JUL-DEC. 1977
A926143. OsiQq our lanquaqe; teacher's ed. Level S. Authors: Racy B. Pearson. Diane Gess, inoe D. BOOS. Ann alec Donald J. Bissett. 368 p. Appl. au: Hoble and Koble. Publishers. Inc. Soble and Noble. Publishers. Inc.: 2tJao77: A926143.
A926144. nsinq our lanquaqe; teacher's ed. Level U. Authors: Mary B. Pearson, Diane Gess. Anne D. Soos. Ann Rier G Donald J. Bissett. 336 p. Appl. au: Noble and Noble. Publishers, Inc. O Noble and Noble. Publishers. Inc.: 1May77: A926144.
A926145. Osinq our lanquaqe; teacher's ed. Level 3. Authors: Hary B. Pearson. Diane Gess. Anne D. Boos. Ann Bier C Donald J. Bissett. 335 p. Appl. au: Noble and Noble. Publishers. Inc. C Noble and Noble. Publishers. Inc.; 10llar77; A926145.
A926146. Osinq our lanquaqe: teacher's ed- Level 2. Authors: Mary B. Pearson. Diane Gess. Anne D. Boos. Ann lier e Donald J. Bissett. 192 p. Appl. au: Noble and Noble. Publishers. Inc. Noble and Noble, Publishers. Inc.; 13Bay77; A926146.
A926147. Osinq our lanquaqe; teacher's ed- Level 1. Authors: Mary B. Pearson, Diane Gess, Anne D. Boos, Ann (ier £ Donald J. Bissett. 160 p. Appl. au: Noble and Noble, Publishers, Inc. O Noble and Noble. Publishers, Inc.; 1JHay77; A926147.
A926148. Beachinq out; a study of Luke-Acts; leader quide. By Barold- Bast, edited by Terence I. Sulllns. 32 p. This leader quide is acconpanied by a participant book entitled Beachinq out: a study of Luke-Acts (AS) Parish Life Press; 1Nov77: A926148.
A926149. The Black vote: election'76. 56 p. Joint Center for Political Studies; 29Auq7?; A926149.
A926150. California professional responsibility. By Donald B. Burris. 1 v. Appl. au: Josephson Bar Bevieii Center of Aaerica. Inc. Josephson Bar Beviev Center of Anerica, Inc. (in notice; Josephson's Bar Review Center of America, Inc.); iaar77; A926150.
A926151. Sleepy Susie and her sleepinq *aq. By Lois L. Boyer. 1 p. G folder. NB: revisions in Instructions, copy chanqes £ illus. Lois L. Boyer; 2Sep77; A926151.
A926152. Superior Concrete Accessories. Inc. pavinq price list, 1978; effective Nov- 1. 1977. 12 p. Appl. au: Earl Seifert. 6 Superior Concrete Accessories, Inc. ; 1NOV77; A926152.
A926153. Jaho basic forninq information. Folder (8 p.) Appl. au: Jaies A. Black. NB: revisions of S additions to prev. pob. bulletin. Superior Concrete Acces- sories, Inc.; 1Nov77: A9261S3.
A926154. Jahn radius vail forainq. Folder. Appl. au: James A. Black. NB: revisions of 6 additions to prev. pub. bulletin. Superi 1NOV77: ssories. Inc. ;
A926155. Abortion law reporter. »ol. 1-2. July 1976. release no. 2. Editor: Jane A. cullen 6 others. Sheets. Appl. au: Somen's Biqhts Clinic, Antioch School of Law. Somen's Eiqhts Clinic, Antioch School of Law; 1Jul76; A926155.
A926156. Puppet maqic: a book to share puppet patterns with the novice. By Albert Herman C Ina May Herman, pattern plates C art by Ina Bay Herman. 149 p. C Hermans of Feiton jointly owned by Albert Herman 6 Ina Bay Herman; 12Auq77; A926156.
A926157. Art in transition: a century of the Buseum School; Sarch 23-flay 30, 1977. Eihibitlon S cataloque by Bartlett Bayes. 110 p. Museum of Fine Arts; 23Bar77; A9261S7.
A926158. Four steps to resolve conflict- P. 192-203. (RIA Banaqement alert: special analysis, vol. 6. no. 81, Oct. 12, 1977) Appl. au: Slchard B. Salzmann. O The Research Institute o£ America, Inc.; 120ct77; A926158.
A926159- BIA manaqement alert: manaqement action- yol. 6. no. 83. Oct. 19, 1977. Folder (p. 201-207) Appl. au: Richard B. Salzmann. The Research Institute of America, Inc.; 190ct77: A926159.
