A9269l7 - A926980
JUL-DEC. 1977
4926916 (con.) SGcarity and lodividual life insucance. dCER publication no. 199. Prepared by Bichard J. Borith. 1977-78 ed. 23 p. O Educational Measureaent Corporation; 10ct77: 49269it6.
4926917. C.L.O. preparatory examination ouaber 303 for C.L.O. candidates takinq Group insurance and Social insurance. MCEB put^IicatioD no. 200. Prepared by Bichard J. Horith. 1977-78 ed. 23 p. G Educational Heasureaent Corporation; 10ct77: 4926917.
4926918. C.L.O. preparatory exaalDation naaber 30S for C.L.O. candidates takinq Accountinq and Finance. NCEB publication no. 201. Prepared by Bichard J. Horith. 1977-78 ed. 23 p. Educational Heasureaent Corporation; 10ct77; 4926918.
4926919. C.L.O. preparatory eiaaination nniber 307 for C.L.O. candidates takinq Incoae taiatiot. MCEB publication no. 202. Prepared by Bichard J. Horith. 1977-78 ed. 23 D. Educational Heasureaent Corporation; 10ct77; 4926919.
4926950. C.L.O. preparatory exaaination naaber 309 for C.L.O. candidates takinq Business insurance. NCSB publication no. 203. Prepared by Bichard J. Horith. 1977-78 ed. 23 p. C Educational Heasureaent corporation: 10ct77; 4926950.
4926951. Transaxssion aicrofiche. Fora no. 5SP10, sept. 1977. 4ppl. au: General Hotors Corporation. Detroit Diesel 411ison Oiyision, General Hotors corporation: 100ct77; 4926951.
4926952. Diesel enqine aicrofiche. Porn no. 5SP5, sept. 1977. 4ppl. au: General Hotors Corporation. Detroit Diesel 411ison Division, General Hotors corporation: 7Noy77; 4926952.
4926953. Hiqhwav vehicle diesel enqine and transaission aicrofiche. Fora no. 5SP6« Sept, 1977. 4ppl. au: General Motors Corporation. Detroit Diesel Allison Division, General Hotors Corporation; 7Hov77; 4926953.
4926951. Diesel enqine aicrofiche. Fora no. 5SPS, Oct. 1977. Appl. au: Seneral Hotors Corporation. Detroit Diesel Allison Division, Seneral Hotors Corporation; 7Nov77; 4926951.
4926955. Detroit Diesel enqines, 71 in-line hiqhwav vehicle service aaaual. Hanual 6SE271, release no. 29, Hov. 1977. Sheets. Add. ti: 71 in-line vehicle enqine service aanual. 4ppl. au: General Hotors Corporation. O Detroit Diesel 411ison Division, General Hotors Corporation (in notice: General Hotors Corporation) : 7Hov77: 4926955.
4926956. Service topics. 37th year, no. 6, Sov.-Dec. 1977. Folder. Appl. au: General Hotors Corporation. Detroit Diesel Allison Division, General Hotors Corporation (in notice: General Hotors Corporation; 270ct77; 4926956.
4926957. Detroit Diesel enqines series 53 service aanual. Hanual 6SE202, release no. 60, Sept. 1977. Sheets. 4dd. ti: Series 53 enqine service aanual. 4ppl. an: General Hotors Corporation. Detroit Diesel 411ison Division, General Hotors Corporation (in notice: General Motors corporation) ; 270ct77; 4926937.
4926956. Detroit Diesel enqines V-71 hiqhxay vehicle service aanual. Hanual 6SE276, release no. 29, July 1977. Sheets. Idd. ti: V-71 vehicle enqine service aanual. Appl. au; General Hotors Corporation. O Detroit Diesel Allison Division, General Hotors Corporation (in notice; General Hotors Corporation): 210ct77; 4926953.
4926959. Detroit Diesel engines series 53 highway vehicle service aanual. Hanoal 6SE275, release no. 28, Sept. 1977. Sheets. Add. ti: Series 53 vehicle enqine service aanual. Appl. au: General Hotors Corporation. O Detroit Diesel Allison Division, General Hotors Corporation (in notice: General Hotors Corporation); 7NOV77; 4926959.
A926960. Series 92 enqines operators aanual; service and parts inforaatioo. No. 6SE38 1. 132 p. Add. ti: Detroit Diesel enqines series 92 operators nanual. Appl. au: General Hotors Corporation. NH: revisions covering engineering & service chaaqes & additions. O Detroit Diesel Allison Division, General Hotors Corporation (in notice: General Hotors corporation); 7Nov77; A926960.
