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A923492 - A923527


JUL-DEC. 1977

A923491 (con.) lat#s — current and proposed — could prove costly to you and your loved ones. By Christian Oe Guiqne 3rd. Folder. e Kennedy Sinclaire, Inc.; 25no»77; i923491.

A923492. The Estate Analyst, Oeceiber 1977. Folder. C Kennedy Sinclaire, Inc. ; 25!lo»77: A923492.

A923493. This holiday season, will yon and your loved ones be enioyinq the "hunan benefits" that trusts with us can brinq? Folder. (Honey Hatters, Dec. 1977) 6 Kennedy Sinclaire, Inc. ; 25Nov77; A923493.

A9231194. Recent Decisions, December 1977. 7 p. O Kennedy Sinclaire, Inc.; 25Nov77: A923494.

A923495. Addenda to Aaerican National Standard Z21. 55-1976 for qas-fired sauna heaters. ANSI Z21. 55a-1977. Secretariat: Anericao Gas Association. 14 p. 3 American Gas Association; 22Nov77; A923495.

A923496. Addenda to American National Standard Z21. 50-1976 for vented decorative qas appliances. ANSI Z21. 50a- 1977. Secretariat; American Gas Association. 15 p. American Gas Association; 22Nov77; A923496.

A923497. Addenda to American National Standard 221.21-1971 for automatic valves for qas appliances, part 2: performance. ANSI Z21. 21a-1977. Secretariat: American Gas Association. 1 p. American Gas Association; 22Nov77; A923497.

A9231I98. Addenda to American National Standard Z21. 11.2-1971, Z21.11.2a-1976 for qas- fired room heaters, volume 2: unvented room heaters. ANSI Z2 1. 11.2b-1977. Secretariat: American Gas Association. 4 p. O American Gas Association; 22Not77; A923498.

A923499. Addenda to American National standard Z21. 48-1976 for qas-fired qravity and fan type floor furnaces. ANSI Z21.48a-1977. Secretariat: American Gas Association. 14 p. O American Gas Association; 70ct77: A923409.

A923500. Addenda to American National Standard Z21. 15-1974. Z21.15a-1976 for manually operated qas valves, part 2: performance. ANSI Z21. 15b-1977. Secretariat: American Gas Association. 2 p. American Gas Association; 70ct77; A923500.

A923501. Addenda to American National Standard Z21. 41-1971, Z21.41a-1974 for quick- disconnect devices for use with qas fuel. ANSI Z21. 14b-1977. Secretariat: American Gas Association. 2 p. American Gas Association; 70ct77: A923501.

A923502. Addenda to American National Standard Z21. 12-1971 for draft hoods. ANSI Z21. 12a-1977. Secretariat: American Gas Association. 1 p. 6 American Gas Association; 70ct77; A923502.

A923503. American National Standard for qas clothes dryers, volume 2, type 2: clothes dryers. ANSI Z21. 5. 2- 1977. Secretariat: American Gas Association. 4th ed. 38 p. Gas Associati

A923504. Addenda to American National Standard Z21. 5. 1-1975 for qas clothes dryers, volume 1, type 1: clathes dryers. ANSI Z21.5. 1a-1977. Secretariat: American Gas Association. 4th ed. 8 p. 6 American Gas Association; 70ct77; A923504.

A923505. Neonatal addendum to open heart surqery feasibility study. 1 v. Appl. au: TriBroolc Group, Inc. San Antonio Community Hospital £ TriBrook Group, Inc.; 5Dec77; A923505.

A923506. Accent improvement: thrice technique; teacher's manual. By Patricia Hooney Beqdoo G Jo Pamment (Joan Kay Pamment) 36 p. Jo Pamment 6 Patricia H. Beqdon; 25Sep77; A923506.

A923507. Current mathematics: a work-text. Book 1. By Isidore Dressier. 369 p. 6 Amsco School Publications, Inc.; 22Bov77; A923507.

A923506. Community educational needs assessment: the capital reqion of Pennsylvania. Vol. 1-2, research report 15. By James R. Selqas. e Harrisburq Area Community Colleqe; 8Dec77; A923508.

