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A926545 - A926586


JUL-DEC. 1977

4926545. The tonnbuilders; £il«strip script. 22 p. AccoDpanied bv filastrip, req. JP2111'i. O The Perfection For* coapan7: 15Sep77: A92e5<l5.

»926546. Seven villages: the Aaana storr: filmstcip script. 27 p. iccompanied by 2 filistrips, req. JP21123. The Perfection For* Coapanr: 15Sep77; A9265it6.

A9265I17. The Hhite House; Georqe Hashinqton never slept here: filastrip script. 25 p. Accoapanied by filastrip, req. JP21119. The Perfection Pora Coapany: 15Sep77: J926547.

A92b5l4e. rliqhts of fancy: the O'Hare story; filastrip script. 25 p. Accoapanied by filastrip, req. JP21120. O The Perfection Form Coapany; 15Scp77; i9265il8.

A9265U9. The Alphabet: letters to a saber-toothed tiqei : filastrip script. 15 p. Accoapaaied by filaszrip* req. JP21116. e The Perfection For a Caapany: 15Sep77: A926519.

A926550. The Sodbusters: bedbuqs, fleas, and qrasshopper traps; filastrip script. 20 p. Accoapanied by filastrip, req. JP2110S. The Perfection Fora Coapany; 15Sep77: A926550.

A926551. Aaericar: a nation on iiheels; filastrip script. 20 p. Accoapanied by filastrip, req. JP21112. The Perfection Fora coapany: 15Sep77; A926551.

A926532. Buffalo Bill's nild Best: filastrip script. 24 p. Accoapanied by filastrip, req. JP21121. C The Perfection Fora COBpanv; 15Sep77: A926S52.

A926553. Hisxory in little bon^s. 25 p. C The Perfection Fora Coapany; 15Sep77; A92655J.

A92655«. Vocabu-lit: a vocabulary aorkbook; falcon ed. 140 p. Add. ti: Vocabu-lit: the readlnq nay to »ord pouer. O The Perfection Fora Coapany: 15Sep77: A926554.

A926555. Vocabu-lit: a vocabulary norltbook; ha»k ed. 140 p. Add. ti: Vocabu-lit: the readiaq vay to vord power. The Perfection Fora Coapany; 15Sep77; A926555.

A926556. Vocabu-lit; a vocabulary workbook; eagle ed. 140 p. Add. ti: Vocabu-lit: the reading way to vord power. The Perfection Fora Coapany; 15Sep77: A9 26556.

A926557. Death of a salesaan, by Arthur Miller; a learnioq packet for concept building. Kit. (Conteaporary classics: horizons in literature series) O The Perfection Fora coapany: 15Sep77; A926557.

A92655B. The Glass aenaqorie, by Tennessee HilLiaas; a learning packet for concept building. Kit. (Conteaporary classics: horizons in literature series) O The Perfection Fora Coapany: 15Sep77; A926558.

A926559. 1984, by George Orwell; a learning packet for concept building. Kit. (Conteaporary classics: horizons in literature series) O The Perfection Fora Coapany; 15Sep77: A9265^9.

A926560. One flew over the cuckoo's nest, by Ken Kesey; a learning packet for concept buildinq. Kit. (Conteaporary classics: horizons in literature series) C The Perfection Fora Coapany; 15Sep77: A926550.

A926561. The Old man and the sea, by Ernest Heainqway; a learning packet for concept building. Kit. (Conteaporary classics: horizons in literature series) The Perfection Fora Coapany; 15Sep77; A92()561.

A926562. Sounder, by Uilliam Arastrong; <i learning packet for concept building. Kit. (Contemporary classics; horizons in literature series) The Perfection Fora Coapany; 15Sep77; A926562.

A926563. That was then, this is now, by S. E. uinton; a learning packet for concept building. Kit. (Conteaporary classics: horizons in literature series) C The Perfection Fora Coapany; 15Sep77; A926563.

A926564. The Bed pony, by John Steinbeck; a learning packet for concept building. Kit. (Conteaporary classics: horizons in literature series) O The Perfection Fora Coapany; 15Sep77; 4926564.

A926565. The Pigman, by Paul Zindel; a learning packet for concept building. Kit. (Conteaporary classics: horizons in literature series) The perfection Fora Company; 15Sep77; A926565.

