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A924738 - A924772


JUL-DEC. 1977

»92«737 (con.) lllus.: Lea Epstein. 32 p. ippl. au: Haaaond, Inc. Haaaond, Inc.; 10Jun77: »92'4737.

1921738. Becoqnizinq sequence. Green book« 3rd qrade readinq level. Contents: Marie malboCD, desiqn E illus. : Robert B. Jackson, illus.: Len Epstein. 32 p. Appl. au: Haanond, Inc. O Haaaood, Inc.; 10Jun7T: 492U738.

»92lt739. Follovinq written directions. Green book, 3rd qrade reading level. Contents: Helinda E. Blau, desiqn £ illus. : Bobert B. Jackson, illus.: Len Epstein. 32 p. ippl. aui Haaaond, Inc. O Baaaond, Inc.; «Oct77: A92'(739.

A921I7'I0. Gettinq the aeaninq froB context. Green book, 3cd qrade readinq level. Contents: Susana G. De Guzaan. desiqn t illus.: Bobert B. Jackson, illus.: Len Epstein. 32 p. tppl. au: Haaaond, Inc. O Baaaond. Inc.; 10Jun77; i92it7«0.

A921l71t1. Osinq sound/syabol/structure clues. Green book, 3rd qrade readinq level. Contents: Thoaas Batch, desiqn & illus.: Sotert R. Jackson, illus.: Len Epstein. 32 p. Appl. au: Haaaond, Inc. Haaaond, Inc.; 10Jun77; i92U7111.

A9247112. Gecoqnizinq sequence. Blue book, 4th qrade readinq level. Contents: Harie Ualborn, desiqn C illus.: Bobert B. Jackson, illus.: Len Epstein. 32 p. Appl. au: Baaaondv Inc. Haaaond, Inc.; Il0ct77; A921t71t2.

A92I47I43. Findinq the aain idea. Blue book, tth qrade readinq level. Contents: Helinda Blau. desiqn e illus.: Bobert 6. Jackson, illus.: Len Epstein. 32 p. Appl. au: Baaaond, Inc. Baaaond, Inc.; 10Jun77; »92«7<t3.

A921t7Uit. Follovinq written directions. Blue book, itth qrade readinq level. Contents: Belinda E. Blau, desiqn £ illus.: Bobert B. Jackson, illus.: Len Epstein. 32 p. Appl. au: Haaaond, Inc. Haaaond, Inc.; I(0ct77: 492171114.

A921715. Gettinq the aeaninq froa context. Blue book, 1th qrade readinq level. Contents: Susana 6. De Guzaan, desiqn £ illus.: Bobert R. Jackson, illus.: Len Epstein. 32 p. Appl. au: Baaaond. Inc. Baaaond, Inc.: 10Jun77; A921715.

A9217U6. Gettinq the aeaninq froa context. Bed book, 5th qrade readinq level. Contents: Susana G. De Guzaan, desiqn £ illus.: Bobert B. Jackson, illas.: Len Epstein. 32 p. Appl. au: Haaaond, Inc. Haaaond, Inc.; 10ct77: A921716.

A921717. gakinq inferences. Bed book, 5th qrade readinq level. Contents: Barbara D. Seiqer, desiqn £ illus.: Bobert B. Jackson, illus.: Len Epstein. 32 p. Appl. au; Haaaond, Inc. O Haaaond, Inc. ; 10ctT7; A921717.

A921718. Findinq the aain idea. Bed book, 5th qrade readinq level. Contents: Helinda B. Blau, desiqn £ illus.: Bobert B. Jackson, illus.: Len Epstein. 32 p. Appl. au: Baaaond, Inc. Baaaond, Inc.; 10ct77; A921718.

A921719. Recoqnizinq sequence. Bed book. 5th qrade readinq level. Contents: Harie Ualborn, desiqn £ illus.: Bob Jackson, illus.: Len Epstein. 32 p. Appl. au: Haaaond, Inc. Haaaond, Inc.; 10ct77; A9217it9.

A921750. Osinq sound/syaboI/structurc clues. Red book, 5th qrade reading level. Contents: Thoaas Hatch, desiqn £ illus.: Bobert R. Jackson, illus.: Len Epstein. 32 p. Appl. au: Haaaond, Inc. Haaaond, Inc.; 10ct77; A921750.

A921751. Folloainq written directions. Bed book, Sth qrade readinq level. Contents: Helinda E. Blau, desiqn £ illus.: Bobert B. Jackson, illus.: Len Epstein. 32 p. Appl. au: Haaaond, Inc. O Haaaond, Inc. ; 10ct77; A921751.

A921752. tlakinq inferences. Brown book, 6th qrade readinq level. Contents: Barbara D. Seiqer. desiqn £ illus.: Bobert B. Jackson, illus.: Len Epstein. 32 p. Appl. au: Baaaond, Idc. Q Hanaond, Inc.; 10ct77; A92lt752.

A921753. Hakinq inferences. Blue book, 1th qrade readinq level. Contents: Barbara D. Seiqer, desiqn £ illus.: Robert R. Jackson, illus.: Len Epstein. 32 p. Appl. au: Hanaond, Inc. O Hanaond, Inc. ; 10ct77; 4921753.

