JUL-DEC. 1977
»926388. The jtellar handbook. By Bussell J. Hamell C Bollin P. Tan Zaadt. 1 t. O »3trono«ical Leaque; 9Bec77; »926388.
4926 389. It is ddoe: the draaa o£ the aqes. By Shecidao Hark Deiepine. 239 p. O Sheridan Mar* Deiepine: 15Dec77: A9 26 389.
»926390. Eatinq to prevent coronary heart disease; a aaltldisciplinary approach to »eiqht control. By Bobert E. Sebster. 198 p. C Bobert E. Webster; 8Dec77; »9263')9.
4926391. Our faith and fellowship. By 5. Saynond Carlson. 128 p. Adapted froB Our faith and fellowship, by Balph I. Barris. NH: additions. C Gospel Poblishim Boose; 6Dec77: 4926391.
4926392. The Story of the Schenectady aassacre. 2i| p. 4ppl. au: John P. Papp. SH: additional text £ co»pilation. John P. Papp: lSDec77: 4926392.
4926393. Landmarks. By Hildred I. Bales Ha«n. »6 p. Pre». req. 3Jun76, DD99627. NH: new cotpilation & additional poens. Bildred Bales Haiin: 16i)ec77; 4924393.
4926 391. Stories froB the back stairway: the second selection. By Charlotte Lea 4rBstronq. 101 p. Charlotte tea 4rBstronq: 19Dec77: 4926391.
4926 395. Buqqy tracKs. O Bess Harrison: By Bess Harrison. 130 p. 281IOT77; 4926395.
4926396. 4daptinq requlation to shortages, curtailBent. ani} inflation. Edited by John L. o'Donnell. 237 p. O Board of Trustees of Michigan state Oni»ersity; 28NOV77: 4926396.
4926 397. Caltivatinq your listing farB. By 41an B. Jacocson e Jack L. Gale. 125 p. 41ao I. Jacobson E Jack L. Gale; 7NOT77: 4926397.
4925 398. The Dory: philosophy and practice. By Ian Thoaas, pseiid. of Thoaas Bailey. 160 p. O Bailey Publications; 12Dec77; 4926398.
4926 399. nana Lou's soaps and stuff. Author; 4nn Marie Traynor, illustrated by Theresa Traynor prank, edited by Volanda Benavides. photography by Chris Payne. 1 ». O 4nn Marie Traynor: 10Dec77; 4926399.
4926100. The Jaa book: a coaprehensive guide to haa cookery. By Monette B. Bacrell C Bobert 9. Harrell, Jr., illus. by Nancy Siapson Hoke. 221 p. p Monette B. Harrell 6 Bobert H. Harrell, Jr.; 26No»77; A926100.
4926101. Insurance courses in colleges and universities outside the United States. By Helen L. Schaidt, Charles E. Uuqhes 6 Deborah 4. fixter. Ill p. O BcCahan Foundation; 2Dec77: 492610 1.
4926102. Texas' fiailroad Coaaission secondary recovery application suaaacies, 1976; as extracted fron issues of the oil requlation report. Editor: Jaaes B. Forbis. 291 p. 4dd. ti: Secondary recovery Railroad comaission application suiaaries, 1976; Secondary recovery, 1976. Texas State House Reporter, lac; 9Dec77: 4926102.
A926103. Popular culture: source book. By Hary Hellaan. 53 p. Appl. au: University of California. O The aeqents of the Oniversity of California; 12Dec77; 492*>103.
4926101. popular culture: newspaper articles for the eiqhth course by newspaper. 4uthors: David danninq «hite 6 others. 13 p. 4ppl. au: Oniversity of California. The Beqents of the Oniversity of California; 12Dec77; 4926101.
4926105. "Borkout:" enployaent discriaination against union aembers; a lawyer lesson plan. By Susan Salisbury. 1 v. 4ppl. au: Constitutional Bights Foundation. O Constitutional Bights Foundation; 1NOV77; 4926105.
4926106. TiBc and chance: a faaily albua. By soger Bill. 163 p. Add. ti: one Ban's tiae and chance: a aeBoir of eighty years, 1895/1975. Soger Hill; 12Dec77; A926106.
4926107. Black 4rkan3as newspapers, 1869-1975: a checklist. By 4Banda E. F. Saar. 62 p. O Board of Trustees, University of 4rkansas; 1Jun6; 4926107.
4926108. Stash. Cards. Appl. au: Bichard C. Norrell 6 Lorna Stewart. Prev. req., 4758283, 1976. NH: revisions in artwork, Ictteriag, rules, back of cards 6 packaging. Future Horizons OriliBited, Inc.; 11Dec77; 4926108.
