A875893 - A875934
JUL-DEC. 1977
4875892 (con.) Conference on Public Finance, San Francisco, Hay 2-6, 1976. Editor: Donna aoiian-Do»nes. 120 p. The Hunicipal Finance officers 4ssociation of the Onited States and Canada: 15Jun76: 4875892.
4875893. Estate packaqe planning. 37 p. 4ppl. au: Bichard E. Baby (B. E. Baby) Bichard E. Baby; 9Jub77; 4875893.
48758911. Basic digital control systems. Sheets (23 p.) (Digital electronic systeas 1, course 55, lesson 5505. Issued by Bell and Houell Schools, Inc., DeVry Institute of Technology) 4ppl. au: Larry Belch. Bell and Hovell Schools, Inc.; 284ug7<(; 4875891.
4875895. 4naloq-diqital converters. Sheets (21 p.) (Digital electronic systea 1, course 55, lesson 5511) 4ppl. au: David Snider. Bell and Houell School (i. e. Schools), Inc.; 284ug71; 4875895.
4875896. Digital-analog converters. Sheets (26 P.) (Digital electronic systeas 1, course 55, lesson 5515) 4ppl. au: David Snider. Bell and Bonell Schools, Inc.; 284ug71: 4875896.
4875897. Numerical control systeas. Sheets (21 p. ) (Digital electronic systems 1, course 55, lesson 5521) 4ppl. au: Frederick n. Bnnyon. 6 Bell aad Hovell School (i.e. Schools), Inc.: 284uq71: 487S897.
4875898. Point-to-point machine control systeas. Sheets (30 p.) (Digital electronic systems 1, course 55, lesson 5525) 4ppl. au: Harold Manning. Q Bell and Houell Schools, Inc.; 2e4ug71: 4875898.
4875899. Continuous path aachine control systeas. Sheets (33 p.) (Digital electronic systems 1, course 55, lesson 5530) 4ppl. au: Frederick H. Bunyon. Bell and BoHell Schools. Inc.: 284ug71: 4875899.
4875900. Numerical control programming tec- hniques. Sheets (36 p.) (Digital electronic systems 1, course 55, lesson 5535) 4ppl. an: Larry Beich. & Bell and Houell Schools, Inc.: 284ug71: 4875900.
4875901. Unit examination for course 55. Sheets (5 p.) (Digital electronic systems 1) 4dd. ti: Unit examination appearing in course 55 digital electronic systeas, 1. 4ppl. au: Frederick H. Bunyon. Bell and Hovell Schools. Inc.; 28Aug7U; 4875901.
4875902. Heard County, Georgia, 1870 census. Compiled by Lynda S. Eller. 108 p. 4dd. ti: Census of Heard County, Georgia, 1870 NH: compilation, p. 1-2, index S editorial revision. O Lynda S. Eller; 281lar77: 4875902.
4875903. Galeria; a creative vriting anthology. Editor/layout: Bonald E. Hendry e other editors. 51 p. 4ppl. au: Nancy Ihite. Nancy ihite; 1(lay77; 4875903.
4875901. His healing hands; an essay on a television progran^ By Bichard Carl Spurney. 4 p. Bichard Carl Spurney; 5JU177: 4875901.
4875905. Halter International Corporation neu lubricant and gard kit and training manual. 36 p. Add. ti: Professional lubricants from Halter International. 6 Halter International Corporation; 17Jun77; 4875905.
4875906. The SnoHflake that saved Christmas! 14 p. Appl. au: Helen S. Hadsen. Helen S. Hadseu; 12Har77; A87S906.
4875907. The Honaouth historian. Vol. 1. Editor: Charles T- Lyle. 33 p. Honaouth county Historical 4ssociation; 310ct72; 4875907.
A875908. Suggested guideline for Session 1 vith participating SSA churches. 16 p. Q Departaent of Christian Education, Evangelical Covenant Church of Aaerica; 16Hay77: 4875908.
4875909. Sumaerstreet and other poeas. By Jia Holin. 1 V. Jim Holin; 15Jun77; 4875909.
4875910. The Federalist era. By Thomas J. Ladenburg £ Ihoaas Davis. 1 v. Thomas J. Ladenburg; 151lov76; 4875910.
4875911. 4pplied behavior management in residential institutions for the retarded. Modules 1-5. By Jay Bradford Heckler. 5 V. e Jay B. Heckler; 310ct76: 4875911.
4875912. Letters from Luxor, third section. 1 v. Appl. au: Sharon Elaine Hlles. Sharon Hiles e Bandy Biles; 114pr77: 4875912.
