A923528 - A923568
JUL-DEC. 1977
4923528. The Shaker collection of the Western Beserve Bistorical Society; a reel list of the Banuscripts & a short title list of the printed aateriais contained io the microfocB collection. 77 p. O Hic- rofilBinq Corporation of Anerica; 5Dec77; A923S28.
A923529. Beincarnation (a solvent for aany probleas) By L. Frey. S p. O L. Frey; 11Dec77: A923529.
A923S30. Ulster Van's Diet aushrooB chili for special diets and diabetics. 1 p. O Eobert Vanvactor: 25l"ar77: »923530.
A923531. Post-traininq exaaination for Signal installation, course 360. Prepare-3 by the Institute of Transportation Engineers £ the International Municipal Signal Association. 6 p. Add. ti: Signal installation: post-training ezanination, coarse 360. O Institute of Transportation Engineers: 20Jul77: A923S31.
A92J532. Post-training exaaination for Field aaintenance signals, course 370. Prepared by the Institute of Transportation Engineers & the International Hunicipal Signal Association. 1 v. Add. ti: Field aaintenance of signals: post-training exaaination, course 370. Institute of Transportation Engineers; 20Jul77; A923532.
A923533. Post- training exaaination for Signal aaintenance aanageaent, course 380. Prepared by the Institute of Transpor- tation Engineers 6 the International Municipal Signal Association. 5 p. Add. ti: Signal aaintenance aanageaent: post-training exaaination, course 380. Institute of Transportation Engineers; 20Jal77: A923533.
A923534. Traffic technician curriculua scripts for series 300: traffic signalization. Prepared by the Institute of Transpor- tation Engineers & the International aunicipal Signal Association. 221 p. Add. ti: Traffic technician curricalaa 300 series scripts Institute of Tran- sportation Engineers; 50ct77; A923S34.
A923535. Hexico City, Institute of Transportation Engineers, I47th annual aeeting, 4. Conqreso Hundial de Ingenieria de Transportes* October 2-6, 1977; coapendiua of technical papers. 221 p. Add. ti; Coapendiua of technical papers, 1977. Institute of Transportation Engineers; 1Sep77: A923535.
A923536. Practical English strnctare for the deaf (interaediate leyel) Vol. 3. By Marcia Beth Bordaan, Patricia Lynn Byrd C Bernadene Schlien, illus. by Paul Hunter Butler. 1 T. Gallaudet College; 1Sep77: A923536.
A923537. Developing connectives in reading and writing. &v Astrid A. Goodstein S Bargaret Balworth. 237 p. Sallaudet College: 1Sep77 ; A923537.
A923538. Practical English strocture for the deaf (interaediate level) vol. 1. By Harcia Beth Bordaan« Patricia Lyno Byrd & Bernadene Schlien, illus. by Paul Hunter Butler. 1 V. Gallaudet College; 1Sep77: A923538.
A923539. Practical English structure for the deaf (interaediate level) Vol. 2. By aarcia Beth Bordaan, Patricia tynn Byrd C Bernadene Schlien, illus. by Paul Hunter Butler. 1 V. O Sallaudet College; 1Sep77; A923539.
A923540. Basic cheaistry for today's world. By Charles A. Gilaore S Halter Trafton, illus. by Paul Butler & Lois Lehaan. 1 v. O Gallaudet College; 1Sep77; A923S40.
A923541. Aventures en francais. Pt. 1: first seaester. By Catherine 0. Ingold 6 Carole N. Frankel. 1 v. Gallaudet College; 1Sep77; A923541.
A923542. First year Spanish exercises: Los Sequndos pasos. Pt. 2: second seaester. By Bichael B. Hiller. 1 v. C Sallaudet College; 1Sep77; A923542.
A923543. Cloak and dagger. By Peter L. Stevens. 2 p. C cards. Peter L. Stevens; 27Jun77; A923543.
A923544. Sixty-three hours. By David Dare. 63 p. C David Dare; 23Sep77; A923544.
A923545. Billy the Kid, Chicken gizzards and other tales. Stories by Jaaes Ashbrook Perkins introd. by fiobie Hacauley, illus. by Nelson Oestreich. US p. Appl. states everything is new matter except for one story, as indicated on the t. p. verso, What's a friend for?" appeared in the fall 1976 issue of Scrawl. James Ashbrook Perkins; 280ct77; A923545.
