A87601S - A876050
JUL-DEC. 1977
18760111 (con.) prodaced by lostructiooal Dyoaucs* lac. for Preotice-Hall Hedia, iDC. 2 v. (Score reading iaprovenent series, aodole 21) Accompanied by filnstrip G sound recording in box. Instructional Dynaaics, Inc.; 'iaar77: Ae7601«.
A876015. Household pets, cats and ioqsz stories and qanes; teacher's guide and answer book. Author: Jane Sark aeinrich, illus. by Joann Daley, produced by Instructional Dynaaics, Inc. for Prentice-Hall fledia. Inc. 2 V. (Score reading iaproveaent series, module 17) Accoapanied by filastrip £ sound recording in box. O Instructional Dynaaics, Inc.; 2<4Feb77; A87601S.
A876016. The Status of school library aedia proqcaa planning at the district level in Florida as reflected in the Coaprehensive educational plans subaitted to the Florida Departaent of Education for the years 1973-197K, 197l»-1975 and 1975-1976. By Daniel Dillacd Barron. Hicrofila. Daniel Oillard Barron; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976): A876016.
A876017. Coaparative analysis of the Florida public eaployee relations act, chapter 74-100, Lavs of Florida (1974), vith national trends and the opinions of practitioners. By Julian Laaar Leais, Jr. Hicrofila. C Julian Laaar Lewis, Jr.; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976): A876017.
A876018. School desegregation in Boselle« Nev Jersey: desegregation probleas in a northern suburban coaaunity with a saall black population. By Beverly A. Presley. Hicrofila. Beverly A. Presley: 1SJun77 (in notice: 1976): A876018.
AB76019. Strikes in Britain, 1888-1974: a statistical and historical analysis. By Jaaes Eugene Cronin. Hicrofila. Jaaes Eugene Cronin; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976): A876019.
A876020. Organizational change and innovation in Aaerican eleaentary schools: the case of "The Electric Coapauy." By Bichard L. Bale. Hicrofila. Eichard L. Bale; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976): A876020.
A876021. A History of ?olusia County, Florida. By Hichael Gnynn Schene. Hicrofila. O Hichael Suynn Schene; 1SJun77 (in notice: 1976): A876021.
A876022. Divergent production ability as a function of school environaent and test environaeut. By Janet Kaplan Look. Hicrofila. Janet Kaplan Look; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); A876022.
A876a23. A Foraula funding systea for deteraining the allocation of state support to aeet the cost of selected student services in selected Hew Jersey state colleges. By Edward Charles Hartin. Hicrofila. Edward Charles Hartin; 15Jnn77: A876023.
A876024. The Stea znh and prostitution in the Hebrew Bible. By Oral Edaond Collins. Hicrofila. Oral Edaond Collins: 1SJun77; A876024.
AS76025. The Application of aental iaagery instructions to a meaningful concept learning task with adult learners. By Janet Louise uinner. Hicrofila. Janet Louise iinner; 15Jua77 (in notice: 1976) ; A876025.
A876026. The Relationship of adainistrative control and other selected factors to the organizational patterns for business adainistration of public schools in Mew Jersey. By Peter Hazurak, Jr. Hicrofila. O Peter Hazurak, Jr.; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); A876026.
Ae76a27. Black studies in the coaaunity colleges of Mew Jersey: a topographical study. By Hargaret Bowles Parker. Hicrofila. Hargaret Bowles Parker; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); A876027.
A876028. The Effects of first- and secondhand sensory experiences on student perception as aeasured in written coaposition. By Bobett Louis Hilson. Hicrofila. Bobert Louis Vilson; 1SJun77 (in notice: 1976); A876028.
A876029. The Air Force aanageaent engineering prograa: toward the rational deteraination of organizational aanpower requireaents. By John Franklin Ihitehouse. Hicrofila. John Franklin Hbitehouse; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); A876029.
