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A926014 - A926051


JUL-DEC. 1977

(1926013 (con.) Fenton Krakel. i'lS p. C Dear. Krakel; l*pr77: A926013.

A926014. (laster's theses in education, 1976-1977. No. 26. Edited by H. B. Silvey. 263 p. O H. (1. Silvey: 13Dec77: A926014.

A926015. Fannin County folks and facts. UtO p. tin: photos. 6 compilation. Bonhan Public library: 18Nov77: A926015.

A926016. Wildlife on the farm. By fliriam Druist, illustrated by A. Daniel Zook. 152 p. Appl. au: James L. Boll. Rod and Staff Publishers, Inc.; 1BNov77; A926016.

A926017. The Locust story. By narla Bartin, pictures by niriam Martin G Harla Hartin. 62 p. Appl. au: James L. Boll. Bod and Staff Publishers, Inc.: 60ct77: A926017.

A92601B. Sears iiish book for the 1977 Christmas season: Los Angeles. .619 p. Add. ti: Sears 1977 Christmas book. Sears, Roebuck and Company: 22Aug77: A926018.

A926019. Sears yish book for the 1977 Christmas season: Atlanta, Jacksonville, Greensboro, Hemphis.. 619 p. Add. ti: Sears 1977 Christmas book. c Sears, Roebuck and Company: 12Sep77: A926019.

A926020. Sears wish book for the 1977 Christmas season: Dallas. 619 p. Add. ti: Sears 1977 Christmas book. Sears, Roebuck and Company; 9Sep77: A926020.

A926021. Sears nish book for the 1977 Christmas season: Kansas City. 619 p. Add. ti: Sears 1977 Christmas book. Sears, Roebuck and Company: 7Sep77 ; A926021.

A926022. Sears wish book for the 1977 Christmas season: Chicago, Columbus. 6 19 p. Add. ti: Sears 1977 Christmas book. Sears, Roebuck and Company: 29Aug77: A926022.

A926023. Sears uish book for the 1977 Christmas season: Philadelphia, Boston. 619 p. Add. ti: Sears 1977 Christmas book. Sears, Roebuck and Company: 15fiug77; A926023.

A926024. Generic rate structure investigation; final report, Dec. 1977. Prepared by Kelvin P. Bloom, Robert A. Rosenthal S Halter F. Japak. 1 v. Add. ti: General electric rate structure investigation: case number 76-P.R,H.D.-7: final report, December 1977. Appl. au: Pennsylvania Public Otility Commission. C PennsyJ.vania Public Utility Commission: 15Dec77: A926024.

A92e025. Sealant technology in glazing systems; a symposium, Philadelphia, June 16, 1976. 106 p. lASIB special technical pub- lication. 638) American Society for Testing and Materials; 1Dec77; A926025.

A926026. Annual book of ASTB standards, 1977. Pt. 32. 768 p. C American Society for Testing and Materials: 1Dec77: A926026.

A926027. Annual took of ASTM standards. 1977. Pt. 23. 936 p. C American Society for Testing and Materials; 1Dec77; &926027.

A926028. Learning staircase. Authors: Lila Coughran 6 Marilynn Goff. Kit. Lila Coughran 6 Marilynn Goff; 10ct76; A926028.

A926029. lUNKEB. Kit. King's Kids, Inc.; 15NOV77: A926029.

A926030. Cincinnati Milacron numbers 1 and 2 chucking grinding machines. Publication no. G-811-2. 7 p. NM: revisions 6 additions. © Cincinnati Milacron Company; 26Sug77; A926030.

A926031. Cintimatic lOV/IOVC-series: DC machining centers. Publication no. N-508-2. Ht p. 5 folder. Add. ti: Cincinnati Milacron cintimatic lOV/IOVC-series NC machining centers. NM: revisions. C Cincinnati Milacron Company; 26Aug77; A926031.

4926032. Cincinnati Milacron knuckle press and coinmaster minting machine. Publication no. M-52«il. 11 p. O Cincinnati Milacron Company; 2BNov77; A926032.

A926033. New cinturn a-axis NC chucking centers. IQ p. 6 folder (3 p.) Add. ti: Cincinnati Bilacron new cinturn 4-axis NC chucking centers. 6 Cincinnati Milacron Company: 12Dec77: A926033.

A926034. Ne» cinturn U-aiis shaft model NC turning center. Publication no- L-558. 6 p. 6 folder (3 p.) Add. ti: Cincinnati Milacron new cinturn U-axis shaft model NC turning center. Cincinnati Milacron Company; 12Dec77; A926034.

