A875786 - A875820
JUL-DEC. 1977
A875786. Indiana decisions and law reporter. Vol. 56, no. 11, ipr. 8, 1977. p. 578-612. O The Bobbs-Becrill Coapanir. Inc.; 8Apr77: i875786.
i875787. Indiana decisions and lav reporter. Vol. 56, no. 12, Apr. 15, 1977. p. 613-691. The Bobbs-flerrili Coapany, Inc.; 15Apr77: A875787.
A875788. Indiana decisions and law reporter. Vol. 57, no. 1, Apr. 22, 1977. 65 p. The Bobbs-aerrill Conpanv, Inc.; 22Apr77: A875788.
A875789. Indiana decisions and lav reporter. Vol. 57. no. 2, Apr. 29, 1977. p. 56-123. O The Bobbs-Hecrlll Coapanv, Inc.; 29Apr77; A875789.
A875790. Indiana decisions and law reporter. Vol. 56, no. 7, Bar. 11, 1977. p. 222-287. The Bobbs-Berrill Coapanr. Inc.: 11Har77: A875790.
A875791. Indiana decisions and law reporter. Vol. 56, no. 3, Feb. 11, 1977. p. 69-81. O The Bobbs-aerrill Coapany. Inc.; 11Peb77; A875791.
A875792. Indiana decisions and lav reporter. Vol. 56, no. 2, Feb. 1, 1977. p. 56-68. The Bobbs-Berrill Coapany, Inc.; 1Feb77; A875792.
A875793. Indiana decisions and law reporter. Vol. 56, no. 8, Bar. 18, 1977. p. 288-399. C The Bobbs-Herrill Coapany, Inc.: 18aar77: A875793.
A875791. Indiana decisions and lav reporter, vol. 56, no. 6, Bar. 1, 1977. p. 155-221. The Bobbs-Berrill Coapany, Inc.; iaar77: A875791.
A875795. Indiana decisions and lav reporter. Vol. 56, no. 5, Feb. 25, 1977. p. 96-151. The Bobbs-Becrill Coapany, Inc. ; 25Feb77; A875795.
A875796. Indiana decisions and lav reporter. Vol. 56. no. 9, Bar. 25, 1977. p. 100-155. The Bobbs-Berrill Coapany, Inc.: 25Bar77; A875796.
A875797. Indiana decisions and lav reporter. Vol. 56, no. 10, Apr. 1, 1977. p. 156-577. The Bobbs-Becrill Coapany, Inc.; 1Apr77; A875797.
A87S798. Shepard's Illinois citations; cases £ statutes. Vol. 72, no. 2, Jnne 1977. 301 p. O Shepard's, Inc. of Colorado Springs; 22Jon77: A875798.
A875799. Shepard's Oregon citations: cases & statDtes. Vol. 69, no. 1, June 1977. 160 p. O Shepard's. Inc. o£ Colorado Springs; 27Jon77; A875799.
A87S8a0. Shepard's lova citations; cases & statutes. Vol. 69, no. 2, June 1977. 358 p. Shepard's, Inc. of Colorado Springs; 22JUD77: A875e00.
A875801. IBB 3704 and 370S coaaonications controllers netvork control proqraa/VS generation and utilities guide and reference aanual (for OS/VS and OOS/VS VTAB users) 1 y. (IBB technical nevsletter, no. GII30-2S91) NB: editorial revisions & additional text. Inter- national Business Bachines Corporation a.a.d.; IBB Corporation; 1711ov75; A875801.
A875802. OS/VS ICAB debugging guide. TCAB level 10. 5711-602 (OS/VS SO ID). 5712-0199915 (OS/SVS ICS) , 5752-836 (OS/flVS SO ID) 2nd ed. 1 V. (Systeas) Q International Business Bachines Corporation a.a.d.: IBB Corporation (in notice: International Business Bachines corporation) ; 25Bay77; A875802.
A875e03. 5716-B11. Printout. Appl. an: IBB Horld Trade Europe/fiiddle East Africa Corporation. IBB iorXd Trade Cor- poration: 250ct76; A875e03.
A87Se01. Cheaical diversion of heat vill iaprove theraal oil recovery. Paper no. SPE 6172. By Jon P. Fitch & Biclc B. Binter, issued by Society of Petroleua Engineers of AIBE. 8 p. Aaerican Institute of Bining, Betallurgical and Petroleua Engineers. Inc.; 13Apr77 (in notice: 1976); A875Sai.
A875805. An Evaluation of aiscible C02 flooding in vaterflooded sandstone reservoirs. Paper no. SPE 6117. By U. B. Harner, Jr., issued by Society of Petroleua Engineers of AIBE. 1 V. Aaerican Institute of Bining, Betallurgical and Petroleua Engineers, Inc. ; 13Apr77 (in notice: 1976); A875805.
