A924880 - A924916
JUL-DEC. 1977
A924880. Eleaeotarr alqebca by exaaple; instructor'F manual. By Billian F. Brett e Nichael Sentloiiitz. 1 10 p. O Houqhton aifflin Co«pany; 3Jan77 ; ^9214880.
t92il881. Go OD ! Hinlbook level A. story C pictures by Tii Johnson. 8 p. Houqhton aifflin Coapany; 10Feb77: i92il881.
t92il8S2. The Elephant and the hut. fllnibook level A. Story £ pictures by Byron Barton. 8 p. Houqhton Hifflin Coapany; 10Keb77: A92U882.
>92Ue83. Goinq to the rocket. Hinibook level B. By Anne Vlkinq* pictures by Joe Hendrick. 8 p. Appl. au: Houqhton aifflin Coapany, eaployer for hire. O Houqhton Hifflin Coapany; 13Jun77; A92I1883.
A92«88lt. I knov a secret. Hinibook level F. By Janice C. Siapson, pictures by Jared Lee. 2fi p. Appl. au: Houqhton Hifflin Coapany, eaployer for hire of illustrator. Houqhton Hifflin Company; 13Juc77: A92<IS8it.
A92<t885. To qet a dinosaur. Hinibook level 0. By Tia Johnson, pictures by Hare Brown. 16 p. Appl. au: Houqhton Hifflin Coapany. eaployer for hire of illustrator. UouqhtOQ Hifflin Coapany; 13Jun77: A92U885.
A92l|8e6. The Surprise has teeth. Hinibook level C. Story e pictures by Lady HcCrady. 8 p. G Houqhton Hifflin Company: 13Jun77; A924886.
A92I4 887. Sails, little cat. Hinibook level C. Story t pictures by David HcPhail. 16 p. O Houqhton Hifflin Coapany; 13Jun77; A9211887.
A92'4a88. Hon are they alike? Hinibook level F. By Annie DeCaprio, Hith pictures by Stella Ormai. 16 p. Appl. au: Houqhton Hifflin Coapany, employer for hire of illustrator. O Houqhton Hifflin Company: 13Jun77; A924a88.
A92aS89. Left, riqht, left, riqht. Hinibook level F. By Huriel stanek, pictures by Barbara Tacono. 2U p. Appl. au: Houqhton Hifflin Coapany, eaployer for hire of illustrator. NH: art. Houqhton Hifflin Coapany: 13Jun77; A92it889.
A92't890. Froq, and her doq. Hinibook level F. story tf pictures by Jaaes Harshall. 16 p. © Houqhton Hifflin Coapany; 13Jun77; A92U890.
A92<t891. Picnic. Hinibook level G. Story & pictures by Jaaes Harshall. 16 p. O Houqhton Hifflin Coapany; 21Jun77; A92H891.
A92a892. Two friends and a lost bill. Hinibook level G. By Jeanette Catherwood, pictures by Jerry Pinkney. 16 p. Appl. au: Houqhton Hifflin coapany, eaployer for hire of illustrator. O Houqhton Hifflin Coapany: 21Jun77; A92«892.
A921ta93. Hary Jo*s qrandoother. Hinibook level G, By Janice Hay Odry, pictures by Diane Hartin. 2i4 p. Appl. au: Houqhton Hifflin Coapany, eaployer for hire of illustrator.
A92't891t. Fun with weather forecasting. Hinibook level J. By Nancy Garden, pictures by Dorothea Sierra. 32 p. Appl. an: Houghton Hifflin Coapany, eaployer for hire. Houqhton Hifflin Coapany; 23Jun77; A92«89lt.
A92t895. Snoop and the cake caper. Hinibook level J. By Helaine Harsea, pictures by Zaero Gobbato. 32 p. Appl. au: Houghton aifflin Coapany, eaployer for hire. O Houqhton Hifflin Coapany; 23Jun77: A92ltB95.
A92te96. Speak for yourself. Hinibook level J. By Bhoda aichi Sakuri, pictures by Guy Buffet. 24 p. Appl. au: Houqhton Hifflin Company, eaployer for hire of illustrator. Houqhton Hifflin Coapany; 23Jun77; A924896.
A924897. Lala*s adventure. Hinibook level J. By Oralia Puente (Oralia Puente Foster- Gross) , pictures by Judith Du Four Love. 24 p. Appl. au: Houghton Hifflin Company, employer for hire of illustrator. Houghton Hifflin Coapany; 23Jun77: A924897.
A924898. The Hagic pole; a Chinese folktale. Hinibook level J. By Isabelle Chin Chang, pictures by Kinuko Craft. 16 p. Appl. au: Houghton Hifflin Coapany. eaployer for hire of illustrator. 6 Houghton Hifflin Coapany: 23Jun77; A92a898.