A923546. Hit and wisdoa. Vol. 3. By verl A. Teeter. 157 p. Htf: editorial revision, coapllation S additions. Verl A. Teeter; 10ct77; A923546.
A923547. The Healer's art: the doctor through history. By John flichael Francis Caap. 180 p. John Caap; 16Nov77; A923547.
A923548. Centerville shipmasters and seafaring days. By Florence Hinship Ongernan. 86 p. O Florence Hinship Ongeraan; 15Nov77; A923548.
A923549. Hill country revisited. By J. Boy Bhite, introd. by Joe B. Frantz. 51 p. J. Boy Hhite; 6Dec77; A923549.
A923550. Iteas on the science of life. By Robert C. Putcaa. 66 p. Bobert C. Putnaa; 9Dec77; A923550.
A923551. Coins of the Ottoaan Eapire and the Turkish Republic; a detailed catalogue of the Jem Sultan collection. Vol. 1-2. By Jea Sultan, pseud, of Villiaa Oenaan Holberton. O Hilliam Denaan Holberton, pseud.: Jea Sultan; 6Dec77; A923S51.
A923553. Confidential bank insurance survey, 1977. 20 p. American Bankers Association; 18Jul77; A923553.
A92355I*. Bank cards; practical exercises. By Lewis Handell 6 Neil B. Hurphy. 74 p. Appl. au: Aaerican Bankers Association & Aaerican Institute of Banking. O Aaerican Bankers Association C Aaerican Institute of Banking; 18Dec76; A923554.
A92355S. Planning workbook: management skills for bankers. Prepared for the American Bankers Association, by Didactic Systeas, Inc.. 46 p. C American Bankers Association; 3Aug77; A923555.
A923556. Heasuring the effectiveness of the personnel function. 72 p. Aaerican Bankers Association; 20ec77; A923556.
A923557. Generation-skipping: transfers in trust. By Richard B. Covey. 152 p. Appl. au: American Bankers Association. O American Bankers Association; 290ct76; A923557.
A923558. Bank protection manual. Revision C suppl. as of 6/77. sheets. American Bankers Association; 30Aug77 ; A923S58.
A923559. Interviewing and coaching/counseling guidelines for the chief executive officer and trainer's guide; aanageaent skills for bankers. Prepared tor the Aaerican Bankers Association by Lawrence-Lei ter and Company. 20 p. American Bankers Association; 5Aug77; A923559.
A923560. Routing nuaber excerpts from the final report ABA/FRS check digit task force. 43 p. O Aaerican Bankers Association; 7Jun77; A923560.
A923561. Estate planning in depth after the Tax act of 1976. Prepared by Taxation Coaaittee, Trust Division, American Bankers Association. 310 p. Appl. au: American Bankers Association. American Bankers Association; 21llov77; A923561.
A923562. The Future of trust institutions: competition, performance, and prospects and strategies for expansion. Prepared for the Executive Committee, Trust Division, the American Banker^ Association by Golembe Associates, Inc. 175 p. Appl. au: American Bankers Association. O American Bankers Association; 11Nov77; A923S62.
A923563. Executive compensation service: professional and scientific positions report. 4th ed., 1977-1978. 236 p. Add. ti: Professional, '77/'78. O Amacom, a division of American aanageaent Asso- ciations; 1Nov77: A923563.
A923564. aa. ager to aanager 2: what managers think of their managerial careers; an AaA survey report. By Robert F. Pearse. 65 p. O Amacom, a division of American aanageaent Associations; 1D6c77; A923S64.
A923565. Executive compensation service: the corporate directorship. 9th ed. , 1977-1978. 156 p. O AaacoB, a division of the Aaerican Management Associations; 1Dec77; A923565.
A923566. Auerbach coaputer technology reports, Deceaber 1977. Sheets. O Auerbach Publishers, Inc.; 7Dec77; A923566.
A923567. Auerbach buyers' guide to data base/data comaunications (DB/DC) software, fall 1977. 298 p. Auerbach Publishers, Inc. ; 9Dec77; A923567.
Auerbach buyers' guide to word
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