A875806. Fate of oil and effects on aariae life. By A. U. Lasday £ E. i. Bertens. Folder (p. 1285-1288) Aaerican Institute of Bining. Betallurgical and Petroleua Engineers, Inc.; 13Apr77 (in notice: 1976): A875806.
A875807. Accelerated blovdovn of a strong vater drive gas reservoir. Paper no. SPE 6166. By J. I.. Lutes, C. P. Chiang, B. B. Brady 6 fi. a. Gossen, issued by Society of Petroleua Engineers of AIBE. 1 >. O Aaerican Institute of Bining, Betal- lurgical and Petroleua Engineers, Inc. ; 13Apr77 (in notice: 1976); A875807.
A875808. Log evaluation in the California Biocene foraations. Paper no. SPE 6160. By J. 0. Beflin, B. E. Neill C B. B. DeVries, issued by Society of Petroleua Engineers of AIBE. 18 p. Aaerican Institute of Bining, Betallurgical and Petroleua Engineers, Inc.; 13Apr77 (in notice: 1976); A875808.
A875809. A Hev approach to high teaperature drilling fields. Paper no. SPE 6025. By Leroy L. Carney G fiobert L. Beyer, issued by Society of Petroleua Engineers of AIBE. 8 p. Aaerican Institute of Bining, Betallurgical and Petroleua Engineers, Inc.; 13Apr77 (in notice: 1976); A875809.
A875810. Nuaerical aodelllug of the iairaJcei geotheraal reservoir. Paper no. SPE 6536. By Boland N. Uorne e Bichael J. 0' Sul- livan, issued by Society of Petroleua Engineers of AIBE. 7 p. Aaerican Institute of Bining. Betallurgical and Petroleua Engineers, Inc.; 13Apr77; A875810.
A875811. Interfacial instabilities in porous aedia. Paper no. SPE 6516. By I. P. Castor £ i. U. Soaerton, issued by Society of Petroleua Engineers of AIBE. 10 p. Aaerican Institute of Bining, Betal- lurgical and Petroleua Engineers, Inc.; 13Apr77; A875611.
A875812. A Laboratory study of vater iaaobi- lization for iaproved oil recovery. Paper no. SPE 6515. By D. a. Beehan, D. E. Benzie C H. Crichlov, issued by Society of Petroleua Engineers of AIBE. 8 p. Aaerican Institute of Bining. Betal- lurgical and Petroleua Engineers, Inc. ; 13Apr77; A875812.
A87581i. A Diverless subsea drilling and coapletion systea. Paper no. SPE 6521. By John Page, issued by Society of Petroleua Engineers of AIBE. 1 v. Aaerican Institute of Bining, Betal- lurgical and Petroleua Engineers, Inc. ; 13Apr77; A875813.
A87S811. Statistical analyses of solo and joint bids for Federal offshore oil and gas leases. Paper no. SPE 6517. By Elaer L. Dougherty £ John Lohrenz, issued by Society of Petroleua Engineers of AIBE. 1 V. Aaerican Institute of Bining, Betallurgical and Petroleua Engineers, Inc.; 13Apr77; A875811.
A875815. History of the foraation of an oil spill continguency (sic) organization. Paper no. SPE 6516. By Charles 0. Barker, issued by Society of Petroleua Engineers of AIBE. Folder (2 p.) Aaerican Institute of Bining, Betallurgical and Petroleua Engineers. Inc.; 13Apr77; t875815.
A875816. Deep vater platfora in the Santa Barbara Channel. Paper no. SPE 6519. By John J. Bardgette, issued by Society of Petroleua Engineers of AIBE. 1 v. Aaerican Institute of Bining, Betallurgical and Petroleua Engineers. Inc.; 13Apr77; A875816.
A875817. Hellsite foraation analysis using the DDL coaputer. Paper no. SPE 6511. By Bickey P. Bend £ Barvin Gearhart, issued by Society of Petroleua Engineers of AIBE. dp. Aaerican Institute of Bining, Betallurgical and Petroleua Engineers. Inc.; 13Apr77; A875817.
A875818. Econoaics and design of offshore safety systeas. Paper no. SPE 6520. By Charles O. Stokley, issued by Society of petroleua Engineers of AIBE. Folder (3 p.) Aaerican Institute of Bining, Betal- lurgical and Petroleua Engineers, Inc. ; 13Apr77; A8758ie.
A875819. Oil shale — a reality in this decade. Paper no. SPE 6551. By Chang lul Cha £ B. J. Fernandes. issued by Society of Petroleua Engineers of AIBE. 8 p. O Aaerican Institute of Bining, Betal- lurgical and Petroleua Engineers, Inc.; 13Apr77; A875819.
A875820. Steaa drive as a suppleaental recovery process in an interaediate viscosity reservoir. Bount Poso Field, California. Paper no. SPE 6522. By D. D. Stokes, J. B. Brev, D. G. Ihitten £ L. G. Hooden, issued by Society of Petroleua Engineers
of AIBE. 1 V. Aaerican Institute of
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