A926160. RIA Banaqement alert: personal report. Vol. 6, no. 79. Oct. 5, 1977. Folder <p. 188-191) Appl. au: Richard R. Salzmann. O The Research Institute of America, Inc.; 50ct77; A926160.
A926161. RIA manaqement alert; personal report. Vol. 6, no. 85, Oct- 26, 1977- Folder (p- 208-211) Appl. au: Bichard R. Salzmann. The Research Institute of America, Inc.; 260ct77; A926161.
A926162. your business and the lav. Vol. 7, no. 21, Qct. 17. 1977. Prepared by The Research Institute of America, Inc. P. 121-126. Appl. au: Bichard B. Salzmann.. O The Rfesearch Institute of Anerica. Inc.; 170ct77: A926162.
A926163. Your business and the law. Vol. 7. no. 20. Oct. 3, 1977. Prepared by The Research Institute of America. lac. P. 115-120- Appl. au: Bichard R. Salzmaan. The Research Institute of America. Inc.; 30ct77: A926163.
A926164. Research Institute Personal Beport for the Professional Secretary. Vol- 3. no- 20, Oct- 13, 1977- 8 p- Add- ti: Research Institute of America Personal Beport for the Professional Secretary- Appl. an: Bichard R. Salzmann. O The Research Institute of America, Inc.; 130ct77; A926164-
A926165- Sales progress planner for 1978. P- 192-203- (RIA sales alert: sales action, vol- 5, no. «3, Oct. 25, 1977) Appl. au: Richard R. Salzmann. The Research Institute of America. Inc. ; 250ct77; A9 26165.
A926166. BIA sales alert: sales action. Vol. 6, no. m, Oct. 11, 1977. P. 181-187. Appl. au: Richard B. Salzmann. O The Research
A926 167. Betearch Institute recommendations- Section 1-2. Oct. 21. 1977. 2 folders. Appl. au: Bichard B. Salzmann. The Research Institute of America. Inc.; 210ct77; A926167.
A926 168. Regulatory alert; a weekly report on government regulations affecting business. October 5. 1««77. Folder (1 p.) Add. ti: Research Institute of America regulatory alert. Appl. au; Bichard E. Salzmann. O The Research Institute of America. Inc.; S0ct77; A926168.
A926169. Regulatory alert: a weekly report on governoent regulations affecting business. October 12, 1977- Folder (1 p- ) Add. ti: Research Institute of America regulatory alert. Appl. au: Bichard R. Salzmann. the Research Institute of America, Inc.; 120ct77; A926169.
A926 170- ResearcL Institute recommendations- Section 1-2, Oct- 28, 1977- 2 folders- Appl. an; Richard fi. Salzmann. O The Research Institute of America. Inc. ; 280ct77; A926170.
A9 26 17 1- Regulatory alert: a weekly report on government regulations affecting business. October 19. 1977- Folder (1 p-) Add- ti: Research Institute of America regulatory alert. Appl- au: Bichard B. Salzmann. The Research Institute of America, Inc.; 190ct77; 1926171.
A926172. Regulatory alert: a weekly report on government regulations affecting business. October 26. 1977. Folder (1 p.) Add. ti: Besearch Institute ol America regulatory alert- Appl- au; Bichard B. Salzmann. The Research Institute of America, Inc.; 260ct77: A926172.
A926173. Besearch Institute pension coordinator: checklist. Vol. U, no. 19, Oct. 12, 1977. 1 V. (idd. ti: Besearch Institute of America pension coordinator: checklist. Appl. au: James E. Cheeks- O The Research Institute of America. Inc- ; 12oct77; A926173.
A9 26 174. Research Institute pension coordinator. Vol. 1, no. 20, Oct. 26, 1977. Section 1-2. 1 V. Add. ti: Research Institute of America pension coordinator. Appl. au: James Z. cheeks. O The Besearch Institute of America, Inc.; 260ct77; 1926174.
A926175. Research Institute Personal Beport for the executive. Vol. 3, no. 20, Oct. 11, 1977. 8 p. Add. ti: Besearch Institute of America Personal Report for the executive. Appl. au; Richard R. Salzmann. O The Besearch Institute of America, Inc.; 110ct77; A926175-
A926176- Besearch Institute Personal Report for the executive- Vol. 3, no. 21, Oct. 25, 1977. 8 p. Add. ti: Research Institute of America Personal Report for the executive. Appl. au: Richard R. Salzmann. The Research Institute of America, Inc-; 250ct77; A926176-
A926177- RIA economic outlook; a quarterly report for business planning, October 11. 1977.
8 p- Appl- au; Bichard R- Salzmann.
These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.