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1925609 - 19256U8


JUL-DEC. 1977

A925608 (con.l Educational Publishinq, Inc.; 1Dec77; 4925608.

4925609. Dravinq the hiiaan for«: Bethods/sour- ces/concepts — a quide to dcauloq froa life. By Hillia* 4. Berry. 256 p. Hillian 4. Berry: 24uq77; 4925609.

4925610. The Politics of efficiency: suDicipal aduinistration and refers in 4aecica, 1800-1920. By Hartin J. Schiesl. 259 p. The Beqents of the Oni»ersity of California: 6Say77: 4925610.

4925611. line, an introduction. By a. 4. 4»erine 6 V. L. Sinqleton. 2nd ed. 373 p. The Beqents of the Oniversity of California: 15NOV77: 4925611.

4925612. Maya ruins of Hexico In color. By Hilliaa M. Ferquson, in collaboration with John Q. Eoyce, color photos, by Silliam S. Ferquson S John Q. Hoyce. 2it6 p. Oni»ersity of Oklahoma Press, publishinq division of the Oni»ersity: 15Dec77; 4925612.

4925613. Onfoveseen retireaent: a coamunity of nuns in transition. By sister Jeanette Hunick. aicrofila. O sister Jeanette Hunick: 3Jun77: A9256U.

4925614. Barketinq orqanization: a study of orqanizational primacy and structural- /environaental fit. By Jaaes Gordon Boaie. aicrofila. C Jaaes Gordon Boiiie; 5aay77: 4925611.

4925615. Overcoainq resistance of local mental health administrators to coapliance with state community mental health policy: the case of Rhode Island, 1963-1973. By Karen Elizabeth Hurphy. aicrofila. O Karen Elizabeth aurphy: 8Jul77: 4925615.

4925616. Oxyqen ayailabiiity and utilization in the arterial wall: an in »i»o microe- lectrode study. By E»anqelyn Bise Kanabus. aicrofilm. C Eyanqelyn Bise Kanabtts; 16aay77: 4925616.

4925617. British public opinion and the wars of German unification: 1864-1871. By Peter a. Peel. aicrofilm. Peter B. Peel; 2Jun77; 4925617.

4925618. Toward a democratic comprehensive school system in the Federal Bepublic of Germany: an analysis of curricular development. By Hans-'Jeorq Linqens. aicrofilm. Hans-Georq Linqens; 6aay77; 4925618.

4925619. aanaqement climate in selected southern California community colleqes based on tikert's Profile of a colleqe. By Jeannette Bose Hushaw. aicrofilm. O Jeannette fiose Hushaw; 9Jun77; 4925619.

4925620. Videotape confrontation for in-service traininq of social service workers; an eiperimental study. By Stanley Bernard Taubman. aicrofilm. Stanley Bernard Taubman: 2Jun77: 4925620.

4925621. Life history in social qerontoloqy: its validity and use. By Davida 4rlene Earlix. aicrofilm. Davida 4rlene Earlix; 18Hay77; 4925621.

4925622. 4dult Enqlish as a second languaqe: demographic study and needs assessment of Spanish speaking students. By Douglas Harold Bolmes. aicrofila. C Douglas Harold Holmes; 1Jun77: 4925622.

4925623. Intra- and inter-hemispheric processing of visual information in process and reactive schizophrenia. By Elaine aaxine Eaton. aicrofilm. Elaine Baxine Eaton; 3Jun77; 4925623.

4925621. The Bodda act: an assessment of the effects on the evaluation procedures and practices for certificated personnel at selected California community colleges. By John Jaaes Klein, Jr. aicrofilm. John James Klein, Jr.; 1Jun77; 4925621.

4925625. The Relationship of placement of community colleqe students on a measure of philosophical orientation to their standlnq on selected school-related variables. By Gordon Fitzsimmons Brown, aicrofilm. Gordon F. Brown; lJun77; 4925625.

4925626. The Effects of self-observation on the social behavior of hyperactive children. By Elliot Daniel Spiegel. aicrofilm. a Elliot Daniel Spiegel; 21Jun77; 4925626.

