: Hazel M. Bright); 17Sep77; A930666.
4930667. The Game of inner selling! By David tl. Johnson. Sheets (118 p.) David B. Johnson; 54ug77; A930667.
4930668. Hatergate revisited (the drowning soldier) By Bill Nelle (Billiam Joseph Helle) 1 V. NM: additions. Bill Nelle; 12Sep77; 4930668.
4930669. Baterqate revisited (the drowning soldier) By Bill Nelle (Billiam Joseph Nelle) 1 V. NM: additions 6 revisions- Bill Nelle; 20Aug77; 4930669.
4930670. "Oh wondrous life, let's really live it": some interrelated letters, comments, related poems and music. By Jerome Garrison Loewy. Sheets (140 p.) NM: some text matter. C Jerome Garrison (Jonathan) loewy; 30Oct76; 4930670.
A930671. Horrzon magazine: an index by subject matter for teachers and students, 1958-1976. 97 p. Appl. au: James J. Cierzniak (Jim cierzniak) NM: original subject matter indexing. Jim Cierzniak; 20Jun77; 4930671.
4930672. The Biddle ages. By Ann Bishop, pictures by Jerry Barshaw. 1 v. NM: text, compilation 6 editorial revision. Ann Bishop; 14Nov77: A930672.
4930673. The Biddle ages. By 4nn Bishop, pictures by Jerry Barshaw. 1 v. on illus. ; Jerry Barshaw; 14Nav77; 4930673.
4930674. Everyone goes as a pumpkin. Story £ pictures by Judith Viqna. 1 v. Judith Tigna; 11Nov77; A930674.
A930675. Tomorrow you can. By Dorothy Corey, pictures by Lois Axeman. 1 v. on text; Dorothy Corey; 11Nov77; A930675.
A930676. Tomorrow you can. By Dorothy Corey, pictures by Lois Axeman. 1 v. on illus.; Lois Axeman; 11Nov77: A930676.
A930677. Mine, yours, ours. By Burton Albert, Jr., pictures by Lois Axeman. 1 v. on text; Burton Albert, Jr.; 28Jul77; 4930677.
4930678. Mine, yours, ours. By Burton 41bert, Jr. , pictures by Lois Axeman. 1 v. NM: illus.; O Lois Axeman; 28Jul77; A930678.
A930679. Mystery of the midnight message. By Florence Parry Heide £ fioxanne Heide, illus. by Seymour Fleishman. 126 p. O on text; Florence Parry Heide 6 Soxanne Heide; 3Nov77; 4930679.
4930680. Mystery of the midnight message. By Florence Parry Heide £ Boxanne Heide, illus. by Seymour Fleishman. 128 p. Appl. au: Albert Bhitman and Company. on illus.; Albert Bhitman and Company; 31IOV77; A930680.
A930681. You're somebody special on a horse. By Fern G. Brown, illustrated by Frank C. Murphy. 128 p. on text; Pern Brown; 22Jun77; 4930681.
A930682. You're somebody special on a horse. By Fern G. Brown, illustrated by Frank C. Murphy. 128 p. Appl. au: Albert Bhitman and company. on illus. ; Albert Bhitman and Company: 22Jan77; A930682.
A930683. The Pelican mystery. By Buth Hooker £ Carole Smith, illustrated by George Armstrong. 128 p. 6 on text; Buth Hooker e Carole Smith; 9Auq77: A930683.
A930684. The Pelican mystery. By Buth Hooker £ Carole Smith, illustrated by George Armstrong. 128 p. Appl. au: Albert Bhitman and Company. O on illus.; Albert Bhitman and Company; 9Aug77; A930684.
A93a685. Volleyball jinx. By Bobbi Katz, illustrated by Michael Norman. 64 p. Appl. au: Albert Bhitman and Company.
e on text; Bobbi Katz; 2Nov77; A930685.
These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.