JUL-DEC. 1977
A9279i»1 (con.) NM: compilation, text S revisions. Barrv H. Bunack d.b. a. Poisindei Company: 1Nov75; 1927911.
A92791I2. Bulletin board Baqic. Britten 6 illustrated by Pat Gerstner. Lyn Bright S Diane Evershed. 28 p. C Ore Press, Inc.; 22iuq77: J9279112.
A9279H3. Verbos en espanol. By fiosanne Tortosa. 16 cards in envelope. English & Spanish. e ore Press, Inc.; 17iuq77; »927943.
i92791t4. Joyous expression, creative thinkinq. Book 4. By Hiqnon S. Hill S Joleen Arthur, art work by Joleen Arthur, Sylvia Barr, Constance Brizuela, Ana Brizuela, Susana Brizuela. Hiqnon S. Hill 6 Carol Jean Batson. 36 p. O Blqaoo s. Bill C Joleen Arthur: 17Nov77; A9279ait.
A9279(»5. Joyous expression, creative thiukinq. Book B. By Hiqnon S. Hill £ Joleen Arthur, art work by Joleen Arthur, Sylvia Barr, Constance Brizuela, Ana Brizuela, Susana Brizuela, Hiqnon S. Hill 6 Carol Jean Hatson. 3il p. Hiqnon S. Bill t Joleen Arthur: 7Dec77 : A9279a5.
A9279lt5. Shapes and sizes. Porfflas y tamanos. Author: Jacqueline Lloyd. tl p. English & Spanish. Ore Press, Inc.: 9Sep77; A9279116.
A9279"t7. Numerals y numeros. Author: Jacqueline Lloyd, illus.: Cynthia Craine. 60 p. English C Spanish. O Ore Press, Inc.; 12Sep77: A9279117.
A9279lt8. Hakinq of an airline. Kit. O Pacific Southwest Airline (in notice; Pacific Southwest Airlines); 6Dec76: A9279I18.
A9279lt9. Irreqular vowels. 100 cards in box. (Quizzer proqram cards) Appl. au: Amy Stevens. Ore Press, Inc.; 7Sep77; A9279lt9.
A927950. Lonq and short vowels. 100 cards in box. (Quizzer proqram cards) Appl. au: Amy Stevens. e Ore Press, Inc.; 15Feb77: A927950.
A927951. Initial sounds. Set 1. 100 cards in box. (Quizzer proqram cards) Appl. au; Amy Stevens. O Ore Press. Inc.; 31Jan77; S927951.
A927952. Ending consonants. 100 cards in box. (Quizzer proqram cards) Appl. au: Amy Stevens. 8 Ore Press, Inc.; 3Peb77: A927952.
A927953. Initial sounds. Set 2. 100 cards in box. (Quizzer program cards) Appl. au: Amy Stevens. Ore Press, Inc.; 31Jan77; A927953.
A92795I*. Picture recognition. Set 2. 100 cards in box. (Quizzer program cards) Appl. au: Amy Stevens. Ore Press. Inc.; 22Peb77; A92795I*.
A927955. Picture recognition. Set 1. 100 cards in box. (Quizzer program cards) Appl. au: Amy Stevens. Ore Press. Inc.; 22Feb77: A927955.
A927956. Ba800/B3800/B2800/Bt700/B3700/B2700 thrift system mortgage loans. Hagnetic tape £ printout. Prev. reg. A75K911 6 others. NH: additions 6 revisions. O Burroughs Corporation ; 20Oct77: A927956.
A927957. B1800/B1700 system software release Hark 6. 1 (source 1) Hagnetic tape & printout. Prev. reg. ASIOSHt 6 others. BH: additions £ revisions. Q Burroughs Corporation; 16Dec77; A927957.
A927958. B1800/B1700 system software release Bark 6. 1 (source 3) Hagnetic tape £ printout. Prev. reg. A8K3756 £ others. NH: additions G revisions. O Burroughs Corporation: 16Dec77; A927958.
A927959. BI800/B1700 system software release Hark 6.1 (source 2) Hagnetic tape £ printout. Prev. reg. A8it0545 fi others. JIH: additions £ revisions. Q Burroughs Corporation; 16Dec77; A927959.
A927960. B1800/B1700 generalized message control system (GEHC05) Hagnetic tape £ printout. Prev. reg. A7311021 6 others. BH: revisions. 6 Burroughs Corporation; 180ct77; A927960.
