»925756 - 4925790
JUL-DEC. 1977
4925755 (con.) Motor niwision. General Hotors Corporation (in notice; Chevrolet aotor Division) : 20ct76 (in notice: 1977); 4925755.
4925756. Nev process 540 and 5i|2 S-speed transmission. Kit. (The Chevrolet productivity netvoric oro tech training) 4ccOBPanled by sound cartridge filnstrip, req. JP21056, in box. 4ppl. au: Sandy Corporation. 6 Chevrolet Hotor Division, General flotors Corporation (in notice: Chevrolet Motor Division); 1Mar77; 4925756.
4925757. 1977 Chevrolet power accessories. Pt. 2. Kit. (The Chevrolet productivity network pro tech trainiuq) 4ccoBpanied by sound cartridge filastrip, req. JP21060, in box. 4ppl. au: Sandy Corporation, e Chevrolet Motor Division, General Hotors Corporation (in notice: Chevrolet Hotor Division) ; 5Hay77; 4925757. 4925757.
4925758. Basic autoaotive electrical circuits and diagnostic tools. Kit. (The Chevrolet productivity network: pro tech traininq) lied by sound cartridge filmstrip, 21061, in box. 4ppl. au: Saudy Corporation. O Chevrolet Motor Division, Motors Corporation (in notice: St Motor Division); 1Feb77; 4925758.
4925759. The HoUey 4150 G carburetor. Kit. (The Chevrolet productivity netvoric pro tech traininq) 4ccoBpanied by sound cartridge filastrip, req. JP21062, in box- 4ppl. au: Sandy Corporaticsn. Chevrolet Hotor Division, General Hotors Corporation (in notice: Chevrolet Hotor Division) ; mov76 (in notice: 1977); A925759.
4925760. 1977 Chevrolet power accessories. Pt. 1. Kit. (The Chevrolet productivity networic pro tech training) 4ccoBpanied by sound cartridge filastrip, reg. JP21059, in box. 4ppl. au: Sandy Corporation. O Chevrolet Hotor Division, General Hotors Corporation (in notice: Chevrolet Hotor Division) ; i(Hay77; 4925760.
4925761. 1977 Chevrolet Caprice and lapala. Kit. (The Chevrolet productivity network pro tech training) 4ccoapanied by sound cartridge filastrip, reg. JP21058, in box. 4ppl. au : Sandy Corporation. Chevrolet Motor Division, General Hotors Corporation (in notice: Chevrolet Hotor Division) : 1Sep76 (in notice: 1977); 4925761.
4925762. 1978 Chevrolet power train faailia- rization proqraa. Kit. (The Chevrolet productivity network pro tech training) 4ccoapanied by sound cartridge filastrip, req. JP21063, in box. 4ppl. au: Sandy Corporation. Chevrolet Hotor Division, General Hotors Corporation (in notice: Chevrolet Hotor Division); 7Jul77; 4925762.
4925763. Chevrolet truck air brake systeas. Pt. 1: description and operation. Kit. (The Chevrolet productivity network pro tech traininq) 4ccoBpanied by sound cartridge filastrip, reg. JP21067, in box. 4ppl. au: Sandy Corporation. O Chevrolet Hotor Division, General Hotors Corporation (in notice: Chevrolet Hotor Division) ; JSep77: 4925763.
4925764. 1977 Chevrolet eaission control systeas. Kit. (The Chevrolet productivity network pro tech training) 4ccoapanied by sound cartridge filastrip, reg. JP21066., in box. 4ppl. au: Sandy Corporation. O Chevrolet Motor Division, General Hotors Corporation (in notice: Chevrolet Hotor Division) ; 34pr77; 4925764.
4925765. The Chevette H40 autoaatic transaission (180 autoaatic transaission, MD-3) Kit. (The Chevrolet productivity network pro tech training) Accompanied by sound cartridge filastrip, reg. JP21065, in box. Appl. au: Sandy Corporation. Chevrolet Hotor Division, General Hotors Corporation (in notice: Chevrolet Hotor Division) ; 8JU177; 4925765.
4925766. Chevrolet truck air conditioning systeas. Kit. (The Chevrolet produc- tivity network pro tech training) Accoapanied by sound cartridge filastrip, req. JP21070, in box. Appl. au: Sandy Corporation, O Chevrolet Motor Division, General Hotors Corporation (in notice: Chevrolet Motor Division) ; 2Jun77; A925766.
4925767. 1977 Chevrolet Caprice and lapala sheet aetal alignaent. Kit. (The Chevrolet productivity network pro tech training) Accompanied by sound cartridge filastrip, reg. JP21069, in box. Appl. au: Sandy Corporation. Chevrolet Hotor Division, General Hotors Corporation (in notice; Chevrolet Hotor Division); 2Har77: A925767.
