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JUL-DEC. 1977

A924135 (con.) staff of iuecbach Publishers, Inc. 1 ». (iuerbach inforaation Banaqe»ent series) iuerbach Publishers, Inc.; 12Dec77; X924135.

1924136. Science is predicting; introd. to qeneral science. Br Jacll Bobbins 6 E»elyn K. Biau. 1977 revision by Sister Patricia Grasso 6 Ufred E. Chant. 250 p. portions prew- appeared under the title !ork-a-text science 6. C Ca«bridqc Book CoBpanv: tJan??; i924136.

4924137. Science is coaparinq; teacher's annotated ed. By Gilbert «. Zinn, desiqn £ artwork by Baiter Schnarz. 1977 revision by Alfred E. Chant t Sister Patricia Grasso. 156 p. Portions prev. appeared under the title Hork-a-text science 3, teacher's annotated edition. O Caabridqe Book Coapany : 1&pr77; »924137.

»924138. Science is coaparinq. By Gilbert A. Zinn, desiqn S artwork by Halter Schnarz. 1977 revision by Alfred E. Chant 6 Sister Patricia Grasso. 156 p. Portions prev. appeared under the title Hork-a-tcxt science 3. C Caabridqe Book Coapany; 1Apr77: A924138.

A9214139. Science is expeciaentinq; teacher's annotated ed. By Jaaes P. Hession 6 Donald S. Keap, teacher's guide by sister Patricia Grasso. 1977 revision by Sister Patricia Grasso 6 Alfred E. Chant. 198 p. Portions prev. appeared under the title Hork-a-text science 5, teacher's annotated edition. O Caabridqe Book Coapany; 1JU177: i924139.

A924140. Plan ahead workbook: Pebrnary, March, April 1978. 12it p. e Hilton B. Conhaia, Inc.; 16Dec77: A924140.

A924141. Executive's data book, 1978. 1 v. e Prentice-Hall, Inc.; 15Hov77: A92«iai.

A924142. Prentice-Hall Federal tax handbook, 1978. 632 p. Prentice-Hall, Inc.; 3»ov77 (in notice: 1978); A924142.

A924143. Besearch in Federal taxation; a coaplete Federal tax library. 12th ed. 72 p. Prentice-Hall, Inc.; 310ct77; A924143.

A924144. Annotated tax foras: practice and procedure. Vol. 9, report bulletin no. 5, Hov. 8, 1977. By Sidney I. Boberts, Santord H. Goldberq, Laurence Goldfein 6 Sonald A. Morris. Sheets. Sidney I. Boberts: 8llov77 (in notice: 1978); A924144.

A9214145. Tax shelter opportunities in real estate; EBC action report. Vol. 1, no. 2, Oct. 1977. Folder 6 sheets. Add. ti: EBC tax shelter opportunities in real estate. O Executive Beports Corporation; 280ct77; A924145.

A924146. Prentice-Hall Federal taxes, 1978. Vol. 1. 1 V. Add. ti: P-H 1978 Federal. Prentice-Ball, Inc.; 30llov77 (in notice: 1978); A924146.

A924147. Prentice-Hall Federal taxes. Vol. 8. 1 V. Add. ti: P-H 1978 Federal. e Prentice-Hall, Inc.; 30llov77 (in notice: 1978); A924147.

A92U148. A Guide book of Heiican coins, 1822 to date. By Theodore V. Buttrey, Jr. 6 Clyde Bubbard, valuations compiled by Pat Johnson, cover art 6 aaps by Bobert B. Kissner. 3rd ed. 256 p. Appl. au: gestern Publishinq Coapany, Inc., eaployer for hire. O aestern Publishinq Coapany, Inc.; 151IOV77: A924148.

A924149. Kacky adventures of cracky. 1 v. (March of coaics, no. 436) iestern Publishinq coapany. Inc.; 310Ct77: A924149.

A924150. New Terrytoons. 1 v. (March of coaics, no. 435) NH: new cover. Terrytoons, a coaponent of Viacoa International, Inc.; 310ct77; A924150.

A9241S1. Calico sno birds; instruction sheet. Folder. O Studio Twelve; 1<Uul77; A924151.

A924152. Calicoue santas; instruction sheet. Folder. Studio Twelve; 1ilJul77; A924152.

A924153. Teddy Bear so-easy lacinq cards. Kit. O Western Publishinq Coapany, Inc.; 22IIOV77: A924153.