A927961. B700 contractors business management system. Hagnetic tape £ printout. Prev. reg. A7S49a6 £ others. HH: additions £ revisions. O Burroughs Corporation; 17IIOV77; A927961.
A927962. B1700 professional standards review organization nodule. Hagnetic tape £ printout. Q Burroughs Corporation; 130ct77; A927962.
A927963. Burroughs CHS budgetary accounting system/keyboard entry. Hagnetic disk £ printout. Prev. pub. June 1977. BH: additions. O Burroughs corporation; 3BOV77; A927963.
A92796U. Llewellyn's 1978 moon sign book. "406 p. e Llewellyn Publications; 12Sep77; A927961I.
A927965. The Naked battle. By Barbara Cartland. 151 p. e Barbara Cartland; 12Sep77; A927965.
A927966. Scuba! By Joan Blair £ Clay Blair. Jr. 217 p. e Bantam Books, Inc.; 12Sep77; A927966.
A927967. critical mass. By Frederik Pohl G C. H. Kornbluth with an introd. . notes £ afterword by Frederik Pohl. 179 p. on compilation; Frederik Pohl; 12Sep77; A927967.
A927968. Punishment of a vixen. By Barbara Cartland. 149 p. O Barbara cartland; 13Jun77: A927968.
A927969. Kampus. A novel by James E. Gunn. 308 p. James E. Gunu; 13Jun77: A927969.
A927970. How to buy stocks. By Louis Engel in collaboration with Peter Byckoff. 6th rev. ed. 366 p. O Louis Engel £ Peter Byckoff; 13Jun77: A927970.
A927971. Danger 311 p. O on r< Inc. ; 13Jun77 ite. By Diana Gaines. ed. ; Diana Gaines. A927971.
A927972. Spurs. Bith a special introd. by S. Omar Barker. 168 p. Appl. au: Bestern Briters of America. O on compilation: Bestern Briters of America; 13Jun77; A927972.
A927973. Bafaella. By George HcNeill. 122 p. (Bith Special preview: The Plantation) George HcNeill; 110ct77: A927973.
A92797a. The Outrageous lady. By Barbara Cartland. 153 p. e Barbara Cartland; 13Jun77; A927971.
A927975. Love and the Loathsome Leopard. By Barbara Cartland. 119 p. Barbara Cartland; 12Sep77; A927975.
A927976. The Bars of iron. By Ethel H. Dell, condensed £ pref. by Barbara Cartland. 278 p. (Barbara Cartiand's Library of love) on introd; Barbara Cartland; 12Sep77; A927976.
A927977. Our world into words. By Eric B. Johnson. 211 p. Add. ti: Our world into worlds. C on compilation; Eric B. Johnson; 12Sep77; A927977.
A927978. In search of myths and monsters. By Alan Landsburg, foreword by Leonard Nimoy. 207 p. e Alan Landsburg; 13Jun77; A927978.
A927979. Llewellyn's Personal guide and astrological almanac for 1978: Aries, Harch 21-April 20. 217 p. Llewellyn Publications; 13Jun77; A927979.
A927980. Llewellyn's Personal guide and astrological almanac for 1978: Virgo, August 23-September 22. 218 p. O Llewellyn Publications; 13Jun77; A927980.
A927981. A Touch of love. By Barbara Cartland. 118 p. Barbara Cartland; 15Jul77; A927981.
A927982. Questions and answers about Arabs and Jews. By Ira Hirschmann. 125 p. Ira Hirschmann; 13Jun77; A927982.
A927983. The Lords of Flatbush. By Leonore Fleischer. 134 p. Appl. au: Bantam Books, Inc. Steve Verona, Gayle Gleckler fi Hartin Davidson; 13Jun77; A927983.
A927981. Planet of judgment. By Joe Haideman. 151 p. Appl. au: Bantam Books, Inc. Paramount pictures corporation; 15JU177; A927981.
A927985. Star Trek 12. Adapted by James Blish G J. A. Lawrence. 177 p. Based on the television series created by Gene Boddenberry. Paramount Pictures Corporation; 110ct77; A927985.
A927986. The Hell-cat and the king. By Barbara Cartland. 151 p. O Barbara cartland;
110ct77; A927986.
These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.