A925377 - A925418
JUL-DEC. 1977
1925377. The Facts about Banlc of Anerica's iDstalieDt loan proqraos, effective Noveabec 1977. 2il p. Bank of Aaecica NT and S»: BDec77; 4925377.
i925378. HairqrooaiDq/beauty salons. Hriter: Janice Tankersley Boue, editoc: Jenephec Balkec, associate editors: Susan DceHs & Heiodie Cinqolani. 20 p. (Small business reporter, vol. 12« do. 9) Appl. au: Bank of Aaecica BT and SI. US: cevisions e updating. O Bank of Aaerica NT and SA; 7Dec77: A925378.
4925379. Bail order entecpcises. Hciter: (lelodie Cinqolani, editor: Docotbv Jones, associate editor: Jenepher Balker. 20 p. (Saall business reporter, vol. 11, no. 7} Appl. aa: Bank of Aaecica NT and SA NH: additions & updating. C Bank of Aaerica KT and SA: 7Nov77; 4925379.
4925380. Hanaqeaent style survey; an inventory of your strengths for anderstaodinq and aanaqinq yourself and others. 9 p. Appl. au: Irwin c. Gealicb. Imio C. Gealich; 1"IMoy77: 49253B0.
4925361. anderstandinq and aanaqinq yourself and others. 15 p. Appl. au: Irvin C. Gealich. Bil: additions. Imin C. Gealich: 16Nov77; A925381.
A9253B2. The Aaanas yesterday. Text edited by John Zuq, photos, collected by Joan Liffrinq Zuq. 1 v. Appl. au: Aaana Society. Aaana Society; 29Jul75: A925382.
A925383. Colores. By Al Sanchez JAlfred aerrill Sanchez, Jr.) t, Eddie Haurice Fransua. 1 V. O Al Sanchez; 10ct77; A925383.
A9253811. fiock n* roll obscurities. Vol. 1. By Doa R. Kirsch. 99 p. Don B. Kirsch; 130ct77; A92538II.
A925385. Love and loneliness. By David Kenneth Barrinqton, illus. by Frank Juan. 1 v. David K. Barrinqton; 9Dec77; A925385.
A925386. LCA coapensation resource book. By Banfred Uolck, Jr. Sheets. Division for Professional Leadership, Lutheran Church in Aaerica; 280ct77: A925386.
A925387. 10-5-10 quad chroaatic pitch generator. 1 V. Prev. req. as 1862574. NH : revisions. O ALF Products, Inc.; 3Jun77; A925387.
A92538a. Naqarluna's letter: Naqariuna's letter to a friend. Bith a coaaentary by the venerable Bendava Zhon-nu Lo-dro, translated by Geshe Lobsanq Tharchin 6 Arteaus B. Enqle. 262 p. NH: tran- slation. O Geshe Lobsanq Tharchin & Arteaus B. Enqle; 25Nov77: A925388.
A925389. The Satico audio-visual course for the presentation of P.S.A.T. and S.A.T. Practical test 1. 138 p. Appl. au: Barcris Educational Enterprises, Inc. Scholastic Aptitude Testxnq Iiproveaent Coarse. Ltd. (Satico); 15Nov77; 4925389.
A925390. "Password," aqual educational rights of language ainority students. 4 lawyer lesson plan prepared by Baaona Godoy. 1 V. Appl. au: constitutional Bights Foundation. O Constitutional Bights Foundation; 1liov77; 4925390.
A925391. Hritten peraission to hunt« fish or trap. 1 p. Appl. au: Bichard A. lillis. NH: teit i 10 squares. Klipak Products; 30Sep77: A925391.
A925392. Ongoing aabassadors for Christ; director's aanual. 1 v. O ongoing Aabassadors for Christ, Inc.; 7Dec77; A925392.
4925393. Uilliaa Shakespeare's King Lear rendered into aodern aetrical English (with the original text) By Lawrence Bosinqer. 211 p. Lawrence Bosinger; 16Dec77; A925393.
4925394. Mailorder and saall business infor- aation. Hritten by Billiaa B. BcClelland. 25 p. O Billiaa B. McClelland (in notice: Bill acClellaad) ; SDec77: 4925394.
A925395. Missouri envelope sizer. Transparency. NM: additional text & diagraaaatic aaterial. Missouri Envelope Coapany; 10ct77: 4925395.
4925396. Glenn Ingraa and Coapany newsletter. 4th guarter, 1977. 8 p. O Glenn Ingraa and Coapany; 12Dec77; 4925396.
4925397. Historically, education has enioyed a high priority in Nigeria's developmental planning. Folder. 4dd. ti: Nigerian brochure. O Bestinghouse Learning Corporation: 8Nov77; A925397.
