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JUL-DEC. 1977

1923036. Punfun. Vol. 1. Coiposed by G. Frederick Burke. 1 ». »dd. ti: Here';: PunfaD, a party qaae for teens aod adults. O G. Frederick Burke; 17Hoi77; A923036.

4923037. 7ou know it's tiie to retire fcoa pro football. By Howard Horqanstern, illustrated by 11 Poison. 1 t. O Howard Horqanstern: 8No»77: 1923037.

1923038. Basic f undameDtals o£ the oatal chart. By Sophia Mason. co»er desiqn 6 art work by Sophia HasOD. 76 p. Sophia Hasou; 1ltOct77: 1923038.

1923039. Cauqht up! 1 treatise, coDcerninq the coainq of the Lord, the day of fulfillaeDt and seals and trunpets from The Beve- lation. the last book of the Bible. By Genevieve Chasse. 101 p. NH: additions G revisions. Genevieve Chasse; 171uq77; 1923039.

1923010. Speed readinq aid: instructions. Folder. Ippl. au: Salter Szyaczak. Halter szyiczak d.b.a. ialtco; 11pr77: 1923010.

1923011. The IBC's of soccer, illustrated soccer laws and beqinninq soccer basics. 58 p. Ippl. au: John J. Cardarelli a.k.a. John Paris. O iQfo-aedia Services owned by John J. Cardarelli; 18Auq7«: 1923041.

1923012. Voices froB a nirrored pond. By Julius Billiaw Pratt 2nd, photoqraphy by Julius Rllliai Pratt 2nd 6 Pablo Radzeriqa, sketches by Dave Pratt. 1 v. Julius N. Pratt 2nd (Rillias); 10Jnn77; 1923012.

1923013. Charity for the sufferinq souls: an explanation of the Catholic doctrine of purqatory. By John 1. Naqeleisen. 375 p. Ippl. au: K. E. Gillette. MH: revisions E additions. Harian Publications; 10BOV77: 1923013.

1923011. Skateboard safety: a quide to safe skateboardinq. By Nathan 1. iolfstein 1th. 80 p. O Nathan 1. Bolfsteio 1th ; 7NOV77; 1923011.

1923015. The Frederick I knew and how it qrew, an epic froa 1920. Britten 6 illustrated by Elaine Grove Poqle. 62 p. Elaine Grove Foqle; 15NOV77; 1923015.

1923016. Hanual for the kinderqarten task inventory. By Isabel Jane Inderson. 16 p. Isabel J. Inderson: 201pr77: 1923016.

1923017. Tests-answers for FCC first and second class coaaercial license. By Barren Beaqant. rev. 1978 ed. 198 p. Barren Bcaqant; 17Bov77: 1923017.

1923018. Saint Lorenzo di Brindisi, selected arioloqy seraons. Translated by Hary Inn Sandy. 69 p. NH: translation. Hary Inn Handy: 8Sep77 (in notice: 1976); 1923018.

1923019. Billiaa Grayson: a political bioqraphy of Virqinia's first Onited States Senator. By Jaaes E. OuPriest, Jr. 137 p. Prince Billiaa County Historical Coaaission; 120ct77; 1923019.

1923050. Growiuq season. By Gayle Spauier Eawlinqs. 1 v. O Gayle Spanier Bawlings; 7Jul77; 1923050.

1923051. The fiisks of nuclear power reactors: a review of the NBC reactor safety study HASU-1100 (NUBEG-75/0111 Editors: Bichard B. Hubbard e Gregory C. nlnor. 210 p. Appl. au^ Onion of Concerned Scientists Fund, Inc. Onxon of Concerned Scientists, Inc. ; 8liov77: 1923051.

1923052. The Glass Christaas ornaoent: old and new, a collector's coapendiua and price quide. By Haqqie Boqers G Judith Hawkins, photos, by Edward Gowans. 126 p. O Tiaber Press; 11Nov77; 1923052.

1923053, Soup samplers. By Suzanne D. Bnepper t, Adele S. Jones, illus. by Keith Bowers, calligraphy by Cecelia Goodnight. 201 p. O Suzanne D. Uuepper G Adele S. Jones; 1Auq77; 1923053.

1923051. Deaonst ration quide for Preparation and packaging. 1 v. e 80 slides. (Castla in-service training) O Castle Coopany, division of Sybron Corporation: 10Mar76; A923051.

A923055. Deaonstration guide for Basics of steaa sterilization. 1 v. (Castle in-service training) Iccoapanied by 51 slides, reg. JP21009. Castle Coapany, division of Sybron Corporation; 29Apr76; 1923055.