A926035. Steptronic 2-axis step grinding machine. Publication no. G-1067. 10 p. Add. ti: Cincinnati Milacron steptronic 2-axis step grinding machine. O Cincinnati Milacron Company; 12Dec77; A926035.

A926036. Cintimatic 7VT-series NC machining centers. Publication no. N-503-2. 1 "4 p. 6 folder. Add. ti: Cincinnati Milacron cintimatic 7VT-series NC machining centers. NM: revisions 6 additions. Cincinnati Milacron Company; 12Dec77; A926036.

A926037. Evolution of a graphic concept: the stonecutter. Filmstrip. Accompanied by sound recording, reg. N1I8082, C Heston Woods Studios, Inc.; 3Nov77; A926037.

A92603e. Consumer math cassettes; duplicating masters & teacher's guide. Producer: F. Lee McFadden, collaborator: Richard Selan, illus; Ed Azevedo. 1 v. Accompanied by sound recordings, reg. NH8083 in folder. a Bath House; 220ct77; A926038.

A926039. Johann Sebastian Bach, weaver of melodies, and other titles. By Helen B. Kilduff. 1 V. IREP, reading enrichment program, unit 2) Accompanied by sound recordings, reg. NUSOSS-u 8092; filastrips, reg. JP21 075- 21 082 ; periodicals, reg. B282506-282509 6 lectures, reg. C37180- 37187 in box. (In Man and his music) Appl. au: Keyboard Publications, 6 Keyboard Publications; 29Bar77; A926039.

A926040. Passport to France; teacher's guide. By Andre Fertey. 100 p. Accompanied by sound recording, reg. NU8093, 5 filastrips 6 additional material in box. EMC Corporation; 6Dec77; A926040.

A9260141. Toes up, toes down: sensory motor skills for body identification, spatial awareness and listening. Pre-school-1 , special education. By Georgiana Liccione Stewart. 19 p. Accompanied by sound recording, reg. NU8103. Kimbo Educational; 22JU177; A926041.

A926 0112. Finger play and developmental hand exercises; early childhood 6 special education. By Georgiana Liccione Stewart. 15 p. Accompanied by sound recording, reg. N«ei06. Kimbo Educational; 28JU177; A926042.

A926043. Other way words (word opposites) ; songs to teach word opposites, pre K-2. Educational concept & lyrics by James Earle, original music composed & arr. Hilly Strickland. 33 p. 6 sheets. Add. ti: Let's sing about other way words. Accompanied by sound recording, reg. Ni*8101. Kimbo Educational; 22Jul77; A926043.

A926044. A Program for all ages: walk, jog, run: interval training for cardiovascular fitness. Created by the Health and Physical Education Department, Educational Research Council of America: Gabriel J, DeSantis 6 Lester V. Smith. 11 p. Accompanied by sound recording, reg, NK8108. C K.B.H. Productions, Inc.; 50ct77; A926044.

A926045. Only just begun. By Ambrose Brazelton. 20 p. Accompanied by sound recording, reg. N118102. O K.B.H. Productions, Inc.; 1«Sar77: A926045.

A926046. Science in a nutshell: songs exploring science experiences for the early years. Pre-school-2. By Ilene Follsan 6 Helen Jackson. 100 p. Accompanied by sound recording, reg. NU8098. Kimbo Educational; 16Sep77; A926046.

A926047. Balance skills: basic perceptual motor exercise for floor or balance beam. By Georgiana Liccione Stewart. 22 p. Accompanied by sound recording, reg. NU8099. O Kimbo Educational; 27Jul77; A926047.

A926048. Disco for kids: basic disco rhythms and coordination patterns for limited space-all ages. By Georgiana Liccione Stewart. 23 p. Accompanied by sound recording, reg. NU8105. O Kimbo Educational: 28Jul77; A926048.

A926049. Simple folk dances and slow basic rhythms; early childhood & special education. By Georgiana Liccione Stewart. 29 p. Accompanied by sound recording, reg. N4810it. Kimbo Educational; 30Aug77; A926049.

A926050. A Ballet class for dancers and gymnasts; with music by Gershwin. By Gertrude Hallenbeck, choreography by Gertrude Hallenbeck, 23 p. Accompanied by sound recording, reg. NU8095. O Kimto Educational: 3Nov77; A926050.

A926051. Music for modern rhythmic gymnastics. Created by Bonika Volkmann. 25 p.

Accompanied by sound recording, reg.


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