JUL-DEC. 1977
1927017. Nor daisies. I collection of poens by Eobert G. HacBcide. 28 p. Bobett G. MacBride; 2eilo»77; 4927017.
1927018. Tables of verdict expectancy values for trauaatic oc aqqravated conditions of the back or oeck. p. 209-221. (Inlucy valuation reports in the continuing Jury Verdict research proiect, no. 209) Jury Verdict Sesearch, Inc. ; 9Nov77: A927018.
4927019. Over's fokusaai: pravdopodobnye i nepravdopodobnye istorii. By Victor SkorniaKoff. 96 p. Add. ti: Door with tricks, plausible and inplausible stories. Bussian, title roaanized on appl. e Victor Skorniakoff; 1Jul76: 1927019.
1927a2q. The Oral history revie«, 1977. Editor: Bichard SHet erlitsch. 86 p. The Oral History Association. Inc.; 30Eep77; A927020.
i927021. Prospective BETA, an answer. 1 r. Appl. au: Olen Khora S Jan Khora. The Church of Saint John, The Beloved; 2N0V77; A927021.
A927022. The filibuster, a true ecerqy story. By Teena Griaa. 109 p. C Don Quixote Publishing Coa-pany: 18liov77; A927022.
A927023. The Sessions Clock Conpany, Danofac- turers of superior clocks. Catalogue no. 65. By Chris H. Bailey. 120 p. Add. ti: Sessions clocks, catalogue nuaber 65, 1915. NH: additions. Chris B. Bailey; 15Sep77: A927023.
A92702H. The Banks of Sulphur Biver. By the Banks Sisters (Marguerite Ceils Flenniken, Donna Pauline Baldwin & Sidney Louise Heath Horris. 19C p. O Harguerite Ceils Flenniken, Donna Pauline Baldwin C Sidney Louise Heath Morris; 28Sep77; A92702<t.
A927025. The Presentation of the 0. S. balance of payaents; a syaposiua. By Robert fl. Stern 6 others. 6i» p. (Essays in international finance, no. 123, Aug. 1977) Inter- national Finance section, Departaent of Bconoaics, Princeton flniversity; 31Aug77; A927025.
A927026. Euroaetrix tools aade in western Geraany. 11 p. Appl. au: Norbert Eberhardt. Euroaetrix-Tools, registered fictitious nane of Norbert Eberhardt (in notice: Euroaetrix) ; 10Oct77; A927026.
A927027. Christian pxinciples of buying life insurance. Folder. Appl. au: Irvin E. Barrows. O Irvin B. Barrows; 1Jun76; A927027.
A927028. The Lunatic's overheard hyan to his lost Lorelei. By Alan HcKnight. 17 p. Alan HcKnight; SDec77: A927028.
A927029. Index to Dwinell — Bunnell-- Dwicnell- -Dwinal genealogy, by Ira Alanson Dwinell, revised by Frank Laffey Dwisnell, Sr. , iudex worked up by Hilliaa Benlaain Dwinnell, Jr. 77 p. Nilliaa B. Dwinnell, Jr.; 110ct77; A927029.
S927030. Stoit excursions in Arizona. By Howard Blooaer £ Harold Blooaer. 70 p. NH: additions e revisions. Howard Bl(x>aer; 15l1ay77; A927030.
A927031. Nuclear energy facts: Q and A--qaeEtions and answers. prepared by the Aaerican Nuclear Society. 16 p. O Aaerican Nuclear Society (in notice: ANS) ; 9Sep77; A927031.
A927032. Blue Book: street guide and zip code directory cf Greater Milwaukee; including zip code nuaber for every city in Risconsin. 108 p. Add. ti: Blue Book Greater Milwaukee area street guide. Appl. au: Carl L. Mueller, Jr. G Directory Consultants Corporation. NH: updatijig & additions. O Directory Consultants Corporation; 31Auq77; A927032.
A927033. I believe. By Marcy Anderson (Marcy Thoaas) 18 p. e Marcy Anderson; 12Dec77; A927033.
A92703«. MMMH data. Folder. C Both HTMA S HTB, accepted designations for HTM Association for Standards and Besearch (in notice; MIMA); 4Apr77; A927034.
A927035. The Faith I live by; The Morning watch texts with appropriate selections. Coapiled froa the writings of Ellen G. Ihite. 384 p. Appl. au: The Ellen G. Uhite Estate. Inc. NM: foreword, coapilation. letter & aanuscript aaterial. key to abbreviations, source references £ indexes. C The Ellen G. Hhite Publi- cations; 123ep58; A927035.
