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A930026 - A930069


JUL-DEC. 1977

S930025 (con.) Hoenack (Harqery C. Hoenack) , artists: alix Morris 6 Marilyn Bayden, editors; Kay Jones 6 Tee Loftin. 2nd ed. 33 p. Peg Hoenack; 28Dec77; A930025.

&930026. PIB magazine advertising analysis. Vol. 30, no. 10. Compiled by Leading National Advertisers, Inc. sheets. Add. ti: Analysis of October 1977 magazine advertising. Appl. au; Publishers Information Bureau, Inc. C Publishers Information Bureau, Inc.; 1«Dec77; A930026.

A930027. The Serenity book: sensory awareness training and how it can change your life. By Harylou HcKenna. 281 p. Marylou McKenna; 19Dec77; A930027.

A930028. Winston Churchill Finest hours; spring suppl., 1977. Vol. 12. Brought to you by Dan Campbell & others. 270 p. Appl. au: Finest Hours staff of Hinston Churchill High School. 6 Finest Hours staff of Binston Churchill High School; 3Jun77; A930028.

A930029. Designs by Seabrook. By Harold J. Seabrook, Jr. 165 p. Appl. states work includes new drawings & other prev. pub. drawings. Harold J. Seabrook, Jr. ; 2Sep77; A930029.

A930030. Cutting schedule reguest, form HA-312- Technical bulletin no. 9. lip. e Hydro-Air Engineering, Inc.; 28Feb72; A930030.

A930031. Time sharing. Technical bulletin no. ^H. 70 p. € Hydro-Air Engineering* Inc.; 28Feb76: A930031.

A930032. Truss engineering reguest, form HA-277. Technical bulletin no. 8. 1 v. © Hydro-Air Engineering, Inc.; 30Sep7i*; A930032.

A930033. A Numerical system for describing roof truss configurations. Technical bulletin no. 2. 1 V. 6. Hydro-Air Engineering, Inc.; 30Sep74: A930033.

19300311. Allowable increase due to short term loading. Technical bulletin no. 6. 12 p. e Hydro-Air Engineering, Inc.; 15Feb72; A930031t.

A930035. Built-up beams. Technical bulletin no. 16. 20 p. C Hydro-Air Engineering, Inc.; 310ct71); A930035.

A930036. Dniversal hip system. Technical bulletin no. 15. 19 p. Hydro-Air Engineering, Inc.; 15Apr73; A930036.

A930037. Boof truss engineering; TPI, 60 PSI a 15X, TCLL=40, TCDL=10, BCII^O, BCDL=10, 2'-0" o.c. PT plates. 1 V. e Hydro-Air Engineering, Inc.; 28Dec77; A930037.

A930038. Boof truss engineering; code t , 33 PSF a) 25X, TCLL=16. TCDL=07, BCL1=0, BCDL=10, 2'-0" O.C., D plates. 1 v. 6 Hydro-Air Engineering, Inc.; 22Dec77; A930038.

A930039. Boof truss engineering: TPI, 17 PSF a 1511. TCL1=30, TCDL=07, BCLI^O, BCDL=10, 2'-0" O.C., D plates. 1 v. Hydro-Air Engineering, Inc.; 19Dec77; A930039.

A93001I0. Boof truss engineering; TPI, 47 PSF a 15», TCLL=30, TCDL=07, BCL1=0, BCDL=10. 2'-0" O.C, PT plates. 1 V. 6 Hydro-Air Engineering, Inc.; 19Dec77; A930040.

A9300it1. Boof truss engineering; TPI, 45 PSF a 15», TCLL=25, TCDL=10, BCLL=0, BCDl=10, 2'-0" O.C. S plates. 1 v. Hydro-Air Engineering, Inc.; 2Dec77; A930041.

A930042. Roof truss engineering; TPI, 45 PSF a 15X. TCLL=25, TCDL=10, BCLL=0. BCDI.= 10, 2'-0" O.C, PT plates. 1 V. O Hydro-Air Engineering, Inc.; 2Dec77; A930042.

A930043. Boof truss engineering; TPI, 45 PSF 3 15X, TCLL=25, TCDL=10, BCLL=0, BCDL=10, 2'-0"O.C., D plates. 1 V. 6 Hydro-Air Engineering, Inc. ; 3Dec77: A930043.

A930044. Boof truss engineering; TPI, 40 PSF a 15%, TCI,L=20. TCDL=10. BCL1=0, BCDL=10, 24" O.C. S plates. 1 V. Hydro-Air Engineering, Inc.; 1Dec77; A930044.

A930045. Soof truss engineering: TPI. 40 PSF a 15X, TCLL=20, TCDL=10, BCLL=0, BCDL=10, 2'-0" O.C, PT plates. 1 V. e Hydro-Air Engineering, Inc.; 30Nov77; A930045.

A930046. Boof truss engineering; TPI, 40 PSF a 15X, TCLL=20, TCD1=10, BCIJ.= 0, BCDL=10, 2'-0" O.C. D plates. 1 V. © Hydro-Air Engineering, Inc. ; 29Nov77; A930046.

