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A929933 - A929977


JUL-DEC. 1977

i929932 (con.) notice: Heisner 6 Yaqer) ; 20Sep77; 4929932.

1929933. Spin-a-«ord. 1 p. &ppl- an: Eiiil J. Rupee. Enil J. Rupee; 11lIO¥76; &929933.

4929934. Pree knees — a television dining table. 2 p. ippl. au: Lee Hiles. e Lee Hiles; 5Dec77: A929934.

4929935. Oniversal tulebook. 12 p. Dniversal Ganes; 23Dec77; 4929935.

4929936, StooqisB anthology. Edited by Paul P. Fericano. Ill p. »M: poetry, co«pi- lation, revisions 6 photos. Scarecron Books; 190ct77: 4929936.

4929937. Warsaw calculator, with menory JA-3. Folder (7 p.) 4ppl. au: Jefferson G. Stillwell d.b.a. Powerhaus studios 6 James S. Arnold. Jefferson G. Stillwell d.b.a. Powerhaus Studios: 12Jul76: 4929937.

4929938. Panzerschiffes TG-2 tactical naval battle systen for period 1890 to 1945 including data on 397 ships. 29 p. 4ppl. au: David J. Dougherty. NH: additions 6 revisions. David J. Dougherty; 21Dec77: 4929938.

4929939. 4 Loving fornula to enrich your love life with happiness. Folder. Bernard Haaber: 20Dec77; 4929939.

49299U0. Principles of package perception. Pt. 1-2. By Stephen M. Barker. 2 folders. NH: compilation, abridgment 6 additional text. Stephen B. Barker: 28Sep77: 4929910.

4929941. Case histories of deviant behavior; an interactional perspective. By Gloria Bakita Leon. 2nd ed. 3 56 p. O Holbrook Press. Inc.: 9Sep77: 4929941.

4929942. The Sensible man's guide to survival investiients. By Hark Skousen. 155 p. e Nathan Fenster; 10ct77: 4929912.

4929913. Consumer handbook for travelers. By Hal Gieseking. 200 p. Herbert L. Schwartz; 14UQ77; 4929913.

4929914. Chartwork and marine navigation for fishermen and boat operators. By Geoff 4. Botte. 156 p. Cornell Haritine Press, Inc.: 16Dec77: 4929914.

4929915. Trusteeship — handbook for community college and technical institute trustees. By George E. Potter. 113 p. 4sso- ciation of Community college Trustees; 23Dec77: 4929915.

4929916. 4BOS and Jonah; leader's guide. By LaVernae J. Dick. 76 p. O Faith and Life Press; 11Dec77; 4929916.

4929917. The Sumnit of sun and poems that dream peace. By Joe Donald Johnson. 35 p. NM: revisions 6 additional text. Joe Donald Johnson: 16Dec77: 4929917.

4929918. Joint ventures; planning and action. By G. Bichard young S Standish Bradford, Jr. 106 p. Financial Executives Besearch Foundation: 16Dec77; 49 29918.

4929919. The "Hommy, I have nothing to do" book. By Penni Bubin (Pamela H. Bubin) 160 p. e Penni Rubin; 12Dec77; 4929919.

4929950. space guest. By Paul Hume 6 George Nyhen, illustrated by Robert Charrette, 111 p. Paul Hume 6 George Nyhen; 1Sep77; 4929950.

4929951. The S I transportation alternative- By Harlo Glen. Hollander. 20 p. e Mario Glen (Bike) Hollander; 15Nov77; 4929951.

4929952. Older eguipment value guide revision. Section 7: crawler tractors, Sept. 1977 revision. Sheets (110 p.) O Equipment Guide Book Company: 15Sep77: 4929952.

4929953. Older equipment value quide revision. July 1977 revision, section 9. 1 v. Equipment Guide-Book Company; 15Jul77; 4929953.

4929951. Older equipment value guide revision. July 1977 revision, section 10. 1 v. Q Equipment Guide-Book Company; 15Jul77; 4929951.

4929955. Food for beauty. By Helena Bubinstein, revised 6 updated by Frank Burray. 256 p. 4ppl. au: Larchmont Books, Inc. NH: compilation, translation, abridqement & editorial coveraqe. Larchmont Books, Inc.; 50ct77; 4929955.

