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A925922 - A925968


JUL-DEC. 1977

A925921 (con.) O flilady Publishing Corporation; 120ct77; A925921.

A925922. aorlcbook for the Cosaetoloqr teacher- traininq aanual. By Jacob J. Taha. 190 p- O Milady Publishing Corporation; 120ct77: 4925922.

4925923. Jewish heritage calendar for 1978- 79/5739. Hessenqec Corporation: 8Dec77; 4925923.

4925921. Lord, help ne to Bake each day a good day; Bis nor Id 1979 calendar. Catholic. Hessenger Corporation; 80ec77 ; 4925921. 4925925. Lord, help Be to aaJce each day a good day; His world 1979 calendar, Protestant. © Hessenger Corporation; 6Dec77; 4925925.

4925926. "fords of uisdoB**^ Proverbs calendar for 1979; advertising ed. , space for 12 ontfaly ads. Hessenger Corporation; 8Dec77: 4925926.

4925927. Jesus oinisterinq in Galilee; Protestant pointnents planning calendar, 1979. Hessenger Corporation; 8Dec77; 4925927.

492592B. The Sacrament of BaptisB; Catholic pointnents planning calendar, 1979. O Hessenger Corporation; eDec77; 4925928.

4925929. Birth of the Baptist; Jan. 1979 aeao fflodeme Catholic. Calendar. Hessenger Corporation; 8Dec77; 4925929.

4925930. Birth of the Baptist: Jan. 1979 leBo BOderne Protestant. Calendar. O Hessenqer Corporation; BDec77 ; 4925930.

4925931. Jesus ainlsterinq in Galilee: 1979 Scripture text calendar. Hessenger Corporation: 8Dec77; 4925931.

4925932. Landing of the Pilgrims; historical art calendar, 1979. C Hessenger Corporation: 8Dec77; 4925932.

4925933. The Heritage of Israel — Torah; Jewish art calendar* 1979. Hessenger Corporation: 8Dec77: 4925933.

4925931. The Sacraaent of Baptisa; church art calendar, 1979 resale. Hessenqer Corporation: 8Dec77; 4925931.

4925935. Jesus ainistecing in Galilee: sacred art calendar, 1979. C Hessenger Corporation; BDcc77: 4925935.

4925936. Sacraaent of Baptisa; church art calendar, 1979. Hessenger Corporation; 8Dec77; 4925936.

4925937. "Hords of wisdom": Proverbs calendar for 1979; advertising ed., space for one ad on bottoa of bacK paqe. Hessenqer Corporation; 8Dec77: 4925937.

4925938. 1TL4: Illinois Trial Lawyers 4ssociation $100,000 term life insurance plan. Folder <1 p.) 6 Group 4dainistration Agency, Inc.; 11iroy77; 4925938.

A925939. AtoHuffier air exhaust Bufflers. T v. Appl. au: 8. P. Vasilakes. O Dodrili- Vasilakes and Company; 23Hov77; 4925939.

4925910. Cards: secies 12. By Bayaond V. Anderson. 1 p. 6 fiayaond V. 4nderson; 15Dec77: 4925910.

4925911. Cards: series 11. By Bayaond V. 4nderson. 1 p. fiayaond V. Anderson: 15Dec77: 4925911.

4925912. Ancient powerful Bible prescriptions. 5 p. 4ppl. au: Israel Torres. SIS: coapilation. Israel Torres; 13Dec77; 4925912.

4925913. Aay. Vol. 1, DO. 8. By Jack Tippit. 7 p. 4ppl. au; The Begister and Tribune Syndicate, Inc. , employer for hire. The Heqister and Tribune Syndicate, Inc.; 5Dec77; 4925913.

4925911. HaqnuB opus reference aanual; Tyashsare Tyacoa-X. Version 1, Sept. 1977. Sheets (330 p. Tymshare, Inc.; 5Dec77; 4925911.

4925905. Refrigeration load estiaating; Hussaann engineering aanual. 52 p. Hussaann Befriqeration, Inc.; 1Sep77; A925915.

