A927361 - A927ll02
JUL-DEC. 1977
1927361. Infective endocarditis. Edited by Shahbudin H. Bah iatoola. 386 p. O Grune and Stratton, Inc.; 1 UDec77 (in notice; 1978); »927361.
»927362. Principles of quantitative perimetry: testinq and interpreting the visual field. By Georqe 8. Tate, Jr. S John B. Lynn. 336 p. Grune and Stratton^ Inc. ; 1i*Dec77: i927362.
»927363. central auditory dysfunction; Oniversity of Cincinnati Medical Center, Division of Aadioloqy and Speech Patholoqy syaposiua. Editor: Robert ». Keith. 38 1 p. Grune and Stratton. Inc.: 23Hov77; 4927363.
i927364. Progress in heaatoloqy. 7ol. 10. Edited by Elier B. Brown. I421 p. Grune and Stratton, Inc.; 16Nov77; i927364.
A927365. The Hunan dinension in psychoanalytic practice. Edited by Kenneth A. Frank. 202 p. O Grune and Stratton, Inc.; 7Dec77: A927365.
A927366. The Technique of psychotherapy. Pt. 1. By Le»is Bobert Solberq. 3rd ed. 605 p. Lewis B. Holberq; 16Nov77: A927366.
A927367. Childhood deafness: causation, assessaent and manaqeaent. Edited by Fred B. Bess. 34 1 p. Grune and Stratton, Inc.; 23NOV77; A927367.
A927368. Proqress in qastroenteroloqy. Vol. 3- Edited by Georqe B. Jerzy Glass. 1052 p. Grune and Stratton, Inc.; 16Nov77; A927368.
A927369. The Pathogenesis of nerve danage in glaucoma: contributions of fluorescein angiography. By George L. Spaeth. 160 p. O Grune and Stratton, Inc.; iaDec77; 4927369.
A927370. New concepts in endocrinology and netabolisa; the Thirty-ninth Bahneaann Endocrinology-Hetabolisn Syaposlna. Editors: Leslie I. Bose 6 Bobert L. Lavine. 177 p. Presentations at a svaposiuB held in Feb. 1976. O Grune and Stratton, Inc.; 1itDec77: A927370.
4927371. Electrical world: directory of electric utilities, 1977-1978. 86th ed. 987 p. O HcGraw-Hill, Inc.; 10Nov77: 4927371.
A927372. E/MJ operatinq handbook of alneral processing. Vol. 1: E/HJ library of operating handbooks. Edited by Bichard Thoaas. 426 p. Add. ti: Engineering and aininq iournal operating handbook of aineral processing. 4ppl. au: HcGraw- Bill. Inc. NH: updating. HcGraw-Bill, Inc.; 23Sep77; 4927372.
4927373. Coal age operating handbook of underground aining. Vol. 1: Coal age library of operatinq handbooks. Edited by Nicholas P. Chironis. UIO p. 4ppl. au: BcGraw-Hill. Inc. HH: updatinq. O ScGraw-Hill. Inc.; 30Sep77; 4927373.
492737U. Bequlation of brokers, dealers and securities aarkets. By Nicholas Holfson, with Eichard B. Phillips G Thoaas 4. Busso. 1 V. O larren, Gorhaa and Laaont, Inc.; 2Dec77; 492737U.
4927375. Binq. Edited by Jaaes H. Bowser, text by Joseph L. Koeniq. 54 p. 4ppl. au: Dell Publishing Coapany* Inc.* eaployer for hire. UB: text. O Dell Publishing Coapany, Inc.; 1«Nov77: 4927375.
4927376. Binq Crosby, a pictorial tribute. Editor: Jaaes u. Bowser, writer: Joseph L. Koeninq, art director: 4uqustine Pennetto. 85 p. 4ppl. au: Dell Publishing Coapany, Inc., eaployer for hire. NH: text, Dell Publishing coapany. Inc.; 1«Nov77; 4927376.
4927377. Guide to plaza construction. 14 p. The DOW cheaical Coapany; 29Nov77; 4927377.
4927378. Size press coating. 8 p. Q The Dow Cheaical Coapany; 28Nov77; 4927378.
4927379. South suburbs, including these coBBunities: Alsip, Bedford Park, Beecher, IL, and others regional telephone directory, June 1977. O Illinois Bell Telephone Coapany; 2Jun77; 4927379.
4927380. Liaa and vicinity, also Coluabus Grove, Cridersville, OH and others, the phone book, Septeaber 1977. United Telephone Company of Ohio; 9Sep77; 4927380.
