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A876161 - A876201


JUL-DEC. 1977

A876163 (can.) a total virtual access architecture- By Deois acKeii2ie Hyaas. flicrofiln. O oeuis acKeozie Uyaas; 1SJuii77: 1876163.

1876164. The Liaits of huaan knovledge: Kiu9 lifted and old English poetry. By Bichard Lee Evert. Hicrofila. Bichard Lee Evert; 15Jun77 (in notice: 19761; 1876 16U.

1876165. Foundations of feoinist social theory: iaplications of Freudian and existen- tialist ontologies. By Frances Lee Hoffaann. aicrofila. C Frances Lee Hoffaann; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); 1876165.

1876166. The Oevelopaent of a pedagogy for extending the vocal potential of singers as required in the perforaance of certain twentieth century choral compositions. By Bernice Jean Ishaa. Hicrofila. Bernice Jean Ishaa: 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976) : 1876166.

1876167. Historical and performance aspects of llban Berg's chaatier concerto for piano, violin and thirteen ainds. By Paul John Tardif. Microfilm. Paul John lardif; 15Jun77; 1876167.

1876168. Froa roaanticlsa to tealisa: the intrusion of reality in Byron's Don Juan and Flaubert's Hadaae Bovary. By Stephen Paul Schuber. aicrofila. Stephen Paul Schuber; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); 1876168.

1876169. Graduate acadeaic ma-jor. vocational preference and student-teacher interaction as a function of f ieid-dependence- independence. By Hilda Buth Glazer. Hicrofila. C Hilda Buth Glazer; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); 1876169.

1876170. Studies of F?-2-aediated resistance to friend leukeaia virus. By Kenneth Jaaes Blank. Hicrofila. Kenneth Jaaes Blank; 15Jun77; 1876170.

1876171. The Hole of the Dew Jersey Coalition For Bilingual Education in the enactaent of the 197U New Jersey bilingual education lav. By Bobert Inthony Freda. Hicrofila. e Bobert Inthony Freda; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); 1876171.

1876172. 1 Study of relationship between Jung's typology and therapeutic aodality. By Jaaes Starr Uitzig. Hicrofila. Jaaes Starr Hitzig; 15Jun77; 1876172.

1876173. The Search for the great comaunity: a reappraisal of the aethod of consensus as an extension of John Dewey's aethod of intelligence. By narion Bernard Champa. Hicrofila. C Harion Bernard Chaapa; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); 1876173.

1876171. External hostility and internal conflict: group cohesion theory in international politics. By Bolsert Shiao Hang. Hicrofila. Bobert Shiao Hang; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); 18761714.

1876 175. The Solo piano music of Ernest Bloch. By Charles Lynn Hbeeler. Hicrofila. Charles Lynn Hheeler; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); 1876175.

1B76176. The Origin and status of the allotment Qoveaent in Britain with particular reference to Swindon, Wiltshire. By Denis aichael Horan. Hicrofila. O Denis Hichael Horan; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976): 1876176.

1876177. In Inalysis of the home environaent of severely retarded chxldren. By Constance Gorenfio Fraze. Hicrofila. Constance Gorenflo Fraze; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); 1876177.

1876178. 1 Program of professional preparation for school counselors as internal organizational consultants: history, theory, practice and possibilities. By Bichard Paul Francisco. Hicrofila. Bichard Paul Francisco; 15Jun77; 1876178.

1876179. File retrieval through inforaation filtering. By Frank B. lllen. Hicrofila. O Frank i. illen; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); 1876179.

1876180. Hollywood film genre as ritual: a theoretical and methodological inguiry. By Thomas Gerard Schatz. Hicrofila. O Thomas Gerard Schatz; 15Jud77 (in notice: 1976); 1876180.

1876181. 1 Conceptual history of Deuteronoaism in the Old Testament, Judaism and the New Testaaent. By Jaaes Irchie Hilliaas, Jr. Hicrofila. O Jaaes Irchie Billiaas, Jr.; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); A876181.

1876182. 1 Study of art programs in alternative high schools through participant observation. By H. Dante Vena. Hicrofila. O H. Dante Vena; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); 1876182.

1876183. The Performance of secondary school students on Piaqet-type tasks concerning projective and Euclidean space. By Carole Jeanne Beesink. Hicrofila. C Carole Jeanne Beesink; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); 1876183.

187618U. Three lives. By aichael Patrick Byan. Hicrofila. aichael Patrick Byan; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); 1876181.

1876185. 1 Critical biography of Susan Glaspell. By Harcia Inn Hoe. Hicrofila. Harcia Inn Noe; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); 1876185.

1876186. Human service needs of adults with cerebral palsy or epilepsy: an assessaent of those with noraal intelligence. By Donald Hurray Michaels. aicrofila. Donald aurray aichaels; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); 1876186.

1876187. 1 Study of student attitude toward school. By Ottlin lugust yegner. Hicrofila. ottlin lugust Beqner; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); 1876187.

1876188. postdivorce interaction: an explanation using exchange theory. By Oliver Dale Newsoae. Hicrofila. O Oliver Dale Newsome; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); 1876188.

1876189. 1 Study of the information-acquisition process in Japanese computer and inforaation processing service industries. By Kenyu Hishi. Hicrofila. O Kenyu Sishi; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); 1876189.

1876190. Of icons and aotorcycles: a sociological study of acculturation aaong fiussian old believers in central Oregon and llaska. By Hichael Jaaes Sfflithson. Hicrofilm. O Hichael Jaaes Saithson; 15Jun77; 1876190.

1876191. 1 Validation study undertaken on a aultimeasureaent neuropsychological screening device. By Thoaas Patrick Brooks. Hicrofila. Thomas Patrick Brooks; 15Jun77 (in notice; 1976) ; 1876191.

1876192. 1 Coaprehensive perforaance project in solo vocal literature with an essay, Messiah on the Plains, 1882-1976: a history of the Bethany Oratorio Society. By Elmer willard Copley, aicrofila. 6 Elmer Hillard Copley; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); 1876192.

1876193. The Impact of a career education progcaa upon measured occupational interests. By aonday Paul Ikpan. Hicrofilm. O aouday Paul Ikpan; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976) ; 1876193.

1876191. Psychological education: a high school mini-course utilizing peer counseling to teach helping and problem solving skills and decrease feelings of alienation. By Joan P. Gillespie, aicrofila. Joan P. Gillespie; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); 1876194.

1876195. John Dos Passes: the perforaing voice. By Charles Herbert Harz. Hicrofila. O Charles Herbert Harz; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976) ; 1876195.

1876196. The Zionist career of Louis Lipsky, 1900-1921. By Deborah Esther Lipstadt. Microfilm. Deborah Esther Lipstadt; 15Jun77; 1876196.

1876 197. In Application to the rationales of Hilda Taba and Leonard Kenworthy to curriculum developaent in social studies in Sigerian secondary education. By Jonathan Aaanze Inyanwu. Hicrofila. Jonathan laanze Inyanwu; 15Jun77; 1876197.

1876198. 1 Study of grievances filed by teachers of the Philadelphia public school system. By Donald Bakove. Microfilm. Donald Bakove; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976) ; 1876198.

A876199. The Effect of instructional technology and learner characteristics on cognitive achievement in college accounting. By Marianne Stankiewicz Battista. Microfilm. O Marianne Stankiewicz Battista; 15Jun77; 1876 199.

1876200. I Study of the adoption of innovative educational procedures by teachers who were not participants in a formal training program. By Warren Michael Benedetto. Hicrofila. Barren Hichael Benedetto; 15Jun77; 1876200.


1 Study of pastors' priorities relative


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