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A928646 - A926730


JUL-DEC. 1977

A928685 (con.) e Constellation Ir. ternat icnal : 15Bay77; A92e685.

A928686. Sagittarius 1578 saper horoEcope, November 23-Deceinber 20. 217 p. Add. ti: SaqittariiiE saper horoscope, 1978. 6 Grosset and Dunlap, Inc.: 15Jan77; A928686.

A928687. Your 1978 personal forecast: Sagit- tarius, November 23-December 20. 139 p. Add. ti: Sagittarius, your pergonal forecast; 1978. C Constellation International; 15Bav77: A928687.

A928688. Pisces 1978 super horoscope, February 19-«arch 20. 219 p. Add. ti: Pisces super horoscope, 1978. C Grosset and Dunlap, Inc.: 15Jun77: A928688.

A928689. Your 1978 personal forecast: Aries, March 21-April 20. 139 p. Add. ti: Aries, your personal forecast: 1978. O Constellation Inter-. at ional; 15l1ay77; A9286e9.

A928690. Aquarius 1978 super horoscope, January 20-February 18. 212 p. Add. ti: Aquarius super horoscope, 1978. C Grosset and Dunlap. In'^. : 15Jun77: A928690.

A928691. Cancer 1978 super horoscope, June 21-July 20. 211 p. Add. ti: Cancer super horoscope, 1978. C Grosset and Dunlap, Inc.: 15Jun77; A928691.

A928692. Your 1978 personal forecast: Pisces, February 19-llarch 20. 139 p. Add. ti: Pisces, ycur personal forecast: 1978. Constellation International; 15(lay77; A928692.

A928693. Virgo 1978 super horoscope, August 22-Septeniber 22. 212 p. Add. ti: Virgo super horoscope, 1978. Grosset and Dunlap, Inc.: 15Jun77; A928693.

A92869U. Leo 1978 super horoscope, July 21-August 21. 212 p. Add. ti: Leo super horoscope, 1978. e Grosset and Dunlap, Inc.; 15Jun77: A92869U.

A928695. Your 1978 personal forecast: Aquarius January 20-Februarv 18. 139 p. Add. ti: Aquarius, your personal forecast: 1978. e Constellation Ir.Ternat iona 1; 15Bay77: A928695.

A928696. Taurus 19^8 super horoscope, April 21-I1ay 20. 210 p. Add. ti: Taurus super horoscope, 1978. C Grosset and Dunlap, Inc. : 15Jun77: A928696.

A928697. Your 1978 personal forecast: Taurus, April 21-Bay 20. 139 p. Add. ti: Taurus, your personal forecast: 1978. Con- stellation International: 15Bay77: A928697.

A928698. Your 1978 personal forecast: Capricorn, December 21-Janaary 19. 139 p. Add. ti; Capricorn, your personal forecast: 1978, a Constellation Interiatijnal; 15Bay77; A928698.

A928699. Your 1978 personal forecast: Cancer, June 21-July 20. 139 p. Add. ti: Cancer, your personal forecast: 1978. O Con- stellation International; 15Bay77; A92e699.

A928701/. Capricorn 1978 super horoscope, December 21-January 19. 208 p. Add. ti: Capricorn super horoscope, 1978. O Grosset and Dunlap, Inc.; 15Jun77: A92C700.

4928701. Aries 197b super horoscope, Barch 21-April 20. 212 p. Add. ti: Aries super horoscope, 1978. e Grosset and Dunlap, Inc.: 15Jun77; A928701.

A928702. Your 1978 personal forecast: Libra, September 23-October 22. 139 p. Aud . ti: Libra, your personal forecast: 1978. O Constellation International; 15Hay77; A928702.

1928703. Inlury valuation reports in the continuing Jury Verdict Research pro-ject. No. 210. p. 235-259. Jury Verdict Research, Inc.; 21Dec77; A928703.

A92870«. Sp<^c;al research reports in the cortinuing Jury Verdict Research project. No. 20U. p. 682-698. O Jury Verdict Research, Inc.; 21Dec77: A92870U.

A92870b. A Brief outlook on retirement in an adult community. 21 p. Appl. au: Bitchell Katzman. C Bitchell Katzman; 23Dec77; A928705.

