JUL-DEC. 1977
4924475 (con.) pcoqran) O Society of aaouf acturlog Engineers; 1itHar77; i924475.
i924476. Double-duty beauties. Deck 2. Cards (The Greenhouse) Hestern Publishing Conpanv, Inc.; 6Dec77; i924476.
»924477. Foliage favorites. Deck 1. Cards. (The Greenhouse) Hestern Publishing Coapanr, Inc.; 310ct77; 1924477.
1924478. The Greenhouse; index cards. Western Publishing Company, Inc.; 310ct77: 1924478.
1921179. Chemistry* BicrGScope, biology, geology manual. 10 p. Hestern Publishing Company, Inc.; 15Jul77; 1921179.
1921180. Krofft supershoa; iron-on transfers. Designs by Gabe Josephson. 1 v. Ippl. au: Sid and Barty Krofft Tr Productions. Inc., employer for hire. Sid and Harty Krofft TV Productions, Inc.; lDec77; 1924180.
1921181. Boadvay Express; basic analysis, Feb. 1« 197. By John ». Pincayage. 16 p. Ippl. an: aitchell, Hutchins, Inc. Bitchell, Ratchins. Inc.; 1Feb77; 1921181.
1921182. The ipplication of corporate strategy analysis to the retail industry; basic analysis. Ipr. 22, 1977. By Stuart a. Bobbins. 51 p. Ippl. au: aitchell, Rutchins, Inc. aitchell, Butchins. Inc.; 281pr77: 1921182.
1921483. Chemical industry overview; basic analysis, Ipr. 25, 1977. By Peter E. Butler. 13 p. Ippl. ao: aitchell, Butchins, Inc. Bitchell, Butchins, Inc.; 2aay77; 1921183.
1924481. Bevieif and prolections: 0. S. pulp and paper industry, 1976-1978; basic analysis, Ipr. 25. 1977. By Laurence 1. Boss. 36 p. Ippl. au: aitchell. Hutchins, Inc. O Bitchell, Hutchins. Inc.; 4Bar71: 1924484.
1924485. Corporate strategy analysis as applied to the chemical industry: an approach to differentiating strengths among chemical companies; basic analysis. Ipr. 25, 1977. By peter £. Butler. 29 p. Ippl. au: Bitchell, Hutchins, Inc. O Bitchell. Hutchins, Inc.; iaay77; 1921185.
1921186. Standard Oil Ohio; basic analysis. Bay 11, 1977. By David G. Snov. 11 p. Ippl. au: Bitchell, Butchins, Inc. Bitchell, Hutchins, Inc.: 17aay77; 1921186.
1921187. The Kational energy plan: analysis, evaluation, and beneficiaries; basic analysis. June 11, 1977. By David G. Sno«. 20 p. Ippl. au: Bitchell, Hutchins, Inc. Bitchell. Butchins, Inc.; 17Jun77; 1921187.
1921188. Bowan Companies; basic analysis, June 30. 1977. By John B. Halker. 11 p. Ippl. au: Bitchell, Butchins, Inc. Bitchell. Hutchins, Inc. ; 5J«177; 1921188.
1921189. Owens-Corning Piberglas; basic analysis. July 1. 1977. By H. Edward Schollmeyer. 19 p. Ippl. au: aitchell, Hutchins, Inc. O aitchell, Hutchins, Inc.; 12Jul77; 1921189.
1921190. The 1977 guide to monitoring the ma^or crops and their supply and demand variables; basic analysis. July 6, 1977. By fioger H. Spencer. 38 p. Ippl. au: aitchell. Hutchins, Inc. O aitchell, Hutchins, Inc.; 18Jul77; 1921190.
1921191. Kerr BcGee Corporation; basic analysis, lug. 2, 1977. By David G. Snow. 19 p. Ippl. au: aitchell, Hutchins. Inc. O Bitchell, Hutchins, Inc.; 91ug77; 1921191.
1921192. Overseas Shipholding Group; basic analysis, Oct. 26, 1977. By John ». Pincavaqe. 22 p. Ippl. au: aitchell, Butchins, Inc. O aitchell, Rutchins, Inc.; 310ct77; 1921192.
1921193. Cutler-Hammer, Inc.; basic analysis, Oct. 10. 1977. By Bobert T. Cornell. 20 p. Ippl. au: aitchell, Hutchins. Inc. e aitchell, Hutchins. Inc.; 130ct77; 1921193.
1921194. U.S. Home Corporation; basic analysis. Sept. 11. 1977. By Sed Davis. 19 p. Ippl. au: aitchell. Hutchins. Inc. O aitchell, Butchins, Inc.; 15Sep77; 1921194.