4875913. Fall/winter men's apparel catalog of big and tall sizes, 1977; Chicago, Coluabus, Minneapolis & others. 75 p. Sears, Boebuck and Company: 22Jun77; 4875913.
4875911. Turnbull, 1910-1976 — Jones, 1909-1963. 1 V. 4ppl. au: Victor Packman. 6 Victor Packman; 54pr77; 4875914.
4875915. Instructions for using the cocoon. 1 p. 4dd- ti: Backpackers Cocoon — instructions for using the Cocoon. Appl. au: Bobert A. Tallarico. Hildernest, Inc.; 19Hay77: A875915.
A875916. CB slang. 1 p. Appl. au: John B. Deters & Charles B. Dieter. Heads United; 20Apr77; A875916.
4875917. Leather Unlimited Company wholesale catalog. 37 p. Appl. au: Joseph M. O'Connell. 6 Leather Unlimited Company; 1May77; 4875917.
4875918. The Hay to your cottage isn't paved with stars, so I leave the Moon to shov ae. By aichael 4aong. Folder. THent; Stalks Publications; 6Jul77: 4875918.
4875919. Eainent Victorian Aaericans: 32 portrait postcards. Selected by Sari A. French. 1 V. NM: additional text, new reproductions & compilation. 6 The Stotfe-Day Foun- dation; 16Jun77; A875919.
4875920. Best editorial cartoons of the year. Edited by Charles G. Brooks, foreword by Draper Hill. 1977 ed. 160 p. Charles G. Brooks: 194pr77: A875920.
A87S921. Triple-race. Kit. Appl. au: Levis 0. Brunn, Jr. KM: additions. Math Games Coapany: 17Feb77 (in notice: 1972, 1976); A87S921.
A875922. Microfilm manual. Sheets. Add. ti: Otis aicrofila aanual. O Otis Elevator Coapany; lMar77; A875922.
4875923. Eclectic architecture in Oaytona Beach, Florida, 1890-1910: a catalogue raisonne. By Cynthia Anne Karl. 1 v. NM: compilation. Cynthia Anne Karl; 16JU176: 4875923.
A875921. 4 Paradigm for the creation of a videodisc computer based instructional system. 1 v. Appl. au: John J. Hirschbuhl. e The University of Akron; 19Mar77: 4875924.
A875925. Texas Legislative Service final report, 65th legislature, regular session, January 11-May 30, 1977. 93 p. Appl. an: Texas Legislative Service, Bussell Fish, supervisor. O Texas Legislative Service; 20Jun77; A875925.
A875926. Innovative teaching methods in introductory college aatheaatics; selected proceedings from the conference held in Tuscon, Arizona, Mar. 26-27, 1976. Managing editor: Thomas L. Sherman, conference editors: Matthew J. Hassett £ Bichard B. Thoapson. 154 p. Bocky Mountain Mathematics Consortiua, Department of Mathematics, 4rizona State University; 27May77; A87S926.
4875927. 4 Horld of yesterday; special. Ho. 1. 4pr. 1977. Edited by Bon S. Downey £ Linda S. Downey. 63 p. O Linda S. Downey; 12Apr77: 4875927.
4875928. CPI. lip. CPI Group. Inc.; 214pr77 (in notice: 1976, 1977); 4875928.
A875929. Mexican checkers. 1 p. Appl. au: fiuth G. Buabera £ Jose Trejo. O Buth G. Bumbera £ Jose L. Trejo; 14Apr77; A875929.
4875930. Design-plan for hexagon-M; a prototype house of full spectrum solar glass and solar hotwater-heat and cooling. 3 p. 4ppl. au: Vivienne Clark (V. Clark) Vivienne Clark; 23Mar77; A875930.
4875931. Tuasa suggested list prices for catalog 80a. 19 p. Appl. au: Herbert Gitter. NM: new prices £ items. 6 luasa International, Inc.; iaMar77; 4875931.
4875932. The Elusive strain. Treatment by Betsy Stern (Betsy Stern Engelaan) , Philip Singeraan £ Martin Lipschnltz. 19 p. 6 Betsy Stern Engelaan, Philip Singeraan £ Martin Lipschultz; 14pr77; 4875932.
4875933. Teaching shorthand and transcription: an instructional guide. By ialter L. Shell. 28 p. O Division of Vocational Education, Departaent of Education, Commonwealth of Virginia; 15Har77; 4875933.
A875931. Journal of the International Trombone 4ssociation. Vol. 3, Jan. 1975. Editor:
Larry v. Heed, associate editor; Stephen
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