4925627. idminlstrative competence as perceived by Spanish secondary school adainis- trators. By Kenneth Dale Iqlesias. aicrofilm. O Kenneth Dale Iglesias; tJun77; 4925627.

4925628. Celluloid egqhead: the portrayal of the intellectual in the American film, 1930-1976. By Timothy Bayne Johnson, aicrofila. O Timothy Bayne Johnson; 6Jun77; 4925628.

4925629. Long Beach City College: the development of an instrument and the analysis of perceived functions of staff members and selected community groups. By aichael Lee aaas. aicrofilm. O Hichael Lee Baas; 25aay77; 4925629.

4925630. Towards a definition and codification of the concept of "violation" as it occurs in the context of the counseling and psychotherapy interview situation. By Charles Kodimer. aicrofilm. C Charles Kodimer: 31aay77; 4925630.

4925631. Family therapy with black families: social workers' and clients' perception. By Gwendolyn Spencer Prater, aicrofilm. Gwendolyn Spencer Prater; 2Jun77; 4925631.

4925632. Bioaechanical quantification of specific ballet movements using tri-aiial cinematography. By Janice Gudde Plastino. aicrofila. O Janice Gudde Plastino; lFeb77; 4925632.

4925633. Kaiii Botojiro: an anthology of short stories translated into English. By Naomi Oqawa Boy. Bicrofila. ifaomi Ogawa Boy; lJun77; 4925633.

4925631. 4 Onified theory of the causes of maximuB expiratory flow. By Billis Gess Downinq, Jr. aicrofilm. Billis Gess 190ct76 (in notic

4925635. 4n Examination of the second cycle of the swashbuckler genre. By Bayda Lynn Cohen. aicrofilm. O Bayda Lynn Cohen; 3Jun77; 4925635.

4925636. The Bole of the bail bondsman in the administration of justice. By Jack Palmer aorris. aicrofila. O Jack Palmer aorris; 2Hay77; 4925636.

4925637. Dandelions: translation of Kawabata Yasunari's last novel into English with introduction and notes. By Lorraine Byuko Fukuwa. aicrofila. Lorraine Byuko Fukuwa; 3Jun77; 4925637.

4925538. Comparison of the opinions of aides and teachers as to the training and use of paraprof essionals in the educational programs for exceptional children. By Clifford Bhelden. aicrofilm. Clifford Bhelden; 3Jun76; 4^25638.

4925639. Journalist: the story of Joseph Pulitzer. By James Bradford Taylor, aicrofilm. O James Bradford Taylor; 27Bay77; 4925639.

4925610. concerning Husserl's apparent metap- hysical idealism: a critique of Boman Ingarden's thesis. By Charles P. Busch, Jr. Bicrofila. O Charles P. Busch, Jr.; 23Jun77; 4925610.

4925611. Evaluation of a therapeutic preschool program's goals of behavioral and social skill development. By Douglas Eli Harrington. © Douglas E. Harrington; 27Jan77; 4925611.

4925612. Alteration of human male erectile response and sexual behavior. By Robert Lewis Solnick. aicrofilm. Robert Lewis Solnick; 29Bar77; 4925612.

4925613. 4 Comparative analysis of independent and academic laboratory student newspapers in selected California universities. By Clint Cornelius Bilson 2nd. aicrofila. O Clint Cornelius Bilson 2nd; 9Jun77; 4925613.

4925611. Objectivity of interpretation: the hermeneutics of Hirsch and Ricoeur. By Fred Louis Strohm. aicrofilm. O Fred Louis Strohm; 23Jun77; 4925611.

4925615. The Bight to privacy and medical information data banks. By Calvin Davis, aicrofilm. O Calvin Davis; 10Jun77; 4925615.

4925616. BecUivism: illusory or real. By Charles Brent Basserman. aicrofilm. Charles Brent Basserman; 2a4pr77; 4925616.

4925617. Education as a vehicle for national developaent in Iraq. By Hassai 4bdul- razzak al-Kufaishi. aicrofilm. "9 Hassan 4bdulrazzak al-Kufaishi; 9Jun77; 4925617.

4925618. Quality of supervision and effectiveness of interns as a function of supervisor-

intern psycho therapeutic orientations.


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