A876030. The Hodern School of Stelton, New Jersey: a libertarian educational experiaent exanined. By Stanley S. Liptzin. Hicrofila. Stanley S. Liptzin; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); A876030.
A876031. The Hedia supervisor's responsibility for staff developaent in iaproving the instructional prograa. By Bubye Levonne Halker. Hicrofila. Bubye Levonne Halker; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); A876a31.
A876a32. Territoriality and boundary aaintenance: indices of school board/superintendent relations. By Theodore Bernard Johnson. Hicrofila. O Theodore Bernard Johnson; 15Jan77 (in notice: 1976); A876032.
A8760J3. Governaental expenditures, political structure and citizen attitades in nine cities. By Alice Costandina Titus. Hicrofila. Alice Costandina Titus; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); A876033.
A876034. The Belationship between visual perception and arithmetical coaputation skills among learning disabled second and third grade children. By Harilyn E. Gonyo. Hicrofila. Harilyn E. Gonyo; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); A876034.
A876035. A Draaatistic analysis and comic critique of Norman nailer's nonfiction. By Laurel Anne Sutton. Hicrofila. Laurel Anne Sutton; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); A876035.
Ae76036. Horal judgaent, verbal ability, logical reasoning ability and environaental issues. By Louis Anthony lozzi. Hicrofila. Louis Anthony lozzi; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); A876036.
A876037. Black leadership in the Old South: the slave drivers of the rice kingdom. By James Herbert Stone. Hicrofilm. O James Herbert Stone; 1Sjun77 (in notice: 1976); A876037.
A876a3e. Parental identification and adminis- trator theory I and theory I action fraaes of reference. By Florence B. Goodaan. Hicrofila. C Florence fi. Goodaan; 1SJun77 (in notice: 1976) ; AS76038.
A876039. In honor of the ancestors: the social context of Iwi Egungun chanting in a Yoruba community. By Hartley Ermina Graham Davis. Hicrofila. O Hartley Ermina Graham Davis; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); A876039.
A876040. The Effect of relaxation training to music on heart rate and verbal reports. By Charles Purcell Alley. Hicrofilm. Charles Purcell Alley; )5Jun77; A876040.
A87604I. The Status of career guidance practices in the public senior high schools of New Jersey. By Susan T. Nood. Hicrofilm. O Susaa T. Nood; 15Jun77; A876a41.
A876042. Internal adoption process of the mass media: interrelated factors in social change. By Jon Arthur Boosenraad. Hicrofila. Jon Arthur Boosenraad; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); A876042.
A876043. A Study of self-esteea in children of alcholics. By Janet Geringer Hoititz. Hicrofila. O Janet Geringer Hoititz; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976) ; A87604J.
A876044. The Effects of an Outward Bound school experience on levels of aoral judgaent and self-concept. By Philip Allen Uinkie. Hicrofila. O Philip Allen Uinkie; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); A876044.
A876045. Belationship between ethnic group aeabership and low socio-econoaic status aothers* perceptions of their educable aentally retarded children. By Janice Claire siaas Puig. Hicrofila. O Janice Claire Siaas Puig; 1SJun77 (in notice: 1976); A876045.
A876046. Staff leadership behavior of directors of state library agencies: a study of role expectations and perceived fulfillaent. By Galen Edwin Bike. Hicrofila. Galen Edwin Bike; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); A876046.
A876047. Approved coapetencies for entry level eaployaent in arboriculturally related occupations. By Jaaes Addison Sheaffer. Hicrofila. O Jaaes Addison Sheaffer; 15Jun77; A876047.
A876048. India's cultural heritage: a humanistic approach employing audio-visual learning units. By Alice Harie Purdes. Hicrofilm. O Alice Harie Purdes; 1SJun77 (in notice: 1976) ; A875048.
A876049. Factors of adult physical potential and their relationship to recreational pursuits, with implications for community schools. By Carl Frederick Nelson. Hicrofila. O Carl Frederick Nelson; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); A876049.
Aa760S0. Prediction of dangerous behavior in a
Federal correctional institution. By
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