A921754. Osinq sound/symbol/structure clues. Blue book, 1th qrade readinq level. Contents: Thoaas Hatch, desiqn E illus.: Bobert B. Jackson, illus.: Len Epstein. 32 p. Appl. au: Haaaond, Inc. C Haaaond, Inc.; 10ct77; A921751.

A921755. Dsinq sound/syabol/structure clues. Brown book, 6th qrade readinq level. Contents: Thoaas Hatch, desiqn £ illus.: Bobert K. Jackson, illus.: Len Epstein. 32 p. Appl. au: Uaoaond. Inc. Haaaond, Inc.; 10ct77; 4921755.

4921756. Followinq written directions. Brown book, 6th qrade readinq level. Contents: Helinda E. Blau, desiqn £ illus.: Robert B. Jackson, illus.: Len Epstein. 32 p. 4ppl. au: Haaaond, Inc. O Haaaond, Inc.; 10ct77; A921756.

A921757. Gettinq the aeaninq froa context. Brown book, 6th qrade readinq level. Contents: Susana G. De Guzaan, desiqn £ illus.: Bobert R. Jackson, illus.: Len Epstein. 32 p. Appl. au: Haaaond, Inc. Haaaond, Inc.; 10ct77; 4921757.

4921758. Findinq the aain idea. Brown book, 6th qrade readinq level. Contents: Helinda E. Blau, desiqn £ illus.: Bobert B. Jackson, illus.: Len Epstein. 32 p. Appl. au: Haaaond, Inc. O Haaaond, Inc.; 10ct77: A92175fl.

A921759. Recoqnizinq sequence. Brown book, 6th qrade readinq level. Contents: Harie Halborn, desiqn £ illus.: Bob Jackson, illus.: Len Epstein. 32 p. Appl. au: Haaaond, Inc. O Haaaond, Inc.; 10ct77: 4921759.

A921760. All in the dark. Vol. 1 £ 2. By Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu, with an introd. by Devendta P. Varaa. O on introd.; Devendra P. Varaa; 270ct77; 4921760.

A921761. Loyalty and security in a deaocratic state. Advisory editor: Richard Halworth Rovere, editor: Gene Brown. 399 p. (The Great contenporary issues) Appl. au: The New York Tiaes Coapauy. UH: coapilation, introd. £ index. O The New lork Tiaes Coapany; 15Jul77; A921761.

A921762. The Cities. Advisory editor: Richard C. Hade, editor: Gene Brown. 366 p. (The Great conteaporary issues) Appl. au: The New tork Tiaes Coapany. NH: coapilation £ introd. The New York Tiaes Coapany; 9Dec76; A921762.

A921763. The Hiddle East. Advisory editor: John Coert Caapbell, editor: Arleen Keylin. 135 p. (The Great conteaporary issues) Appl. au: The New york Tiaes Coapany. NH: coapilation £ introd. The New York Tiaes Coapany; 15Sep76; A921763.

4921761. Uoaen: their chanqinq roles. Advisory editor: Elizabeth Janeway. 556 p. (The Great conteaporary issues) Appl. au: The New York Tiaes Coapany. NB: coapilation, introd., index 6 byline index. O The New York Tiaes Coapany; 234pr73; 4921761.

A921765. Values Aaericans live by. Advisory editor: Garry Bills. 528 p. (The Great conteaporary issues) Appl. au: The New york Tiaes Coapany. NH: coapilation, introd. £ index. O The New York Tiaes Coapany; 20Feb71; A921765.

A921766. Hedicine and health care. Advisory editor: Saul Jarcho, editor: Gene Brown. 398 p. (The Great conteaporary issues) Appl. au: The New York Tiaes Coapany. NH: coapilation, introd. £ index. O The New York Tiaes Coapany: 6Apr77; A921766.

A921767. Science in the twentieth century. Advisory editor: Halter Sullivan. 392 p. (The Great conteaporary issues) Appl. au: The New York Tiaes coapany. NH: coapilation, introd. £ index. O The New York Tiaes coapany; 30Jul76; A921767.

4921769. Orqaaizing the world's aoney: the political econoay of international aonetacy relations. By Benjaain J. Cohen. 310 p. (The Political econoay of international relations series) O Basic Books. Inc.; 30NOV77; A921768.

A921769. Every child's birthright: in defense of aotherinq. By Selaa H. Fraiberg. 162 p. Appl. states all new except chap. 2. d Selaa Fraiberg; 210ct77; A921769.

A921770. The Liaits of health refora: the search for realise. By Eli Ginzberg. 227 p. Basic Books, Inc.; 25Nov77; A921770.

4921771. Small coaforts for hard tiae: huaanists on public policy. Editors: Hichael Hooney £ Plorian Stuber, introduced by Florian Stuber, with an introd. by Jaaes Gutaann. 102 p. Appl. states all new except papers prev. pub. aaterial. O Coluabia University Press; 12Dec77: A921771.

A921772. Experiiental archeology. Edited by Daniel Ingersoll, John E. Yellen £ Uilliaa Hacdonald. 123 p. NH: coapilation, pref.. introd., introductions to sections, chap. 2, 9, 11 (18 £ index. Coluabia

Oniversity Press; 16Dec77: A921772.


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