4929956. Affective learning specified by affective ob-jectives for California community college basic health education courses: taionomic analysis. By Bichael Earle BcBain. 109 p. Bichael Earle BcBain; 30Dec77; 4929956.

4929957. Success formula. By Buss Michael. 176 p. e Buss Hichael; 15Dec77; A929957.

A929958. Maryland trial judges' benchbook. 1 v. e Administrative office of the Courts; 11Sep77; A929958.

A929959. Lecture notes for seminar on solar energy for buildings. 1 v. Appl. au: Peter J. Lunde. Peter J. Lunde; 5Dec77; A929959.

A929960. Oniversal. Cards in box. Universal Games; 23Dec77; 4929960.

A929961. Essex County real estate directory; record of real estate transfers and mortgages. Suppl. no. 6, Dec. 1977. 1 v. Real Estate Directory, Inc.; 21Dec77; A929961.

A929962. Sestchester County real estate directory: record of real estate transfers and mortgages. Suppl. no. 21, Dec. 1, 1977. 5 p. 9 Bealty Directory Pub- lications, Inc. ; 2Dec77; A929962.

4929963. Bestchester County real estate directory; record of real estate transfers and mortgages. Suppl. no. 22, Dec. 15, 1977. 5 p. Bealty Directory Pub- lications, Inc.; 19Dec77; 4929963.

4929964. Supplement to Suburban real estate directory: record of real estate transfers and mortgages, December 1977. 11 p. e Philadelphia Seal Estate Directory, Inc.; 16Dec77; A929964.

A9 29965. Supplement to East Hontgomery County real estate directory: record of real estate transfers and mortgages, December 1977. 8 p. e Philadelphia Seal Estate Directory, Inc.; 16Dec77; 4929965.

4929966. Brooklyn real estate register; record of real estate transfers and mortqages. Suppl. no. 6, Dec. 1977. Sheets (9 p.) e Beal Estate Reqister, Inc.; 21Dec77; A929966.

A929967. Philadelphia real estate directory; record of real estate transfers and mortgages. Suppl. no. 11, Nov. 1977. 18 p. Philadelphia Beal Estate Directory, Inc.; 22Dec77; A929967.

A929968. Bell System practices. Pacific Tel. Section 005-202-963PT, issue A, Nov. 1977. 13 p. The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company; 11iov77; 4929968.

4929969. Beading profile, prescription, and progress record. 1 v. © 4merican Learning Corporation: 9Aug77; 4929969.

A929970. Estate and gift taxation for the general practitioner; course handbook. By James B. Corcoran, Jr. 306 p. Prev. reg. 1971 6 others. NB: revisions 6 additions. e James M. Corcoran, Jr.; 19Sep75; A929970.

A929971. Estate and gift taxation for the general practitioner. By James H. Corcoran, Jr. 317 p. Prev. reg. 1975 £ others. NM; revisions & additions. 6 James M. Corcoran, Jr.; 20Hay76; A929971.

A929972. January home economics vocabulary calendar. Briters: Linda Craig 6 Phyllis Praytor, artist: Boben Voigt. © Gerald Hodges; 3Jan77 (in notice: 1976) ; A929972.

A929973. February general vocabulary calendar. Briter: Linda Craig, artist: Boben Voigt. e Gerald Hodges; 1Feb77 (in notice: 1976) ; A929973.

4929974. February English vocabulary calendar. Sriter: Sharon D. Smith, artist: Boben Voigt. e Gerald Hodges; 1Feb77 (in notice: 1976); 4929974.

4929975. February elementary vocabulary calendar. Briter: Sharon D. Smith, artist: Boben Voigt. O Gerald Hodges; 1Feb77 (in notice: 1976); 4929975.

A929976. February primary vocabulary calendar. Briter: Gerald Hodges, artist; Boben Voigt. e Gerald Bodges; 1Feb77 (in notice: 1976) ; A929976.

A929977. January business education vocabulary calendar. Briter: Michael Christian, artist: Boben Voigt. Gerald Hodges;

3Jan77 (in notice: 1976) ; A929977.


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