1921195. Caterpillar Tractor Company; basic analysis. Ipr. 5. 1976. By Eli s. Lustgarten. 37 p. Ippl. au: aitchell, Hutchins, Inc. O aitchell, Hutchins. Inc.; 12lpr76; 1924495.
1921196. The Trucking industry; basic analysis, lug. 9. 1977. By John V. Pincavage. 27 p. Ippl. au: aitchell, Hutchins, Inc. aitchell, Hutchins, Inc.; 161aq77; 1921195.
1924497. Oil profits outlook: lugust-September 1977 whiff of deflation; basic analysis, lug. 30. 1977. By David G. Snow. 36 p. Ippl. au: aitchell, Butchins, Inc. e aitchell. Hutchins, Inc.; 31Aug77; 1924197.
1921498. Schluaberger Limited; basic analysis, lug. 22, 1977. By Peter B. Vig £ John B. Halker. 11 p. Ippl. au: aitchell, Hutchins, Inc. aitchell, Hutchins, Inc.; 26iug77; 4921198.
1921499. Diamond Shamrock; basic analysis, Feb. 11, 1977. By Peter E. Butler. 22 p. Ippl. au: Bitchell, Hutchins, Inc. aitchell, Hutchins, Inc.; 16Peb77; 1921199.
1921500. The Experiment of gradualism — in transition; basic analysis. Feb. 3, 1977. By David G. Snow. 56 p. Ippl. au: aitchell, Hutchins, Inc. O Bitchell, Hutchins, Inc.; 8Feb77; 1921500.
4921501. Beplacement cost accounting from an analyst's point of view; basic analysis. Bar. 16, 1977. By Lawrence 1. Boss. 15 p. Ippl. au: Bitchell, Hutchins, Inc. O aitchell, Hutchins. Inc.; 23aar77; 1921501.
1921502. In Investment strategy for the new energy policy: buy selected domestics with strong rebound potentials; basic analysis, Ipr. 12, 1977. By David G. Snow. 20 p. Ippl. au: aitchell, Hutchins, Inc. O aitchell, Hutchins, Inc.; 15ipr77; 192150 2.
1924503. Energy policy and the current outlook for equipment demand for the electric utility and coal mining industries. By Eli S. Lustgarten. 38 p. Ippl. au: Bitchell, Hutchins. Inc. O Bitchell, Hutchins, Inc.; 19lpr77; 1921503.
1924504. 1977 guide to monitoring the infla- tionary impact of food prices; basic analysis, Ipr. 18, 1977. By Soger H. Spencer. 26 p. Ippl. au: Bitchell, Hutchins, Inc. Bitchell, Hutchins. Inc.; 211pr77; 1924501.
192150 5. Bissouri Pacific Corporation; basic analysis, Jan. 17, 1977. By John ?. Pincavage. 18 p. Ippl. au: Bitchell, Hutchins, Inc. C Bitchell, Hutchins. Inc.; 20Jan77; 1924505.
1921506. Investment outlook for the investor- owned electric power industry; basic analysis. Feb. 18, 1977. By Charles 1. Benore. 35 p. Ippl. au: Bitchell. Hutchins, Inc. O Bitchell, Hutchins, Inc.; 21Feb77; 1921506.
1921507. Dresser Industries; basic analysis, lug. 31. 1977. By Eli S. Lustgarten. 15 p. Ippl. au: Bitchell, Hutchins, Inc. Bitchell. Hutchins, Inc. ; 6Sep77; 1921507.
1921508. fielative valuation charts, Ipril 1977. 202 p. Bitchell, Hutchins, Inc.; 121pr77; 1921508.
1921509. Belative valuation charts, summer 1977. 202 p. O aitchell, Hutchins, Inc.; 18JU177; 1921509.
1921510. Belative valuation charts, fall 1977. 193 p. O Bitchell, Butchins, Inc.; 190ct77; 1921510.
1924511. The normative sciences. By David Basch. 60 p. 5 articles on logic, aesthetics & ethics prev. pub. in the Connecticut review. Na: compilation of 5 articles, introd. £ new diagram. O David Basch; 12Dec77; 1924511.
1921512. Ictivity selector chart: user's guide. Folder (6 p.) Ippl. au: Lois 1. Jaffe. O Lois 1. Jaffe; 17Kov77; 1921512.
1921513. COfE tapes: how to COPE with life effectively; instructions for children, observers, parents, executives. Folder. Ippl. au: David Schrum. NB: revisions. David Schrum; 10Har77 (in notice: 1976); 1921513.
1921514. Conoce usted su idioma? By Olimpia Bosado. 247 p. Olimpia Bosado; 8Dec77; 1924514.
A921515. Show me the way. By Ruby J. Brewer.
p. Baby J. Brewer; 3Nov76; A924515
These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.