4924304 - A924344
JUL-DEC. 1977
A924303 (con.) Ladies' ho«e lournal needle and craft. l p. ippl. au: The editors o£ Ladies' hone lournal. NH: coapilations, revisions & additions. O Downe Conmunications, Inc.; 170ct77; A924303.
1924304. The Illustrated quide to platform tennis. By Bill Ballard £ Ji« Bcvener. 115 p. Pleasant Valley Paddle Club, Inc.: 260ct77; »924304.
A924305. Addison-yesley's Nursinq examination reTieu. Editor: Sally L. Laqerquist. 454 p. O iddison-Besley Publishinq Coapany, Inc.: 18Noy77: A924305.
(1924306. The Priceless penny. By Martin Faeber. 192 p. O Martin Faebor; 16llov77: »924306.
A924307. Bally. By Jud O Judie iolkoff; e Solkoff. 21IIOV77:
A924308. ioaen in education — New flexico- By yirqinia K. ihitney £ Josephine Kooqler. 234 p. virqinia K. Whitney 6 Josephine Kooqler: 90ct77; A924308.
A924309. Frledrich Von Hansen: inquiries into his poetry. By Buqo Bekker. 159 p. Enqlish e Geraan. Ociversity of North Carolina Studies in the Seraanic Lanquaqes and Literatures: 12Dec77; A924309.
A924310. coronary heart disease, exercise testinq and cardiac rehabilitation. Editors: Siliiaa E. Jaaes £ Ezra A. Aasterdaa. 328 p. Proceedinqs of the International Conqress on Coronary Heart Disease and Exercise Electrocardioqraphy , held in Sontreux, S»itzerland. Syaposia Specialists; 19Auq77; A924310.
A924311. Practical clinical pharmacy. Editors: Charles A. Balker t John B. Foix, re»ie»inq editors: Balph ». Trottier £ Karaa P. A. Soliaan. 142 p. Papers presented at the First Annual Clinical Pharaacy Svaposiua, held at the Florida A and H Oniversity, Tallahassee. Syaposia Specialists; 21Jul77: A924311.
A924312. Patterns for Proqress: from the sciences to aedicine; a synposiua hejd on the occasion of the dedication of Opjohn's new Besearcb and Deyelopaent Center in Kalaaazoo, Bichiqan on October 17-19, 1976. Edited by John A. Boqq £ Jacob C. Stucki. 217 p. Syaposia Specialists; 23ep77; A924312.
A924313. Current concepts in the aanaqeaent of chronic pain. Editor: Pierre L. LeBoy, associate editors: Haqdy I. Boulos £ Joan I. Goloskov. 192 p. C Symposia Specialists: 15Auq77; A924313.
A924314. Coccidioidoaycosis: current clinical and diaqoostic status: a coaprehensive reference for the clinician and in»es- tiqator. Edited by Libero Alello. 475 p. Selected papers froa the Third Inter- national Coccidioidoaycosis Syaposium, held in Tucson. AZ, »o». 17-19. 1976. Syaposia Specialists; 11Auq77: A924314.
A924315. Advanced aedical systeas: the 3rd century. Editor: Edward J. Hioaan. 229 p. Froa the eiqhth annual aeetinq of the Society for Advanced aedical Systeas held in Boston. O Symposia Specialists; 1Auq77: A924315.
A924316. Drug interaction-induced adverse drug reactions. Vol. 1, no. 6. Edited by Bruce H. uoolley £ Edward A. Hartshorn. 151 p. O Oniversity of Southern California School of Pharmacy: 27Jui77; A924316.
A924317. Eaerqency health care techniques for the practicisinq pharmacist. Vol. 1. no- 7. Edited by Bruce H. Boolley. 178 p. Oniversity of Southern California School of Pharmacy; 27Jul77; A924317.
A924318. Puppet "how to". 1 V. Appl. au: Bary Stapleton. N«: additional text. Bary Stapleton; 26Nov77: A924318.
A924319. It's sooper jolly! Folder. Appl. au: aary stapleton. Bary Stapleton; 26NOV77: A924319.
A924320. Gotcha! Folder. Appl. au: Bary Stapleton. Bary Stapleton: 26Nov77: A924320.
A924321. Khy are little boy bears black? Folder. Appl. au: Bary Stapleton. Bary Stapleton; 26Nov77; A924321.
