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A929176 - A929212


JUL-DEC. 1977

A929176. iletcic BeasureneDt: stadeot aDswer key. Unit 1: teaperature. 22 p. (Basic skills in nathefflatics) Appl. au: Binneapolis Public Schools. NH: editotial tevisioa 6 new art. Allyn and Bacoo, Inc.; 1Jan77: A929176.

A929177. Uhole nuabec equations, 2: student ansver key. IK p. (Basic skills in mathematics. Independent units) Appl. au: Binneapolis Public Schools. KH: editorial revision t uev art. O Allyn and Bacon, Inc.: Uan77; A929177.

A929178. Independent units; teacher's guide. 11 p. (Basic skills in aatheaatics) Appl. au: nlDneapolis Public Schools. NH: editorial revision £ new art. O Allyn and Bacon, Inc.: 1Jan77; A92917B.

A929179. Hhole nuaber equations, 1; student answer key. 18 p. (Basic skills in natheaatics. Independent units) Appl. au: Binneapolis Public Schools. NH: editorial revision £ new art. O Allyn and Bacon. Inc.: 1Jan77; A929179.

A929180. Multiplyinq by powers of 10; student answer key. 12 p. (Basic skills in aatheaatics. Independent units) Appl. au: Binneapolis Public Schools. NB: editorial revision & new art. O Allyn and Bacon, Inc.; 1Jan77; A929180.

A929181. floney; student answer key. 56 p. (Basic skills in aatheaatics. Independent units) Appl. au: Binneapolis Public Schools. HB: editorial revision 6 new art. Allyn and Bacon. Inc.; 1Jaa77: A929181.

A929182. Addinq aixed nuabers with like denoaina tors; student answer key. 23 p. (Basic skills in aatheaatics. Fractions, unit 3) Appl. au: Binneapolis Public Schools. NB: editorial revision t new art. Allyn and Bacon, Inc.; 1Jan77: A929182.

A929183. Bultiplyinq fractions; student answer key. 27 p. (Basic skills in aatheaatics. Fractions, unit 6) Appl. au: Binneapolis Public Schools. HH: editorial revision £ new art. O Allyn and Bacon. Inc. ; 1Jan77; A929183.

A92918a. Addinq and subtracting fractions with different denoainators; student answer key. 35 p. (Basic skills in aatheaatics. Fractions, unit 5) Appl. au: Binneapolis Public Schools. NB: editorial revision t new art. Allyn and Bacon, Inc. ; 1Jan77; A929184.

A929185. Subtractinq fractions and sized nuabers; student answer key. 24 p. (Basic skills in aatheaatics. Fractions, unit U) Appl. au: Binneapolis Public Schools. KB: editorial revision 6 new art. O Allyn and Bacon. Inc.; 1Jan77; A929185.

A929186. Deciaals and percepts; teacher's quide. 511 p. (Basic skills in aatheaatics) Appl. au: Binneapolis Public Schools. NB: editorial revision 6 new art. O Allyn and Bacon. Inc.; 1Jan77; A929186.

A929187. Deciaals and percents; blackline aasters. 10K p. (Basic skills in aatheaatics) Appl. au: Binneapolis Public Schools. KB: editorial revision £ new

A929188. Fractions; teacher's guide. 53 p. (Basic skills in aatheaatics) Appl. au: Binneapolis Public Schools. KB: editorial revision £ new art. O Allyn and Bacon, Inc.; 1Jaii77; A929188.

A929189. Fractions; blackline aasters. 122 p. (Basic skills in aatheaatics) Appl. au: Binneapolis Public Schools. KB: editorial revision £ new art. O Allyn and Bacon, Inc.; 1Jan77; A929189.

A929190. Fraction concepts; student answer key. 13 p. (Basic skills in aatheaatics. Fractions, unit 1) Appl. au: Binneapolis Public Schools. NB: editorial revision £ new art. C Allyn and Bacoo, Inc.; lJan77; A929190.

A929191. Uhole nuabers; blackline aasters. 80 p. (Basic skills in aatheaatics) Appl. au: Binneapolis Public Schools. NB: editorial revision £ new art. O Allyn and Bacon, Inc.; 1Jan77; A929191.

A929192. Whole nuabers; teacher's guide. 32 p. (Basic skills in aatheaatics) Appl. au; Binneapolis Public Schools. NB: editorial revision £ new art. Allyn and Bacon, Inc.; 1Jan77; A929192.

A929193. Adding fractions with like denoainatocs; student answer key. 32 p. (Basic skills in aatheaatics. Fractions, unit 2) Appl. au; Binneapolis Public Schools. NB: editorial revision £ new art. O Allyn and Bacon, Inc.; 1Jan77; A929193.

