A926178 - A92621B
JUL-DEC. 1977
S926177 (con.) e The Besearch Institute of America, Inc. ; MOct77: A926177.
A926178. Besearch Institute recoaaendations. Section 1-2, Oct. 11, 1977. 2 folders. Appl. au: Richard B- Salzmann. O The Besearch Institute of America, Inc. ; 11tOct77; A926178.
4926179. aiA aarketinq alert: sales aanaqement action. Vol. 1U, no. 83. Oct. 19, 1977. Foldet (p. 188-191) Appl. au: Eichard E. Salzaann. O The Research Institute of America, Inc.; 190ct77; A926179.
A92618a. Bli sales alert: personal action. Vol. 6, no. 40, Oct. t, 1977. Folder (p. 180-183) Appl. au: Bichard E. Salzmann. e The Research Institute of America, Inc.; aoct77: A926180.
A926181. HI A sales alert: personal action. Vol- 6, no. i»2, Oct. 18, 1977. Folder (p. 188-191) Appl. au: Eichard B. Salzaann. The Research Institute of America, Inc.: 180ct77: A926181.
A926182. BIA supervisory alert: action. Vol. 6, no. 41. Oct. 11, 1977. Folder (p. 195-198) Appl. au: B,ichard B. Salzmann. 6 The Besearch Institute of America, Inc.; 110ct77; i926182.
A926183. BIA supervisory alert: action. Vol. 6, no. 43, Oct. 25. 1977. Folder (p. 203-206) Appl. au: Richard E. Salzmann. d The Sesearch Institute of America. Inc.; 250ct77: A926183.
A926184. Alert. Items no. 425-434, Oct. 19, 1977. 1 V. Appl. au: Bichard B. Salzmann. 6 The Besearch Institute of America, Inc.; 190ct77; A926184.
A926185. Alert. Iteas no. 415-424, Oct. 12, 1977. 1 V. Appl. au: Bichard E. Salzaann. G The Besearch Institute of America, Inc.; 120ct77; 4926185.
A9 26186. Neil profit opportunities in birinq vomen. P. 173-187. (EIA marlcetinq alert: special analysis, vol. 14, no. 81, Oct. 12, 1977) Appl. au: Eicha^rd E. Salzmann. 3 The Besearch Institute of America, Inc. ; 120ct77: A926186.
A926 187. Research Institute Personal Beport for the Professional Secretary. Vol. 3, no. 21, Oct. 27, 1977. 8 p. Add. ti: Besearch Institute of America Personal Beport for the Professional secretary. Appl. au: Eichard 3. Salzmann. O The Besearch Institute of America, Inc.; 270ct77: A926187.
A926ia8. your business and the la«. Vol. 7, no. 22. Oct. 31, 1977. Prepared by The Besearch Institute of America, Inc. P. 127-132. Appl. au: Eichard B. Salzaann. @ The Besearch Institute of America, Inc. ; 310ct77; A926188.
A92ei89. Al^rt. Items no. 404-414, Oct. 5, 1977. 1 V. Appl. au: Bichard B. Salzaann. Q The Research Institute of America, Inc.; 50ct77; A926189.
A926190. Research Institute aarketinq for sales executives. Vol. 3, no. 19, Oct. 13, 1977. 6 p. Add. ti: Research Institute of Aaerica marketing for sales executives. Appl. au: Bichard B. Salzaann. 6 The Besearch Institute of America, Inc. ; 130ct77; A926190.
A926191. Research Institute marketing for sales executives. Vol. 3, no. 20, Oct. 27, 1977. 6 p. Add. ti: Research Institute of America marketing for sales executives. Appl. au: Richard R. Salzaann. 3 The Besearch Institute of America. Inc. ; 270ct77: A926191.
A926192. Alert. Items no. 435-445, Oct. 26, 1977. 1 v. Appl. au: Eichard E. Salzmann. 6 The Besearch Institute of Aaerica, Inc.; 260ct77; A926192.
A926193. Research Institute recoaaendations. Section 1-2, Oct. 7, 1977. 1 v. Appl. au: Richard R. Salzaann. 9 The Research Institute of America, Inc.; 70ct77; A926193.
4925194. RIA supervisory alert: personal action. Vol. D, no. 42, Oct. 18, 1977. 1 V. Appl. au: Richard B. Salzmann. 6 The Besearch Institute of Aaerica, Inc. ; 180ct77; 4926194.
A926195. Intersensory phonics readiness kit; teacher's aanual. By Cecelia Pollack E Diane Glasser. 23 p. 9 Cecelia Pollack 6 Diane Glasser; 15Sep77; 4926195.
