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JUL-DEC. 1977

4 876 087 (con.) &skiD Kesslei; 15Jud77 (in notice: 1976): 4876087.

4876088. Effects of aeration on qrowth and survival of luvenile freshwater shriap* Ijacrobrachiua rosenberqii, raised in outdoor concrete tanks. By Nornan Leh-ain Ch»anq. Hicrofila. O Noraan Leh-lin Chvanq: 15Jun77; 4876088.

4876089. iBBUnoioqical detection of double- stranded BN4 in yeasts. By David Joseph Trinaell. nicrofila. David Joseph Triaiell: 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976): 4876089.

4875090. COBposition cind distribution of epifauna on prop roots of Qhizophora aanqle L. in Lalte Surprise, Florida- By Gary L. Nickelsen. Hicrofila. Gary L. Hickelsen; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); 4876090.

4876091. The Cult of the rustic in nineteenth- century 4Berica. By Bobert HcCracken Peclc. HicrofilB. Bobert HcCracken Peck: 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); 4876091.

4876092. The Effectiveness of the use of sxBulation devices in developing awareness to sensory and BOtor dysfunctions for special educators. By Laurel Jevell Bullis Shaffer. Hicrofila. O Laurel Jewell Bullis Shaffer; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976): 4876092.

4876093. 4 Solar energy systen design decision process for architects. By Stanley 41bert 4daas. Hicrofila. Stanley 41bert 4daas: 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); 4876093.

4876094. The Diploaatic career of Andrew Dickson Hhite. By Hilliaa Bobert Hawkins. Hicrofila. O ailliaa Bobert Hawkins; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); 4876094.

4876095. 4 coaparative study of coaaunications graduate students with two other groups of graduate students for selected coaau- nications characteristics. By Hary Catherine LaBocca. Hicrofila. Hary Catherine LaBocca; t5Jun77 (in notice: 1976): 4876095.

4876096. Otilization of priaary care services by the reqistered faaily population of a neighborhood health center. By Edwin Kevin Poulter. Hicrofila. O Edwin Kevin Poultcr; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976) ; 4876096.

4876097. 4n Executive decision: an ezaaination of the decision-Baking process in a foreign policy crisis situation. By Sheldon Edward Pfeffer. Bicrofila. Sheldon Edward Pfeffer; 1SJun77 (in notice: 1976): 4876097.

4876098. Coaparative heaatology of the red-ear sunfish, Lepoais aicrolophus, and the Bio Grande cichlid* cichlasoaa cyanoguttatua. By Eduardo 4tkinson. Hicrofila. O Eduardo 4tkinson: 1SJun77 (in notice: 1976): 4876098.

4876099. Peaale aisogyny as a function of gender of field, ezperinenter and peer group. By Eileen Buese Hoscati. Hicrofila. O Eileen Buese Hoscati; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976): 4876099.

4876100. orqanization and job perceptions of clinical aaoaqers and perfornance evaluations by laaediate supervisors at a recently unitized psychiatric facility. By Leslie Hichelle Ford. Hicrofila. O Leslie Hichelle Ford; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); 4876100.

4876101. The Concept of judicial activisa: its nature and function in 4aerxcan con- stitutional law. By Bonald Edward Fisher. Hicrofila. Bonald Edward Fisher; 15Jun77: 4876101.

4876102. Design of p-i-n diode attenuators for x-band frequencies. By Sanjay Balbrishna Hoghe. HicrofilB. O Sanjay Balbrishna floghe; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); 4876102.

4876103. Desperate reaedies: an appraisal of Thoaas Hardy's first published novel. By Hary Shepard Hughes. Hicrofila. Hary Shepard Hughes; 15JUD77 (in notice: 1976); 4876103.

4876100. The Civil rights activities of the Louisville branch of the National Association for the 4dvanceBent of Colored People: 1914-1960. By Patrick Shaheen HcElhone. Hicrofila. O Patrick Shaheen HcElhone; 1SJun77 (in notice: 1976); 4876104.

