A923831 - A923860
JUL-DEC. 1977
4923830 (con.» nicatioos terfflical interface/Burrouqbs series, vol. 19) G Burroughs CorpocatiOD; 50ct77; A923830.
i923831. Burroughs B7700 softvare iBproTCoeots, nark 2.4. 68 p. Prev. pub. 2(IAuq73. MH: revlsloDs. Burroughs Cocporation; 190ct73; A923831-
i923832. Blue book supplesent, Noveabec 1977. 52 p. Produce fieporter CoDpaoy; 2SNot77; A923832-
A923d33- Besource ootebook of ioforaatioD tor assessaent and evaluation: processes for T and B. Edited by CarolyD Earick aassad. 293 p. Add. ti: Inforaation for assessaent and evaluation: the Evaluation iaproveaent proqraa. Appl. au: Freehold Begional High School District. O Freehold Begional High School District; lDec77; A923833.
A92383tl. Evaluation trainer's guide: the Evaluation iaproveaent proqraa. By Alexander I. Law £ iilliaa a. Bronson. 1 V. Appl. au: California State Departaent of Education. O California State Departaent of Education; 1JaD77; A923834.
A92333b- Program evaluator's guide: the Evaluation iaproveaent proqraa^ by Alexander I. Lau & Hilliaa H. Bronson. Horkbook on proqraa evaluation: the Evaluation iaproveaent proqraa, by Harie Plakos, John Plakos & Bobert Babcock. 2 V. Appl. au: California State Departaent of Education. California State Departaent of Education; 2laar77; A923835.
A923836. Organ self-study: the quick-check proqraa. Pt. 1» lessons 1-25. 27 p. Appl. au: LaSalle Extension Oniversity, eaployer for hire. NH: updated coa- pilation, new directions 6 50H neu test iteas. 0. S. School of Music; 6Jul77; A923836.
A923837. Organ self-study: the quick-check proqraa. Pt. 2, lessons 26-45. 13 p. Appl. au: LaSalle Extension Oniversity* eaployer for hire. NH: updated coa- pilation, new directions 6 50% new test iteas. C 0- S- School of Husic; 2Auq77; A923837.
A923838. Organ self-stady: the quick-check proqraa. Pt- 3, lessons 46-70. 17 p- Appl. au: LaSalle Extension Oniversity, eaployer for hire. NH: updated coa- PLlation, new directions & 50% new test iteas. O 0. S. School of Husic; 30Aug77; 4923838.
A923839. Organ self-study: the quick-check proqraa. Pt. H» lessons 71-90. 11 p. Appl. au: LaSalle Extension aoiversity, eaployer for hire. NH: updated coa- pilation, new directions & 50% new test iteas. C P. S- School of Music; 210ct77; A923839.
A9238U0. Discussion guide for Stories for the holidays. iritten by Helinda E. Blau. Polder. Appl. au: Bandoa House, Inc., eaployer for hire. O Bandoa Bouse, Inc. ; 280ct77: A923840-
A923841. Disoussion guide for Master storr tellers — set 1. Uritten by Janet Serlin Garber. Folder. Appl. au: Bandoa House, Inc., eaployer for hire. Bandoa House, Inc.; 27Hay77; A923841.
A923842. Discussion guide for Let's find out — set 4. iritten by Melinda E. Blau. Folder. Appl. au: Bandoa House, Inc., eaployer for hire. O Bandoa House, Inc.; 280ct77: A923842.
A923843. Discussion guide for Master story tellers — set 2. Britten by Helinda E. Blau. Folder. Appl. au: Bandoa House, Inc., eaployer for hire. O Bandoa House, Inc.; 10NOV77; A923843.
A923844- Discussion guide for Popular stories with classical ausic. Uritten by Helinda Blau. Folder. Appl. au: Bandoa House, Inc., eaployer for hire. Bandoa House, Inc.; 10NOV77; A923844.
A923845. Discussion guide for Aniaal Kingdoa — set 2. Hritten by Belinda Blau. Polder. Appl. au: Bandoa House, Inc., eaployer for hire. Bandoa House, Inc.; 10Nov77; A923845.
A923846. Discussion guide for Holidays — set 2. Hritten by Helinda Blau. Polder. Appl. au: Bandoa House, Inc., eaployer for hire. Bandoa House, Inc.; 10Nov77; A923d46.
A923Cii7. Bedbook's Young aother. 1 v. NH: rev. text 6 pictorial oatter. O The Bedbook Publishing Coapany; 150ct77; A 92 384 7.
A9238Ue. Bedbook*s Young aother; prenatal ed. 1 V. NH: rev. text & pictorial aatter. G The Bedbook Publishing Coapany; 150ct77; A923848.
A923849. Bedbook *s Decorating with flowers and plants, fall 1977. 96 p. The Bedbook Publishing Coapany; lNov77: A923849.
