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JUL-DEC. 1977

A929330 (con.) au: Uilliaii D. Soloffloo. Prlotlnq Industries of Aiecica, Inc.; 28Dec77 (in notice: 1978> ; A929330-

&929331. Haqe rates and selected fringe benefits under contracts with locals of the Graphic Acts International anion (bookbinders) January 1978. 2 p. Add, ti: Bookbinders: naqe rates and selected fringe benefits under contracts with locals of the Graphic Arts International Union (bookbinders) Appl. au: Hiliiaa D. Solonon. O Printing Industries of Aoerica, Inc.; 28Dec77 (in notice: 1 978) ; A92933 1.

49 29 332. Wage rates and selected fringe benefits under contracts with locals of the Graphic Arts International Onion (photoengravers) January 1978, 2 p. Add. ti: Photoen- qravers: wage rates and selected fringe benefits under contracts with locals of the Graphic Arts International Onion (photoengravers) Appl. au: Hiliiaa D. SolOBon. O Printing Industries of Anerica* Inc.; 28Dec77 (in notice: 1978): A929332.

A929333. Bage rates and selected fringe benefits under contracts with locals of the International Typographical Onion, January 1976. 3 p. Add. ti: Coapositors: wage rates and selected fringe benefits under contracts with locals of the International Typographical Onion. Appl. au: Billiaa D. Solomon. Printing Industries of Aaerica* Inc.; 26Dec77 (in notice: 1978): A929333.

A929331*. Ocean mining patents. By Hanfred George Krutein. 70 p, NH: compilation. O Hanfred George Krutein; 15Dec77; A92933a.

A929335- Breaking the language barrier with Spanisli; student syllabus, a correlated, individualized instruction program. No. 1760(10. By Janice Lee Logan. 133 p. O National Book Company, a division of Educational Besearch Associates, Inc. ; 1i*Dec77; A929335.

A929336. Halung aging a profitable hobby. By Pierre E. Bonin. 81 p. Pierre E. Bonin (in notice: Pete Bonin) ; 19Dec77; A929336.

A929337. Orientation in business English. Text 2. By Harcia E. Taylor, revised C edited by Lise B- Bagan, illustrated by Tina Silverman, text G illus. : Institute of Hodern Languages* Inc. 2nd ed. ^0^^ p. O Institute of Hodern Languages, Inc.; 20Dec77; A929337.

A929338. A Storyteller's treasury- Compiled by John Barren & Hary Harrell. 108 p. NH: 95 pages. John 6 Hary Harrell; 9Dec77; A929338.

A929339. Orientation in business English. Borkbook 1. By Harcia E. Taylor, revised & edited by Lise B. Bagan, illustrated by Tina Silverman, text S illus.: Institute of Hodern Languages, Inc. 2nd ed. 127 p. O Institute of Hodern Languages, Inc.; 20Dec77; A929339.

A929340. Nomenclatare of the functional groups and heterocyclic compounds; workbook, program 910<*. Pt. 3. Author: Thomas E. Deacon. 10 p. e 59 slides. (Nomenclature in organic chemistry, series 910 1) Accompanied by sound recording, reg. NU8317 fi filmstrip, reg. JP21161, in box. Appl. au: Prentice-Hall Hedia, Inc. O Prentice-Hail Hedia, Inc. ; lDec77 (in notice: 1978) ; A9293(l0.

A929341. Introduction; workbook, program 9102. Pt. 1. Author: Thomas £. Deacon. 17 p. & 61 slides. (Nomenclature in organic chemistry, series 9101) Accompanied by sound recording, reg. NCi83ie £ filmstrip, reg. JP21162, in box. Appl. au: Prentice-Hall Hedia, Inc. O Prentice-Hall Hedia, Inc.; 30Nov77 (in notice: 1978); A9293'i1.

A9293'i2. Fragmentation patterns and identi- fication of the molecular ion; teacher's guide, interpretation. Pt. 1. Author: John G. Dillard. 1 w. e 42 slides. (Basic mass spectrometry, series 5000) Accompanied by sound recording, reg. Na8319 G filmstrip, reg. JP21163, in box- Appl. au: Prentice-Hail Media, Inc. Prentice-Hall Hedia, Inc.; 7Sep77 (in notice: 1978) ; 4929342.

A9293'*3. A Guide to developing a written lending policy. 140 p. NH: approx. 30X of book is new material. O American Bankers Association; 7Jan77; A9293'»3.

A92934U- Principles of bank operations; final A. 1 V. O American Bankers Association G American Institute of Banking; 13Sep77; A9293tta.

