JUL-DEC. 1977
O Bill Daniels CoBcalir: !03«p77; »'<2i) '<!»«.
t92«9«S. Ho« I aate ar Clrat lllloa, anil thirtwro other nboit stoclkc. Bf Joxapk Edalaau. 179 p. ID: coapliatlob t d'lltloiial t.«ir. C Josfepb e4*Laaii: 2»ov77: k')2Vi*'j. 14289146. CliooaBoook 3: ao lot«oBlfa studr of rbrtba* lDEplce<l br t>>« oral taacbiuq tr«4tttoi>« ot lii4l«. By Jack t. Van D«r Krk. 11 p. Coitions pre». i«q. EU46U61. • R: additions. O Jack *. Tao D«r Hrk: 17Jun77: «92^9itf
t9289'(7. Mhlrlnlul aallet a«tbo4: a »*lf- ln»rrii/.t.ot 6 reacbtr's qol4«. Br Jack t. Vao D«c vrk, illue. br Lorenzo Caccla. 141 p. O Jack t. Tao Oei Vrk; hBatlT : »9289U7.
t92B9«8. 1 Guide to H«zual couaaolio'j: a vockbook approach. Br a. edward Clark, Charles r. Dorlac t »¥*rll Hart* Borl*. 72 p. O Oerll Barle Oarl«. chatl«8 f. Oorlac «. a. Ed»ard Clark (la notice: Clark, Iiorlac f, Dorl«l : ll:;ep77: t92e9«B.
»9289ii9. Couaerr'; rour capital, Doctorl Folder. O Practice Hanaqeaeat Serrlces. lac; 1lo»77; »92ft9<l9.
1928950. Linkups. to. 1. Br Barbara risber. Cards in folder. C Barbara PlEber; 110ct77: 1928950.
1928951. Vbr « Sro-free tape? folder. Ippl. au: Judith eiaiae Bositell Criffle. Gro-Pree Tap* Coapaar: 210ct77; 1928951.
1928952. Cacbe tours; a ski tourim quide to the aoaatalns around Loqao, Utah. Br Ino Schlapf t Scott Daturler, Ulus. br Jia Bcoan. 6« p. aasatcb Publishers, Inc.; 23SepT7: 1928952.
1928953. ha*. e>errone should kno« about first aid. ii7 p. O The L. E. /Irers Coapanr: 15Jan75: 192*953.
19289511. Haodlinq the lend repairaan. Br Lois P. aendcDhall. Polder. O Lois P. 8en- deaball: 3»o»77; 192895H.
1928955. Inlaated seasoos. Br Haqql Bicbardaon. 60 p. O Haqqi Bichardson; 1<>Oct77: 1928955.
1928956. christaas atocies. Br Elaine H. PererlT, illos. br flarcia Peverlr. ^^ P- O elaine B. Peierlr: 30ec77: 1928956.
1028957. How to becoae a union caaeraaoaan: f ila-rideotape. Br Jessie Baple. 85 p. O Jessie Baple; 20cc77: 1928957.
1928958. Ion can pretest tooth decar- 1 *■ IB^ retisiODS. C laerican Dental laaoclation: 180ct77: 1928958.
1928959. Coratoalc L-500 phrsician's technical aannal. 30 p. Ippl. aa: Peter a. Jacobson t H. Stephen Cookston. O Coratoaic. Inc.: Il0ct77: 1928959.
1928960. Hocsesrioe Caoron: a brief bistorr of the June Lake Loop. Br Elizabeth E. Bean, edited 6 Illustrated Lf the author. 116 p. O June Lake Loop aoaen's Club; 100ct77; 1928960.
1928961. sveets and treats froa (iraxidaa's kitchen. Coapiled br Susan Jenkins 6 Ida Caaeron, illas. bf e»t'ir Hiqqina. 52 p. O Oven-Jenkins, Inc. a.a. d.o. Oacn-Jenkins Participation Conaaltants, lac; 153*p77: 1928961.
1928962. school in the Hoods: the st^rgr of an iaaitjrant seainarr. Br Tborrald Hansen. 150 p. O Grand »le» Colleqe; 2»Oct77; 1928962.
192896':. The Educator and child abuse. Br Briar, c., illue. br Inaiee Hultqren. 38 p. C lational Coaalttee tor Prerention of Child lbUB«; 27lU'j77; 1928963.
192896 <4. Piano for t»o directory, 1977. 1 "1 p. Ippl. au: Hanya Polonsky (Hanya ScbaftI O Hanra '>chaff, pseud, of Hanra Polonsky; 15Kal77; I92e9fcu.
1928965. LlfeChait biorhytha coapatei. Ippl. an: Joseph J. Heaea, Jr. Life Line, Inc.; 81pr77; 1928965.
1928966. Traveler's, collector's and linquist's nerb chart. 1 p. Ippi. au: 1. k. Stone, pseud, of Ideie S. kubin. O 1. B. Stone, pseud, of Idele Stone lubin; 81pr77; 1928966.