4925916. Standard license study course. By Arthur H. Clarke 6 Robert a. Clarke. 170 p. O The Standard Publishinq Coapany; 30l(ov77; 4925916.

4925917. National reading standards. Test 5. foras A £ B, technical aanual 6 exaainer's Banual. By Bonald P. Carver. 2 v. E 2 folders. O Ronald P. Carver; 1May77; A925917.

A9259ie. A Taste of the orient. 219 p. O Harin Chinese Cultural Group: 7Nov77: 4925918.

4925919. Self-training prograa book. 1 v. e Jackson County Youth Center; 1Dec77: 4925919.

4925950. Be can make a difference; working together to create educational change. 22 p. O The Junior League of Greater Bridgeport, Inc.; 27Sep77; 4925950.

4925951. Hacker's dream golf gaae; rules. Folder. 4ppl. au: Uilliaa D. Godwin. Hiiliam D. Godwin; 12Dec77: 4925951.

4925952. How to make money with your credit card. 1 V. Appl. au: John Hamernick. John Hamernick; 9Dec77; 4925952.

4925953. I found the answer but what was the question? By Jim Bipiey (James H. aipley) , foreword by Don Gossett. 113 p. e Jim Bipiey; 20Nov77; 4925953.

A925951. Introduction to oral health care. Ho. 501: periodontics section. By Eric A«  Appleberry. 71 p. NH; revisions &

A925955. CoBmnnity wage rate survey: orange County, Inland Empire, San Diego County, Ventura County, 1977. 19 p. Appl. au: Herchants and nacuf acturers Association (H and H Association) H and H Association; 26Sep77; 4925955.

4925956. Hissonri Pork Producers 4ssociation: pork promotion on a liaited budget. By Jerry D. Clevenger & Larry 4. Haase. 9 p. O Jerry 0. Clevenger t Larry 4. Haase; 5peo77; A925956.

A925957. Blacks in 4ugusta: a chronology, 1711-1S77. By Lloyd p. Terrell S Harguerite S. C. Terrell. 50 p. Lloyd P. Terrell t Harguerite S. C. Terrell; 13Dec77; 4925957.

A925958. STAAD: Structural analysis and design; prograa user's aanual. By Aarit K. Das. 10 p. Research Engineers; 3Nov77: 4925958.

4925959. Bell Systea practices. Pacific Tel. 4ddendum 005-220-903PT, issue 4, Noveabec 1977. e The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Coapany; 1Nov77; 4925959.

4925960. Bell Systea practices. Pacific Tel. AddenduB 770-310-507PT. issue 4, Noveaber 1977. O The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Coapany; 1Nov77; 4925960.

4925961. Bell Systea practices. Pacific Tel. Section 795-102-100PT, appendix 1, issue 4, November 1977. The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Coapany; lNov77: 4925961.

4925962. 1001 questions and answers to help you prepare for the CDP review exaa. Vol. 1: the test. By Kenniston B. Lard, Jr. 1 v. O Hason/Charter Publishers, Inc.; 21NOV77; 4925962.

4925963. 100 1 questions and answers to help you prepare for the CDP review exaa. Vol. 2: the tutorial. By Kenniston ». Lord, Jr. 6 411an H. BlooB. 1 v. O Hason/Charter Publishers, Inc.; 21Nov77; 4925963.

A925964. Diagnostic microcode listing, level 1: cobr? 150 central processor, 961-110-900 revi. ion. Printout. IPL Systems, Inc.; 11Dec77; 4925964.

A925965. Personal traits and occupational choice. Panel 1. Prepared under the supervision of Carl HcDaniels. Uall chart. Garrett Park Press; 1llov77; A925965.

4925966. Homen in the labor force: a portrait. Developed under the supervision of Carl HcOanieis. Hall chart. O Garrett Park Press; lllov77; 4925966.

4925967. CoBBunications careers. Prepared onder the supervision of Carl HcDaniels. Hall chart. O Garrett Park Press; 18Nov77; 4925967.

4925968. Hllitary training — civilian occupations. Developed under the supervision of Carl HcDaniels. Hall chart. O Garrett Park

Press; 18»ov77; 4925968.


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