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JUL-DEC. 1977

S923720 (COD.) Hazards Coanittee. 2 t. (Special hazards bulletin, do. Z-93) Appl. au: Anerican InsaraDce Association. NH: revisions & additions. C Aaerlcan Insurance Association: 31Jan77; A923720.

A923721. CSS need analysis; theory and cob- patation procedures for the 1978-79 FAP. Tables from chap. 5. 2 p. College Entrance Exaaination Board; 22llov77: A923721.

A923722. A Suide to the Advanced placement proqraa, foe Hay 1978, the College Board. 24 p. College Entrance Exaaination Board: 7No»77; A923722.

A923723. Transfer inforaation service. 11 p. xa: updating. College Entrance Exaaination Board; 310ct77: A923723.

A923724. Heeting college costs; worksheet for self-supporting students. 2 p. tJH: updating of aaterlal. College Entrance Examination Board; 9Nov77; A923724.

A923725. Specifications for personal economics skills: career skills assessment program of college Board, experimental ed. 8 p. college Entrance Exaaination Board; 2NOV77: A923725.

A923726. Grading the Advanced placement Spanish language exaaination, 1977. A report by Boiiard T. Young. 20 p. Appl. au: College Entrance Exaaination Board. Q College Entrance Examination Board; 280ct77; A923726.

A923727. Grading the Advanced placement biology examination, 1977. A report by Lois E. James. 23 p. Appl. au: College Entrance Examination Board. @ College Entrance Examination Board; 1Nov77; A923727.

A923728. A Guide to using your College scho- larship information bank; profile. 13 p. O College Entrance Examination Board; 18NOV77; A923728.

A923729. CSS need analysis; theory and com- putation procedures for the 1978-79 FAF; including sample cases & tables. 111 p. Q College Entrance Examination Board; 22HOT77; A923729.

A923730. Financial aid form, academic year 1978-79. 1 V. C College Entrance Examination Board; 1Dec77; A923730.

A923731. Guide to personal economics skills; experimental ed. 17 p. 6 College Entrance Examination Board; 14Nov77; A923731.

A923732. CSS interpretive guide for institutional summary data; 1977-78 CSS filers. Prepared for the college Board by Educational Testing Service. 16 p. C3 College Entrance Exaaination Board; 8Sep77; 4923732.

A923733. Career skills assessment program; sample set. Kit. C College Entrance Examination Board; 5Dec77; A923733.

A923734. Large-scale computer user survey, 1977; research notes, Sept. 30, 1977. 9 p. O F. Eberstadt and Company, Inc.; 30Sep77; A923734.

A923735. Notes from the Hashington energy front — number 2; research notes, Oct. 3, 1977. 3 p. OF. Eberstadt and Company, Inc.; 30ct77; A923735.

A923736. Besearch-Cottrell; company coaaent* Oct. <t, 1977. 13 p. F. Eberstadt and Coapany, Inc.; 40ct77; A923736.

A923737. John Fluke Manufacturing Company, Inc.; research notes, Oct. 6, 1977. 10 p. e F. Eberstadt and Coapany, Inc. ; 60ct77; A923737.

A923738. Archer Daniels Midland Coapany; company comment, Oct. 6, 1977. 18 p. OF. Eberstadt and Company, Inc. ; 60ct77; A923738.

A923739. A Framevork for assessing oil companies* relative exploratory leverage in the Baltiaore Canyon; industry comment, Oct. 11. 1977. 9 p. OF. Eberstadt and Company, Inc.; 110ct77; A923739.

A923740. SmithKline Corporation, Tagamet side effects and "rapid relapse"; research notes, Oct. 10, 1977. 5 p. OF. Eberstadt and Company, Inc.; 100ct77; A923740.

A923741. Kellogg Company; company comment, Oct. 12, 1977. 18 p. F. Eberstadt and company. Inc.; 120ct77; A923741.

A923712. Quarterly earnings estimates: oilfield services and products; research notes, Oct. IS, 1977. By Philip K. Beyer. 1 p. Appl. au; P. Eberstadt and Company, Inc. F. Eberstadt and Company, Inc.; 150ct77; A923742.

