A875752 - A875785
JUL-DEC. 1977
&875751 (con.) safety: underground mininq. 1 ». O Gulf Oil Corporation: 30Jun77; A87S751.
4875752. Fallon deer. 1 ». ippl- au: Sharon Mooney. Cheshire Mahoney & Jackson Allen. Fallo» Press; 30llay77; A875752.
A875753. John Craiq and soae descendants, 1773-1976: t«o centuries of a southern faiily. By Marion stark Craig. 102 p. Add. ti: Craiq, 1773-1976. Hacion Stark Craiq; 1llay77; A875753.
A87575<t. The Heavenly city. By ailton Lucile Snith. 5 p. Hilton Lucile Snith: 14JU177; A875754.
A875755. The King's palace. The King's palace illustrated. By Hilton Lucile Smith. 2 V. Wilton Lucile Saith; 1'IJul77; A875755.
A875756. Yearbook of science and the future, 1978. nanaqing editor: Lavrence Ki. Lustig & other editors, illustrator: John L. Oraves, cartographer: Gerzilla Lesz- czynski. 44 7 p. Add. ti: Science and the future: 1978 yearbook. Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc.; 2iJun77; A875756.
A875757. Process hazards review ; safety fflanageaent services. Prepared by the Applied Technology Division, Fabrics and Finishes Department, E. I. Du Pont De NeDOurs and Company, Inc. 2nd ed. , rev. Apr. 1977. 1 V. Appl. au: E. I. Du Font Oe Nemours and Company. E. I. Du Pont Oe Nemours and Company; 6Jun77: A875757.
A875758. Insects; teachers guide. 10 p. ("Come with me" science series) Accompanied by sound recordinq« song book G additional material. Appl. au: Patricia Perea (Pat Perea) Pat Perea; 15Jun77; A875758.
A875759. The Economic outlook for 1977; papers presented to the Economic and Social Outlook Conference at the Oniversity of Hichiqan. Ann Arbor, Nov. 18-19, 1976. 184 p. Papers presented at the 24tb Annual Conference on the Economic Outlook. Appl. au: Saul B. Hymans & Harold T. Shapiro. The Research Seminar in Quantitative Economics; 3liay77; A875759.
A875760. Haterfront livinq: a report on permanent and seasonal residents in northern Hichiqan. By fiobert H. Harans, John D. iellman, Sandra J. Newman 6 John A. Kruse. 289 p. C The Oniversity of Michigan; 17Dec76; A875760.
A875761. Tumors of the skin: malignant or benign? Pt. 1: epidermal tumors. Presented by Alfred H. Kopf & Marion B. Sulzberger. 2 V. G folder. (A Brief course in dermatology) Accompanied by sound recording & slides in box. Appl. au: Institute for Dermatologic Communication and Education. Institute for Der- matologic Communcation and Education; 2Nov76: A875761.
A875762. Tumors of the skin: malignant or benign? Pt. 2: nonepidermal tumors. Presented by Alfred i. Kopf £ Marion B. Sulzberqer. 2 V. 6 folder. <A Brief course in dersatoloqy) Accompanied by sound recording G slides in box. Appl. au: Institute for Dermatologic Communication and Education. Institute for Der- matologic Communcation and Education: 29Dec76; A875762.
A875763. Standing transfers and wheelchair wheeling for the hemiplegic. Pt. 2. Prepared with the assistance of Victoria Behl Hammer. 1 v. £ slides. Accompanied by sound recording. Appl. au: Sister Kenny Institute. NM: additional text £ pictorial matter. Sister Kenny Institute; 1Jun77; A875763.
A875764. Standing transfers and wheelchair wheeling for the hemiplegic. Pt. 1. Prepared with the assistance of Victoria Behl Hammer. 1 v. £ slides. Accompanied by sound recording. Appl. au: Sister Kenny Institute. NM: additional text £ pictorial matter. 6 Sister Kenny Institute; 1Jun77; A875764.
A875765. Assertiveness for career and personal success: workbook. By Bobert A. Moskowitz. 163 p. Accompanied by sound recording in folder. &- Amacom, a division of American Management Associations; 21JU177; A875765.
A875766. The fieading habit. Level 1. Cards. Appl. au: Carol Ann Bhoades. Prev. pub. 20Aug73 in book form as Individualized reading — a beginning. ^M; new format, additional text £ revised editorial section. 6 Bboades Publications, solely owned by Carol Ann Bhoades; 1May77; A875766.