4925398. Things to sing to oneself, beside a hearth. By Michael E. Patch. 2nd ed. 1 V. Prev. pub. 5Mar77, 4855947. Michael E. Patch; 11Dec77; A925398.
1925399. Instructions for making cloth tria and folded cloth rope. By Sally Flick. 5 p. (3 Sally Flick; 18Nov77; A925399.
A925400. Score's Ail new class 1-2 1600CC Volkswagen class. Folder. Add. ti; Score's All new 1-2 I600CC Volkswagen class. O Score International; 8Dec77; A925400.
A925401. Concepts of apartaent investing. 17 p. Appl. au: Gerald M. Gildea e Sheraan Satler. d Gerald M. Gildea, Sheraan C. Satler. Philip B. Goraan & Hilton Fox; 1Dec77: A92540 1.
4925402. Hacker's dream. No. 1-18. Cards. Appl. au: Billiam D. Godwin. Uilliaa D. Godwin; 12Dec77; A925402.
A925403. Briting successful proposals. By Don Billiaas. 31 p. (School accountability series, aonograph 7) Don Billiaas; 3Hay76; A925403.
A925404. Kraner preschool math inventory; math/screen. By Bobert E. Kraner. 1 v. Bobert E. Kraner; 1Dec76; 4925404.
A925405. Hath/screen. By Bobert E. Kraner. 4 Folders. Bobert E. Kraner: 28Scp77: A925405.
1925406. Adults teaching adults: principles and strategies. By John B. Verduin, Jr., Barry G. Miller 6 Charles E. Greer. 204 p. John B. Verduin, Jr., Barry G. Miller 6 Charles E. Greer; 27Sep77; A925406.
A925 407. Isozyaes. Editors: Mario c. Battazzi, John G. Scandalios £ Gregory S. Bhitt. 191 p. (Current topics in biological and aedical research, vol. 1) Alan fi. Liss, Inc.; 15NOV77; A925407.
A9254a8. Guide to the Soviet navy. By Siegfried Breyer 6 Noraan Polaar. 2nd ed. 610 p. Appl. states copyright not claiaed on aaterial secured froa O.S. Govt, sources. Prev. pub. as Die Seeruestung der Sowjetunion. U.S. Naval Institute; 310ct77; A925408.
A925409. The Marine officer's guide. By Bobert D. Ueinl, Jr.* foreword by Louis U. Bilson, Jc. 4th ed. 713 p. Appl. states copyright not claiaed on aaterial secured from U.S. Govt, sources. O O.S. Naval Institute: 28Nov77; 4925409.
A92541Q. Farwell's Bnles of the nautical road. 5th ed. prepared by Frank £. Bassett S Bichard A. Smith. 751 p. Appl. states copyright not claiaed on aaterial secured from O.S. Govt, sources. Originally known as The Bules of the nautical road. D.S. Naval Institute; 7Nov77; A925410.
A925411. Alonso S. Perales: his struggle for the rights of Hexican-laericans. By Adela Sloss Vento, edited B with an introd. by Arnold C. Vento. 101 p. Adela Sloss Vento; 11Nov77; A925411.
A925412. Fundamentals of entomology and plant pathology. By Louis L. Pyensou. 327 p. O AVI Publishing company. Inc.; 9Sep77; A925412.
A925413. Boston in ay belfry. Verse by Glad Ellas. 63 p. Soae poeas prev. pub. in Mature years & others. O Glad £11bs; 19Dec77; A925413.
A925414. A Merry beart.V By Baaona Grahaa Cook. 85 p. Bamona Grahaa Cook; 15Feb77; A925414.
A925415. The Coapleat option player; winning strategy and tactics in the new options game. By Kenneth Bobert Trester. 276 p. 6 InvesTrek Publishing solely owned by Kenneth B. Trester; 20Nov77: A925415.
A925416. Bood in Aaerican life, 1776-2076. By Bally G. youngquist C Herbert 0. Fleischer. 192 p. NM: editorial revision 6 additional text 6 pictorial matter. Forest Products fiesearch Society; 6Dec77; A9254 16.
A925417. canal boataan; my life on Opstate waterways. By Bichard G. Garrity. 222 p. O Syracuse Oniversity Press; 5Dec77; A925417.
A925418. The Follies. Poems by Daniel Mark Epstein. 48 p. Poems originally appeared in The American scholar & others. NH: compilation for book publication.
O Daniel Hark Epstein; 11Jul77; 1925418.
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