A923743. Petroleum industry statistics; research notes, Oct. 18, 1977. By Billiam L. Bandol £ iilliam A. Ferer. 3 p. OF. Eberstadt and Company, Inc.; 180ct77; A923743.

A923744. Oilfield services and products industry, guarterly overview and estimates; research notes, Oct. 18, 1977. 4 p. OF. Eberstadt and Company, Inc.; 180ct77; A923744.

A923745. Current nutritive sweetener market situation; industry comment, Oct. 18, 1977. 8 p. OF. Eberstadt and Company, Inc.; 180ct77; A923745.

A92371I6. Carnation Company; company review synopsis, Oct. 25. 1977. 3 p. C F. Eberstadt and company. Inc.; 250ct77; A923746.

A923747. The next decade — BOF revisited? Edited e'xcerpts from a presentation to the International oxygen Manufacturers Association, San Diego, CA on Sept. 27, 1977. 13 p. F. Eberstadt and Coapany, Inc.; 250ct77; A923747.

A923748. Gilford Instrument Laboratories, Inc. ; research notes, Oct. 26, 1977. 9 p. OF. Eberstadt and Coapany, Inc.; 260ct77; A923748.

A923749. A Sebuttal to the Eand Corporation's analysis of the proposed crude oil equalization tax (COET) ; industry comment, Oct. 27, 1977. 5 p. OF. Eberstadt and Company, Inc.; 270ct77; A923749.

A923750. Pullman, inc.; research notes. Oct. 28, 1977. 6 p. OF. Eberstadt and Company, Inc. ; 280ct77; A923750.

A923751. Pet Incorporated; research notes, Oct. 28, 1977. 13 p. e F. Eberstadt and Compaoy. Inc.; 280ct77; A923751.

A923752. General Signal Corporation; research notes, Oct. 28. 1977. 3 p. OF. Eberstadt and Company, Inc.; 280ct77; A923752.

A923753. The Dow Chemical Company; research notes. Nov. 1. 1977. 9 p. OF. Eberstadt and Company, Inc.; 1Nov77; A923753.

A923754. Continental Air Lines; research notes. Nov. 3, 1977. 4 p. OF. Eberstadt and Company, Inc.; 3Nov77; A923754.

A923755. Beatrice Foods Company; research notes, Nov. 2. 1977. 11 p. F. Eberstadt and Company, Inc.; 2Nov77: A923755.

A923756. Replacement economics as a basis for pricing — is it realistic? Speech before joint meeting of Chemical Marketing fiesearch Association & Cheaical Institute of Canada, Nov. 4. 1977. 9 p. OF. Eberstadt and Company, Inc.; 7Nov77; A923756.

A923757. Trnnk Airlines; industry coament, Nov. 7, 1977. 16 p. F. Eberstadt and Company. Inc.; 7Nov77; A923757.

A923758. Great Lakes Cheaical .Corporation; research notes, Nov. 9, 1977. 10 p. F. Eberstadt and Company, Inc.; 9Nov77; A923758.

A923759. Kraft, Inc.; research notes, Nov. 10, 1977. 9 p. OF. Eberstadt and Coapany, Inc.; 10NOV77; A923759.

A923760. Antibiotic drug usage as indicated by recent international meetings; Inter- national congress of Chemotherapy in Zurich. Sept. 1977 6 Conference on Antimicrobial Agents & Chemotherapy (ICAAC) in Sew York. Oct. 1977. 4 p. O F. Eberstadt and Company. Inc.; 10NOV77; A923760.

A923761. Amsted Industries; research notes, Nov. 11, 1977. 10 p. F. Eberstadt and Company. Inc.; 11Nov77; A923761.

A9 23762. Pogo Producing Company; research notes. Nov. 18, 1977. 9 p. OF. Eberstadt and Coapany, Inc.; 18Nov77; 4923762.

A923763. Prospects for Nestern coal production, 1977-1986. and implications for Burlington Northern and Onion Pacific; industry comment, Nov. 22. 1977. 18 p. OF. Eberstadt and Company. Inc.; 22Nov77; A923763.


Northwest Airlines; company coament.


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