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JUL-DEC. 1977

1927097 (con.) matecial. O fi. E. ieqer: 1Dec5 5; 1927097.

A927098. Onifoca traffic ticket and coiplaiot^ state of Hvoainq, Couatr of Carbon, City of Bavlins. 8 p. Appl. an: Booald Earl Beqec (B. E. Beqec) 8H: coapllatioo C nev material. B. E. Heqec; IDecSS; 1927098.

1927099. lisconsin unifon traffic ticket and coaplaint. 8 p. Ippl. an: Bonald Earl Heqer (B. E. geqer) HH: coapilation C nev ,aterial. B. E. Ueqec; 1Dec55; 1927099.

1927100. lisconsin anifora traffic ticket and coBplalLt* State of nichiqan. County of Dodqe. 8 p. Ippl. auj Bonald Eacl ieqer (B. E. Heqer) NB: coapilation & nea aaterial. B. E. ieqer; IDecSS; 1927100.

1927101. Onifora traffic ticket and coaplaint. State of Florida, County of Bcoaacd, City of POBpano Beach. 8 p. Ippl. au: Bonald Eacl Veqer (B. E. Heqer) t)H: coapilation & nev aaterial. 8. E. Beqer; IDecSS; 1927101.

1927102. Icdiana unifoEa traffic ticket and coaplaint. State of Indiana, County of Hiaal, city of Peru. 8 p. Ippl. an: Bonald Earl Reqer (B. E. «eqer) NB: coapilation 6 new aaterial. B. E. Beqer: IDecSS; 1927102.

1927103. Bandy's sonq. 1 p. Ippl. au; Sandra Lee KnOHles. Sandra Lee Knowles; 131aq77; 1927103.

1927104. Third proqress report for the lap- roveaent of the Optoaetcic Technician Proqraa at I!iaai--Dade Coaaunity Colleqe, ISiaai, Florida. By Susan B. Place G Buth Billiaas. 19V p. Idd. ti: Third proqress report of the curriculua iaproveaeot study of the Optoaetcic Technician Proqraa, Hiaai-Dade Coaaunity Colleqe, Hiaai, Florida. Ippl. an: aiaai-Dade Coaaunity Colleqe. O Hedical Center Caapns, a division of Hiaai-Dade Coaaunity College; 21JU177: 192710H.

1927105. Bacehousinq wholesaler net price list. »o. 16, effecti»e Sept. IS, 1977. 8 p. iDPl. au: 1. John Harvey 3rd. Henry L. Hanson, Inc.; 161uq77: 192710S.

1927106. Distributor consuaer net price list. Bo. 16, effective Sept. IS, 1977. 8 p. Ippl. au: 1. John Harvey 3rd. O Henry L. Hanson, Inc.; 221aq77: 1927106.

1927 107. Hanson-Ice cataloq 16 with saqqested retail prices; effective Sept. 15, 1977. <(7 p. Ippl. an: 1. John Harvey 3rd. Henry L. Hanson, Inc.; 210ct77; 1927107.

1927108. Lac Du Plaabeau, Hinocqua, includinq Hazelhurst. BI, and others, June 1977. Coapiled by General Telephone Directory Coapany. General Telephone Coapany of Bisconsin; 2SJun77; 1927108.

1927109. Hatthevs, Indian Trail, Heaby Bridge, Bazhav, BC, telephone directory, luqust 1977. Coapiled by General Telephone Directory coapany. The aorth Carolina Telephone Coapany; 111ug77: 1927109.

1927110. Environaental lav reporter. Vol. 7, no. 1, Ipr. 1977. Editor-in-chief: G. ?an yelsor Bolf, Jr. £ other editors. Sheets. Ippl. au: Environaental Law Institute. O Environaental Law Institute; 11pc77: 1927110.

1927111. Allright luto Packs, Inc. 8 p. Ippl. au: Carl B. Frederick. Frederick Research corporation; 2Har77; 1927111.

1927114. Ion aolecule reactor, ion aobility spectroaeter-quadrupole aass spectroaeter: Pheato-Chea, aass spectroaeter aodel BHS-160. 7 p. PCP, Inc.; 25iug77; 1927114.

1927115. NTS EIC price list; 1IYS3. Hicrofiche. Bi Data Cocpocation; 151ug77; 19271 IS.

1927116. NTS EIC price list; IIZS2. aicrofiche. O fix Data corporation; 1Slag77: 1927116.

1927117. NTS EIC price list: HIS 1. Bicrofiche. C Bx Data corporation; 151ag77; 1927117.

1927118. XIEIC pharaacist aid; H!S2. Hicrofiche. Bx Data Corporation; 151uq77: 1927118.

1927119. SYEIC pharaacist aid; BTS3. aicrofiche. Bx Data corporation; 15iuq77; 1927119.

1927120. Old Town and the covered bridge. By Dan H. Crowe, with assistance fcoa Bacold Lingerfelt. 80 p. Dan Crowe; 50ct77; 1927120.

