A924848 - A924879
JUL-DEC. 1977
»924847 (con.) for hire. O MattfaeH Bender and Conpany, Inc.; 12Dec77: R924847.
A924848. Sew Tork civil practice — EPIL. Vol. 9-9D, Dec. 1977 revision* release no. 9- By Patrick J. Bohan. 7 v. , folder (4 p.) & sheets. &ppl. au: Matthe* Bender and Company* lnc.« enployer for hire. 6 HattheH Bender and Company , Inc.; 17Dec77: i924848.
A92«8'I9. Collier bankruptcy cases- Vol- *»- Belease no. 1, Dec. 1977. Edited by Imin Hall S other editors- 2 v- 6 sheets (278 p.) Appl. an: fiatthev Bender and Company, Inc., employer for hire. Hattheu Bender and Company. Inc.: 17Dec77: A92iieil9.
A92'tB50- iorld patent law and practice. Vol. 2B-2H- Dec- 1977 revision, release no. 10. By John P. Sinnott. Sheets (435 p.) S folder (3 p.) Appl. au: Matthev Bender and Company, Inc. , employer for hire. O Hatthev Bender and Company, Inc.; 1ltDec77; A92I1850-
A92'1851- Hedical malpractice. Dec. 1977 soppl. 6 revision, release no- 10- By David R. Louisell e Barold Rilliams, Dec- 1977 cumalative sappl-, vol. 1-2, by David i- Louisell, Harold Rilliams & Jules fi- Kallsch. 5 V. B sheets. Appl. au: Hatthes Bender and Company, Inc. Formerly pub. as Trial of medical malpractice cases. Q Hatthev Bender and Company, Inc.; 8Dec77: A 924851.
A921I852- Collier on bankruptcy, fourteenth edition, editor-in-chief: James Hilliam Moore, editor-in-chief — revisions: Laurence p. Kinq. Nov- 1977 cumulative suppl. £ revision, release 34- fievision editor: Lawrence P. Kinq, 1977 revision editor: Asa S- Herzoq; 1977 suppl- vol- 1-15 by Billiam T. Laube E R. J- Hill; supplemental index pamphlet by Edward J. Bander- Multiple volumes C sheets- Appl- au: Hatthew Bender and Company, Inc-. employer for hire. Matthew Bender and Company, Inc.; 13Dec77; A924852-
A92'(853- Mertens law of Federal income taxation. Current tax hiqhliqhts, vol- 19, no. 12, Sept. 1, 1977; requlations, release no. 7 e rulinqs vol., release no. 10. By James J- Doheny- 8 p- £ sheets. Callaghan and Company; 14Sep77: A924S53.
A92485'l. Hertens law of Federal income taxation. Current tax hiqhliqhts, vol- 19, no. 13. Sept. 22, 1977; requlations, release no- 8 G rulinqs vol-, release no. 11- By James J. Doheny- 8 p- & sheets. Callaghan and Company: 40ct77; A924854.
A9248S5- New Jersey practice- Vol- 31: Criminal practice and procedure. 1977 pocket part. By Leonard N. Arnold. 108 p. e Rest Publishinq Company; 1Dec77; A924855.
A924856. California 1ury instructions- 1977 supplemental service, pamphlet no. 2. Prepared by The committees on Standard Jury Instructions, Civil and Criminal of the Superior Court of Los Angeles County, compiled e edited by Philip H. Bichards. 69 p- O Rest Publishing Company; 161IOV77: A924856.
A924S57. Rest's Alabama digest, October 1977- 215 p- O Rest Publishinq Company; 240ct77; A924857-
A92485B- Teacher's manual to accompany Legal aspects of architecture, engineering and the construction process, second edition- By Justin Sweet. 45 p. Rest Publishing Company; 1Nov77; A924858.
A924859. Teacher's manual for use with Cases, notes and materials on consumer pro- tection. By James B. HcCall. 208 p- O Rest Publishing Company; 1Nov77; A924859.
A924860- Instructor's manual to accompany Problems and materials in Federal estate and gift taxation, third edition. By Balph S. Sice. 187 p. tin: compilation, revisions & additions- Rest Publishing Company; 1Hov77; A924860-
A924861- Islands. A science fiction adventure by Marta Eandall. 191 p. C Marta Bandall; 15Sep76; A924861-
A924862. The Oz encounter- Created by Ted Hhite, a novel by Marv Rolfman, graphics by Stephen Fabian, editor: Byron Preiss. 216 p- (Ueird Heroes, vol. 5; Doc Phoenix) Appl. aU: Byron Preiss Visual Publi- cations, Inc- , employer for hire- 6 Byron Preiss Visual Publications, Inc.; 15Jan77; A924862-
A924863- Nightshade: magic and madness! A novel by Tappan King C Beth Heacham. graphics by Rudy Nebres, editor: Byron Preiss- 240 p- (Beird Heroes, vol. 4) Based on a character by Hark Arnold, Beth Meacbam 6 Tappan King. Appl. au: Byron Preiss Visual Publications. Inc. , employer for hire. 6 Byron Preiss Visual Publications, Inc. (in notice: Byron Preiss Visual Productions, Inc.); 150ct76; A924863.
