JUL-DEC. 1977
&e76201 (con.) to the cellqlous education of black adults in the chucch of God (AndecsoD. Indiana) By Clarence Hilton Grannuffl. Hicrofilu. S Clarence Hilton Grannun; 15Jun77; &876201.
A876202. The Effects of various seating arranqeraents on student acadeiaic and social behavior and teacher verbal behavior and location. By Tiuothy Edvard Heron. Hicrofiln. O Tiaothy Edvard Heron: 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); AS7e202.
A876203. Hodification of Soltis' analysis of "seeinq" to include environnent per- ception. By Leona fiuth Restcott Karei. Hicrofiln. C Leona Buth gestcott Karei; 15Jun77: A876203.
A87e20'l. An Analysis of the in-service education practices, procedures and perceptions of supervisory leaders and vocational- technical teachers in the area vocational- technical schools of the Coaaoaiiealth of Pennsylvania. By Herbert Lloyd Keyser. Microfilm. C Herbert Lloyd Keyser; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976) ; A87620't.
A876205. The Teaching of trigonoaetry in the Dnited States and Canada: a consideration of elenentary course content and approach and of factors influencing change, 1890-1970. By Harold Don Alien. Microfiln. Harold Don Allen; 15Jun77; A876205.
A876206. European political unification: the theory of Ernst B. Haas and the practice of the European Economic Community.. By Gerald Chandler Schiiertfeqer. Hicrofilm. e Gerald Chandler Schvertf eger ; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976) ; A876206.
A876207. Studies on the mechanism of inhibition of BNA synthesis by template inactivators. By Nilios Panayotatos. Hicrofilm. O Nikos Panayotatos; 15Jun77; A876207.
A876208. Japanese American experience of Nisei parents and their Sansei children and implications for education.. By Seiichi Michael Yasutake. Microfilm. Seiichi Michael Yasutake: 15Jun77; A876208.
A876209. Explanation paradigms: their application potential in the field of tennis instruction. By Dennis iatanabe. Hicrofilm. Dennis iatanabe; 1SJun77: A876209.
A876210. Emile Boutmy: the political education of the Third Bepublic. By Louis J. Voskuil. Microfilm. C Louis J. Voskuil; 15Jun77: A8762ia.
A876211. The Effects of efficiency factors in determininq school closinqs. By Leonard Bornstein. Microfilm. Leonard Bornstein: 15Jun77: A876211.
A876212. Loqical problem solvinq in intellec- tually-subnormal and normal children. By Maryann Maziak Byrnes. Microfilm. O Maryann Maziak Byrnes: 1SJan77 (in notice: 1976); A876212.
A87621J. Attrition and persistence of open admissions community college students who speak English as a second language. By
A876214. Isolation and alienation in educational organizations. By Patrick Bernard Forsyth. Microfilm. Patrick Bernard Forsyth; 15Jun77; A87621'*.
A876215. An Occupational needs forecasting paradigm for community college programs in Salem County, Neu Jersey. By Bonald Theodore Chuchola. Microfilm. 3 fionald Theodore Chuchola; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); A876215.
A876216. The Impact of minority status on self esteem and cultural values of preado- lescent Puerto Bicans. By Halter Leslie Thiel. Microfilm. Halter Leslie Thiel; 15Jun77; A876216.
A876217. D. H. Laurence's neglected art: his theory and practice of drama. By Sally Sullivan Bardon. Microfilm. Sally Sullivan Bardon; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); A876217.
A876218. Thematic coherence in Bulgakov's The Master and Margarita. By Priscilla Coniiell Deck. Microfilm. Priscilla CoDHell Deck; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976) ; A876218.
A376219. Actor-observer differences in causal attribution and consensus, distinctiveness and consistency information. By Susan Valerie Eisen. Microfilm. 6 Susan Valerie Eisen; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); A876219.
A876220. Policy and pedagogues: school reform and teacher professionalization in Massac- husetts, 1840-1920. By David Asher Gould. Hicrofilm. 6 David Asher Gould; 15Juu77; A876220.
A876221. Studies in the use of YhHh seba'ot in its variant forms. By Irving Gefter. Microfilm. Irving Gefter; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); A876221.
A876222. Developmental logic. By Harvey Jack Schiller. Microfilm. Harvey Jack Schiller; 15Jun77; A876222.
A876223. Produce marketing in Madras City. By Johanna Hayhew Lessinger. Hicrofilm. Q Johanna Mayhew Lessinger; 15Jun77: A876223.
A876224. Stuff and uords: a semantic and linguistic analysis of non-singular reference. By Jan David Hald. Microfilm. e Jan David Hald; 15Jun77; A876224.
Ae76225. Photoreduction of aromatic ketones by systems related to methionine, hydrazine and hydroxylamine. By Salae Helena Ojanpera. Microfilm. Q Salme Helena Ojanpera; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976) ; AB76225.
A876226. Aristotle's attitude towards Homer. By Donald Jude HcGuire. Microfilm. Donald Jude HcGuire; 15Jun77; AS76226.
A876227. Conceptions of children in American juvenile periodicals: 1830-1870. By Jill Delano Sveiger. Microfilm. Q Jill Delano Sueiger; 15Jun77; A876227.
A876228. Theatre in the high school: a curriculum design. By Barton Shepard. Hicrofilm. O Barton Shepard; 15Jun77: A876228.
A876 229. A Study to determine the validity of test scores and other selected factors as predictors of success in a basic course in educational administration. By Carol Scavnicky Grasz. Hicrofilm. Q Carol Scavnicky Grasz; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); A876229.
A876230. The Belationship between the concepts of wanting and rationality. By Nelson Prentis Lande. Microfilm. Q Nelson Prentis Lande; 15Jun77; A876230.
A876231. The Practical implications of an informal conceptual analysis of the words inquiry and discovery as used in contemporary science education. By Harrison Charles Kornbau. Hicrofilm. d Harrison Charles Kornbau; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); A876231.
A876232. Teacher ratings by students as a function of match or mismatch in field dependence- independence. By James P. Gaeta. Hicrofilm. 6 James P. Gaeta; 15Jun77; A876232.
A876233. Vocational and avocational adjustment: a follow up study of discharged paraplegic and quadriplegic veterans. By Haxwell Herbert Frielich. Hicrofilm. O Haxwell Herbert Frielich; 15Jun77; A876233.
A876234. An Assessment of educational programs for emotionally disturbed children in New Jersey psychiatric hospitals. By David Nathaniel Peay. Hicrofilm. David Nathaniel Peay; 1SJun77; A8762311.
A876235. Opportunities for women in the field of public school administration in the New Jersey counties of Cumberland, Hunterdon, and Passaic. By Sandra Elizabeth Hoore. Hicrofilm. O Sandra Elizabeth Hoore; 15Jun77; A876235.
A876236. The Politics of literary generation in the African colonial situation: an examination of the works of Joyce Cary, Isak oinesen, Chinua Achebe and Ngugi Ha Thiong'o. By Abdul Baheman Janmohamed. Hicrofilm. 6 Abdul Baheman Janmohamed; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976) ; A876236.
A876237. A Study of the relationship between Piagetian cognitive developmental level and reading comprehension in college science students. By Bachel Dailey Hargrove. Microfilm. O Bachel Dailey Hargrove; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); A876237.
A876238. An Oscillating system controls plant development. By Anne Gregory. Microfilm. Anne Gregory; 1SJun77; A876238.
A876239. Status dynamics and social control in a community action program. By John Marshall Grady. Microfilm. John Marshall Grady; 15Jun77; A876239.
A876240. Students' and teachers' perceptions of
and desires for student voice in high
These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.