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A928731 - A928769


JUL-DEC. 1977

A928730 (COD.) revisions. Benlamin Krinskv: 21,06077; A928730.

A928731. God's inspired «ord: the Holy Bible. 1 V. Appl. au: Victor E. Lockaan (Vic Lockman) SH: additions. Vic Lockoan, known as Victor E. Lockman; 1(lay73; A928731.

A928732. The Last day. 11 p. Appl. aa: Victor E. Lockman (Vic Lockman) N(1: additions. Vic Lockman, knoiin as Victor E. Lockman: 15Feb71t; A928732.

A928733. Charlie Chaplin's Limelight: a socio-cultural and literary analysis. By Deborah Diane Dierinzo. 125 p. 6 Deborah Diane Dierinzo: 190ct77 (in notice: 1978) : A928733.

A92873U. The Beyolcitionary Continental Cal-Vac rupture disc. Bulletin 73-1006. Folder. Continental Disc Corporation: 1(lar77; S9'!8731t.

A928735. You are a student; teacher's guide. Bodule P-1-3-G. 12 p. (Building Jour Tomorrows) C American Institutes for Research in the Behavioral Sciences; 5Dec77: A92e735.

A928736. Individual responsibility and the group; teacher's guide. Module P-u-l-G. 15 p. (Building Your Tomorrows) O American Institutes for Be-;earch in the Behavioral Sciences: 12Dec77; A928736.

A928737. Learning about firefighters and fire prevention: teacher's guide. Module B-5-U-G. 17 p. (Building Your Tomorrows) O American Institutes for Research in the Behavioral Sciences: 12Dec77; A928737.

A928738. Consumers and workers--people who need people: teacher's guide. Module B-5-2-G. 15 p. (Building Your Tomorrows) O American Institutes for Research in the Behavioral Sciences; 12Dec77; A928738.

A928739. How you've changed: teacher's guide. Module P-I-U-G. 12 p. (Building Your Tomorrows) C American Institutes for Research in the Behavioral Sciences; 12Dec77: A928739.

A9287U0. Ways people differ: teacher's guide. Module P-1-1-G. 17 p. (Building Your Tomorrows) C American Institutes for Research in the Behavioral Sciences; 12Dec77: A9287U0.

A9287«1. Success and self-confidence: teacher's guide. Module B-2-1-G. 11 p. (Building Your Tomorrows) 6 American Institutes for Research in the Behavioral Sciences; 12Dec77; A9287111.

A9287«2. Working for money, working with money: teacher's guide. Module P-5-U-G. 17 p. (Build-ing Your Tomorrows) C American Institutes for Research in the Behavioral Sciences: 5Dec77: A9287«2.

A9287a3. Work conditions and locations; teacher's guide. Module P-5-3-G. 16 p. (Building Your Tomorrows) C American Institutes for Research in the Behavioral Sciences; 5Dec77: A9287113.

A92 87«'<. look at you! Teacher's guide, module P-2-1-G. 11 p. (Building Your Tomorrows) O American Institutes for Research in the Behavioral Scien'-es; 5Dec77; A928741I.

A9287115. Why do we need rules and laws? Teacher's guide, module P-lt-2-G. 12 p. (Building Your Tomorrows) © American Institutes for Research in the Behavioral Sciences; 12Dec77; A9287U5.

A9287«6. How we act toward others; teacher's guide. Module p- 1-2-G. 15 p. (Building Your Tomorrows) American Institutes for Research in the Behavioral Sciences; 5Dec77: A9287U6.

A9287it7. Ma-)or exhibit hall directory: a statistical analysis of exhibit halls in the United States and Canada which offer more than 50,000 square feet of exhibit space, 1977. 11 p. Appl. au: Robert Black. Tradeshow Week, Inc.; 2Dec77: A9287U7.

A9287118. California real estate license examinations. By Harry Baiter Koch. 219 p. e Barry Walter Koch; 9Aug76; A928718.

A92871t9. Where is Santa's pack, in "easy to read" Christmas story by Annie Elder Joy, with drawings by Clair Dennis. 30 p. d Annie Elder Joy 6 Clair Dennis; 2<tNov7;; A9287149.

A928750. Cataxogue of works by Mario Castelnuovo- Tedesco. Compiled S edited by Nick Rossi. 117 p. e The International Castelnuovo- Tedesco Society; 19Aug77; A928750.

