A923963 - A921005
JUL-DEC. 1977
A923962 (con.) Department. it57 p. »ppl. au: B. R. BQ»ker company. Xerox Corporation; 25BO»77: A923962.
1923963. Industrial research laboratories of the Onited states. Edited by Jaques Cattell Press. 15th ed. 828 p. O leroi corporation: 25No»77: »923963.
1923964. Caleb and Kate. By iilliaa Steiq. 1 ». Iilliaa Steiq; 310ct77; A923964.
1923965. Pieces of life. By Hark Schorer. 173 p. Ippl. states all nen except portions prew. pub. in periodicals. fiuth P. Schorer, executrix of the Estate of Bark Schorec: 1itOct77; 19 23965.
1923966. The Proyocateur. 1 novel by Bene-»ictor pilhes. translated tro» the French by Denver Lindley C Helen Lindley. 278 p. This work first pub. in France as L'liprecateur. NS: Enqlish translation. O Barper and Bow, Publishers, Inc.; 23BOT77: 1923966.
1923967. The Clan Lake papers: a winter in the North Hoods. By Edward G. Lueders. lUS p. Edward lueders; 260ct77; 1923967.
1923968. Sark Twain: a tranp abroad. Ibridqed 6 edited with an introd. by Charles aeider, with illus. by the author. 319 p. IIH: introd., illus., abridqenent t selection. O Charles Neider; 120ct77; 1923968.
1923969. New York City, retireaent willaqe. By Lloyd Seidaan. 275 p. Lloyd Seidaan; 28No»77: 1923969.
1923970. Tl for busy people: how to use transactional analysis at hoae and at work. By Nelson Boswell, foreword by Stephen Karpaan. 210 p. Nelson Boswell: 16No»77: 1923970.
1923971. Separate paths: why people end their lives. By Linnea Pearson with Euth Bryant Purtilo. 171 p. Linnea Pearson E Buth Purtilo: 30Nov77: 1923971.
1923972. Bow to qet invited to the Hhite Bouse; G over one hundred iapressive qaabits, foxy face-savers 6 clever aaneuvers. By Jaaes C. Huaes. 169 p. Jaaes C. Buaes; 260ct77: 1923972.
1923973. Breathe easy: an asthaatic's qaide to clear air. By Stanley Beichaan. 196 p. Stanley Beichaan: 28Nov77: 1923973.
1923974. Cosaetics: what the ads don't tell you. By Carol Inn Binzler. 212 p. C Carol Ann Binzler; 25Nov77: 1923974.
A923975. The Best, worst and aost unusual in sports. By Stan Fischler 6 Shirley Fischler, research editor: Ira Lacher. 220 p. O Stan 6 Shirley Fischler; 120ct77; 1923975.
1923977. 8e knew Hilliaa Tecuaseh Sheraan. By Bichard Bheeler. 130 p. Bichard Bheeler: 70ct77; 1923977.
1923978. The sonqwriter's handbook. By Barvey Bachlin, foreword by Saaay Cahu. 172 p. e Harvey Bachiin; 50ct77; A923978.
i923979. Coaaand decision and the presidency; a study in national security policy and orqanization. By B. Gordon boxie, foreword by Gerald B. Ford. 505 p. O B. Gordon Hoiie; 28»ov77; 1923979.
1923980. The Supernatural: froa ESP to OFOs. By aelvin Berqer. 117 p. O Selvin Berger; 120ct77; A923980.
1923981. Hodern econoaics. By Bobert D. Leiter. 2nd ed. 308 p. Ippl. au: Joyce S. Leiter. Joyce S. Leiter; 27ipr77; 1923981.
1923982. Bespectful treataent: the human side of medical care. By aartin B. Lipp. 232 p. O Harper and Bow, Publishers, Inc.; 1l»Nov77; 1923982.
1923983. Instructor's aanual and tests to accompany Patterns of life. By Bradley T. Scheer. 191 p. Bradley T. Scheer; 30ct77; 1923983.
1923981. Why conservative churches are qrowinq: a study in sociology of religion. By Dean H. Kelley. 181 p. Fiqures 1-5 adapted froa graphs prev. pub. in Historical atlas of reliqion in Imerica. NH: additions & revisions. O Dean B. Kelley; 23Nov77; 1923981.