A924154. clowns so-easy lacing cards. Kit. O Bestern Publishinq Coapany, Inc.; 22NOV77; A924154.

A924155. Nursery rhyaes. 1 v. (Follow the colors, no. 1767) © Bestern Publishing Company, Inc.; 17Nov77; A924155.

A924156. Designs 2. 1 v. (Follow the colors, no. 1764) O Bestern Publishinq Coapany, Inc.; 17HOV77; A924156.

A924157. Favorite stories. 1 v. (Follow the colors, no. 1765) 6 Bestern Publishing Coapany, Inc.; 17Nov77; A924157.

A924158. Biq and easy. 1 v. (Follow the colors, no. 1762) O Bestern Publishing Coapany, Inc.; 17NOV77; A924158.

A924159. Fun to do. 1 V. (Follow the colors, no. 1766) O Bestern Publishinq Company, Inc.; 17NOV77; A924159.

A924160. Designs 1. 1 v. (Follow the colors, no. 1763) e Bestern publishinq Coapany, Inc.; 17NOV77: A924160.

A924161. Boodshop Toyaaker. Kit. HB: box wrap, blue prints 6 instructions. Bestern Publishinq Coapany, Inc.; 10Jun77; A924161.

A924162. Beginner's activity set: aacraae owl. Kit. NM: box wrap 6 instructions. O Bestern Publishinq Company, Inc.; 13Jun77; A924162.

A924163. Techniques in transactional analysis: for psychotherapists and counselors. By Muriel James. 558 p. Addison-Besley Publishinq Company, Inc.; 31Jan77;

A924163. for instruction and research. By Justine S. Garvey, Natalie E. Creaer S Dieter H. Sussdorf. 3rd ed . , completely rev., enl., reset. 545 p. B. A. Benjamin, Inc.; 30BOV77; A924164.

A924165. Scattering theory in quantua mechanics: physical principles and aatheaatical aethods. By Herner 0. Aarein, Josef Maria Jauch C Kaiyan B. Sinha. 691 p. (Lecture notes and supplements in physics, vol. 16) O H. A. Benjamin, Inc.; 30Hov77; A924165.

A924166. Symmetry and separation of variables. By Billatd Miller. Jr. with a foreword by Bichard Askey. 285 p. (Encyclopedia of mathematics and its applications, vol. 4) Addison-Besley Publishing Company, Inc.; 23HOV77; A924166.

A924 167. The Theory of information and coding, a matheaatical framework for communication. By Bobert J. McEliece with a foreword by Mark Kac. 302 p. (Encyclopedia of aatheaatics and its applications, vol. 3. Editor: Gian-Carlo Eota) O Addison-Besley Publishinq Coapany, Inc.; 23Nov77; A924167.

A924168. The Story of cancer: on its nature, causes, and control. By Arain C. Braun. 308 p. O Addison-iesley Publishing Coapany, Inc.; 30Nov77 ; A924168.

A924 169. The Design of the industrial classrooa. By Kenniston B. Lord, Jr., illus. by David Lord Designers. 144 p. O Addison-Besley Publishinq Company, Inc.; 18Jan77; A924 169.

A924170. siqnificant areas of behavior resulting froa the interaction of chief student personnel officers and chief executive officers on three tasks in Michigan colleges and universities. By Donald Stephen Svoren. Microfilm. Donald Stephen Svoren; 15llov77; A924170.

A924 171. A Case study of an atteapt to iapleaent public participation in the decision aakinq process in a government bureauc- racy. By Cheryl Anne Stone. Microfilm. Cheryl Anne Stone; 140ct77; A924 17 1.

A924172. Comparative values of selected student personnel administrators and presidents in senior and community colleges. By Joseph Daniel Carson. Microfilm. Joseph Daniel Carson; 140ct77; A924172.

A924173. An Investigation of self-reinforcement behavior and locus of control of achieving readers and two types of aildly undt;- rachievinq readers. By Bobert Fisher. Microfilm. Bobert Fisher; 140ct77; A924 173.

A924174. Machine asseably. Section 1. 14 p. Appl. au: Laverne M. Forss. Carrier Air Conditioning Coapany, a division of Carrier corporation; 15Jan55; A924174.

A924175. 19CB machine assembly. 29 p. (Field training aaterial) Appl. au: Baynard G. Gottschalk. Carrier Air Conditioning company, a division of Carrier Corpo- ration; 11Apr72; A924175.

A924176. 19C lubrication cycle. 21 p. (Field

training aaterial) Appl. au: John A.


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