4926109. The Career awareness kit. By Patricia Mink Bath. 19 p. 6 cards in box. O The Itterstate Printers and Publishers, Inc.; 2Dec77; 4926109.
4926110. The Many sides of Mark Twain, and other titles. 318 p. (Beader's digest large-type book condensations, vol. 1-1977) HB: a compilation 6 selection of prev. pub. aateriai. O Reader's Digest Fund for the Blind, Inc.; 2llov77; 4926110.
4926111. Functional writing; secondary school ed. By Joan Pettigrew, Nancy E. Tefft-Potter C 41bert D. Van Sostrand. 1 v. NM: additional text & revision. C 4. D. Jan Bostrand; 15Jul77: 4926111.
4926112. Alaska today. Vol. 1, no. 1, 1976. Editorial director: Bichard Foley, photography director: Karen Beber. 72 p. 4ppl. au: Oniversity of 41aska, Departaent of JouraalisB. O Oniversity of 41aska, OepartBent of JournalisB; 1May76; 4926112.
4926113. 41aska today. Vol. 5, no. 1, 1977. Editor: Mary Oownes, assistant editors; Sue Gauache 6 Jackie storaer, art 6 photography director: Mark Kelley, artist: Todd Sheraan. 68 p. 4ppi. au: Oniversity of Alaska, Departaent of Journalisa and Broadcasting. Oniversity of 41aska, Departaent of Journalisa and Broadcasting; 25Apr77; A926113.
A926111. Alaska today. Vol. 2, no. 1, 1971. Editor: Boraan M. Gibbons. 68 p. Appl. au; Oniversity of Alaska, Departaent of Journalisa. Oniversity of Alaska, Departnant o£ Journalis»; 33iy71: i926111.
A9 2611S. Alaska today. Vol. 3, no. 1, 1975. Editor: David-John Bychetnik £ other editors. 6 1 p. Appl. au: Oniversity of Alaska, Departjent of Journalisa. O Oniversity of Alaska, Departaent of Journalisa; 5May75: A926115.
Ay26416. How to kiss 10 different ways. 3 p. Appl. au: Robert C. Nottaqe (Boberts Publishing Coapany) Robert C. Bottage J.b.a. Roberts Publishing Coapany; 200ct77; 4926116.
A926117. "Escape from the ordinary": new 1977-78 fall and winter catalog. 95 p. Bora Thinp^on outfitters. Inc.; 3Aag77; A926117.
A926118. The Mandate of history and Chile's future. By Eduardo Frei M., edited £ with an historical introd. by Thoaas H. Balker, translated by Miguel D'Escoto. 79 p. Originally pub. as El Mandato de la historia y las exigencias del porvenir. BM: additions £ editing. Center for International Studies, Ohio Oniversity; 2flSep77: A926118.
A926119. i!astaan 9 TO adhesives. 19 p. Appl. au: Eastaan Cheaical Products, Inc. Prev. reg. as A578611, 1971 £ others. Eastaan Kodak Coapany; 110ct77; A926119.
A926120. Revised aanual of investigation and discipline procedures. By I. L. Fardal. 8th ed. 163 p. I. L. Fardal; 25Nov77; A926120.
A92b121. Society and change: the coaputer as a pervasive force. Author; Edaund C. Hoffaann, editor: G. B. Murphy. 190 p. O E, C. Hoffaann; 12Sep77; A926121.
A926«?2. CB'ers travel directory. 5 p. Appl. au: Dorothy C. Tierney. CB'ers Directory, Inc.; 110ct77; A926122.
A9 26123. CB'ers directory- 5 p. Appl. au: Dorothy c. Tierney. O CB'ers Directory, Inc., 110ct77: A926123.
A926125. Hydraulic brake parts tor disc equipped passenger cars and trucks (thru 1 tou) 1965-1977. Service catalog no. 170. 35 p. Add. ti: Brake parts for disc. Appl. au: E. I. Schwarz. BM: updating £ revisions. O EIS Autoaotive Corporation; 190ct77; A926125.
A926126. National design specification for wood construction, 1977 edition. Design values for wood construction; a suppl. to the 1977 ed. of National Design specification for wood construction. By National Forest Products Association. 2 v. Prev. reg. as no. 139519. National Forest Products Association; 20Sep77; A926126. 4926127.
Erogenous zones check list. Card, O Charle Faraone d.b.a. Once Upon A
Planet; 1Nov77; A926127.
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