1923056. Deaonstration guide for Basics of aicrobiology. 1 v. (Castle in-service training) Iccoapanied by 51 slides, reg. JP21010. Castle Coapany, division of Sybron Corporation; 291pr76; 1923056.

A923057. Deaonstration guide for Sterilization controls, part 2. 1 v. (Castle in-service training) Iccoapanied by 55 slides, req. JP21011. O Castle Coapany, division of Sybron Corporation; 6Apr77; A923057.

1923058. Deaonstration guide for Function of central supply. 1 v. (Castle in-service training) Iccoapanied by 77 slides, reg. JP21012. O Castle Coapany, division of Sybron Corporation; 30Sep77; 1923058.

A923059. Deaonstration guide for The Sterilizing cycle. 1 V. (Castle in-service training) Accoapanied by 80 slides, reg. JP21013. Castle Coapany, division of Sybron Corporation: 27lug76; 1923059.

A923060. Deaonstration guide for Basics of ethylene oxide sterilization. 1 v. (Castle in-service training) Accoapanied by 57 slides, reg. JP21011. Castle Coapany, division of Sybron Corporation; 291pr76; 1923060.

A923061. Deaonstration quide for Sterilization controls, part 1. 1 v. (Castle in-service training) Accoapanied by 61 slides, reg. JP210I5. C Castle Coapany, division of Sybron Corporation; 6Apr77; A923061.

A923062. Craig Haclntosh's Dayton sketchbook. Text by Robert 1. Fraae. 166 p. Accoapanied by pen G ink sketches, req. GP122187. O Landfall Press, Inc.; 16NOV77; A923062.

A923063. The Institute for Personal Developaeut presents The "Don'ts and do's" of your job interview. By Brenda Lee Twitty Bruner. 18 p. Accoapanied by photos., req. JP21008. Appl. au: Institute for Personal Developaent, solely owned by Brenda Lee Twitty Bruner. O Institute for Personal Developaent; 10ct77; A923063.

A923061. Bowaar double play reading series. Kit 3. Developed by Publishers' Design and Production services. Inc., illustrated by Bud Irwin. Accoapanied by sound recording, reg. 1J17828, in box. Bowaar Publishing Corporation; 11Nov77; A923061.

A923065. Bowoar double play reading series. Kit 5. Developed by Publishers' Design and Production Services, Inc., illustrated by Bud Irwin. Accoapanied by sound recording, reg. N17829, in box. O Bowaar Publishing Corporation; llNov77; A923065.

A923066. Bowaar double play reading series. Kit 1. Developed by Publishers* Design and Production Services, Inc., illustrated by Bud Irwin. Accompanied by sound recording, reg. N17830, in box. O Bowaar Publishing Corporation: 1lNovy7; 1923066.

1923067. The Northwest Suburban Husic Teachers Association presents A Kitchen konzert. 186 p. NH: coapilation, editing G additional text. O Northwest Suburban Husic Teachers Association, whose a.a. d. is NUSKTA; 170ct77; A923067.

A92306e. Locksaith aanual. 372 p. Associated Locksaiths of Aaerica, Inc.; 28Nov77; 1923066.

1923069. Illinois children's language assessaent test. By Phyllis B. Arlt. 2 v. 6 cards in box. O on instruction booklet, test booklet 6 illustrative cards; The Interstate Printers and Publishers, Inc. ; 31Hay77; A923069.

A923070. No foroal title; the work consists of a gaae board, a "rules of play" paapblet fi sets of 15 "privilege" 6 15 "penalty" cards. Kit. Appl. au; Lennard B. Benson. Lennard B. Benson; 11Feb77: A923070.

A923071. Inc ividual incooe tax returns workshop. By Sidney Kess. 1 v. Appl. au: Aaerican Institute of CPls. O laerican Institute of Certified Public Iccountants; 270ct77; A923071.

1923072. Partnership incoae tax returns workshop. By Hyaan Gorenberg. 1 v. Ippl. aui laerican Institute of CPls. NH: editorial revision. laerican Institute of Certified Public Iccountants, Inc. ; lHay75; 1923072.

1923073. Cheaical abstracts; ninth collective index. Vol. 76-85, 1972-1976, authors: Hantz-Norde. p. 105391- 12256 A. Appl. au: Fred A. Tate. NH: coapilation G additions. O Aaerican Chemical Society; 31Aug77; A923073.


Cheaical abstracts; ninth collective index. Vol. 76-85, 1972-1976, authors: Ojcz-Z. p. 17117A-191281. Ippl. au: Fred 1. Tate. NH: coapilation £ additions.


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