A92919lt. Dividing fractions; student answer key. 23 p. (Basic skills in aatheaatics. Fractions, unit 7) Appl. au: Binneapolis Public Schools. NB: editorial revision £ new art. Allyn and Bacon, Inc.; 1Jan77; A929191.

A929195. Dividing by two-digit nuabers; student answer key. 20 p. (Basic skills in aatheaatics. Uhole nuabers. unit 1) Appl. au: Binneapolis Public Schools. NB: editorial revision £ new art. O Allyn and Bacon, Inc.; 1Jan77: A929195.

A929196. Subtracting whole nuabers; student answer key. 32 p. (Basic skills in aatheaatics. Uhole nuabers, unit 1) Appl. au: Binneapolis Public Schools. NH: editorial revision £ new art. Allyn and Bacon, Inc.; 1Jau77: A929I96.

A929197. Dividing by one-digit nuabers; student answer key. 38 p. (Basic skills in aatheaatics. uhole nuabers, unit 3) Appl. au: Binneapolis Public Schools. NB: editorial revision £ new art. Allyn and Bacon. Inc.; 1Jan77; A929197.

A929198. Bultiplying whole nuabers; student answer key. 38 p. (Basic skills in aatheaatics. uhole nuabers. unit 2) Appl. au: Binneapolis Public Schools. NB: editorial revision £ new art. Allyn and Bacon, Inc.; 1Jan77; A929198.

A929199. Independent units; blackline aasters. 78 p. (Basic skills in aatheaatics) Appl. au: Binneapolis Public Schools. NH: editorial revision £ new art. O Allyn and Bacon. Inc.; 1Jan77: A929199.

A929200. How can a aan and woaan be friends? By Bary fiosera Joyce. 65 p. O The Order of Saint Benedict, Inc.; 8Nov77; A929200.

A929201. Biblical prayer. By Ernest Lussier. 138 p. The Order of Saint Benedict, Inc.; 23Vov77; A929201.

A929202. The Pilgria conteaplative. Book 1: early years. By Herbert F. Saith. 188 p. O The Order of Saint Benedict. Inc.; 8NOV77: A929202.

A9292043. Of sacraaents and sacrifice. By Clifford Howell, illustrator: Brother Placid L. Stuckenschneider. 3rd rev. ed. 197 p. O The Order of Saint Benedict. Inc.; 5Dec77: A929243.

A929 20II. The Pilgria conteaplative. Book 2: aature years. By Herbert F. Saith. 167 p. The Order of Saint Benedict. Inc.; 8Nov77; A929201.

A92920 5. Counting the cost: New Testaaent teaching on discipleship. By Augustine Stock. 126 p. The Order of Saint Benedict, Inc.; 8Nov77; A929205.

A929 206. The Liturgical year. Vol. 1: Advent, Christaas, Epiphany. By Adrian Nocent, translated by Batthew J. O'Connell. 146 p. Translation of Celebrer Jesus-Christ, I'annee liturgique. NH: English translation. O The Order of Saint Benedict, Inc.; 5Dec77; A929206.

A929207. The Liturgical year. Vol. 2: Lent. By Adrian Nocent. translated by Hatthew J. O'Connell. 251 p. Translation of Celebrer Jesus-Christ, I'annee liturgique. NH: English translation. The Order of Saint Benedict, Inc.; S0ec77: A929207.

A929 208. The Liturgical year. Vol. 3: The Paschal triduua, the Easter season. By Adrian Nocent, translated by Batthew J. O'Connell. 326 p. Translation of Celebrer Jesus-Christ, I'annee liturgique. NH: English translation. The Order of Saint Benedict, Inc.; 5Dec77 ; A929208.

A929209. The Liturgical year. Vol. 4: Sundays nine to thirty-four in ordinary tiae. By Adrian Nocent, translated by Hatthew J. O'Connell. 406 p. Translation of Celebrer Jesus-Christ, I'annee liturgique. NB: English translation. The Order of Saint Benedict, Inc.; 5Dec77; A929209.

A929210. Theological diaensions of the liturgy: a general treatise on the theology of the liturgy. By Doa Cyprian Vaqaggini, O.S. B. , translated by Leonard J. Doyle £ uilliaa A. Jurgens. 996 p. Translation of II Senso teologico deiia liturgia, 1th rev. ed. NB: translation. The Order of Saint Benedict, Inc.; 21Jan77 (in notice: 1976); A929210.

A929211. Chess for people who can't even play checkers. By Bobert Danielsson, with drawings by Hats Andersson, translated froa the Swedish by Thoaas Teal. 80 p. Translation of Schack foer barn; prev. pub. abroad 1976. on translation; Hasou/Charter Publishers, Inc.; 23Sep77; A929211.


1001 ways to avoid getting mugged.


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