JUL-DEC. 1977
A928«32 (con.) req. K48296 E filnstrip, req. JP21159, In box. »ppl. au: Prentice-Hall Media, Inc. O Prentice-Hall Media, Inc.: 9Sep77 (in notice: 1978): »928432.
49281133. Technique of recrystalliza tion ; proqras 9171. lutlior: Albert Hirschberq, reviewed for technical accuracy by Alvin I. Kosak, issued by CoBBunicat ion Sltills Corpo- ration. 17 p. 6 slides. (Orqanic laboratory experiaents, series 9 170) AccoBpanied by sound recordinq, req. 11118297 6 filBstrip, req. JP 21160, in box. Appl. au: Prentice-Hall Media, Inc. O Prentice-Hall Media, Inc.; 30No»77 (in notice: 1978); A928it33.
A928K3*. Math basics: aultipl ication. 36 p. £ fiiastrip. Accoapanied by sound recordinq, req. NU8298. Appl. au: Guidance Associates, Inc., eaployer for hire of Patricia Garbarini, fiiastrip script & Donald C. Heitzaan, teacher's quide. Guidance Associates; 1Dec77; A9281|3lt.
A928I435. LiberalisB/consecvatisa. 33 p. & 2 filastrips. (Political ideologies series) Accoapanied by sound recording, reg. NI48299. Appl. au: Guidance Associates, Inc. , eaployer for hire of Martin A. Jacltson, fiiastrip script 6 Aileeo Gluc)t, discussion quide. Appl. states filastrips all new except pt. 1, fraaes 24-36, 41-55, 57-59 E pt. 2, fraae 4; discussion guide: approx. 85% new. C Guidance Associates; 100ct77: A928<t35.
A928«36. Bevieu brochure for basic, interaediate and advanced courses in Geraan. Specially developed and produced for BCA Victor by Institute for Lanquaqe Study. 1 v. Appl. au: Institute for Lanquaqe Study, eaployer for hire of Heidi Zollinqer 6 Bobert M. Hillis. e Institute for Lanquaqe study; 12May67; A9281136.
A928437. Spanish 1: beginner's course. Spanish 2: interaediate course. Spanish 3: advanced course. Prepared by Eloisa Bivera De Garcia. 3 v. Appl. au: Institute for Lanquaqe Study, eaployer for hire. O Institute for Lanquaqe Study; 10JU167: A928II37.
A928U38. French 1: beqinner's course. French 2: interaediate course. French 3: advanced course. Prepared by Kenneth Fay. 3 v. Appl. au: Institute for Language Study, eaployer for hire. 6 Institute for Language Study; 10Jul67; A928it38.
4928439. Italian 1: beginner's course. Italian 2; intermediate course. Italian 3: advanced course. Prepared by Chester Perlazzo. 3 v. Appl. au: Institute for Lanquaqe Study, eaployer for hire. e Institute for Lanquaqe Study; 21Auq68; A928439.
A928440. Beview brochure for basic, interaediate and advanced courses in French. Specially developed and produced for BCA Victor by Institute for Lanquaqe Study. 1 v. Appl. au: Institute for Lanquaqe Study, eaployer for hire of Adele Bloch 6 Robert M. Uillis. C Institute for Lanquaqe Study; 12May67: A928440.
A928441. Geraan 1: beqinner's course. Geraan 2; interaediate course. Geraan 3: advanced course. Prepared by Brigitte BarcJclow. 3 V. Appl. au; Institute for Language Study, eaployer for hire. Institute for Lanquaqe Study: 21Auq68; A928441.
A928442. Beview brochure for basic, interaediate and advanced courses in Spanish. Specially developed and produced for BCA Victor by Institute for Language Study. 1 V. Appl. au: Institute for Lanquaqe Study, employer for hire of Bobert M. uillis. Institute for Language Study; 12May67; A928442.
4928443. Beview brochure for basic, interaediate and advanced courses in Italian. Specially developed and produced for BCA Victor by Institute for Lanquaqe Study. 1 V. Appl. au: Institute for Language Study, eaployer for hire of Chester Ferlazzo 6 Bobert M. Billis. Institute for Language Study; 12Say67; A928443.
A928444. Geraan. Level 1-5. 5 v. Coaplete text for cassettes 5711-5715. Appl. ao: Institute for Language Study, eaployer for hire of Brigitte Barcklow E Bobert B. aillis. O Institute for Language Study; 6Dec76; A92B444.