1923985. Huktananda: selected essays. By Huktananda Paramahansa, edited with an introd. by Paul Zweiq, afterword by Shankar. 173 p. ippl- au: Shree Guredev ishram. Ippl. states all new except afterword prev. pub. O Shree Gurudev ishram; 26Jan77 (in notice: 1976); 1923985. (See also Huktananda: selected essays; 26Jan77; 1833070)
1923986. Hanaqement cases. By Peter Ferdinand Drucker. 179 p. Peter P. Drucker; 260ct77; 1923986.
1923987. Irt deco — Los Inqeles. Photos, by ive Pildas. 61 p. Ave Pildas; 70ct77; A923987.
1923988. The Encyclopedia of canvas embroidery stitch patterns. By Katharine Ireys. 210 p. NH: additions 6 revisions. O Katharine Ireys; 120ct77; 1923988.
1923989. The Villaqe blacksmith. By Aldren iuld Batson, illus. by the author. 171 p. NB: additional text t illus. O Aldren 1. Batson; 190ct77; 1923989.
1923990. Baroque. By John Rupert Martin. 367 p. Prev. pub. abroad 1977, req. Al-16610. e John Bupert Hartin; 20Jul77; A923990.
A923991. The Little hen and the giant. By Haria Polushkic (Haria Polushkin Bobbins), pictures by Yuri Salzman. 31 p. on text; Haria Polushkin; 260ct77; A923991.
A923992. The Little hen and the qiant. By Haria Polushkin (Haria Polushkin Bobbins), pictures by Yuri Salzman. 31 p. C on illus.; Yuri Salzman; 260ct77; 1923992.
1923991. The Creation of Elisabethville, 1910-1910. By Bruce Fetter. 211 p. (Hoover colonial studies. Edited by Peter Duiqnan £ Lewis Gann) O The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior Oniversity; 220ct76; 1923991.
1923995. The Bussian Bockefeliers: the saga of the Nobel family and the Russian oil industry. Dy Bobert N. Tolf. 269 p. O The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior Oniversity; 21Sep76; A923995.
A923996. The Unknown civil war in Soviet Bussia: a study ot the Green movement in the Tambov Beqion, 1920-1921. By Oliver H. Badkey. 157 p. O The Board of Trustees of the leland Stanford Junior Oniversity; 3Auq76; A923996.
A923997. Hathu of Kenya: a political study. By Jack a. Boelker. 202 p. (Hoover Colonial studies. Edited by peter Duignan 6 Lewis Gann) O The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior Oniversity; 8Dec76; 1923997.
1923998. Herbert Hoover and Poland: a documentary history of a friendship. Compiled 6 with an introd. by George J. Lerski, foreword by Bark O. Hatfield. 121 p. (Hoover archival documentaries) NE: compilation, foreword, introd., introductory essay, notes, index £ some photos. O The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior Oniversity; 250ct77; 1923998.
A923999. Opposition and dissent in contemporary China. By Peter B. Boody. 312 p. C The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior Oniversity; 7Dec77: A923999.
A921000. Conscription; a select 6 annotated bibliography. Edited by Bartin Anderson, compiled by Bartin Anderson £ Valerie Bloom. 153 p. NH: compilation, pref., introd., annotation* 6 index. O The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior Oniversity; 11Jul76; 1921000.
1921001. Drug lag: Federal Government decision making. By Bita Bicardo Campbell, with a foreword by Billiam H. Bardell. 62 p. e The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior Oniversity; 12Aug76; 1921001.
19211 02. Oniled States foreign policy and world realities. Remarks by Ronald Reagan. 12 p. O The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior Oniversity; 21Jul77; 1921002.
A921003. In search of solutions for defense and for energy. Remarks by Edward Teller. 23 p. The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior Oniversity; 3Nov77; A921003.
A921001. The Growth of American government. A lecture by Roger A. Freeman. 19 p. O The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior Oniversity; 26Hay77: A921001.
A921005. The Nobel prize in economics, 1976. A talk by Hilton Friedman, 16 p. O The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford
Junior Oniversity; 291pr77; A921005.
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