JUL-DEC. 1977
a92S651 (con.) and University Business officers: 18Jan77: i928651.
1928652. K&CUBO crofessional file: legislative, financial issues in higher education: 1976 and beyond. Vol. 8. no. 10, Dec. 1976. By A. Alan Post. Folder (3 p. ) © NACUBO a.a.d.o. National Association of College and University Business Officers; 5Jan77 (in notice: 1976) : A928652.
A928653. Cash manageinent and short-term investments for colleges and universities. By Leonard H. Haag. 160 p. 6 National Association of College and University Business Officers: 28Nov77: 4928653.
A928654. stonecrop, the country I remember. By Teo Savory. 174 p. a Teo Savory; 150ct77: A928654.
A928655. F.D.N. y.: the fire buff's handbook of the Ne» York Fire Department, 1900-1975. By Gus Johnson. 231 p. 6 Gus Johnson: 9Dec77: A928655.
A928656. The National bonsai collection guidebook. 72 p. Appl. au: Edwin C. Symmes, Jr. 6 Symmes Systems: 16flay77: A928656.
A928657. Yoshimura School of Bonsai commemorative album: the Muriel R. Leeds collection. By Yu1i Yoshimura, editor: Ed»in c. Symmes, Jr.. assistant editors: Edward B. Watzik 6 Dorothy O'Quinn, photography: Yuii Yoshimura 6 Muriel R. Leeds. 61 p. e Yoshimura School of Bonsai; 1Jul77: A928657.
A928658. Dramatist in America: letters of Maxwell Anderson, 19 12-1956. Edited by Laurence G. Avery. 366 p. G The University of North Carolina Press; 12Dec77: A928658.
A928659. Imitations and inventions of Roman coins: Renaissance medals of Julius Caesar and the Roman Empire, by Zander H. Klaaans. 136 p. 6 Zander B. Klawans; 10Oct77: A928659.
A928660. Donald Barthelme: a comprehensive bibliography and annotated secondary checklist. By Jerome Klinkowitz, Asa Pieratt 6 Robert Murray Davis. 128 p. e The Shoe String Press, Inc.; 6Dec77; A928660.
A92e661. Upbeat (and vice versa) By Kay Hosking, pseud- of Katharine B. Atkinson, drawings by Emax, pseud, of Ernest Maxwell. KU p. NM: revisions 6 additions. S Katharine B. Atkinson: 10Dec77: A92B661.
A928662. Pharmacology of steroid contraceptive drugs. Editors: Silvio Garattini 6 H. W. Berendes. 375 p. © Raven Press Books, Ltd.: 1Aug77: A928662.
A928663. The Papers of John Marshall. Vol. 2: correspondence & papers, July 1788-Dec- 1795. account ^ook, July 1788-Dec. 1795. Editors: Charles T. Cullen 6 Herbert A. Johnson, assistant editors; Joanne M. Wood S Susan H. Elias. 5U7 p. e The University of North Carolina Press; 6Dec77: A928663.
1928664. Clinical neuropharmacology. Vol. 2. Edited by Harold L. Klawans. 208 p. 6 Raven Press Books, Ltd.; *Aug77; A928664.
A928665. Hashish: studies of long-term use. Editors: Costas Stefanis, Rhea Dornbush £ Max Fink. 181 p. O Raven Press Books, Ltd.: 18Jal77; A928665.
A928666. A Heritage history of beautiful Green Lake, Wisconsin. By Robert W. Heiple 6 Emma B. Heiple. i»02 p. Emma B. Heiple 6 Robert w. Heiple; 3Dec77 (in notice: 1976) ; A928666.
A928667. A Big day for Betsy at the Henham Museum. By Gail Plotkin, photos, by Jon Plotkin. 36 p. e JAR Publishers; 1Dec77; A928e67.
A9286eB. Virgo, the Sun sign for August 23-September 23, 1978. Special message £ astrological perspectives by Michael Lutin. 212 p. (The Total horoscope) Add. ti: The Total horoscope for Virgo, 1978; Virgo, 1978. Appl. au: Grosset and Dunlap, Inc., employer for hire. e Grosset and Dunlap, Inc.; 15Jun77; A928668.
A928669. Capricorn, the Sun sign for December 22, 1978-January 20, 1979. Special message £ astrological perspectives by Michael Lutin. 21H p. (The Total horoscope) Add. ti: The Total horoscope for Capricorn, 1978; Capricorn, 1978. Appl. au: Grosset and Dunlap, Inc., employer for hire. O Grosset and Dunlap, Inc.; 15Jun77; A928669.
A928670. Pisces, the Sun sign for February 18-March 20, 1978. Special message & Astrological perspectives by Michael Latin 241 p. (The Total horoscope) Add. ti; The Total horoscope for Pisces Dunlap, Pisces, 1978. Appl. au: Grosset Dunlap, Inc., employer for hire, and Dunlap. Inc.; 15Jun77; A928670.
