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A92481II - 49248147


JUL-DEC. 1977

19 2itS13 (con.) natecial hiqhliqhts, current Pindel case table, current table of cases; bound »ol. 23, Oct. 1977; Findel case table; cases release no. 1. 3 ». 6 sheets. &ppl. au: pike and Fischer, Inc. 6 John I. Hillis. e Callaqhan and Conpany; 5Dec77 ; i92<IB13.

i92lt81«. Current tax hiqhliqhts suppleientinq Bertens la« of Federal incoie taxation. Vol. 19. no. 16, NOV. 23, 1977. Bequlations release no. 10; regulations status table 1977 to date; rulioqs voluae release no. 14: code-rulinq table 1977 to date. By Ja»es J. Doheny. Sheets. *dd. ti: Bertens law of Federal incoae taxation. Callaqhan and Coapany; 9Dec77: »92I481«.

i92ll815. Texas fasily code. 2nd ed. 2 20 p. Best Publishing CoDpaay: 2Dec77; i924815.

A92U816. Texas code of criainal procedure. 7th ed. 216 p. West Publishing Coapany; 10NO»77: A924816.

&924817. Texas rules of ci»il procedure, 1978. 9th ed. 406 p. Hest Publishicq COBpany; 7Nov77; 4924817.

t924818. iest's California leqislati»e service, 1977. 1977-1978 reqular session. 1 v. lest Publishing Coapany; 7No¥77: 11924818.

4924819. New Jersey session Ian service. 1977 la»s. no. 5. 781 p. Hest Publishing coapany; 29Nov77: 4924819.

4924820. iest's lisconsin legislative service, 1977. 888 p. Hest Publishinq Coapany: 291iov77; 4924820.

4924821. Best's California legislative service; 1977-1978 reqular session. 1 v. e Best Publishinq Coapany; 711ov77; 4924821.

4924822. Bashington court rules annotated, with foras. Pt. 1-3. Contributing editor: Glenna S. Ball, annotated by Bancroft- Bhitney Coapany editorial staff. 1 v. »S: text 6 annotations, foras 6 sup- pleaentation. Bancrof t-8hitney Coapany; 11NOV77; 4924822.

4924823. 4dvance legislative service to Deering's California codes annotated. Laws of 1977, chap. 936-1177, paaphlet no. 4. 1802 p. Bancroft-Bhitney Coapany; 11Nov77; 4924823.

4924824. 4dvance legislative service to Deering's California codes annotated. Laws of 1977, chap. 316-604, paaphlet no. 2. 1481 p. Bancroft-Hhitney Coapany; 210ct77; 4924824.

492482S. 4d Vance legislative service to Deering's California codes annotated. Laws of 1977, chap. 1178-1261, paaphlet no. 5. 1788 p. Bancroft-Bhitney Coapany; 15llov77; 4924825.

4924826. Advance legislative service to Deering's California codes annotated. Laws of 1977, chap. 605-891, paaphlet no. 3. 1808 p. Bancroft-Bhitney Coapanyi 2Hov77; 4924826.

4924827. Prentice-Hall Federal taxes, 1978. Vol. 5. 1 V. Add. ti: P-U Federal taxes, 1978; P-H 1978 Federal taxes. Prentice- Hall, Inc.; 30BOV77 (in notice: 1978); 4924827.

A924828. Prentice-Ball Federal taxes: estate and gift taxes- Vol. 1. 1 v. Add. ti: P-H 1978 Federal estate and gift; P-H Federal taxes: estate and gift taxes 1. Prentice-Hall, Inc. ; 30Nov77 (in notice: 1978); A924828.

A92482S. Prentice-Bali Federal taxes, 1978. Vol. 4. 1 V. Add. ti: P-H 1978 Federal; P-a Federal taxes, 1978. O Prentice-Hall, Inc.; 30NOV77 (in notice: 1978); A924829.

4924830. Prentice-Hall Federal taxes, 1978. Vol. 3. 1 V. Add. ti: P-H 1978 Federal taxes; P-B Federal taxes, 1978. O Prentice-Ball, Inc.; 30UOV77 (in notice: 1978); A924830.

A924831. Foreign tax and trade briefs. Eelease no. 229, Hov. 1977. Sheets 6 folder (4 p. I Batthew Bender and Coapany, Inc.; 160ec77; 4924831.

A924832. Barren's Beaton paaphlet edition. Sew York SCPA-EPTL, 1977-78 greenboolt. 1 v. Add. ti: Barren's Beaton paaphlet edition, SCPA-EPTL, 1977-78 qreenbooli. C Batthew Bender and Coapany, Inc.; 17Nov77; A924832.

A924833. Principles of civil service law. Dec. 1977 suppl., release no. 1. By Bobert G. Vaughn. 47 p. Appl. au: Batthew Bender and Coapany, Inc. , eaployer for hire. Batthew Bender and Coapany, Inc.; 6Dec77; A924833.