4927381. Osing the Kodak VC1I4 data printer, the Kodak VCN4 order input unit and the Kodak VCN4 tape punch, October 1977. 19 p. 6 Eastaan Kodak Coapany; 30Nov77; 4927381.
4927382. Kodacolor 400 fila lets you do aore with less light! No. E-82. Polder. NB: additions & revisions. Eastaan Kodak Coapany; 30Nov77; 4927362.
4927383. Kodak optical and asseably ceaents. 11 p. NH: additions t revisions. 6 Eastaan Kodak Coapany: 30Nov77; 4927383.
4927384. Kodak autopositive fila 4C4. 4 p. NH: additions 6 revisions. Eastaan Kodak Coapany; 310ct77; 4927384.
4927385. Bicrofila software guide. 4SD publication CSDS- 38-01-04. By Gale E. Peters. 1 v. 4ppl. au: Eastaan Kodak Coapany. O Eastman Kodak Coapany; 14pr77; 4927385.
4927386. Technical considerations when using color prints made from Kodak Instant print film for original copy. 2 p. Eastaan Kodak Coapany; 15Dec77; 4927386.
4927387. Brown aaintaining large leads over possible 1978 GOP opponents. By Bervin D. Field. 4 p. (The California poll, release no. 953, Nov. 15, 1977) 4ppl. au: The Field Institute. O The Field Institute; 15Nov77: 4927387.
4927388. 4 Christian Science lecture entitled: God is your provider. No. 8. By Villiaa Henry 41ton. Folder. 4ppl. au: The Christian Science Board of Directors, employer for hire. O The Christian Science Board of Directors; 9Nov77; 4927388.
Science lecture Get your life in balance. No. 2. By David C. Driver. Folder. 4ppl. au: The Christian Science Board of Directors, eaployer for hire. The Christian Science Board of Directors; 9Nov77; 49 27 389.
4927390. Kaneb Services, Inc. ; supplementary review, Nov. 30, 1977. 1 p. (Forbes special situation survey) Forbes Investors 4dvisory Institute, Inc. ; 30NOV77; 4927390.
4927 39 1. The Flintkote company; supplementary review, Nov. 23, 1977. 1 p. (Forbes special situation survey) O Forbes Investors 4dvisory Institute, Inc.; 23NOV77; 4927391.
4927 392. National Patent Development Corporation; suppleaentary review, Nov. 23, 1977. 2 p. (Forbes special situation survey) e Forbes Investors 4dvisory Institute, Inc.; 23NOV77; 4927392.
4927393. Kaneb Services, Inc., November 18, 1977. 1 V. in folder. (Forbes special situation survey) Forbes Investors 4dvisory Institute, Inc.; 18Nov77; 4927393.
4927394. Brunswick Corporation; supplementary review, Deceaber 5, 1977. 1 p. (Forbes special situation survey) Forbes Investors 4dvisory Institute, Inc. ; 5Dec77; 4927394.
4927395. Communications Satellite Corporation; supplementary review, Dec. 5, 1977. 1 p. (Forbes special situation survey) O Forbes Investors 4dvisory Institute, Inc.; 5Dec77; 4927395.
4927396. La Elaboracion electronica de datos: quia del ejecutivo. 98 p. NB: tran- slation. 41exander Hamilton Institute, Inc.; 21NOV77; 4927396.
4927397. Professional selling skills 2 review; adainistration aanual, role play. 2 v. 4ppl. au: Xerox Learning SysteBs NB: abridqeaent 6 editorial revision. lerox Corporation; 20Dec76; 4927397.
4927398. Professional selling skills 2 review; proqraa book fi tape facts. 2 v. 4ppl. au: Xerox Learning Systems. NH: abridgement £ editorial revision. C Xerox Corp .ration; 200ec76; 4927398.
4927399. Visualizing business finance; workbook. 4uthor: U. B. Purcell, Jr. sheets (76 p.) O S. E. Purcell, Jr.; 280ct77; 4927399.
4927400. Tax practice deskbook. 1977 cumulative suppl. By 411an J. Parker, chap. 5 supplemented by Harvin J. Garbis £ 4ilen L. Schwait. Sheets. O Narren, Gorham and Lamont, Inc.; 8»ov77; 4927400.
4927401. Hodern trust forms; annotated. 1978 cumulative suppl. By James G. Hellmuth with the assistance of aeabers of the editorial staffs of The Banking Law Journal £ Hodern Banking Forms. Sheets. Barren, Gorham and Lamont, Inc.; 8Dec77; 4927401.
4927402. Federal estate and gift taxation, third edition. 1977 cumulative suppl. no. 2.
By Guy B. Haxfield £ Brian E. Coacrford.
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