A928751. Jesus' faithfulness. By Brother Alan, pseud, of Alan C. Williams. 32 p. A portion of Forever faithful. Portions prev. pub. as a sound recording, 12May77, reg. N1I1920. NM: editing with new references. O Brother Alan; 25nov77: A928751.

A928752. From September to September. By Dorothy Clare Sanker. 61 p. O D. Clare Sanker; 22Dec77; A928752.

A928753. Economic policy beyond the headlines. By George P. Shultz 6 Kenneth W. Dam. 212 p. (The Portable Stanford) Appl. states all new except illus. George P. Shultz 6 Kenneth W. Dam; 17Sep77; A928753.

A92875U. Memory workshop. 27 p. Appl. au: Lester C. Johnson, Les Johnson. Portions prev. reg. Dec. 1975, A697293 6 Dec. 1976, A811190. MM: additions 8 revisions, e les Johnson; 11Dec77; A928751.

A928755. Some suggestions for better gardens in cold areas. By T. L. Hollis. 8 p. C T. L. Hollis; 6Apr77; A928755.

A928756. The Control angle secret of address. 21 p. Aprl. au: Donald A. Burnes. C Donald A. Burnes; 21Dec77; A928756.

A928757. A Compilation of standardized nursing care plans. Editor-in-chief: Joyce Pontbriand, assistant editor: Marie A- H. Bartholome. 1 v. Flower and Fifth Avenue Hospitals, Nursing Department; 16NOV77; A928757.

A928758. Teacher consumer education. By David Graf. 59 p. (Rapid reader, no. 2) e Delta Pi Epsilon; 10Oct77; A928758.

A928759. Information systems supplies, 1978. Editor: Howard Wolf. 32 p. Appl. au: United St»-'^--.ii» Cjpply Company. e Howard Jolt; 22Sep77; A928759.

A928760. Structured programming workshop; student workbook. 1 v. Appl. au: Bob Hisinger. Bob Risinger: 15Dec77; A928760.

A928761. Quality systems — good manufacturing practice: proceedings of the educational conference, Feb. 28-Mar. 1, 1977, Cherry Hill, New Jersey. 193 p. Appl. au: Paul Stanley. Biomedical Division of the American Society for Quality Control; 9Sep77; A928761.

A928762. Amateur ice hockey officiating guide, AH6US — NCAA, comparison, 1977. 11 p. Appl. au: Horton R. Shaw. NM: revisions 6 additions. C Horton E. Shaw; 20Dec77; A928762.

A928763. Science you can use- By Morton Plotnick. 96 p. e Morton Plotnick; 12Dec77; S928763,

A928761. Daily report: people's Republic of China, January-December, 1975; index. Foreign Broadcast Information Service. Editors: Archie R. Crouch 6 others. Sheets (91 p.) Appl. au: NewsBank, Inc. NM: compilation, abridgement, editorial revision 6 additional text. NewsBank, Inc.; 27JU177: A928761.

i928765. Daily report: People's Republic of China, October-December, 1976; index. Foreign Broadcast Information Service- Editors: Archie R. Crouch, Sylvia S. Tarasoff 6 Elsie Lim. 80 p. Appl. au: NewsBank, Inc. NM: compilation, abridgement, editorial revision 6 additional text. NewsBank. Inc.; 20Oct77; A928765.

A928766. Daily report: People's Republic of China, July-September, 1976; index. Foreign Broadcast Information Service. Editors: Archie R. Crouch 6 others. 66 p. Appl. au: NewsBank, Inc. NM: compilation, abridgement, editorial revision fi additional text. O NewsBank, Inc.; 5Aug77; A928766.

A928767. Daily report: People's Republic of China, January-March, 1977; index. Foreign Broadcast Information Service. Editors: Archie E. Crouch, Sylvia S. Tarasoff 6 Elsie Lim. 79 p. Appl. au: NewsBank, Inc. NM: compilation, abridgement, editorial revision 6 additional text. NewsBank, Inc.; 200ct77; A928767.

A928768. Daily report: Soviet Union, January- March, 1977; index. Foreign Broadcast Information Service. Editors: Archie R. Crouch, Sylvia S. Tarasoff 6 Elsie Lim. 120 p. Appl. au: NewsBank, Inc. NM: compilation, abridgement, editorial revision 6 additional text. NewsBank, Inc.: 5Nov77; A928768.

A928769. Daily report: People's Republic of China, January-March, 1976; index. Foreign Broadcast Information Service. Editors;

Archie E. Crouch 6 others. 66 p. Appl.


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