JUL-DEC. 1977
A924696. Shelblna. Clarence, Bann&uell, HO, and others telephone directory, Decewber 1977. O Central Telephone Coapany of Hissouri; 29NOV77: i924696.
A924697. Elizabeth, HV, telephone directory, Decenber 1977. The Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone COBpany of Rest Vitqinia; 29lIov77; &924697.
A924698. South Lyon, HI, telephone directory, December 1977. Hichigan Bell Telephone Company; 21No»77; »924698.
&924699. Stamford, Byram, Cos Cob, CT, and others The Guide, 1977-1978. S VIP Guide Corporation; 29Nov77; A92a699.
A924700. Aitkin, Bennettville, Crosby, HN, and others phone book, December 1977. O United Telephone Company of Minnesota; 23Mo»77; A924700.
A924701. Aurora, Mount Vernon, HO, telephone directory, December 1977. C Central Telephone Company of Hissouri; 29Nov77; A924701.
A924702. Baldvio City, KS, phone book, December 1977. O Dnlted Telephone Company of Kansas, Inc.; 30Hov77; A924702.
A924703. Canton, Evinq, La Guanqe, HO, and others telephone directory, December 19 77. e Central Telephone Company of Missouri; 23NOV77; A924703.
4924704. Autrain, Chatham, Trenary, HI, and Others telephone directory, December 1977. Chatham Telephone Company; 30Nov77; A92I4701(.
A924705. Braselton, Commerce, Homer, GA« and others telephone directory, December 1977. 6 Mid-Continent Telephone Corp6ration; 22NOV77; A9 2U705.
A924706. Deerfield, Petersburg, HI, December 1977. O Deerfield Farmer's Telephone company; 22Nov77; A924706.
A924707. Farayille, Aryonia, Buckingham, V&, and others telephone directory, December 1977. O Central Telephone Company of Virginia; 28NOV77: A924707.
A924708. Point Pleasant, Apple Grove, Leon, nason, HV, telephone directory, November 1977. Q The Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone Company of West Virginia; 18NOV77: A924708.
A924709. Certified appliances and accessories, supplemental directory. Oct. 1 suppl. to July 1977 issue. Compiled by American Gas Association. p. 1001-101(7. American Gas Association. 2UOct77; A924709.
A924710. Ida Grove, Battle Creek, lA, telephone directory, December 1977. Central Telephone Company; 22Hov77; A924710.
A924711. Kiova, Hardtner, Hazelton, KS, telephone directory, December 1977- Hestern PoMer Division of Central Telephone and Utilities corporation; 23Kov77: »924711.
A924712. Billsboro, KS, phone book, December 1977. 6 United Telephone Company of Kansas, Inc.; 23Nov77; A924712.
A924713. Fredonia, including, Altoona, Benedict, KS, and others phone book, December 1977. 6 United Telephone Company of Kansas, Inc.; 23Nov77; A924713.
A924714. Fairleigh Dickinson University, Florham-Madison, Hew Jersey, an in-depth study. 10 p. (Barron's Profiles of American colleges) HH: revisions. Q Barron's Educational Series, Inc.; 6Dec77; »924714.
A924715. Fairleigh Dickinson University, Rutherford, Nev Jersey, an in-depth study. 36 p. (Barron's Profiles of American colleges) NH: revisions. O Barron's Educational Series, Inc.; 6Dec77; A924715.
A924716. Fairleigh Dickinson University, Teaneck-Backensack, Uev Jersey, an in-depth study. 36 p. (Barron's Profiles of American colleges) HH: revisions. Barron's Educational Series, Inc.; 6Dec77; A924716.
4924717. Building and remodeling for energy savings. By James D. Uigson. 320 p. Q Craftsman Book company; 11Nov77; A924717.
A924718. Structures cost manual, 1976; square foot costs for residential, commercial, industrial, agricultural and military structures. Edited by Glenn Bruce Smith, illus. by Laura Knight. 210 p. O Craftsman Book Company; 280ct77; A924718.