1927121. lay. Vol. 1, no. 6. By Jack Tippit. 8 p. Ippl. an: The Beqister and Tribune Syndicate, eaployer for hire. The Beqister and Tribune Syndicate, Inc.; 30ct77; 1927121.

1927122. The Irt of Kiftlis eg flaraae. By Juan H. Cabrero. 36 p. O Juan B. Cabrero; 171pc77; 1927122.

1927123. Big cash aoney; cegistration card. Card. Ippl. au; Bobert J. Cochran. BB: revision. Bobect J. Cochran d.b.a. Big Honey Proaotions Coapany; 1Jul77; 1927123.

19271211. Bin biq cash aoney — get your big, cash aoney card punched! 1 p. Ippl. au: Bobert J. Cochran. O Bobert J. Cochran d.b.a. Big Honey Proaotions Coapany; 1JU177: 1927124.

192712S. Cooperating breeder prograa aanual. 1 V. Ippl. au: Jaaes Bichard lllen. Laboratory Iniaals, Inc.; 1Bov77; 1927125.

1927126. 1 ClI approach to the developaent of English skills: Enqlish usage exercises 1. By Bobert L. Billiaas, Peter J. Quinn C John G. lllee. 148 p. O John G. lllee, Peter J. Quinn & Bobert L. Billiaas; 150ct77; 1927126.

1927127. The Panaaa Canal: today's decision- -toaorrov's security; the Onited States, Panaaa, the Canal Zone, and pcopecty rights of laerican citizens: a case history froa 1903 to 1977. 1 factual analysis prepared by George Fox fiott. 33 p. O George Fox flott; 17Hov77; 1927127.

1927 128. 1 Brief collection of inforaation regarding the surnaae "luld.** By David Balton luld. 19 p. Page 10 prev. reg. in chart fora, 1647515. KB: new aaterial. O David Balton luld; 30Sep77; 1927128.

1927129. Fixin" up your van on a budget. By Keith Sessions. 232 p. 6 Tab Books; 81uq77; 1927129.

1927 130. Trapping and tracking. By George B. Clawson, illustrated by Bon Fittard. 202 p. George B. Clawson; 170ct77; 1927 130.

1927131. Senior golf. By Bobert O' Byrne, foreword by Julius Boros. 174 p. Bobert 0' Byrne; 170ct77; 1927131.

19 27 132. Cutting Tools, Inc., South Bend, Fort Bayne, cataloq D. 815 p. O Cutting Tools, Inc.; 2Nov77; 1927132.

1927 133. Ipproved practices in dairying. By Elwood B. Juergenson £ B. P. Bortenson. 4th ed. 353 p. The Interstate Printers and Publishers, Inc.; 21lov77; 1927133.

1927134. Language and art in the Navajo universe. By Gary Bitherspoon. 214 p. NH: text e coapilation of prev. pub. aaterial used to augaent new text. The Oniversity of Bicniqan; 16Sep77; 1927134.

1927135. Clinical application of blood gases. By Bacry 1. Shapiro, Bonald 1. Harrison £ John B. Balton. 2nd ed. 284 p. lear Book Bedical Publishers, Inc. ; 10Jun77; 1927135.

1927136. Little Basonic library. Vol. 1-5. Ippl. au: Bacoy Publishing, Harold Van Buren' Voochis 6 flervin B. Hogan. NH: revisions £ p. 249-331, vol. 2. Bacoy Publishing and Basonic Supply Company, Inc.; 14Jun77; 1927136.

1927137. Ill things wise and wonderful. By Jaaes Herriot, pseud, of Jaaes llfred Bight. 432 p. Prev. pub. abroad 1976 as Vets night fly. NB: coapilation £ appcox. 50% new aaterial. Janes Uerriot, pseud., Jaaes llfred Bight, leqal naae; 26Jul77; 1927 137.

1927138. Ill things wise and wonderful. By Jaaes Herciot, pseud, of Janes llfred Bight. 432 p. Prev. pub. abroad 1976. on coapilation* editorial revision £ additions; Saint Bartin's Press; 26JU177; 1927138.

1927139. History of a world. By the Visitors, pseud, of L. H. Fallaw. 245 p. O Libra Publishers, Inc.; 1Dec77; 1927139.

1927140. Bunny Snowhite visits Bister BcDougal's garden. By Gaylord G. Bidney. 37 p. Gaylord G. Bidney; 17Nov77; 1927140.

1927141. Hasakenai. By Jaaes J. Hannon. 155 p. Add. ti: Be are forsaken. English only,

e Jaaes J. Hannon; 17Sep77; 1927141.


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