A924899. Turkey 0*Toole»s new neighbor. Hinibook level I. Story & pictures by Jaaes Harshail. 32 p. O Houghton Hifflin Company: 23Jun77: A924a99.
&924900. The Twelve moons. Hinibook level H. By Virginia Driving Hawk Sneve. pictures by Hare Brown. 32 p. Appl. au: Houghton Hifflin Coapany, eaployer for hire of illustrator. 6 Houghton Hifflin Coapany; 21Jun77; A924900.
A924901. i Button in her ear. Hinibook level H. By Ada B. Litchfield, pictures by Tien. 24 p. Appl. au: Houghton aifflin coapany, eaployer for hire of illustrator. MH: art. 6 Houghton Hifflin Coapany; 21Jun77; A924901.
A924902. The Lion and the bird's nest. Hinibook level H. Story by Eriko Kishida. pictures by Sue Thoapsou. 16 p. Appl. au; Houghton Hiftlin Coapany, eaployer for hire. KH: art. e Houghton Hifflin Coapany; 21Jun77; A924902.
A92490J. The Babbit and the tiger; adapted from a Puerto Sican folktale. Hinibook level H. By fiicardo E. Alegria, pictures by D. Hilliaa Johnson. 24 p. Adapted into play fora froa The Three wishes. Appl. au: Houqhton Hifflin coapany, eaployer for hire. HH: adaptation 6 art. Houqhton aifflin Coapany; 21Jun77: A924903.
A924904. The Dancing stars; a Iroguois legend, ainibook level I. Adapted froa the retelling by Anne Rockwell, pictures by Aay Hyers. 16 p. Appl. au: Houghton Mifflin Coapany, employer for hire of illustrator. NH: art. Houghton Hifflin Coapany; 23Jun77: A924904.
A9249U5. Benny's flag. Hinibook level I. By Phyllis Krasilovsky. pictures by Honika Laimgruber. 24 p. Appl. au: Houghton Hiffliu coapany, employer for hire of illustrator. HH: art. O Houghton Hifflin company; 23Jun77; A924905.
A924906. Troll cake. ainibook level E. By Peggy Christianson. pictures by Annie Gusaan. 16 p. Appl. au: Houghton aifflin Coapany. eaployer for hire of illustrator. O Houghton Hifflin Coapany; 13Jun77; A924906.
A924907. Bill she get this? ainibook level B. By rim Johnson, pictures by Ificole Bubel. 8 p. Appl. au: Houghton Hifflin Company, employer for hire of illustrator. O Houghton Hifflin Company; 13Jun77; A924907.
A924908. Look, Hom, no words! ainibook level E. By Kathlyn Gay, photography by Bonnie Onsworth. 16 p. Appl. au: Houghton Hifflin Coapany. eaployer for hire of illustrator. O Houghton Hifflin Coapany; 13Jun77; A924908.
A924909. Lost and found. ainibook level E. By Peggy christianson. pictures by Peter Lippaan. 16 p. Appl. au: Houghton aifflin Coapany. eaployer for hire of illustrator. O Houghton Hifflin Company; 13Jun77; A924909.
A924910. aister Elephant's park. Hinibook level E. Story f* pictures by Bob Barner. 16 p. Q Houghton aifflin Company; 13Jun77; A924910.
A924911. Carla's surprise. Hinibook level E. By Peggy Christianson. pictures by Irene Allen. 16 p. Appl. au: Houghton Hifflin Company, employer for hire of illustrator. Q Houghton Hifflin Coapany; 13Jun77; A924911.
A924912. The Birds. Hinibook level G. By Jaaes 6 Buth flcCrea. pictures by Juerg Furrcr. 24 p. Appl. au: Houghton aifflin Coapany. eaployer for hire of illustrator. NB: art. Houghton aifflin Company; 21Jun77; A924912.
A924913. Understanding aarketing; study guide for aarketing: basic concepts and decisions. By Hilliaa a. Pride e O. C. Ferrell. 240 p. e Houghton aifflin Coapany; 3Jan77: A924913.
A924914. Aaerica rediscovered: its political life, its foreign affairs, its people, its economic life; instructor's guide. By Hilliaa E. Pulliaa. Rilliaa L. O'Heill C Clair B. Bowman. 187 p. Appl. states all new except for one chart, graph C extract. Houghton Hifflin Coapany; 22Jul77; A924914.
A924915. Textile laboratory aanual; course 610-260: introduction to textiles. By Theresa A. Perenich £ Barbara G. fieagan. Sheets. O Theresa A. Pernich £ Barbara G. Beagan (in notice: Theresa A. Perenich C Barbara G. Eeagan) ; 19Aug77; A924915.
A924916. Social studies skill aasters: aap skills. Level 1. Sheets (20 p.) in envelope. Houghton Hifflin Coapany;
11Aug77; A924916.
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