A924719. Planning apd building the minimum energy duelling. Edited by Kirk Hilliams, pseud, of Gary Boselle, sketches of the H.E.D. by Gretchen Egqe. 287 p. NH: revisions, corrections, illus. & indexing. 6 Craftsman Book Company; 23Nov77; A921719.
A924720. National construction estimator, 1978. Edited by Gary Hoselle. 26-th ed. 287 p. e Craftsman Book Company; 190ct77; A92172a.
A924721. National repair and remodeling estimator, 1976; a guide to dvelling reconstruction costs. By Albert S- Pazton. 158 p. Craftsman Book Company; 280ct77; A921721.
4924722. American political behavior. By Bouard D. Mehlinger S John J. Patpick. 601 p. NH: revisions £ additional text. Ginn and Company (Xerox Corporation) ; 3Jan77; 4921722.
4924723. Clothes, clues, and careers. By flargil Vanderhoff. 378 p. Portions prev. pub. as Clothes: part of your world. NH: revision, additional text G pictorial matter. Ginn and Company (Xerox Corporation); 3Jan77; 4921723.
A924721. American political behavior; tests for book 2. revised edition. Unit 1, tests 1-1 6 unit 5, tests 1-2. Sheets (21 p.) Appl. au: Howard D. Hehlinger £ John J. Patrick. NH; revision £ new tests. Ginn and Company (Xerox Corporation) ; 3Jan77; A921721.
A924725. American political behavior; tests for book 1, revised edition. Unit 1, tests 1-3, unit 2, tests 1-2 E unit 3, tests 1-2. Sheets (27 p.) Appl. au: Howard D. Hehlinger G John J. Patrick. NH: revision £ new tests. Ginn and Company (Xerox Corporation); 3Jan77; 4921725.
A924726. Teacher's guide to 4merican political behavior, revised edition. By Howard D. Hehlinger G John J. Patrick. 1 v. NH: revision £ additional text. O Ginn and Company (Xerox Corporation); 3Jan77; 4921726.
4924727. People and civilizations: a world history; teacher's guide. By John H. Thompson £ Kathleen Hedberg. 312 p. 6 The Trustees of Indiana University; 3Jan77; 4921727.
4924728. The Horld of food, revised edition; teacher's guide and tests. By Rinsey Green. 1 v. Ginn and Company (Xerox corporation); 15Jul77; 4921728.
4924729. Individual skills inventory card. Levels 1-13. Folder. (Beading 720) 4ppl. au: Theodore Clymer. 3 Ginn and Company (Xerox Corporation); 1Dec77; A921729.
A924730. Fifth day delivery tabular calendar. 1978 Jan. -June ed. Appl. au: George T. Bell. O George T. Bell; 110ct77; 4921730.
4924731. Books for school libraries, 1978; annotated guide for grades K-12. Canadian ed. 228 p. Brodart, Inc.; 2«0ct77; 4921731.
4924732. Books for school libraries, 1978; annotated guide for grades K-12. 230 p. e Brodart, Inc.; 29Aug77; 4921732.
4924733. Books for school libraries, 1978; title listing for grades K-12. 512 p. Brodart, Inc.; 16Sep77; A921733.
4924731. Instructor's manual for Watson and Tharp's Self-directed behavior: self- modification for personal adjustment, second edition. By David L. Watson £ Dorothy E. Griffin. 51 p. 4dd. ti: Instructor's manual for Self-directed behavior: self-modification for personal adjustment, second edition. NH: editorial revision, d Nadsworth Publishing Company, Inc.; 9Dec77; 4921731.
A924735. Life-span individual and family development: student resource manual. By Stella E. Goldberg £ Francine Deutscl. 267 p. e Uadsworth Publishing Company, Inc.; 5NOV77; A924735.
A924736. Making inferences. Green book, 3rd grade reading level. Contents: Barbara D. Seiger, design £ illus.: Bob Jackson, illus. : Len Epstein. 32 p. 4ppl. au: Hammond, Inc. 6 Hammond, Inc.; 10ct77; A924736.
A924737. Finding the main idea. Green book, 3rd grade reading level. Contents: Melinda
Blau, design fi illus.: Robert B. Jackson,
These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.