A927036. Hoae insulation — the aoney saving rip-off! By Jay Ada. pseud, of fiobert John Adair. 16 p. d Jay Ada. a pseud, of Bobert John Adair; 260ct77; A927036.
A927037. Friend's report card. Appl. au: Charles Faraone d.b.a. Once Jpoo a Planet. 6 Once Upon a Planet; 17Aug77; A927037.
A927038. Sexual report card. Appl. au: Charles Faraone d.b.a. Once Upon a Planet. O Once Upon a Planet; 17Aug77; A927038.
A927039. Ueurotic's report card. Appl. au: Charles Faraone d.b.a. Once Upon a Planet. O Once Cpon a Planet; 17Aug77; A927039.
A927040. Arts and the handicapped; an issue of access. A report froa Educational Facilities Laboratories £ National Endowaent for the Arts. 78 p. O Educational Facilities Laboratories; t5Dec75; A9270I4O.
A9270I11. Model P210 series. 1978: parts catalog PS76-12. Microfiche. Cessna Aircraft Coapany; 150ct77; A9270UI.
A927CW2. Model P210 series. 1978: service aanual D2021-13. Microfiche. O Cessna Aircraft Coapany; 150ct77; A9270i»2.
A9270I43. Model B182 series, 1978: service aanual D202a-13. Microfiche. O Cessna Aircraft Coapany: 150ct77: A927043.
A9270I41;. Model B182 series. 1978: parts catalog P571-12. Microfiche. Cessna Aircraft Company; 150ct77; A9270iia.
A9270115. The Nay to a beautiful life. By Alexander Hills. 26 p. O Alexander Mills; 3Mar77; A9270II5.
A9270U6. Friends (Quaker) religion. As observed by Thoaas clarkson. 40 p. Appl. au: Kenneth H. Ives (Progresiv Publishr) NM: additional text £ abridgaent. Progresiv Publishr. a sole proprietorship of Kenneth H. Ives; 19Sep77; A9270lt6.
A92701I7. The Museum complex of the Brown County Historical Society. Narrative by Dorothy B. Bailey, illus. by Kenneth Beeve. 1 v. Appl. au: Brown County Historical Society. O Brown County Historical Society, Inc.; «Jul7b; A92701I7.
A9270W. Hing Chun wooden dummy techniques. Pt. 2. Edited £ translated by Arthur Chan, written by Chun lip £ Jinq Yip, illus- trated by Han lip. 71 p. Wing Kai Enterprises; 310ct77; A927048.
A9270119. Pencil points. By Pauline Pearson, illustrated by Mildred Uilson. 34 p. O Pauline Pearson: 26Nov77; A927049.
1927050. How you can help your doctor treat your high blood pressure. 8 p. NH: re-editing £ new illus. American Heart Asso- ciation; ?5Eay77: A927050.
A927051. Exercise testing and training of individuals with heart disease or at high risk for its development: a handbook for physicians. Issued by the Coaaittee on Exercise, American Heart Association. 62 p. Appl. au: Aaerican Heart Association. e American Heart Association; 28Jan76 (in notice: 1975); A927051.
A927052. Survey of physician's medical practice, 1976. By Paul D. Gray. 1 v. Appl. au: Texas Medical Association. Texas Medical Association; 180ct77; A927052.
A927053. Personal evolution. By Eugene Ratkins Minard. 24 p. 6 Eugene Natkins Hinard; 1IIOV77; A927053.
A927054. Study guide for "The American short story"; Literature 113: fiction. Coordinator: John H. Thissen. 104 p. 6 Tbe City Colleges of Chicago; 60ct77; A927054.
A927055. Psych path: handbook of instruction. By Buth Dc Bliek £ Virginia Quinn. 145 p. To accompany Psychology: its principles and aeanings, second edition. Appl. au: Northern Virginia Coaaunity college. e Northern Virginia Community College; 12Sep77; A927055.
A927056. Probability and statistics, with applications in management and economics. By Earl K. Bowen. 534 p. Earl K. Bowen; 19Sep77; A927056.
A927057. Basics of the structure and function of the body for operating cooa technologists. By John H. Stamper, with special assistance £ collaboration with Barbara Johnson. 1 v. O Oniversity of Arkansas for Medical Sciences. College of Health Belated Professions; 6Sep77; A927057.
Basics of the structure and function of
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