A930047. Hoof truss engineering; TPI, 60 PSF a 15S, TCLL=40, TCDL=10, BCL1=0, BCDL=10, 2'-0" O.C, D plates. 1 ». S Hydro-Air Engineering, Inc.; 21Dec77; A930047.

A930048. Boof truss engineering; TPI, 40 PSF a 25*. TC1L=20, TCDL=10, BCLL=0, BCD1=10, 2'-0" O.C, D plates. 1 V. e Hydro-Air Engineering. Inc.; 1Dec77; A930048.

A930049. Boof truss engineering; TPI. 40 PSF a 25X, TC1L=20, TCD1=10. BCLL=0. BCDL=10, 2'-0" O.C, PT plates. 1 v. 6 Hydro-Air Engineering, Inc.; 15Dec77: A930049.

A930050. Hoof truss engineering; TPI, 50 PSF a 15%. TCLL=30, TCDL=10, BCL1=0, BCDL=10, 2'-0" O.C, S plates. 1 V. e Hydro-Air Engineering, Inc. ; 5Dec77; A930050.

A930051. Hoof truss engineering; TPI, 50 PSF a 15*. TCI.L=30, TCDL=10, BCLL=0, BCD1=10, 2'-0" O.C. PT plates. 1 V. Hydro-Air Engineering, Inc. ; 5Dec77; A930051.

A930052. Boof truss engineering: TPI, 50 PSF a 15X, TCLL=30, TCDL=10, BCLL=0, BCDL=10, 2'-0" O.C, D plates. 1 v. O Hydro-Air Engineering, Inc.; 12Dec77: A930052.

A930053. Onderstanding and executing arts of the Southwest. By Ellen Yeager Cargile. 77 p. e Ellen Y. Cargile: lJul77 (in notice: 1976) ; A930053.

A930054. Persephone gets what she wants, and other titles. (In Tits and clits, no. 3) Appl. au: Joyce Farmer, Lyn cheyli (Chin Lyvely) 6 Buth Lynn. O on inside 6 outside back & front covers G 4 stories; A930055.

A Pastoral interlude. First lover. By Boberta Gregory. (In Tits and clits, no. 3) e Boberta Gregory; 15Feb77; A930055.

A930056. I was a sex junkie. By Dot Bucher. (In Tits and clits, no. 3) O Dot Bucher; 15Feb77; A930056.

A930057. That perpetually permeable Peters sister-Fonda (in an oldie, but goodie) (In Tits and clits. no. 3) Appl. au: Lyn chevli. whose pseud, is Chin Lyvely. Lyn Chevli, whose pseud, is Chin Lyvely; 15Feb77; A930057.

A930058. Net dreams. By Shelby, pseud, of Shelby Sampson. (In Tits and clits. no. 3) Q Shelby Sampson, whose pseud, is Shelby; 15Feb77; A930058.

A930059. Apple meatloaf. 1 p. Appl. au: John C. Bast. JCB-fiecipes solely owned by John C Bast; 24Feb77; A930059.

A930060. Terri Television coloring book. Illustrated by Bill Hovey. 28 p. Appl. au; Dean £ Shirley Liebervan. Q Institute for Visual Learning. Inc.; 19Sep77; A930060.

A930061. Piano llOA-B-C-D curriculum. By John D. Blyth. Conrad Bruderer, Jane Michelle Kolar G Arthur Lambert. 16 p. Piano Staff, San Diego State University, consisting of John D. Blyth, Conrad Bruderer, J. Mitzi Kolar & Arthur Lambert; 1Sep77; 4930061.

A930062. Encuesta de la actitud de los empleados de Sears: version de tienda. 14 p. BM: translation. Q Sears, Boebuck and company; 20Jul77; A930062.

A930063. Sears employe attitude research survey: retail distribution center/central service version. 1 8 p. Sears, Boebuck and company; 10Aug77; A930063.

A930064. Larsen standardized sign system; data sheet. 1 p. e Timothy Larsen; 12Aug77; A930064.

A930065. Bail scale systems. By George J. Baudolph. 1 V. 6 fiandolph Designs and Systems; 18Aug77; A930065.

A930066. CPS/Bees Associates Section 50 4 compliance system, October 1. 1977. Sheets. 6 Bees Associates. Inc. ; 22Aug77; A930066.

A930067. Omni report; analysis of professional fringe benefits. 1976-77. By Hilliam E. Caldwell 6 Boss S. Blust. 48 p. The Pennsylvania School Study Council. Inc.; 28Jan77 (in notice: 1976) ; A930067.

A930068. CAP inventory form. Folder. Appl. au: Joel Shandy Milner. O Joel Shandy Milner; 1Hay77; A930068.

A930069. The Field atom. 1 v. Appl. au: Kenneth B. Poole. e Kenneth B. Poole; 12Sep77;



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