A926961. Hall Haqic; prepasted lallcovering. 1 V. O Hauq It 411. Ltd.; 3Nov77; A926961.
A926962. Incoae taxation; instructors aanual. Issued by Soloaon S. Uuebner School of CLO Studies, the Aaerican College. Sheets. (1977/78 CLO course HS 307) 4ppl. au: The 4aerican College. HH: additions L revisions. O The Aaerican College; 15JU177; i926962.
4926963. Financial counseling; instructors aanual. Issued by School of Advanced Career studies. Graduate School of Financial Sciences, the Aaerican College. Sheets. Appl. au: The Aaerican Coileqe. MH: additions t revisions. O The Aaerican College; 15Auq77; 4926953.
A926961. Bconoaic security and individual life insurance; instructors aanual. Issued by Soloaon S. Huebner School of CLO Studies, the Aaerican Coileqe. Sheets. (1977,/78 CLO course HS 301) Appl. au: The Aaerican Coileqe. HH: additions & revisions. The Aaerican College; 15Jul77: A926961.
A92d96S. Eaployee benefit planning; instructors aanual. Issijed by School of Advanced Career Studies, Graduate School of Financial Sciences, the Afflericaii College. Sheets. Appl. au: The Aaerican College. The Aaerican College; 1»ov77; 4926965.
4925966. Business insurance; instructors aanual. Issued by Soloaon S. Huebner School of CLO Studies, the 4aericaa Coileqe. Sheets. (1977/78 CLO course HS 309) 4ppl. au: The 4aerican College. NH: additions t revisions. O The Aaerican College; 15JU177; 4926966.
4926967. 4ccounting and finance; instructors aanual. Issued by Soloaon s. Huebner School of CLO Studies, the 4aerican College. Sheets. (1977/78 CLO course HS 305) Appl. au: The Aaerican College. NH: additions & revisions. The Aaerican College; 15Jul77; A926967.
A926958. Group insurance and social insurance; instructors aanual. Issued by Soloaon S. Huebner School of CLO Studies, the Aaerican College. Sheets. (1977/78 CLO course HS 303) Appl. au: The Aaerican College. NH: additions t revisions. O The Aaerican College; 15Jul77; 4926968.
A926969. Financial counseling; study guide, 1977/1978. Vol. 1-3. Issued by School of Advanced Career Studies, Graduate School of Financial Sciences, the Aaerican College. Sheets. Appl. au: The Aaerican College. The Aaerican College; 15Aug77; A926969.
4926970. Billiaa Bazlitt: a reference guide. By Jaaes 4. Bouck. 268 p. Jaaes 4. Houck; 30NOV77; A926970.
49?6971. Bobert Penn Harren: a reference guide. By Sell Nakadate. 396 p. Neil Nakadate; 30Nov77; 4926971.
4926972. 4frican oral narratives, proverbs, riddles, poetry and song. By Harold Scheab. 393 p. Harold scheab; 30NOV77; 4926972.
A926 973. 4frican trade anionisa: a bibliography «ith a guide to trade union organizations and publications. By George fi. Hartens. 1 19 p. George B. Hartens; 30Nov77; A926973.
A926971. Edna Saint Vincent Hillay: a reference guide. By Judith Nieraan. 191 p. Judith Biernan; 30Hov77; A926971.
A926975. Sarah Orne Jeuett: a reference guide. By Gwen L. Nagel £ Jaaes Nagel. 178 p. O Gven L. Nagel £ Jaaes Nagel; 30NOV77 (in notice: 1978) ; 4926975.
4926976. Hoisture utilization in seai-arid tropics; suaaer rainfall agriculture (HDSAT:sra) project; a bibliographic data base. Coapiled by the Hoisture Oti- lizatioD in Seal-Arid Tropics: Suaaer Sainfall Agriculture Project library staff, Oniversity of California, Biverside, under the direction of Gretchen Halsh. 101 p. O Begents of the Oniversity of California; 30Nov77; A926975.
A9269T7. African languages: a genetic and deciaalised classification for bibliog- raphic and general reference. By Derek Fivaz 6 Patricia Elena Scott. 332 p. Derek Fivaz 6 Patricia E. Scott; 30NOV77; A926977.
A926978. A Bibliography of Jaaes Joyce studies. By Bobert H. Deaing. 2nd ed., rev. G enl. 261 p. Bobert B. Deaiog; 30Nov77; 4926978.
4926979. An Annotated bibliography of Aaerican literary periodicals, 1711-1850. Coapiled e edited: Jayne K. Kribbs. 285 p. O Jayne K. Kribbs; 30Nov77; A926979.
Bhat's nex Hister HagooT 96 p. Appl.
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