A929345. Britten communication for bankers: writing for results; student handbook. By Bobert B. Hax. 121 p. Appl. au: American Bankers Association, employer for hire. Adapted from The Letter right commu- nication system. NH: revisions f adaptation. O American Bankers Asso- ciation; 20Apr77; A929345-

A929346. Britten communications for bankers: writing for results; leader's guide. By fiobert B. Hax. Sheets (83 p.) Appl. au: American Bankers Association, employer for hire. Adapted from The Letter right communications system. NH: revisions G adaptation. Q American Bankers Asso- ciation; 20Apr77; A929346.

A9293a7. Oral communication for bankers: speaking to communicate; student handbook. By Bobert B. Hax. 62 p. Appl. au: American Bankers Association, employer for hire. Adapted from The Letter right commu- nications system. NH: revisions G adaptation. American Bankers Asso- ciation; 20Apr77; A929347.

A9293a8. Testing masters and placement test masters. Level 7. By Forbes, Thoburn G Bechtel. 17 p. fi sheets in envelope. (Hacfflillao Ha the ma tics, series m) Appl. au: Hacmillan Publishing Company, Inc., employer for hire. C Hacmillan Publishing Company, Inc.; 28Har77; A929348.

A929349, Testing masters and placement test masters. Level 8. By Forbes, Thoburn G Bechtel. 18 p. G sheets in envelope. (Hacmillan mathematics, series m) Appl. au: Hacmillan Publishing Company, Inc., employer for hire. Hacmillan Publishing Company, Inc. ; 28Har77; A929349.

A929350- fieinforcement and practice masters. Level 1. By Bobert D. Bechtel G L. Doyal Nelson, senior authors: Tina Thoburn G Jack £. Forbes. 1 v. (Hacmillan mathematics, series m) Appl. au: Hacmillan Publishing Company* Inc. Appl. states 28 pages are all new except for art. Hacmillan Publishing Company, Inc. ; 6Sep77; A929350.

A929 351. fie in for cement and practice masters. Level 4. By Bobert D. Bechtel G L. Doyal Nelson, senior authors: Tina Thoburn G Jack E. Forbes. 1 v. (Hacmillan mathematics, series m) Appl. au: Hacmillan Publishing Company, Inc. Appl. states 35 pages are all new except for art. O Hacmillan Publishing Company, Inc. ; 6Sep77; A929351.

A929352. Beinforcement and practice masters. Level 3. By Bobert 0. Bechtel G L. Doyal Nelson, senior authors: Tina Thoburn C Jack E. Forbes. 1 v. (Hacmillan mathematics, series m) Appl. au: Hacmillan Publishing Company, Inc. Appl. states 27 pages are all new except for art. O Hacmillan Publishing Company, Inc.; 6Sep77; A929352.

A929353. Beinforcement and practice masters. Level 2- By Bobert D. Bechtel C L. Doyal Nelson, senior authors: Tina Thoburn G Jack £. Forbes. 1 v. (Hacmillan mathematics, series m) Appl. au: Hacmillan Publishing Company, Inc. Appl. states 38 pages are all new except for art. O Hacmillan Publishing Company, Inc.; 6Sep77; A929353.

A929354. Beinforcement and practice masters. Level 6. By Bobert D. Bechtel G L. Doyal Nelson, senior authors: Tina Thoburn G Jack E. Forbes, 1 v. (Hacmillan mathematics, series a) Appl. au: Hacmillan Publishing Company, Inc. Appl. states 39 pages are all new except for art. O Hacmillan Publishing Company, Inc. ; 7NOV77; A929354.

A929355. Beinforcement and practice masters. Level 5. By Bobert D- Bechtel G L. Doyal Nelson, senior authors: Tina Thoburn G Jack E. Forbes. 1 v. (Hacmillan mathematics, series m) Appl. au: Hacmillan Publishing Company, Inc. Appl. states 37 pages are all new except for art. Hacmillan Publishing Company, Inc.; 7NOV77; A929355-

A929356. Beinforcement and practice masters. Level 7. By Bobert D. Bechtel, senior authors: Tina Thoburn G Jack E. Forbes. 1 V. Hacmillan mathematics, series m) Appl. au: Hacmillan Publishing Company, Inc. Hacmillan Publishing Company, Inc. ; 7NOV77; A929356.

A929357. Great Soviet encyclopedia. Vol. 12. Editor-in-chief: A. H. Prokhorov. 714 p. Add. ti: Bol'shaia Sovetskaia entsik- lopediia. A translation of the 3rd ed. Appl. au: Hacmillan Educational Cor- poration, employer in work for hire. NH: English translation. O Hacmillan Educational Corporation; 29Dec76; A929357.

A929358- Great Soviet encyclopedia. Vol. 13. Editor-in-chief: A. M. Prokhorov. 618 p. Add. ti: Bol'shaia Sovetskaia entsik- lopediia. A translation of the 3rd ed. Appl. au: Hacmillan Educational Cor- poration, employer in work for hire. NH: English translation. Hacmillan Educational Corporation; 30Dec76;



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