A924322. There is a clown in every faaily. Folder. Appl. au: Bary Stapleton. Bary Stapleton; 26»ov77; A924322.
A924323. The Beird tales collector. No. 2. 32 p. Appl. au: Eobert yeinberg. NB: compilation. Eobert Keinberg; 9Dec77; A924323.
A924324. Safe passage. By Jaaes Bagorian. 25 p. Soae poems prev, pub. in Act/action aaqazine £ others. O Jaaes Bagorian; 3Dec77; A924324.
A924325. Finding the Christ. By Donald Curtis- 117 p. O Donald Curtis; 9Dec77; A924325.
A924326. Touched by Christ; 12 stories about lesser-known people in the Bible. By Louis G. ailler. 96 p. Appl. au: Liguori Publications. O Liquori Publications; 9Dec77 (in notice: 1978) ; A924326.
A924327. Staap investing for profit. By Patrick B. Lloyd, pseud, of Patrick Lloyd Belton. 66 p. e Patrick Lloyd Belton (in notice: Patrick H. Lloyd); 24Aug77; A924327.
A924328. Blue cross aanual. Editor: aargaret B. Earle. Sheets. NB: new text, changes in coapilation £ editorial revisions. Blue Cross Association: 1Dec77: A924328.
A924329. New phonics and word- analysis skills. Grade 1. pt. 1. By Isabella Bayne Byan £ Beverly Fuller, illustrated by Jean Herr Schaitt. Kit. NB: editorial revision £ additional text £ art. O The Continental Press, Inc.; 2Sep77; A924329.
A924330. New phonics and word-analysis skills. Grade 1, pt. 2. By Isabella Bayne fiyan E Beverly Fuller, illustrated by Jean Herr Schaitt. Kit. NB: editorial revision £ additional text 6 art. The Continental Press, Inc.; 2Sep77; A924330.
A924331. Heading for coaprehension. Beginning grade 2, book A. By Andrea Leeds Clare, illustrated by Karl Foster. Kit. NB: editorial revision £ additional text £ art. The continental Press, Inc. ; 15Sep77; A92V331.
A924332. Boy's place too. 1 v. NB: revisions. O goy Passin, Inc.; 12Aug77: A924332.
A924333. optical for crosshair scope use only. 1 p. Add. ti: Optical stencil nuaber 8. Appl. au: Charles B. Dulude. O T-Bagic Coapanj: 12D€C77: A924333.
A924334. Survey of state travel offices, 1977-1978. 82 p. O Onited States Travel Data Center; 17Nov77; A924334.
A924J35. Exercises and preparations in organic cheaistry. By F. B. Bassaundt. 81 p. NB: additional text £ editorial revision. F. B. Bassaundt; 6Sep77; A924335.
A924336. The aatthews scrap aetal control system; a detailed procedure to obtain the aaximua return on the sale of your scrap metals. By Bichard P. Batthews. Kit. O Richard P. Batthews; 6Dec77; A924336.
A924337. County agents directory; the reference book for agricultural extension workers. Editor: Haurene J. aast. 62nd ed. 144 p. C. L. Bast, Jr., and Associates; 20Jun77: A924337.
A924338. Teaching children moral values through hominological counseling. By Betty Foster. 56 p. C Betty Foster: 7Dec77: A924338.
A924339. Questions and answers on the Catholic charismatic movement. By Jaaes Edward Beher. 18 p. NB: compilation E additional text. James Neher; 290ct77: A924339.
A924340. Liability insurance cases. Vol. 9, no. 3. By Norman E. Bisjord £ June B. Austin. 1 V. Prev. pub. as Automobile liability insurance cases. NB: additions. Norman E. Bisjord £ June B. Austin; 1Jun77; A924340.
A924341. Classic American graffiti: lexical evidence from folk epigraphy in western North America: a glossarial study of the low element in the English vocabulary. By Allen Balker Bead. 83 p. O Allen Walker Bead; 15Dec77; A924341.
A924 342. Austin northwest suburban telephone directory, December 1977. Southwestern Bell Telephone Company; BDec77: A924342.
A924343. To children's health and happiness: giving. 7 p. Appl. au: Kennedy Sinclaire, Inc. C children's Medical Center of Dallas; 25Nov77; A924343.
A924344. Tool for clinical evaluation. Issued by the College of saint Catherine, Department of Nursing. 25 p. Appl. au: College of Saint Catherine. O College of Saint
Catherine; 1Sep77; A924344.
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