A930070 - A930114
JUL-DEC. 1977
A930070. The Field atoa. 1 i. Appl. au: Kenneth B. Poole, nil: nev text. Kenneth B. Poole: 30Sep77: A930070.
A930071. A. Lincoln: the circuit laiiyei:* 1839-1859, acLean County. Ilinois. 314 p. Lincoln Sculpture Coaaittee; 28Auq77; A930071.
A930072. Valuation quacterly: update aultipliers, October 1977. sheets. Appl. au : Frank c. Swift. e Harshall and Swift Publication Company: 190ct77: A930072.
A930073. Coaparative cost aultipliers, October 1977: aachinery & equipaent by industry, buildinqs by city. 28 p. Appl. au: Frank C. swift. Harshall and Swift Pub- lication coapany; 30Sep77; A930073.
A93007lt. Harshall valuation service, October 1977. Sheets. Appl. au; Frank C. Swift. Harshall and Swift Publication Coapany: 40^77; A93007I4.
A930075. Introduction to alcoholisa for huaan service workers. Prepared by the Training Departaent, Alcoholisa Services of Cleveland, Inc. 3U p. Appl. au: Alcoholisa Services of Cleveland. Inc. Alcoholisa Services of Cleveland, Inc.; 1Dec77: A930075.
A930076. Channel iewelry. By Jaaes Edward Shreffler. 12 p. O Jaaes E. Shreffler; 10Jun77: A930076.
A930077. Achieveaent aotlvation training: student workbook. By Allan Harkle, Boger C. Binn e Horqan Horthy. 17 p. Honte Sano Press; 10ct77: A930077.
A930078. King. 1 p. Appl. au: Velaa L. Stepp. Velaa L. Stepp; 6Sep77; A930078.
A930079. Short range radio teleaetry for rotating instruaentation. By Joseph Valentich. 1148 p. Appl. au: Instruaent Society of Aaerica. Instruaent society of Aaerica; 180ct77: A930079.
A9 30080. POLOF/GA; an introduction. By Charles E. Barrison. 1 v. Add. ti: Principles of life of faaous/qreat Aaericans. O Charles B. Harrison: 12Nov77; A930080.
A930081. Security aeans safety. Prepared by the Editorial Services Division, Public Af fairs/Besearch Departaent, Security Pacific Bank. 12 p. Appl. au: Security Pacific Corporation. O Security Pacific corporation: 81lov77: A930081.
A930082. "Saoke?" "No. thank you." By Barry LeClair. 20 p. Harry LeClair ; 2'4Hov77; A930082.
A930083. Boae loq: a aoney saving approach to hoae owning. 1 v. Appl. au: Gail B. Boke. Doaestic Publications, solely owned by Gail H. Hoke; 2i41lov76; A930083.
A9300814. Cliab Jacob's ladder; a proposal especially prepared for Adaas Super- aarkets. Inc. 1 v. Appl. au: Thoaas H. Fee. THF Associates; 1liov77; A93008I4.
A93aoe5. The Great gifts gaae; aatch 'n' win. proposal by THF Associates. 1 v. Appl. au: Thoaas H. Fee. O THF Associates; 1Hov77; A930085.
A93D086. Save B aoney. 1 v. Fee. O THF Associate Appl. au: Thoaas H.
- 7BOV77; A930086.
Panous brands bingo; proposal. 1 v. Appl. au: Thoaas H. Fee. O TBF Asso- ciates; 10ct77; A930087.
A930088. The Uilliaa Allen Uhite children's book award: books on the master lists, 1952-53 through 1977-78. 31 p. Appl. au: Executive Coamittee, Uilliaa Allen ihite Children's Book Award. O Eaporia State Oniversity; 5Nov77; A930088.
A930089. Terminology for ausic classes of Lawrence Bich, teacher. a v. Appl. au: Lawrence H. Bich a.k.a. L. B. Bich. O Lawrence H. Bich; 5Dec77; A930089.
A93a090. A Case study of a northern California Indian tribe: cultural change to 1860. By Bobert Hartin Peterson. 102 p. Bobert Hartin Peterson; 1Sep77: A930090.
A930091. Doaestic trunk airlines yearend portfolio review; research outlook. Deceaber 1977. p. A301-A309. O Do- naldson, Lufkin and Jenrette Securities Corporation: 191lov77; A930091.