4876105. The Hotets of Pedro Escobar. By Peter Harquis Alexander. Hicrofila. 6 Peter Harquis 41exander: 15Jua77 (in notice; 1976): A876105.

A876106. The Efficacy of review in a reading aaoaqeaent systea. By Eileen Giuffre Cotton. HicrofilB. O Eileen Giuffre Cotton: 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); 4876106.

A876107. Vocalizations of captive adult Leaur catta. By Gillian King. Hicrofila. O Gillian King: l5Jun77: A876107.

A876108. Hellitin-induced resistance to the s-37 ascites tuaor in nice. By Bobert Sherley Howell, Jr. HicrofilB. O Bobert Sherley Howell, Jr.; 15Jnn77 (in notice: 1976); Ae76108.

A876109. Hater: a study of its syabolic and spiritual iapact upon psychotherapy and aental health. By Cathey Anne Grahaa. Hicrofila. O Cathey Anne Grahaa: 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); A876109.

A876110. Insuring privacy in huaan services data files. By Colin Hitchell Cornett. Hicrofila. O Colin Hitchell Cornett; 15Jun77; A876110.

4876111. Bengali village wooen: aediators between tradition and developaent. By Florence Elizabeth HcCarthy. Hicrofila. O Florence Elizabeth HcCarthy; 1SJun77 (in notice: 1976); 4876111.

4876112. Vanguard landscapes: the environaental art Boveaent and its siqnificance for landscape architecture. By Catherine Hahony Bowett. Hicrofila. Catherine Hahony Howett; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); A876112.

4876113. August Hacke*s Neue Proqraaa and paintiuqs froa the years 1912-1914. By Gordon Buie, Jr. Hicrofila. Gordon Buie, Jr.; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); A876 113.

4876114. Pollen energetics and pollination aodes. By Larry J. Colin. Hicrofila. O Larry J. Colin; 15Jun77; 4876114. 4876115. HcCook's raid, July 27-4uqust 3, 1864. By Hilliaa David Evans. Hicrofila. O Hilliaa David Evans; 1SJua77 (in notice: 1976); 4876115.

4876116. Principles and prisas: syabolic structure in the poetry of Hallace Stevens. By Bicardo Hanuel Pau-Llosa. Hicrofila. Bicardo Hanuel Pau-Llosa; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); 4876116.

4876117. Synthesis of £non- printable data]- aethyl-[ non-printable data ]-alkyl- ( non-printable data], non-printable data )-uiisaturated-(non-printable data ]-butyrolactones. By Do Toung Lee. Hicrofila. Do young Lee; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); A876117.

A876118. SyaboliSB in Af ro-Aaerican slave songs in the pre-Crvil Har South. By Linda Jean Chaney Sebastian. Hicrofila. O Linda Jean Chaney Sebastian; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); A87611B.

A876 119. The Dynaaics of a planktonic aicroc- rustacean comaunity in a saall north central Texas pond ecosystea. By George Arthur Saith. Hicrofrla. O George Arthur Saith; 15Jun77; A876119.

A876120. 4 Description of ethical decisions practiced and observed by physicians, pastors and patients in death counselinq situations. By Paul A. Fritz. HicrofilB. O Paul A. Fritz; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); 4876120.

4876121. 4n Electrical analog study of the injection aold. By 411en S. Chiu. Hicrofila. O 411en S. Chiu; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); 4876121.

4876 122. The Belation between theory and practice in aanageaeot thought: a philosophical investigation into the writings of Peter F. Drucker. By Vikki Kay Cluff Rood. HicrofilB. Vikki Kay cluff Hood; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); A876122.

A876123. A Study of introductory courses in journaiisB. By Jaaes Hiller Kroesen. Hicrofila. Jaaes Hiller Kroesen; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); A876123.

4876124. A Coaparative spectrophotoaetric analysis of representative plastic color aedia used in stage lighting. By Bussell Eugene Uouchen. Hicrofila. O Bussell Eugene Houchen; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); A876124.

A876125. The Double explored in Huthering heights. By Virginia Haria Satkowski. HicrofilB. Virginia Haria Satkowski;

15Jun77 (in notice: 1976) ; A876125.


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