A923509. Cursus 9; a strateqy qame of attack 6 defense for two players aqes ten to adult. Kit. NH; additions & revisions. Otto Benesch d.b.a. Bock, Ltd.; 29Nov77; A923509.

A923510. The Haratfaon: Physioloqical, Hedical, Epidemioloqical, and Psycholoqical Studies. Edited by Paul Hilvy. 1090 p. (Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, vol. 301) Papers of a conference, held on Oct. 25-28, 1976. Appl. au: The New York Academy of Sciences. 6 The New York Academy of Sciences; 310ct77; A923510.

A923511. ACTH and related peptides; structure, regulation, and action. Edited by Dorothy I. Krieqer e Billiam F. Ganonq. 664 p. (Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, vol. 297) Papers OLf a conference, held on Nov. 17-19, 1976. Appl. au: The NY Academy of Sciences, d The New York Academy of Sciences; 280ct77; A923511.

A923512. Evolution and Lateralization of the Brain. Edited by Stuart J. Dimond £ David A. Blizard. 501 p. (Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, vol. 299) Papers of conference, held on Oct. 12-15, 1976. Appl. au: The New York Academy of Sciences. The New York Academy of Sciences; 30Sep77; A923512.

A923513. Five Decades of ieak Interactions. Edited by N. P. Chang. 102 p. (Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, vol. 294) Papers of an international symposium, held on Jan. 21-22, 1977. Appl. au: The New York Academy of Sciences. 6 The New York Academy of Sciences; 8Nov77; A923513.

A923514. Annual report, 1976-77; proceedinqs 1976, directory 1977-78. 238 p. Q American Anthropoloqical Association: 140ct77: A923514.

A923515. Fireman: New York City Fire Department; Sabbath observer test. Examination no. 3040. 36 p. Add. ti: Examination for fireman. New York City Fire Department. & Department of Personnel, City of New York; 2Dec77; A923515.

A923516. Fireman, New York City Fire Department. Examination no. 3040. 36 p. Add. ti: Examination for fireman. New York City Fire Department. 6 Department of Personnel, City of New York; 3Dec77; A923516.

A923517. Tax Talks, November 1977. Folder (5 p.) e Kennedy Sinclaire, Inc.; 270ct77; A923517.

A923518. In this issue, a new threat from an old tax: will much of the property earmarked for your family be eaten up by capital qains taxes? It needn't be — if you plan wisely now. Folder (5 p.) Add. ti: In this issue, a new threat from an old tax: how much of the property earmarked for your family be eaten up by capital qains taxes? It needn't be — if you plan wisely now. Q Kennedy Sinclaire, Inc.; 27oct77; A9235ia.

A923519. New and prospective developments that could make your retirement plan more attractive than ever. 7 p. (The Pension and Profit-Shacinq Eeporter, Nov. 1977) O Kennedy Sinclaire, Inc.; 27oct77: A923S19.

A923520. Down to Business. Vol. 4, no. 11, Nov. 1977. Folder. Q Kennedy Sinclaire, Inc.; 270ct77; A923520.

A923521. Hassachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary: new life, new voice — today there's hope. Folder. (DDP newsletter) 6 Kennedy Sinclaire, Inc.; 270ct77; A923521.

A9 23S22. One plan offering multiple benefits: that's a livinq trust. Folder. (Honey Hatters, Nov. 1977) Kennedy Sinclaire, Inc.; 270ct77; A923522.

A923523. Tax Trends, November 1977. 7 p. © Kennedy Sinclaire, Inc.; 27oct77; A923523.

A923524. Sinqle people: why run unnecessary risks with your property when you can develop sound financial plans instead? Folder. (New Directions in financial planning, Nov. 1977) C Kennedy Sinclaire, Inc.; 270ct77; A923524.

A923525. Helping people live better lives: that's what our trust services are all about. 7 p. (Estate and Tax Topics, Nov. 1977) Kennedy Sinclaire, Inc.; 270ct77; A923525.

A923526. The Estate Analyst: a review of intricate investment rules that require accurate recordkeepinq- Folder. O Kennedy Sinclaire, Inc.; 270ct77; A923526.

A923527. Eecent Decisions affectinq wills, trusts and taxation (with estate planning comment) November 1977. 7 p. 6 Kennedy

Sinclaire, Inc.; 270ct77; A923527.


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