A926566. Shane, by Jack Schaefer; a learning packet for concept building. Kit. (Conteaporary classics; horizons in literature series) S The Perfection Form Coapany; 15Sep77; A926566.

4926567. Revised statutes of Hebraska; reissue of vol. 1, 1977. By Bruce A. Cutshall. 1132 p. Appl. au; State of Nebraska, eaployer for hire. 6 Larry D. Donelsoo, state librarian for the benefit of the State of Nebraska; 28»ov77; A926567.

A926568. fievised statutes of Nebraska; reissue of vol. 1A, 1977. By Bruce A. Cutshall. 1386 p. Appl. au; State of Nebraska, eaployer for hire. O Larry D. Donelson, state librarian for the benefit of the State of Nebraska: 28Nov77: A926568.

A926569. Bible readiness vith Hill Ing Beart and the Think-Inq Caps. Book no. 1. Art by Ivy Spanqler £ Brenda loung. 30 p. Appl. au: Uyaeaa KcPherron. O Uyneaa BcPberron; 170Ct77; A926569.

A926570. Time-line visualize the unfolding of God's eternal plan. Sheets. Appl. au; Hyneaa HcPherron. Byneaa BcPherron; 30ct77; A926570.

A92o571. Spiritual auscles (must have proper food and ezercise) Sheets in folder. Add. ti; Spiritual muscles chart. Appl. au: Hyneaa Hyneaa HcPherron; 3Nov77;

A926572. Inside an enigma: a study of coaauoisa. By Jean McLellan Byrne, pseud, of Ooreen a. Byrne. 1 v. NH: coapilation of prev. pub. works, certain editorial comment, pictorial matter t arrangeaent. O Doreen M. Byrne; 15Sep77: A926572.

A926573. Aaerica's great love affair with the wheel coloring book. 1 v. Appl. au: John N. Mueller. John Mueller Studio; 170ct77: A926573.

A926574. Accent on algebra revised. By Pat Boyle with Bill Juarez. 140 p. NM: SOU new aaterial. creative Publications, Inc. ; 22Jun77; A926574.

A926S75. flultibase activities base four. By Bobert E. Hillcutt, Mark A. Spikell 6 Carole E. Greenes. 149 p. Creative Publications, Inc.; 15flay74; A926575.

A926S76. Calculator activities for the classrooa. Books 16 2. By George laaerzeel & Earl Ockenga. Creative Publications, Inc.; 27May77; A926576.

A926577. Successful problem solving techniques. By Carole Greenes, Jdhn Gregory £ Dale Seyaour. 1 19 p. Creative Publications, Inc. ; 10Jun77; A926577.

A926578. Hhat are ay chances? Book B. By Albert P. Shulte 6 Stuart A. Choate. 107 p. O Creative Publications, Inc.; 10Jun77; A926576.

A926 579. Creating Escher-type drawings. By J. L. Teeters G E. B. Banucci. 195 p. Creative Publications, Inc. ; 130ct77; A926579.

A9265a0. MuJtibase activities base five. By Robert E. Hillcutt, Hark A. Spikell 6 Carole E. Greenes. 149 p. O Creative Publications, Inc.; 15Hay74; A926580.

4926561. Multibase activities base ten. By Robert E. Hillcutt, Mark A. Spikell £ Carole E. Greenes. 145 p. Creative Publications, Inc.; 15May74; A926581.

A926 582. Suggested ways to use primary geometry posters. 1 p. © Creative Publications, Inc.: 15Jan75: A926582.

A926 581. 50 great aini-trips for Michigan. By Jack M. Osier. 52 p. Appl. au: Joseph E. Holff £ Sandra Bunnell. NH: revisions, additions £ coapilation. Jack fl. Osier; 22Jun77; A926583.

A926584. Get in — get out. By Laurence V. Maybin. 16 p. Laurence V. Maybin; 31Aug77; A926 5S4.

A926585. Model 200-BB inst^allation and aain- tenance manual with safety information and parts list. Bulletin no. 23-A. 27 p. O Hytrol Conveyor Company, Inc.; 2 10ct77; A926585.

A926S86. Model 190-HBA installation and maintecance manual with safety information

and parts list. Bulletin no. 45. 27 p.


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