A928398 - A928432
JUL-DEC. 1977
4928398. Shakespearean representation: misesis and BOdernity in Elizabethan tragedy. By Hoiiard Felperin. 199 p. Appl. states ail new except chap. 2. Princeton University Press; 21Dec77: A928398.
»928399. Encyclopedia of Indian philosophies, Indian metaphysics and epistemoloqy: the tradition of Nyaya-Vaisesika up to Ganqesa. Edited by Karl H. Potter. 7H1 p. O Princeton University Press; 20Dec77; A928399.
A9281t00. Non-nuclear enerqy technoloqies. By S. S. Penner 6 L. Iceraan. 2nd print., rev. 6 updated. 718 p. (Enerqy, vol. 2) e Addison-Besley Publishinq Company, Inc.; 21Dec77: A928U00.
4928401. Sinqle: livinq your o«n nay. By Buff Bradley, Jan Berian, Murray Suid E Roberta Suid, illustrated by Jane Kiskaddon. IBU p. Buff Bradley, Hurray Suid 6 Roberta Suid; 250ct77; 4928101.
A9281102. The Art and skill of deleqation. By Lawrence L. Steinnetz. 204 p. e Addison-Uesley Publishinq Company, Inc.; 30Jun76: A928402.
A928403. Horizons in biocheaistry and biophysics. Vol. 4. Editor-in-chief: E. Quaqlia- riello, manaqinq editor; F. Palnieri, consultinq editor: Thomas P. Sinqer. 302 p. Addison-Hesley Publishinq Company, Inc.; 27Dec77; A928403.
A928404. Discoverinq treasure. By Ida Hae Johnson, Alfonso R. Ramirez, Mildred Beatty Smith £ others, photoqraphy 6 qraphics: James L. Ballard, Elaine C. Haqner 6 Free Chin. 480 p. (The New open hiqhways) Appl. au: Scott, Foresman and Company. NM: 10* new text 6 illus. O Scott, Foresman and Company; 11Jul77; A928404.
S928405. Seekinq adventure. By Ida Mae Johnson, Alfonso R. Ramirez, Mildred Beatty Smith £ others, photoqraphy S qraphics: James L. Ballard, Blaine C. Haqner £ Free chin. 480 p. (The New open hiqhways) Appl. au: Scott, Foresman and company. NS: 6» new text fi illus. Scott, Foresman and Company; 5Jul77: A928405.
A928406. The Vast maiority: a journey to the world's poor. By Michael Harrington. 281 p. Appl. states all new except chap. 5 prev. req. BB5580b. »3 Michael Harrington; 120ct77: A928406.
A928407. Forms in your life. By David J. Dann. 105 p. Appl. states copyright not claimed in any material secured from official U.S. Govt, sources. NM: new text. David J. Dann: 250ct77; A928407.
A928408. The Mail order food guide. By Ann Tilson £ Carol Hersh Heiss. 160 p. NM: compilation £ additional text, e Ann Tilson 6 Carol Heiss; 1Not77; A928408.
A928409. The Shale horse catalog. By Steven D. Price, editorial director, Barbara Burn, David A. Spector S Gail Bentsch, illus. by Herner Rentsch. 246 p. Appl. au; Brigadore Press, Inc. Brigadore Press, Inc.; 11NOV77; A928409.
A928410. Nigerian capitalism. By Sayre P. Schatz. 294 p. Appl. states all new material with the exception of prev. pub. works listed on p. xi of the pref. C The Regents of the University of California; 2Dec77; A928410.
A928411. Samuel Johnson: selected poetry and prose. Edited with an introd. 6 notes by Frank Brady fi H. K. Himsatt. 642 p. i3 The Regents of the University of California; 8Dec77: A928411.
A928412. Pacing the void: T'anq approaches to the stars. By Edward H. Schafer. 352 p. O The Regents of the University of California: 12Dec77; A928412.
A928413. Viator: medieval and Renaissance studies. Vol. 8 (1977) Editors: Lynn Uhite, Jr. fi other editors. 462 p. e The Regents of the University of California; 6JU177; A928413.
A928414. The Expansive elite: district politics and state policy-making in India. By Donald B. Rosenthal. 348 p. Appl. states all new except some material prev. pub. in comparative education review fi others. O The Regents of the University of California; 15Nov77; A928414.
A928415. Kinship and marriage in Burma: a cultural and psychodynamic analysis. By Melford E. Spiro. 313 p. 6 The Regents of the University of California; 15Nov77; 4926415.