A928706. A Hiker's guide to Bandelier National Bonument. By Dorothy Hoard. 78 p. e Dorothy Hoard; 10ct77: A928706.

A928707. Mar entre re-jas. By Juana Rosa Pita. 61 p. C Juana Rosa Pita; 30Apr77; A928707.

A928708. Impromptus. By Angel Cuadra. 62 p. e Juana Rosa Pita; 30Apr77; A928708.

A928709. The Learning log workbook. By Laura Joplin. 16 p. e Laura Joplin; 80ct77: A928709.

A928710. Botor freight directory; Saint Louis ed. 26th ed. 51 p. Add. ti: Leonard's Guide pocket directory for Saint Louis motor freight carriers. Appl- au: Albert E. Srcolani. G. E. Leonard and Company; 16Dec77 (in notice; 1978); A923710.

A928711. Dialysis world-wide for the traveling patient. Editor: Leo smerling. 60 p. NB: updating. National Association of Patients on Hemodialysis and Transp- lantation, Inc.; 15NOV77; A928711.

A928712. To a black goddess: poems devoted to blackness, life, and authenticity. By John F. Hatchett. 57 p. John F. Hatchett: 21Aug77; A928712.

A928713. Select chronology of African civi- lization. Developed by John F. Hatchett. 17 p. John P. Hatchett: 21Aug77; A928713.

A9287m. Bother Best Hind's favorite recipes. Vol. 2. 61 p. O Friends of Laughing Brook, Inc.: 10ct77: A928711l. Bible. By Hazel Auld Hiller. 48 p. Hazel Auld Hiller: 9Dec77; A928715.

A928716. Single parent questionnaire. By Richard H. Kurzrok. 1 p. O Richard H. Kurzrok; 21Dec77; A928716.

A928717. You are creative! free your creative powers; By Hichael T. Brown. 1*40 p. Bichael T. Brown; 1UDec77; A928717.

A928718. New from Robinair. Form no. 77-1S, 1977 suppl. *o for* no. 77- i. 7 p. Robinair Manufacturing Corporation; 19Dec77; A928718.

A928719. Salinas de los Nueve Cerros, Guatemala: preliminary archaeological investigations. By Brian D. Dillon. 9U p. Ballena Press; 16Dec77; A928719.

A928720. Office furnishings catalog. 1978. Editor: Howard Wolf. 128 p. Appl. au: United Stationers Supply Company. Howard Wolf; 30ct77 ; A928720.

A928721. Office products catalog, 1978. Editor: Howard aolf. 592 p. Appl. au: United Stationers Supply Company. Howard Wolf; 19Aug77; 4928721.

A928722. Basic office needs directory, 1978. Editor: Howard Wolf. 61 p. Appl. au: United Stationers Supply Company. 6 Howard Wolf; 23Sep77; A928722.

1928723. Op caste down caste: a Hindu game of life; instructions. Kit. Appl. au; Bary E. Baas. NM: revisions £ additions. d Bary Elizabeth Haas; 19Dec77; A928723.

A92872U. Acceptance: balancing our differences in grace. By Lawrence Pote, original art by Dean Vavak. 5U p. Master's Press, Inc.; 22Dec77; A92872H.

A928725. Green fields of promise: for every need a promise. By John Calvin Reid, originial art by Linda Wolf. 51 p. O Baster's press. Inc.; 22Dec77; A928725.

A928726. The Surrendered life: victory thru obedience. By James H. BcConkey, foreword by Stephen F. olford, editor; Earl 0. Roe. 53 p. Prev. pub. 1903. NM: condensation, revisions 6 editing. Master's Press, Inc.; 22Dec77; A928726.

A928727. The Stress mess: why God allows stress. By Ron Susek. US p. Master's Press, Inc. ; 22Dec77; A928727.

A928728. Original: Peter was one of a kind, so are you! By Arthur H. Criscoe, original art by Dean Clark. 52 p. Master's Press, Inc.; 22Dec77; A928728.

A928729. Quilting with yarn. By Gladys Pauline Shirley. 28 p. NM: revisions 6 additional new text 6 illus. O Pauline Shirley (in notice: Gladys Pauline Shirley): 15Dec77; A928729.

A928730. Democratic organization to eliminate resort to war — make rational settlement obligatory. 1 p. Appl. au: Benjamin

Krinsky. NB: abridgment 6 editorial


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