A928445. Ingles. Grados 1-5. 5 v. Teito coapleto para cassettes 5721-5725. Appl. au: Institute for Language Study, eaployer for hire of Eailia Doyaga E Bobert M. Billis. O Institute for Language study; 15Hay72; A928445.
A928446. I need help!; an anthology. 91 p. Appl. au: John S. Niendorff. NH: additional text. Science of Mind Publications; 15Dec77; A928446.
A928447. Calendar for 1978: Divine Mother Mahaaandaleshwari Swaai Lakshay Dev- yashraa. 1 v. Based on the works of Swaai Sivananda. Appl. au: Bobyn Dundee, Paula Langan & Kaylee Bosenberg. NH: coapilation E additions. 6 The Holy Shankaracharya Order; 21Dec77 (in notice: 1978); 4928447.
4928446. Short texts for interaediate and advanced students of English as ao additional language, 1977. By Earl 1. Stevick. 1 V. O Earl B. Stevick; lMay77; 4928448.
A928449. opportunity in Australia. By Ajataw, pseud, of B. J. Bohlgeauth. 17 p. Aiataw; 10Dec77; A928449.
A928450. More rimes including Pharaoh's curse, suivi de Vers divers und ein Beia. By Henry George Fischer. 52 p. English, French E Geraan. O Henry George Fischer; 22Dec77; A928450.
4928451. Beading coaprehension stories; spirit duplicating aasters. Level 1. By Frank Schaffer. 20 p. O Frank Schaffer; 21IOV77; 4928451.
A92B452. Alike and different; spirit duplicating aasters. By Patricia Byan Sarka. 20 p. (Beading readiness) O Frank Schaffer; 2Hov77; 4928452.
4928453. Beading activity cards; spirit duplicating aasters. By Frank Schaffer. 39 p. O Prank Schaffer; 21lov77; 4928453.
4928454. Division; spirit duplicating aasters. Level 1. By Mary Byek. 20 p. (Math aysteries) Frank Schaffer; 28ov77; 4928454.
A928455. Stories for beginners; spirit dup- licating aasters. By Susan Byono. 20 p. (Beading coaprehension) Frank Schaffer: 21IOV77; A928455.
4928456. Fine motor skills; spirit duplicating aasters. By Patricia Byan Sarka. 20 p. (Beading readiness) O Frank Schaffer; 21IOV77; 4928456.
A928457. Onderstanding what you read; spirit duplicating aasters. Book 1. By Katbey Paredes. 20 p. (Beading coaprehension) O Frank Schaffer; 11Aug77; A928457.
A928458. Addition and subtraction; spirit duplicating aasters. By Terry Hoffaan. 20 p. (Math aoney riddles) Frank Schaffer; 11Aug77; A928458.
A928459. Super speller!; spirit duplicating aasters. By Kaye Furlong. 20 p. O Prank Schaffer; 2Bov77; A928459.
A928460. Beading coaprehension stories; spirit duplicating aasters. Level 2. By Frank Schaffer. 20 p. O Frank Schaffer; 2NOV77; 4928460.
A928461. The Fun book of capitalization and punctuation; spirit duplicating aasters. By Terry Hoffaan. 20 p. Frank Schaffer; 114ug77; 4928461.
4928462. Multiplication; spirit duplicating aasters. Book 1. By Mary Byek. 20 p. (Math aysteries) O Frank Schaffer; 114ug77; 4928462.
4928463. Qnderstanding what you read; spirit duplicating aasters. Book 2. By Kathey Paredes. 20 p. (Beading coaprehension) Frank Schaffer; 114ug77; 4928463.
4928464. Beading cartoons; spirit duplicating aasters. By Sue Byono. 20 p. (Coaprehension skills) Frank Schaffer; 11Aug77; A928464.
4928 46 5. Oconee alaanac; things to do, where to go, what to know. Coapiled E edited by Beulah Bives Cheney, Boss Cornwell £ - Charlotte Holmes. 72 p. 4ppl. au: laagine. Inc. O laagine. Inc.; 15Sep77; 4928465.
4928466. Drawn froa life; California Indians in pen and brush. By Theodora Kroeber, 41bert B. Elsasser E Bobert F. Heizer. 295 p. e Ballena Press; 12Dec77; 4928466.
4928467. The Force: an analysis of Star wars. By Philip Diamond, pseud, of Charles 4. Salter. 16 p. O Intellect Corporation; 17Dec77; 4928467.
4928466. For ae to you. By Lorelei Kay Hern. 29 p. O Lorelei Kay Hern; 21Dec77; 4928468.
E Deaioyrgike aletheia tes fisiologias.
These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.