A924834. Occupational safety and health act. Vol. 1-2. By Roscoe B. Hogan t E. Ben Hogan 3rd. Appl. au: Batthew Bender and Coapany, Inc. , eaployer for hire. O Batthew Bender and Coapany, Inc.; 9Dec77: 4924834.

4924835. International aonetary systea. By Andreas F. Lowenfeld. 695 p. (Inter- national economic law, vol. 4) 4ppl. au: Matthew Bender and Coapany, Inc., eaployer for hire. C Batthew Bender and Coapany, Inc.; 6Dec77; 4924835.

A924836. Shite New York corporations pamphlet edition, BCL, N-PCl and related statutes, 1977-78 whitebooli. 1 v- 4dd. ti: Bhitebook — Hew York corporations pamphlet edition. Batthew Bender and Coapany, Inc.; 1Dec77: A924836.

A924837. Ohio foras of pleading and practice; criminal law pamphlet, 1977. 876 p. Batthew Bender and Company, Inc.: 7Dec77; 4924837.

4924830. New York Oniversity, proceedings of the First 4nnual Institute on Securities Laws and Begulations, 1977. Edited by Nicolas Liakas. 398 p. 4dd. ti: New York Oniversity First Annual Institute on securities Laws and Begulations. These articles are based upon the lectures delivered at the first annual meeting of the institute conducted by the Office of Continuing Education in Law and Taxation of New York University, in Hay 1977, in Biami Beach. 4ppl. an: Batthew Bender and Company, Inc., employer for hire. New York University; 13Dec77; 4924838.

4924839. Personal injury: successful litigation techniques. Vol. 1-4. Nov. 1977 revision, release no. 10. By Joseph Kelner. S p. 6 sheets. 4dd. ti: Kelner-personal injury. 4ppl. au: Batthew Bender and Coapany, Inc., employer for hire. Batthew Bender and Company, Inc.; 2Dec77; 4924839.

4924840. fiabkin and Johnson Federal income, gift and estate taxation report. Beport no. 425, pt. 1-2, Dec. 1977. By Jacob Babkin 6 Bark H. Johnson. Tax calendars for 1978, by Irwin S. Epstein 6 Bark I. Friedlich. Sheets (p. 1-15889) 6 1 v. 4dd. ti: Babkin and Johnson Federal gift, income and estate taxation. Appl. au: Batthew Bender and company. Inc., employer for hire. Batthew Bender and Coapany, Inc. ; 16Dec77: A924840.

A924841. Beinstein, Korn, Killer manual; CPLB. By Jack B. Beinstein, Harold L. Korn 6 Arthur B. Biller. Dec. 1977 suppl., release no. 10, by Elliot I. Susser. 248 p. Appl. au: Batthew Bender and Coapany, Inc., employer for hire. Batthew Bender and Coapany, Inc.; 16Dec77; A924841.

4924842. CourtrooB aedicine: shoulder and elbow. Vol. 5-5A. By Jules a. Kalisch 6 Harold Billiaas. 1977 Nov. suppl. by Sandra L. Berdischewsky, legal editor, Lois L. Caswell 6 Barbara a. Smith, aedical editors, 1977 suppl. and revision, release no. 7. 1 folder, 2 v. 6 sheets. Appl. au: Batthew Bender and Coapany, Inc., employer for hire. Batthew Bender and Coapany, Inc.; 28Nov77: 4924842.

4924843. Patent law and practice; court review of Patent office decisions: CCP4. Vol. 4-44. By Donald D. Dunner. Oct. 1977, release no. 5, cumulative suppl., supplemental table of cases, supplemental table of miscellaneous citations, supplemental index, by Donald D. Dunner 6 Charles L. Gholz. 1 folder, 5 v. £ sheets. 4ppl. au: Batthew Bender and Company, Inc., employer for hire. Batthew Bender and Coapany, Inc.; 18Nov77; 4924843.

4924 844. Business organizations: trade secrets. Vol. 12-124 Oct. 1977, suppl. £ revision, ..elease no. 11. By Soger B. ailgrim. 1 folder, 2 v. 6 sheets. 4ppl. au: Batthew Bender and Company, Inc., employer for hire. Batthew Bender and Company, Inc.; 24Nov77; 4924844.

4924845. SEC form 10-K: a guide to financial reporting. By Dennis E. Beresford, Bobert a. Busch 6 Bobert D. Neary. 1 v. Appl. au: Batthew Bender and Company, Inc., employer for hire. O Batthew Bender and Company, Inc.; 12Dec77; 4924845.

4924846. Bender's Uniform commercial code service reporter digest. Vol. 6-6E. Nov. 1977 suppl. , release no. 44. By Billiam F. Sillier 6 Frederick H. Bart. 7 v. 4ppl. au: Batthew Bender and Company, Inc., employer for hire. Batthew Bender and Company, Inc.; 6Dec77; 4924846.

A924847. Weinstein's Evidence. Vol. 1-5. Dec. 1977 suppl. 6 revision, release no. 6. By Jack B. Beinstein 6 Bargaret 4. Berger. 7 v., folder (4 p.) S sheets. 4ppl. au:

Batthew Bender and Company, Inc., employer


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