4875767. Shenandoah management games for supervisors; administrator's guide. By Lester B. Bittel. 12 p. £ cutouts. O McGraw-Hill, Inc.; 13Jul77; A875767.
4875768. Shenandoah management games for supervisors. By Lester B. Bittel. Kit. e McGraw-Hill, Inc.; 13Jul77; A875768.
4875769. Body mechanics; study guide & workbook. Project director: Elizabeth A. Kraeger, assistant project director: David L. Jaeckels. 39 p. Appl. au: School of Nursing, Oniversity of Nisconsin, employer for hire. Board of Begents of the Oniversity of Hisconsin; 29Mar73: A875769.
4875770. Vital signs; study guide E workbook. Project director: Elizabeth A. Krueger, assistant project director: David L. Jaeckels. 108 p. Appl. au: School of Nursing, University of iisconsin, employer for hire, e Board of Begents of the Oniversity of Hisconsin; 26Mar73; A875770.
A875771. Vital signs; teacher's guide. Project director: Elizabeth 4. Krueger, assistant project director: David L. Jaeckels. 139 p. 4ppl. au: School of Nursing, Oniversity of Hisconsin, employer for hire. O Board of Begents of the Oniversity of Hisconsin; 26Mar73; A875771.
4875772. Body mechanics; teacher's guide. Project director: Elizabeth A. Krueger, assistant project director: David L. Jaeckels. 99 p. Appl. au: School uf Nursing, Oniversity of Hisconsin, employer for hire, e Board of Begents of the Oniversity of Hisconsin; 29Mar73; 4875772.
4875773. Argentina, 1977/1978. 130 p. (Executive compensation service: reports on international compensation) Q Amacom, a division of American Management Associations; 1Feb77 (in notice: 1976) ; A875773.
A875774. California official reports; official advance sheets of the Supreme Court, Courts of Appeal £ Appellate Departments of the Superior Court. No. 13, flay 12, 1977. 1 V. e Bancroft-Hhitney Company; 12May77; A875774.
A875775. California official reports; official advance sheets of the Supreme Court, Courts of Appeal fi Appellate Departments of the Superior Court. No. 14, flay 24, 1977. 1 V. e Bancroft-Hhitney Company; 24May77; A875775.
A875776. California official reports; official advance sheets of the Supreme Court, Courts of Appeal £ Appellate Departments of the Superior Court. No. 15, June 2, 1977. 1 V. e Bancroft-Hhitney Company; 2Jun77; A875776.
A875777. California official reports; official advance sheets of the Supreme Court, Courts of Appeal £ Appellate Departments of the Superior Court. No. 16, June 14, 1977. 1 V. O Bancroft-Hhitney Company; 14Jun77; A875777.
A875778. California official reports; official advance sheets of the Supreme Court, Courts of Appeal £ Appellate Departments of the Superior Court. No. 17, June 23, 1977. 1 V. Bancroft-Hhitney Company: 23Jun77; A875778.
A875779. California official reports; official advance sheets of the Supreme Court, Courts of Appeal £ Appellate Departments of the Superior Court. No. 12, May 3, 1977. 1 V. e Bancroft-Hhitney Company; 3May77; 4875779.
A87S780. Indiana decisions and law reporter. Vol. 56, no. 1, Jan. 28, 1977. 55 p. 6 The Bobbs-flerrill Company, Inc.; 28Jan77; A875780.
A875781. Indiana decisions and law reporter. Vol. 56, no. 4, Feb. 18, 1977. p. 85-95. The Bobbs-flerrill company. Inc. ; 18Feb77; A875781.
A875782. Indiana decisions and law reporter. Vol. 57, no. 5, May 20, 1977. p. 268-334. O The Bobbs-Merrill Company, Inc. ; 20May77; 4875782.
4875783. Indiana decisions and law reporter. Vol. 55, no. 13, Jan. 21, 1977. p. 630-682. The Bobbs-flerrill Company, Inc.; 21Jan77; A875783.
A875784. Indiana decisions and law reporter. Vol. 57, no. 3, flay 6. 1977. p. 124-200. The Bobbs-Merrill Company, Inc. ; 6flay77; A875784.
A875785. Indiana decisions and law reporter. Vol. 57, no. 4. May 13, 1977. p. 201-267. The Bobbs-Merrill Company, Inc. ;
13May77: A875785.
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