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A8762it1 - A876280


JUL-DEC. 1977

»8762«0 icon.) school decision aakinq. By Baxine Both Binkoff. gicrofil». Baxine Both Binkoff; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); ^876200.

4876241. The Geraao socialist eiiqratioo in the Onited States. 1933 to 1945. By ilbrecht Baqq. Bicrofila. tlbrecht Baqq; 15JU077: 18762it1.

1876242. 1 Study of leTels of job satisfaction and 1ob aspiration aaonq black clerical eiployees in city and county qoTecnaents of Greensboro, Guilford County, North Carolina. By Katie Grays Dorsett. Bicrofila. O Katie Grays Dorsett; 15Jan77 (in notice: 1976) ; 1876242.

AS76243. The Photophysics of qlyoxal at loa teaperature. By Kenneth B. Halton. Bicrofila. Kenneth B. lalton; 15Jan77 (in notice: 1976) ; 1876243.

1876244. Ose of videotape learninq packaqes: a aarital enrichaent field experiaent aith tao delivery systeas. By Sarah floore Shoffner. Bicrofila. Sarah Boore Shoffner: 1SJan77 (in notice: 1976): 1876244.

187624S. fievival and rebellion in colonial Central Ifrica: social and political consequences of aissionary enterprise. By Karen Elise Fields. Bicrofila. Karen Elise Fields; 15Jun77: 1876245.

1876246. Decorna: lanquaqe and evaluation of behavior in lyly and Shakespeare. By Euth Ellen Bluestein garner. Bicrofila. Bath Ellen Bluestein tarner; 15Jun77: 1876246.

1876247. Selected factors in hoae environaent and Puerto Bican fourth qrade pupils' readinq achieveaent. By Siqfredo ilvira-Benitez. Bicrofila. C Siqfredo llvira-Benitei; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976): 1876247.

1876248. The Belatlonshlp betaeen aaternal reinforceaent behavior for hiqh and low achievioq children. By Constance Inita Fullilove. Bicrofila. Constance Inita Fullilove; 15Jun77: 1876248.

1876249. Huaan differences in the ability to differentiate spoken lies froa spoken truths. By Paul John Lavrakas. Bicrofila. Paul John Lavrakas: 1SJDn77: 1876249.

1876250. Education of ethnic leadership: a case study of the akrainian ethnic qroup in the anited States (1970-1974) By Daria Barkus. Bicrofila. O Daria Barkus: 15Jun77: 1876250.

1876251. 1 coaparative study of the stances of selected urban principals, superinten- dents, and local school council leaders on coaaunity participation in local school affairs. By Bary Kontoqiannis Bikros. Bicrofila. Bary Kontoqiannis Bikros: 15Jun77: 1876251.

1876252. The Influence of choice of aaterials and proapts and feedback upon the arithaetic perforaance of first-qrade children. By Inn Bubinsohn Telton. Bicrofila. Inn Bubinsohn lelton: 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976): 1876252.

1876253. Paul Beynaud and French national defense, 1933-1939. By Joseph David Connors. Bicrofila. O Joseph David Connors: 15Jun77; 1876253.

1876254. Issessaent of an experiential design for teaching educational psycholoqy to underqraduates in education. By Bobert mender. Bicrofila. O Bobert lilender; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976): 1876254.

1876255. fieqression and choice aodels to estiaate the enrollaent effects of caapus closure. By Floyd Scott Bilson. Bicrofila. O Floyd Scott Bilson: 15Jun77: 1876255.

1876256. Orpheus and the dcaaatic perforaance of poetry. By Carol Elaine Hoorhead Siapson. Bicrofila. O Carol Elaine Boorhead Siapson; 15Jun77: 1875256.

1876257. The Belationship betneen preoperative personality, subject, and situational variables and postoperative eaotional distress. By Barbara Jean Lovett flauger. Bicrofila. O Barbara Jean Lovett Bauger; 15Jun77: 1876257.

1876258. Evidence for the association of protein »ith hyaluronic acid in vitreous body. By Shaa Lai Pahuja. Bicrofila. Shaa Lai Pahuja: 15Jun77: 1876258.

1876259. Bho speaks for the Court? The Chief Justice and the assiqnaent of aajority opinions. By Elliot Ediiard Slotnick. Bicrofila. Elliot Edward slotnick; 15Jun77: 1876259.