A923850. Bedbook *s Cooking with pleasure. Editor: Kay Sullivan, art director: Lynda Chyhai. 100 p. Appl. au: The Bedbook Publishing Company. NH: rev. text G pictorial aatter. The Bedbook Publishing Coapany; 120ct77; A 923850.
A923851. Sargent- Belch science education catalog, 1978-79. 1373 p. Add. ti: Sarqent-Helch 1978-79 catalog. O Sargent-Belch Scientific Coopany; 3 10c t 77; A923851.
A923852. Hetastatic and invasive carcinosa cells in urine. Prepared by A. Laurence Dee 6 Barbara Wigley for the Aaerican Society of Clinical Pathologists, Inc., Comaission on Continuing Education, Council on Cytopathoioqy. « p. (Check Saaple Progran, cytopathoioqy no. C-42 (1976) Issued by American Society of Clinical Pathologists, Inc., Coaaission on Continuing Education) Aaerican Society of Clinical Pathologists; 2Har77 (in notice: 1976); A923852.
A923853. Cardiac sarcoidosis. Prepared by Hugh A. HcAllister for the Aaerican Society of Clinical Pathologists, Coaaission on Continuing Education, Council on Anatoaic Pathology. 4 p. (Check Saaple Prograa, anatoaic. pathology no. AP-36 (1976) Issued by Aaerican Society of Clinical Pathologists, Coaaission on Continuing Education) O Aaerican Society of Clinical Pathologists; 1«Feb77; A923853.
A923854. Dysplasia carclnoaa in situ: cytologic, colposcopic, and histologic correlations. Prepared by Hilliaa J. Frable for the Aaerican Society of Clinical Pathologists, Coaaission on Continuing Education, Council on Cytopathology. 6 p. (Check Saaple Prograa, cytopathology no. c-47 (1977) Issued by Aaerican Society of clinical Pathologists, Coaaission on Continuing Education) O Aaerican Society of Clinical Pathologists; 24Jun77; A923854.
A923855. Epideraoid carclnoaa in situ of the cervix and leiomyosarcoaa of the uterus. Prepared by Steven I. Hajdu e Eva 0. Hajdu, for the Aaerican Society of Clinical Pathologists, Coaaission on Continuing Education, Council on Cytopathology. 3 p. (Check Saaple (program, cytopathology no. C-45 (1977) Issued ty Aaerican Society of Clinical Pathologists, Coaaission on Continuing Education) O American Society of cliciceLl Pathologists; 5Hay77; A923a55.
A923856. Paget* s disease of the vulva. Prepared by Patricia E. Saigo 6 Angela Savino, for the Aaerican Society of Clinical Pathologists, Coaaission on Continuing Education, Council on Cytopathology. 6 p. (Check Sample Prograa, cytopathology no. C-44 (1977) Issued by Aaerican Society of Clinical Pathologists, Coaaission on Continuing Education) O Aaerican Society of Clinical Pathologists; 3lHar77; A923856.
A923857. Late radiation dysplasia. Prepared by Tariq M. Hurad, for the Aaerican Society of Clinical Pathologists, Coaaission on Continuing Education, Council on Cytopathology. 5 p. (Check Saaple Prograa, cytopathology no. C-43 (1977) Issued by Aaerican Society of Clinical Pathologists, Coaaission on Continuing Education) O Aaerican Society of Clinical Pathologists; 24Har77 ; A923857.
A923858. Carclnoaa in situ In urinary bladder. Prepared by Hyron B. Helaaed & Andrew fiiccl, for the Aaerican Society of Clinical Pathologists, Coaaission on Continuing Education, Council on Cytopathology. 4 p. (Check Saaple Prograa, cytopathology no. C-41 (1976) Issued by Aaerican Society of Clinical Pathologists, Cooaission on Continuing Education) O Aaerican Society of Clinical Pathologists; 11Peb77; A923 858.
A923e59. The Cytopathology of cytoaegalic Inclusion disease and related viral infections of the urinary tract. Prepared by Ullllaa H. Johnston & Edward H. Bossen, for the Aaerican Society of Clinical Pathologists, Conalssiob oo Continuing Education, Council on Cytopathology. 5 p. (Check Saaple Prograa, cytopathology no. C-40 (1976) Issued by American Society of Clinical Pathologists, Coaaission on Continuing Education) Aaerican Society of Clinical Pathologists; 27Jan77; A923e59.
A923860. Actinobaclllus actinoayceteacoaitans. Prepared by Bobert E. Beaver, for the Aaerican Society of Clinical Pathologists, Coaaission on Continuing Education, Council on Hicrobiology. 7 p. (Check Saaple Prograa, advanced aicroblology no. AHB-ld (1977) Issued by Aaerican Society
of Clinical Pathologists, Coaaission on
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