A928416. German Buenos Aires, 1900-1933: social change and cultural crisis. By Ronald Charles Newton. 225 p. University of Texas Press; 11iov77; A928416.
A928417. Script into performance: a structuralist view of play production. By Richard Hornby. 215 p. 6 University of Texas Press; 13Dec77; A928417.
A928418. System and succession: the social bases of political elite recruitment. By John David Naqle. 273 p. O University of Texas Press: 1Nov77; A928418.
A928419- Student-to-student counseling: an approach to motivating academic achie- vement. By ailliaa Frank Brown. 356 p. NM: editorial revision, additional text £ pictorial matter. 6 Billiam F. Brown; 1Sep77; A928419.
A928420. The Gostling manuscript. Compiled by John Gostling, foreword by Franjilin B. Zimmerman. 1 v. Foreword first appeared in slightly modified form in Acta musicologica, vol. 41, 1969, fasc. 1-2, p. 55-70. NM: editorial revision of foreword £ photographic facsimile of prev. unpub. manuscript. University of Texas Press; 1NOV77; A928420.
A928421. Paul Martin: Victorian photographer. By Roy Flukinger, pseud, of Hoy Flu, Larry Schaaf £ Standish Meacham. 221 p. NM: new text, new compilation £ new pictorial matter prev. unpub. University of Texas Press; 1Dec77; A928421.
A928422. Immigration and industrialization; ethnicity in an American mill town, 1870-1940. By John E. Bodnar. 213 p. O University of Pittsburgh Press; 18NOV77; A928422.
A928423. Marianne Moore: a descriptive bib- liography. By Craig Stephens Abbott. 265 p. © University of Pittsburgh Press; 280ct77; A928423.
A928424. The United states and Cuba; hegemony and dependent development, 1880-1934. By Jules Robert Benjamin. 266 p. Appl. states all new except chap. 4 which appeared in Hispanic American review, vol. 55, no. 1, Feb. 1975 fi portions of chap. 7 which appeared in The Business history review, vol. 51, no. 1, spring 1977. e Jules Robert Benjamin; 2Dec77; A928424.
A928425. The overthrow of Allende and the politics of Chile, 1964-1976. By Paul Eugene Sigmund. 326 p. University of Pittsburgh Press; 7Dec77; A928425.
A928426. The Papers of Robert Morris, 1781-1784. Vol. 3: Oct. 1, 1781-Jan. 10, 1782. Editor: Elmer James Ferguson £ other editors. 557 p. NM: p. xix-ixxvi, footnotes 6 index. University of Pittsburgh Press; 211ov77; A928426.
A928427. Allegory in Dickens. By Jane Vogel. 347 p. (Studies in the humanities, no. 17) NM: additional text. The University of Alabama Press; 26Sep77; A928427.
4928428. La Naissance du chevalier au cygne. Edited by Emanuel J. Mickel, Jr. £ Jan 4. Nelson, with an essay on the manuscripts of the Old French crusade cycle by Geoffrey M. Myers. 370 p. (The Old French crusade cycle, vol. 1) English fi French. NM: additional text. C The University of Alabama Press; 20ct77; 4928428.
A928429. The Print-maker. 35 p. £ 6 filmstrips. 4ccompanied by sound recording, reg. N48293, in box. 4ppl. au: Philip D. Barner 6 Fern S. Warner. Harner Educational Productions; 10ct77; 4928429.
A928430. Principles of spiritual growth; high school ed. Material developed by Vincent Dwyer, curriculum design: Gerard P. Beber, James J. Killgallon, Donald Kimball £ Robert Miller. 165 p. (Genesis 2 bridges the gap between the old and the new) Accompanied by sound recording, reg. N48294. Intermedia Foundation; 11NOV77; 4928430.
A928431. Preparation of nitrobenzene: program 9175. Author: Albert Birschberg, reviewed for technical accuracy by Alvin I. Kosak, issued by Communication Skills Corpo- ration. 16 p. £ slides. (Organic laboratory experiments, series 9170) 4ccompanied by sound recording, reg. N48295 £ filmstrip, reg. JP 21158, in box. 4ppl. au: Prentice-Hall Media, Inc. O Prentice-Hall Media, Inc.; 30Nov77 (in notice: 1978); 4928431.
4923432. Identifying compounds fron their mass spectra, 5004. Author: John G. Dillard, reviewed for technical accuracy by Robert Kiser, issued by Communication Skills corporation. 1 v. £ slides. (Basic mass spectrometry, series 5000: interpretation,
pt. 2) Accompanied by sound recording.
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