1876260. Dissociative charge transfer in ion-aolecule collisions. By Harold Bobert Odseth. Bicrofila. Harold Bobert Odseth: 15Jun77; 1876260.

1876261. The Construction of an instruaent to aeasure proportional reasoning ability of junior high pupils. By orville George Buud. Bicrofila. O Orville Georqe Buud; 1SJun77: 1876261.

1876262. Bousing allowances in North Dakota: a cultural account. By Bichael George Trend. Bicrofila. Bichael George Trend; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); 1876262.

1876263. The Bole of context in the auditory coBpreheusion of aphasic patients. By Barcie Bochelle Bailer. Bicrofila. O Barcie Bochelle Bailer; 15Jun77; 187626 3.

1876264. Ibrahaa and Ibrahia: a foraal conflict aodel applied to Palestine, 1920-1931. »ol. 1-3. By Bary Ellen Hurlbutt lundsten. Bicrofila. O flary Ellen Hurlbutt Lundsten; 15Jun77; 1876264.

1876265. Evaluation of an accelerated cutting plane alqoritha as a solution aethod for interactive continuous location probleas induced by arbitrary noras. By Ibrahaa Ischer. Bicrofila. Ibrahaa Ischer; 15Jan77: 1876265.

1876266. 1 Siaplified aethod of coaputing clad and fuel strain and stress during irradiation. By lanq-ho Sun. Bicrofila. O lang-ho Sun; 1SJun77; 1876266.

1876267. The Belative effects of reader ability and aaterial difficulty on the size of the perceptual span in reading. By Judythe Inn Pearson Patberg. Bicrofila. Judythe Inn Pearson Patberg: 15Jun77; 1876267.

1876268. laages of late nineteenth century urban landscapes. By Billiaa Jaaes Lloyd. Bicrofila. O Billiaa Jaaes Lloyd; 15Jun77; 1876268.

1876269. Ownership, control and perforaance of the aultinational corporation: a study of O.S. wholly-owned subsidiaries and joint ventures in the Philippines and Taiwan. By Iran Thanh Dang. Bicrofila. O Iran Thanh Dang; 15Jun77; 1876269.

1876 270. Stopping rules in forward stepwise discriainant analysis. By Bichael Charles costanza. Bicrofila. O Bichael Charles Costanza; 15Jun77; 1876270.

1876271. Environaental and institutional influences of wage structure and behavior. By David Irnold Pierson. Bicrofila. David Imold Pierson; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); 1876271.

1876272. Bigration and rural differentiation in Kenya. By Shea Edwin Bigot- Idholla. Bicrofila. Shea Edwin Bigot-ldhoila; 15Jun77: 1876272.

1876273. Inticipated future interaction and the self-fulfilling prophecy effects of the physical attractiveness stereotype. By Elizabeth Inn Decker Tanke. Bicrofila. Elizabeth Inn Decker Tanke; 15Jun77; 1876273.

1876274. 1 Coaputer aided aethodology for bridging analysis and construction in the design of inforaation processing systeas. By Israel Spiegler. Bicrofila. O Israel Spiegler; 15Jun77: 1876274.

1876275. 1 Bhetorical analysis of coaaunication in aarriage counseling sessions. By Barbara Freida Sharf. Bicrofila. Barbara Freida Sharf; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976) ; 1876275.

1876276. Effects of aorphine and naloxone on schedule-controlled behavior in the rat and pigeon. By ilice BcGaugh Young. Bicrofila. O Ilice HcGaugh loung; 15Jun77; 1876276.

1875277. 1 fiegional econometric aodel of the California econoay. By Irthur Billiaa Gindra, Jr. Bicrofila. Irthur Billiaa Gindra, Jr.: 15Jun77; 1876277.

1876278. The Ikedah-aotif in the aodern Hebrew story. By Lawrence Joseph Hineaan. Bicrofila. Lawrence Joseph Bineaan; 15Jun77: 1876278.

1875279. The Effects on consumers of varying the aaount and format of purchase-relevant inforaation. By Debra Lynn Scaamon. Bicrofila. O Debra Lynn scaaaon; 15Jun77: 1876279.

1876280. Self, society, and woaankind: the

politics of self-other relations. By


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