A928671. libra, the Sun sign for September 23-Cctober 23, 1978. Special message 6 astrological perspectives by Michael Lutin. 213 p. (The Total horoscope) Add. ti: The Total horoscope for libra, 1978; Libra, 1978. Appl. au: Grosset and Dunlap, Inc., employer for hire. e Grosset and Dunlap, Inc.; 15Jun77; A928671.
A928672. Aries, the Sun sign for March 20-April 20, 1978. Special message fi astrological perspectives by Michael Latin. 216 p. (The Total horoscope) Add. ti: Aries, 1978; The Total horoscope for Aries, 1978. Appl. au: Grosset and Dunlap, Inc. © Grosset and Dcnlap, Inc.; 15Jun77; A928672.
A928673. leo, the Sun sign for July 23-August 23, 1978. Special message 6 astrological perspectives by Michael lutin. 213 p. (The Total horoscope) Add. ti: The Total horoscope for leo, 1978; leo, 19"'8. Appl. au: Grosset and Dunlap, Inc., employer for hire. Grosset and Dunlap, Inc.; 15Jun7; A928e73.
A9i8t71. Taurus, the Sun sign for April 20-May 21, 1978. Special message 6 astrological perspectives by Michael lutin. 212 p. (The Total horoscope) Add. ti: The Total horoscope for Taurus, 1978; Taurus, 1978. Appl. au: Grosset and Dunlap, Inc., employer for hire. 6 Grosset and Dunlap, Inc.; 15Jun77; A923671.
A928675. Cancer, the Sun sign for June 21-July 23, 1978. Special message 6 astrological perspectives by Michael lutin. 211 p. (The Total horoscope) Add. ti: The Total horoscope for Cancer, 1978; Cancer, 1978. Appl. au: Grosset and Dunlap, Inc., employer for hire. ^ Grosset and Dunlap, Inc.: 15Jun77; A928675.
A928676. Sagittarius, the Sun sign for November 22-Deceinber 22, 1978. Special message £ astrological perspectives by Michael lutin. 211 p. (The Total horoscope) Add. ti: Sagittarius, 1978; The Total horoscope for Sagittarius, 1978. Appl. au: Grosset and Dunlap, Inc., employer for hire. © Grosset and Dunlap, Inc.; 15Jun77; A928676.
A928677. Scorpio, the Sun sign for October 23-November 22, 1978. Special message 6 astrological perspectives by Michael lutin. 211 p. (The Total horoscope) Add. ti: Scorpio, 1978; The Total horoscope for Scorpio, 1978. Appl. au: Grosset and Dunlap, Inc., employer for hire. Grosset and Dunlap, Inc.; 15Jun77: A92867-'.
A928678. Gemini, the Sun sign for May 21-June 21, 1978. Special message 6 astrological perspectives by Michael lutin. 24 1 p. (The Total horoscope) Add. ti: Gemini, 1978; The Total horoscope for Gemini, 1978. Appl. au: Grosset and Dunlap, Inc., employer for hire, e Grosset and Dunlap, Inc.; 15Jun77; A928678.
A928679. Aquarius, the Sin sign for January 20-February 18, 1978. Special message 6 astrological perspectives by Michael lutin. 216 p. (The Total horoscope) Add. ti: Aquarius, 1978; The Total horoscope for Aquarius, 1978. Appl. au: Grosset and Dunlap, Inc., employer for hire, a Grosset and Dunlap, Inc.; 15Jun77; A928679.
A9286e0. Scorpio; the most complete horoscope for people fhose birthdays fall between Oct. 23 £ Nov. 22. 139 p. (Your 1978 personal forecast) © Constellation International; 15May7T; A928680.
A928681. Leo; the most complete horoscope for people whose birthdays fall between July 21 £ Aug. 21. 139 p. (Your 1978 personal forecast) © Constellation International; 15Hay77; A928681.
A928682. Scorpio, 1978 super horoscope, October 23-November 22. 211 p. Add. ti: Scorpio super horoscope, 1978. Grosset and Dunlap, Inc.; 15Jun77; A928682.
A928683. Gemini 1978 super horoscope. May 21-June 20. 215 p. Add. ti: Gemini super horoscope, 1978. O Grosset and Dunlap, Inc.; 15Jun77; A928683.
A92a681. Your 1978 personal forecast: Gemini, May 21-June 20. 139 p. Add. ti: Gemini, your personal forecast: 1978. © Constellation International; 15May77: A928681.
A928685. Your 1978 personal forecast: Virgo, August 22-SepteBber 22. 139 p. Add. ti:
Virgo, your personal forecast: 1978.
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