A926196. How hip are you? Book 2. By Nettie Goldstein, Noraa Warner S Grace Zuckerman, edited by Cecelia Pollack, drawings by Joan Bobinson. 64 p. A uorkbook to accompany Hip reader, vol. 1, lessons 20-48. © Nettie Goldstein, Cecelia Pollack, Norma Barner 6 Grace Zuckerman; 150ct77; A926196.
A926197. Sayville. Bayport, Bohemia, NY, and others Handy Guide classified Directory, 1977-1978. No. 41 issue. Appl. au: Georqe J. Eoberts. Holgro Advertising corporation; 10Jun77 (in notice: 1976); 4926137.
4926198. Aaaqansett, Beach Haapton, Bridge- haapton, N¥, and others Handy Guide classified Directory, 1977-1978. No. 45 issue. Appl. au: George J- Eoberts. e Holqro Advertising corporation; 5Jul77; 4326198.
4926199. The Islips: Central Islip, East Islip, Islip Terrace, NI, and others Bandy Guide Classified Directory, 1977-1978. No. 41 issue. Add. ti: Central Islip, East Islip, Islip Terrace, Nr, and others Handy Guide Classified Directory, 1977-1978. Appl. au: George J. Eoberts. Q Bolgro 4dvertising corporation; 20Jun77 (in notice: 1976); 4926199.
4926200. Home-spun. 27 p. 4ppl. au: Battle Lanzratb. 4ppl. states all nen except for prev. pub. material. © Hattie Lanzrath; 80ct77; 4926200.
4926201. A Clash of interests: Interior Departaeot and Mountain Hest, 1863-96. By Thomas G. Alexander. 256 p. C Brigham Tounq Oniversity Press; 8Sep77: A926201.
A926202. "I'd rather be born lucky than rich": the autobiography of SObert H. Hinckley. By Robert H. Hinckley 6 JoAnn Jacobsen Hells. 160 p. '(Charles Bedd monographs in Bestern history, no. 7) 9 Brigham Young Oniversity Press; 6Sep77; A926202.
4926 203. Beginnings of interior environment: student packet. By Phyllis Sloan 411en Sheets in envelope. NM: new pictorial material 6 compilation. 9 Brigham Young Oniversity Press; 17Aug77; A926203.
A926204. That's not fair! helping children make moral decisions. By larry C. Jensen. 179 p. 9 Brigham Young Oniversity Press; 11Aug77: A926204.
A92C205. Beginnings of interior environment. By Phyllis Sloan AJ.len. 360 p. NH: new text added to the body of the work £ editorial revision. 9 Brigham Young Oniversity press; 17Aug77; A926205.
A926206. Eeincarnation. Pt. 5 6 6. 2 v. (Circulating file) 9 Edgar Cayce Foundation; 30Oct77; A926206.
A926207. Children's life readings. Vol. 4. 71 p. (Circulating file) Prev. reg. under C reg. (oral deliveries), reg. C25826. NM: editorial excerpting 6 compilation. 9 Edgar Cayce Foundation; 4Dec77; 4926207.
4926208. Children's life readings. Vol. 5. 95 p. (Circulating file) Prev. reg. under C reg. (oral deliveries), reg. C25a26. NM; editorial excerpting S compilation. 9 Edgar Cayce Foundation; 5Dec77; 4926206.
4926209. Children's life readings. Vol. 6. 1 v. (Circulating file) Prev. reg. under C reg. (oral deliveries), reg. C25826. NM: editorial excerpting £ compilation. 9 Edgar Cayce Foundation; 5Dec77; 49^26209.
4926210. Children's life readings. Vol. 10. 64 p. (Circulating file) Prev. reg. under C reg. (oral deliveries), reg. C25826. NM: editorial excerpting S compilation. 9 Edgar Cayce Foundation; 8Dec77; 4926 210.
4926211. Time, space and patience. 29 p. (Circulating file) Prev. reg. under C teg. (oral deliveries), reg. C25826. NM: editorial excerpting 6 coapilation. 9 Edgar Cayce Foundation; 8Dec77; 4926211.
A926212. Children's life readings. Vol. 17. 43 p. (Circulating file) Prev. reg. under C reg. (oral deliveries), reg. C25826. SM: editorial excerpting £ coapilation. 9 Edgar Cayce Foundation; 5Dec77; Aa26212.
A926213. Children's life readings. Vol. 18. 53 p. (Circulating file) Prev. reg. under C reg. (oral deliveries), reg. C25826. NM: editorial excerpting B coapilation. 9 Edgar Cayce Foundation; 5Dec77; A926213.
4926214. Children's life readings. Vol. 9. 78 p. (Circulating file) Prev. reg. under C reg. (oral deliveries), reg. C25826. NM: editorial excerpting 6 compilation. 9 Edgar Cayce Foundation; 8Dec77;
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