A930092. Econoaic analysis, a quarterly report; econoaic forecast, 1977-78, Deceaber 1977. 2 1 p. Donaldson, Lufkin and Jenrette Securities Corporation: 1Dec77; A930C92.
A930093. The Hontana Power Coapany; action recoaaendation. Deceaber 1977. By Jaaes Hason HcCabe. 19 p. Appl. au; Donaldson. Lufkin and Jenrette Securities Corpo- ration. C Donaldson. Lufkin and Jenrette Securities Corporation; 20Dec77; A930093.
49300914. Hotor carrier industry; research outlook. December 1977. p. H<401-H»20. O Donaldson, Lufkin and Jenrette Securities Corporation: 19Dec77: A930094.
A930095. Hyoainq Valley, Uilkes-Barre, Nanticoke, Pittston. PA. Hoveaber 1977. The Bell Telephone Coapany of Pennsylvania; 1NOV77; A930095.
A930096. Dallas, PA, and nearby coaaunities, Hoveaber 1977. The Coaaonwealth Telephone Coapany: 11lov77; A930096.
A930097. Shicksfainny. PA. and nearby coaaunities, Deceaber 1977. The coaaonwealth Telephone Coapany; 1Dec77: A930097.
A930098. Huanqola, PA. and nearby communities. Deceaber 1977. O The Commonwealth Telephone Company; tDec77; A930098.
A930099. Clearfield. PA. and nearby communities. December 1977. O The Bell Telephone Company of Pennsylvania; 1Dec77; A930099.
A930100. Philipsburg, PA, and nearby communities. Deceaber 1977. The Bell Telephone Company of Pennsylvania; 1Dec77; A930100.
A930 101. Beckley. Sophia, Plat Top, HT, and others telephone directory, December 1977. The Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone Company of Best virqioia; 1Dec77: A930101.
A93ai02. Byoming Valley, Uilkes-Barre, Nanticoke, Pittston, PA, white pages, November 1977. O The Bell Telephone Company of Pen- nsylvania; 1Nov77: A930102.
A930103. Byoming Valley, Bilkes-Barre. Nanticoke, Pittston, PA. November 1977. The Bell Telephone Company of Pennsylvania; 1»ov77; A930103.
A930104. Greater Bichaond telephone directory. December 1977. e The Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone Company of Virginia; 1Dec77; A930104.
A930 105. Eastern Hontqomery County. PA, November 1977. The Bell Telephone Company of Pennsylvania; 1Nov77; A930105.
A930106. Proqraa and abstracts of papers for the fourteenth national aeeting of the Beticuloendothelial Society; Dec. 6-9, 1977. Harriott Hotel. Tuscon, A2. 66 p. Add. ti: Journal of the Beticuloendot- helial Society, voluae 22. abstract suppleaent. Deceaber 1977; Beticuloen- dothelial Society prograa and abstracts of papers. O Beticuloendothelial Society; 9NOV77; A930106.
A930107. Bater-soluble polyaers. Bulletin VC-i400E. 7 p. Appl. au: Donald J. Potter. NH: editorial revision. O Hercules, Inc.; 9Hov77; A930107.
A930 108. Nature's foods. By Peter Deadaan C Karen Betteridge, script 6 drawings by Karen Betteridge. 125 p. Prev. pub. abroad 1973. Peter Deadaan 6 Karen Betteridge; 2Nov77; A9301Q8.
A930109. Operating survey, 1976: sales, costs and profits of general line and specialty pharaaceutical wholesale druggists. 71 p. Add. ti: NBDA 1976 operating survey. National Bholesale Druggists' Asso- ciation; 1Sep77; A930109.
A930110. Behind the sex of God: toward a new consciousness — transcending aatriarchy and patriarchy. By Carol Ochs. 177 p. O Carol Ochs; 20Jun77; A930110.
A93ai11. Career exploration and preparation for the special needs learner. By L. Allen Phelps e Sonald J. Lutz. 359 p. Allyn and Bacon, Inc.; 29Sep77; A930111.
A930112. Joseph Cornell. By Diane Baldaan. 127 p. NH: introd., additional col. plates (, additional textual aaterial. Diane Baldaan; 8Aug77; A930112.
A930113. United States patents on aushroom and bean sprout culture. By B. B. Stoller. 311 p. Stoller Besearch Coapany, Inc.; I4HOV77: A930113.
The Filas of Binq Crosby. By Bobert
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