A924864. Heird Heroes. Vol. 6- Editor; Byron Preiss. 320 p. Appl. au: Byron Preiss Visual Publications, Inc. , employer for hire- Byron Preiss Visual Publications, Inc.; 15Apr77; A924864-
A924865- Schlomo fiaven- Britten, edited & conceived by Byron Preiss, illus-, sets £ costumes by Tom Sutton, calligraphed & colored by Ken Smith. 1 v- (Fiction Illustrated, vol. 1) Add. ti: The Adventures of Schlomo Baven. Appl- an: Byron Preiss Visual Publications, Inc-. employer for hire. O Byron Preiss Visual Publications, Inc.; 15Jan76; A924865-
A924866. Starfawn. Rritten. edited G conceived by Byron Preiss, illus. , sets G technical consultant: Stephen Fabian, calligraphy: Annette Kawecki, color: Marie Severin. 1 V- (Fiction Illustrated, vol- 2) Appl. au: Byron Preiss Visual Publications, Inc-, employer for hire. Byron Preiss Visual Publications, Inc. ; 15May76; A924866.
A924867- Strangler's moon. By E. E. Smith, with Stephen Goldin. novelization by Stephen Goldin. 159 p. (The Family D'Alembert series, no. 2) NM: novelization- 6 Verna Smith Trestrail; 15Jul76; A924867-
A924868- Reird Heroes; A New American Pulp! Vol. 2. Edited G developed by Byron Preiss. 251 p. Appl. au: Byron Preiss Visual Publications. Inc.. employer for hire. Appl. states all stories G illus. new except the stories The Beturn of Greatheart G The Hew lork review of Bird.
A924869. The Beturn of Greatheart Silver; or. The Secret life of Bebecca of Suunybrook Farm- By Philip Jose Farmer, illustrated by Tom Sutton. (In Heird Heroes, vol- 2, p- 200-250) e Philip Jose Farmer; 15Dec75; A924869-
A924870- The New lork review of Bird. By Harlan Ellison, illustrated by Neal Adams. Add. ti; Cordwainer Bird. (In Beird Heroes, vol. 2. p. 35-72) Harlan Ellison; 15Dec75; A924870.
A924871. Heird Heroes; A New American Pulp! Vol. 1. Edited G developed by Byron Preiss. 247 p. Appl. au: Byron Preiss Visual Pablications, Inc., employer for hire. Appl. states all stories G illus. new except Greatheart silver in showdown at shootout G Bosie in the Sunshine State. part 1. C Byron Preiss Visual Publi- cations, Inc.; 150ct75; A924871.
A924872. Greatheart Silver in showdown at shootout. By Philip Jose Farmer, illustrated by Tom Sutton. [In Heird Heroes, vol. 1, p. 191-247) e Philip Jose Farmer; 150ct75; A924872.
A924873. Quest of the Gypsy. A novel by Bon Goulart, graphics by Alex Nino, edited G developed by Byron Preiss. 2t8 p. (Heird Heroes, vol. 3) Appl. au: Byron Preiss Visual Publications, Inc., enployer for hire. © Byron Preiss Visual Publications, Inc. ; 15Sep76; A924873.
A924874. Imperial stars. By E. E. Smith, with Stephen Goldin. novelization by Stephen Goldin. 143 p. (The Family D'Alembert series, no. 1) NM: novelization. Verna Smith Trestrail; 15Feb76; A924874.
A924875. The Clockwork traitor. By £. E. Smith, with Stephen Goldin. novelization by Stephen Goldin- 158 p. (The Family D'Alembert series, no. 3) NM: nove- lization. Verna Smith Trestrail; 15Jan77; A924875-
i924876- Son of Sherlock Holmes: the woman in red. Britten, edited G conceived by Byron Preiss. illustrated £ colored by Balph Reese, calligraphy by shelly Leferman. 1 V. (Fiction Illustrated, vol. 4) Appl. au: &yron Preiss Visual Publications. Inc. , employer for hire- © Byron Preiss Visual Publications, Inc.; 15Jan77; A924876-
A924877- Adjective law- 1977 ed- 1 v- (New lork bar review, vol. 3) Harcourt Brace Jovanovich Legal and Professional Publications, Inc. d.b.a. BAR/BRI New York Bar Review; 15Dec76; A924877.
A924878. Commercial transactions. 1977 cd- 1 v. (New York bar review, vol. 1) O Harcourt Brace Jovanovich Legal and Professional Publications, Inc. d.b.a. BAR/BBI New York Bar Review; 15Dec76; A92487a.
A924879. Special topics. it>77 ed. 1 v. (New York bar review, vol- 4) Harcourt Brace Jovanovich Legal and Professional Publications. Inc. d-b-a. BAR/BBI New York
Bar Beview; t5Dec76; A924879.
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