1928967. This Kas Ellis Countr. Editor: Tobr Stevenson 6 other editors. 1977 ed. 76 p. o Hazahachle Mlfu School, Junior Hlatorlana; 11Bar77; 1928967.
1928968. Science and tecnnoioqy in East Isia. Editor: lathan Sivio. 260 p. C on Introd.: lathan Si»in; 18ay77; 1928968.
1928969. Science and technolo'jy in East Isia. Editor: lathan Slrin. 260 p. IB: ne« text. O leaie latson Icadeaic Publi- cations. Inc.; 1aay77; 1928969.
1928970. The laerindian coastliae poea. By Panny Hove. 1 >. IE: art aock 6 soae poeas. C Panr.y Ho»e; 10ct76 (in notice: 1975); 1928970.
1928971. Ill heaven broke loose. By Clayton Fountain. 80 p. O Clayton rountain; 11uq77; 1928971.
1928972. Frost 'n* Bate easy decoratlnq tips fioa Betty Crocker. 1 v. O Pioaeec Products, Inc.; 1Jul77; 1928972.
1928973. Broken qround and flovinq vaters; an introductory text vith aaterials on (rosebud Sioui tribal qovernaent. By Prank Poaaersheia, dravinqs by Tboaas Siass. 176 p. Ippl. states copyriqht Is not ciaiaed on any portion written by a O.S. Govt, eaployee as part of his official duties. C Siote Cleska Colleqe Press; 1«Oct77; 1928973.
192897*. 1 Prayer for yoa. By Jesse Lee Bill. Folder. Jesse Lee Hill; I90ct77; 19289711.
192«;975. It's up to you: developlnq assertive social skills. Ey Eileen b. Gaabrill t Cheryl 1. Bichey. 168 p. O Eileen L. Gaabrill I Cheryl 1. Bicney; ov76; 1928975.
1928976. Techniques of aarria'je and faal^iy coun&elin9. rol. 6. Edited t,y Paul Popenoe. 132 p. Papers presented at the laerican Institute of Pasily lelations 20th Innual Techniques ot Barria'je and Paally counseiinq Korkshop, luq. 1-6, 1977 6 at the 9th Innual lever Bays ot Couneellnv Tooth and roun'j Iduits Borkchop, Feb. 7-12, 1977. Ippl. au: The laerican Institute of Paally teiatlons. IB: 13 nev articles, new revieved books, H articles reprinted ftoa 1976 ed. (vol. 5), reprinted bioqcaphical notes 6 torevord. The laerican Institute of Faaily Belations; 28Jul77; 1928976.
1926977. Official proqraa: leu lock City aarathon, October 1977. 9« p. O les Tiaes publlshinq Coapany; 110ct77; 1928977.
1926978. the Science of Beditation. 4 p. Ippl. au: Bark Elliot Good (Bark Elliot Corporation) O Bark Elliot Good, vhose pseud. It Bark Elliot corporation; 38ar77; 1928978.
1928979. aaqnavox axi poser line conditioner. 2 p. Baqnavoz Covernaent and Electronic Products Coapany; 111pr77; 1928979.
1928980. Greer's Patent indei of bale-ties; an illustrated quide to identification and classification of bale-ties. By Larry Joe Greer. 163 p. C Larry Greec ; 80ct77; 1928980.
1928981. Boaen'e self defense: 22 coaaonly aseed questions; the art of awareness, prevention, strateqy, and effective fiqhtinq. Illus. by beasne Bednar, photoqraphy by Daisy Palau. 1 v. Ippl. au: Jolnne Spiro. O Jolnne Spiro; 80ct77: 1928981.
1928982. Sod's airacles is vecse. By Prascis 1. Cordon. 1 V. Francis 1. Gordoo; 21Sep77; 1928982.
1928983. East Pasco, incladinq: Dade City. Lacoochee , PL, and others, July 1977. Ippl. au: Coaaunity Telephone Directories, Inc. t coaTel Directories. O Coaaunity Telephone Directories, Inc.; 11uq77; 1928983.
192898*. Learninq to oav*: energy — use pcioritiea energy card. C Veiaer Business Idvisory Service. Inc.; 130ct77; 192898*.
192B985. Learninq to save aoaey — use priocities savings card. O Heiaer Basiaess Idvisory Service. Inc.; 130ct77; 1928985.
1928986. Poeas. By Essie Lee Paller. 80 p O Essie Lee Fuller; 190ct77; 8 986.
1928987. one is not a lonely nuabec. By Jases E. Touns. 125 p. O Crescendo Publications. Inc.; 20JO177; 1926987.
1926988. Elvis Presley— dead or alive? 12 p.
Ippl. aa: llvis Bouard (Bill Jiaa) C i<ill
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