A925758. The 1978 Halibu, Monte Carlo, and SI Camino. Kit. (The Chevrolet product^-vity network pro tech training) Accoapanied by sound cartridge filastrip, reg. JP2106e, in box. Appl. au: Sandy Corporation. C Chevrolet Motor Division, General Hotors Corporation (in notice: Cnevroiet Hotor Division) ; 9Sep77: A925750.
4925769. Penal law suppieaent, 1977-1978. 1 v. Appl. au: Billiam J. HcCullough. O Dilliaa J. HcCullough; 30Aug77; A925769.
A925770. AUto Costminder. 32 p. Appl. au: Ernest E. Garrison (E. E. Garrison) Hfl: additions C revisions. E. E. Garrison; 8Dec77; 4925770.
4925771. Yippee — say it! Folder. 4ppl. au; Lloyd V. Phillips, Jr. O Lloyd V. Phillips, Jr. 6 Jaaes L. Bertrand; 2Dec77; 4925771.
4925772. The Country parson. Vol. 12. By Frank A. Clark, Illustrated by Denny Heal. 19 p. O Frank A. Clark; 12Dec77; A925772.
A925773. Lucky oyster book, new horoscope — Daily Lottery Books, Inc. 22 p. Appl. au: Hurray 4. Davis. HH: updating. O Hurray 4. Davis; 5Dec77; A925773.
A925774. The Bleeding of America. By Beraan R. Dinsaore. 3rd ed. 152 p. Appl. au: iestern Islands. C on pref.; Hestern Islands; 18l(ov77; A925774.
A925775. Once over lightly. By Constance Loveall Bestbie. 24 p. O Constance Loveall Bestbie; 22Bov77; A925775.
A925776. By best to you. By Joanne Olery Testolin. 24 p. O Joanne Olery Testolin; 8Dec77; A925776.
A925777. Thought pictures. By Bobert A. Kraaer. 24 p. Bobert A. Kraaer; 10Na«77: A925777.
A925778. Suaaer winds and snow drifts. By Bryan L. Thacker. 47 p. O Bryan L. Thacker; 15Dec77; A92577e.
A925779. Handbook for new beads: an introduction to independent school adainistration . By Dexter K. strong. 70 p. Appl. states all new except chap. 6 edited £ revised. Chap. 6 prev. pub. 1971 as The Operating budget: introduction to financial aanaqement. National Association of Independent Schools; 15Dec77; 4925779.
4925780. Sunrise poetry for today. By Donald P. Dozier, Jr. 12 p. Donald P. Dozier, Jr.; 1Dec77; A925780.
A925781. ancle 0, the ridiculous librarian. By Lee Bronx, pseud, of Lee Tjiek Oei. 81 p. O Lee Bronx, real name: Lee Tjiek Oei; 1Dec77: A925781.
A925782. Guide to the flora of Beaver Island, Hichigan. Pt. 1: the bogs. By Hatthew H. uohn, illustrated by Harie Madeline Sutherland. 69 p. Hatthew U. Hobn; 25Jun77; 4925782.
A925783. Generalities. By Genevieve Marie Bauhut. 22 p. O Genevieve Marie Bauhut; 170ct77; A925783.
4925784. The Three forks of Huddy Creek. Tol. 4. Edited by Frances B. Griffin. 48 p. NH: compilation & editing. Old Salem, Inc. ; 6Dec77; 4925784.
4925785. 8494r., 8495G, 8496G, p494B, 84958, 8496H attenuator; operating and service aanual. HP aanual part no. 08495-90014, HP microfiche part no. 08495-99015. 13 p. Add. ti: 8494G/5G/6G, 8494H/5H/5H attenuator. NH: revised text. Hewlett-Packard Company; 1Dec77; 4925785.
A925786. 11710B down converter; operating and service manual. UP aanual part no. 11710-90005, HP microfiche part no. 11710-90006. 20 p. Hewlett-Packard conpiny; 16Sep77; 4925766.
A925787. 8950B transceiver test system; installation manual. HP manual part no. 08950-90047, HP microfiche part no. 08950-90048. 1 v. Hewlett-Packard Company; 23Sep77; A925787.
4925788. A Gift of christaas: poeas for a long winter's night. 10 p. Appl. au: Johnjoseph Pajor. Johnjoseph Pajor; 16Dec77: A925788.
A925789. Let's pretend; stories for young listeners; student worksheets for Let's pretend. 68 p. Add. ti: iBEZ stereo FM student worksheets for Let's pretend. O Board of Education of the City of Chicago; 26Sep77; 4925789.
A925790. Living aetrics, count me in: a handbook for inservice education. 25 p. O Board of Education of the City of Chicago;
50ct77; 4925790.
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